Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1291: ?(???*) Queen Yan’s ‘Sky Patching’ Project


   Annie is a little unhappy today.

Because, the day before yesterday, that kind of important allies were destroyed, and they were besieged and endangered by the scum army in the Merlot Heavenly Court. Some guys of Sun Star also made it clear that they refused to provide anything but a certain “self-assertion” of Lena’s. Under the terrible circumstances of extra support outside, those angels and people on earth actually thought of a counterattack plan under desperate situation?

   This made her original plan to squat, and generously summon a group of helpers to go to the fat beating the scum together!

   So, how can she be happy when she feels that she is a little ignored and not considered so important?


However, although there are some small regrets, it is not a reason for her to drag them back. Therefore, even if she is a little unhappy and feels left out and wronged, she still actively sign up and participate. Their plan.

Because Annie wanted to see, in the case that she only provided some help within her capacity, whether those guys could really carry out the project proposed by the angel queen Yan and be promised as they had calculated. The military commander Lianfeng perfected and passed it, and at the same time, after being calculated by Ge Xiaolun's heroic core and some messy engines of the angels, a plan that made people feel more satisfied with the results really worked?

  Although, the plan called ‘Mending the Sky’ after everyone’s deliberations and simulations countless times and unanimously passed, only has a poor success rate of that 5%?

But anyway, now that the plan of patching the sky has been passed and started to be implemented, and Annie is also wearing a beautiful red and black black armor at this time, and she is talking to Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, Xin Zhao, Lena, Rui Mengmeng, Qilin, and a certain dead monkey Sun Wukong, who doesn't like her at all, stayed here on Sky Blade 7 and stood by nervously.

As for the other angels, in addition to Lingxi still leading a part of the command center stationed in the Sky Blade VII to act as necessary operators to assist the earth humans in controlling the Sky Blade VII to perform normal combat capabilities, other angels, such as Zhixin and other powerful beings have all returned to the Merlot Heavenly Court with Angel Queen Yan, and went to the Angel Nebula to fight against the millions of scum army who are known as the scum Wang Huaye.

Of course, the people who went to fight the invasion of the Angel Nebula by the scum together, in addition to almost all the female angels stranded in the Chiwu star system, there are also some tens of thousands of black armored soldiers of the Earth Army, and a few ships. The poor Mangdangshan-level spaceships and some barely pieced together, have been clamoring to fight the scum to the death and rescue their queen demons!

  Yes, in the Battle of Khunsa, although almost most of the demons and their high-levels were swept away by the scum, a small part of the demonic army escaped by chance and was finally found by the female angels.

And at the same time, there is another vital piece of information that is found: including the new Demon King, Time Rose, the upper level of the demons did not seem to have been killed much, but only caught by the scum. Get up and be imprisoned on the Tiangong?

As for how the hapless guys are now on the Tiangong, have they been tortured or killed, or whether the Devil Queen Time Rose has been slapped by some lecherous celestial scum Wang Huaye, then for the time being I don't know.

But no matter what the situation is, that kind of thing does not prevent everyone from the Xiongbing Company from continuing to stand by on the Sky Blade VII with a boring little girl, and patiently waiting for a secret action by Queen Yan from Angel Nebula. instruction.


   "It's so boring..."


Look at the thousands of black-armored Earth soldiers who are fully armed and sitting on the ground like yourself and others on the Tianblade No. 7 Square, and then look at whether they are standing, sitting, or lying near the steps, or The soldiers of the male company hanging upside down on the branch, Annie finally couldn't help but owe a big owe and stretched and complained.

  Because Annie is really waiting impatiently...


   "I started to be on standby the day before yesterday, and then I waited for a full day yesterday, and waited for a long time today. It seems that I may have to wait tomorrow. When will I wait?!"

The battle report from Angel Nebula today was followed by Annie. Although she is not very good at commanding the army to conduct battles, she can basically see that today may not be the implementation of the'repairing sky' plan. It’s a good time, so inevitably, she doesn’t have to guess, and today it’s probably a day to wait for nothing!



   The three friends Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, and Xin Zhao who were getting together not far away just turned their heads and glanced at the complaining little Annie, and then turned back to discuss their own affairs in a low voice.

However, it’s not difficult to guess from the direction of the palace-like command center gate where Ge Xiaolun looked up from time to time. He must have been waiting impatiently like Annie, but he did not complain or behave. Just come out.

In fact, not only him, but most of the men in the military company present and the Earth’s black armored soldiers who are also on standby are also faintly agitated and uneasy, and they can’t stand the tragic battle that they know. It's coming soon, but I don't know when it will come. Things that can drain people's patience and test their psychological quality.


   "If you feel tired, you can go back to sleep first. If the mission order comes, we will definitely notify you as soon as possible."

Qilin also feels that it is really tiring to wait like this, but there is no way, because none of them knows when they will start the most critical part of the battle plan, so the men in their company and the soldiers must be two. Fourteen hours of wearing armor and fully armed stand by, wearing armor even when sleeping, in order to be able to engage in the most critical and important battle within three minutes at any time!

   That's very important, there is nothing to lose!

   Otherwise, once they fail, their earth's fate will never be better than the Khunsa planet that has been wiped out!

   Besides, Qilin doesn't think it is unacceptable for them to eat, drink and sleep like this every day. In her opinion, it's just that it's uncomfortable to wear armor all the time? But compared to those warriors who were cooperating with the angels to fight against the invasion of the scum and made heavy sacrifices on the lines of defense of the Angel Nebula, they were too happy, and she felt that they had nothing to complain about.

Especially, when she thinks that they can now have the opportunity to launch the once-and-for-all plan to “repair the sky” before the scum invades the earth again, and can fight to protect the earth outside the earth, she feels the cells in her body. All get excited! Because once their plan is successful, the earth will never be threatened or invaded for a long time in the future, and there is nothing more exciting for them than this.

   "Don't go!"


   "People just got up at noon, and it's just in the afternoon. Where else can someone go to bed so soon?"


For Annie, who was so excited for a whole day yesterday, but found that no instructions came, and then had to sleep in her dormitory until a few minutes before lunch, she got up, it’s not like going to bed now. Her best option, because she hasn't really been sleepy yet, she just thinks it's super boring to wait like this.

   "Then you go continue playing cards with them?"

   "Hey! They are fighting the landlord, and you are so rich, they will definitely welcome you!"

Qilin snorted and signaled that Annie could go to the platform under the steps, and join the group of black-armed soldiers who fight against the landlords and there are a lot of beautiful gold coins in front of everyone, and from time to time there are noises of black armored soldiers. They said.

There is no doubt that those gold coins were just lost to them by the little guy in front of them. Although the army has ordered gambling to be prohibited, Qilin or other officers don’t want to take care of those things because they don’t know when. , Maybe the next second is going to work hard for the future of the earth, and it is still unknown how many will be able to come back alive, so no one cares about that kind of irrelevant things.

   "Don't go!"


   "Those guys are too bad, they steal cards and change cards, and two people unite to bully one of them, so they won't play with them!"


   Look at the small pile of gold coins piled up in front of the guys with open mouths. You don’t need to guess how badly Annie lost just now! So, she didn't want to be boring for the time being, at least not until she worked out a way to defeat their guys without cheating.


   "You are a landlord, of course people have to unite to bully you!"

"Besides, who told you to have to grab the landlord when you see that your card is not good? I just saw it. The biggest card in your hand is only a pair of'A's. You even dared to grab the landlord. I also snatched a pair of '3' and a '4'. It would be weird to win!"

   Qilin was a little bit dumbfounded and teased, obviously she was a little bit flattering about the card skills of the little girl in front of her.

"You do not understand!"

   "Miss Qilin, I'm telling you that you can lose in card games, but we can't lose our momentum. Even if our own cards are really bad, we must pretend to be very powerful to scare them, so that we can grab the landlord!"



   "What then? What happened after scaring them and grabbing the landlord, did you win?"

   Qilin is a little bit unbelievable, she doesn't know what the little guy is thinking, and she doesn't even understand the meaning of the other person doing it like that.



   "It seems you have won a little bit once or twice?"


"Oh my God……"

   "I think you can barely beat Mengmeng with your card skills!"

   Qilin glanced at the Rui Mengmeng who was summoned by Rena to the Xiongbing Company because of her'ten times' salary. The other party was as inconspicuous as the little guy in front of him in certain things.


"All right!"

   "Annie, you should stop for a while. I just finished lunch. I still want to take a nap. If you're okay, take a nap, maybe when the battle order will come?"

Qilin said that she was a little tired, so she wanted to take a break and recharge her energy. After all, she is a Kamigawa sniper. Her position in the squad of the male army is very important. Sniping is also a test of patience and concentration. She has to keep up her spirits at all times.

   "I won't come today, we've been waiting for it for so long!"

   "But it's really boring to wait..."


   Seeing Miss Qilin directly covering her face with the mask on the helmet, she actually planned to lean on the steps to rest. When she saw that no one was talking to herself, Annie screamed again.

   After all, this kind of waiting, and never knowing when to wait, is really no small torture for her.


   "Hey! Child! If you don't want to wait, you don't have to go?!"

Finally, a certain monkey hanging upside down on a branch became a little impatient. He first turned over dexterously and sat down on the branch quickly before condescendingly to a certain little girl who had been urging and complaining since yesterday. He ridiculed such a loudly.


   "What's wrong with people complaining, and they weren't talking to your pesky red-butted monkey just now!"

   "Red, red ass?!"

   A certain great sage subconsciously reached out and touched his back, and then found that he was wearing black armor, and there was no ‘red butt’ behind him, before he came back to his senses with a little shame.


   "Child! So many of us can wait, and we are waiting, no one complains, why can't you wait?!"

   looked around at the Xiongbing Company soldiers present and the larger number of black armored soldiers. After a glance, the monkey grandson sitting on the tree branch rebuked Annie with a bit of annoyance.


   "That's because they are afraid of you, so they dare not complain, but people are not afraid of you!"

   Annie made a big grimace directly at the other party without counseling at all.


   "My grandson is too lazy to care about you!"

   After staring at Little Annie for a while, Monkey King simply turned his face to one side, not planning to continue arguing with the other party too much at this time.


   "Hey! Monkey, do you eat bananas? Still want to eat peaches? If you turn two somersaults on the tree, they will eat it for you!"


   After staring at the other party for a while, Annie suddenly took out a handful of bananas and a peach to tease the other party.



   really treat him as a monkey?

Upon seeing this, Sun Wukong simply closed his eyes and relaxed his body and hung himself upside down on the branch with his legs again, indicating that the other party’s tricks that teasing ordinary monkeys are very useful for him, although he is indeed very good. I want to eat one, but it is not difficult for him to bear it for a while.


   doesn't seem to work?




   "Qilin, do you want to eat bananas? I told you, they brought it back from a place called Yaochi. It's delicious!"

After discovering that the peaches were one of those flat peaches that were missing one, Annie hurriedly took it back, and then she broke a banana directly, and tempted a certain monkey who had closed her eyes while eating, and she still shouted loudly. Called Miss Qilin next to her to share with herself.


   "Banana? Where does it come from, it smells quite fragrant...Weirdly asked, how can it be so fragrant? Okay, give me a taste?"

Qilin thought for a while, and felt that Sun Dasheng didn’t eat it but she couldn’t control whether she didn’t eat it herself. So, after feeling that the bananas in the little guy’s arms were very attractive, she extended her hand generously. , Broke one directly from it.

"What's the taste……"

   "Is there something to eat? Give me one too!"

   "Banana? Mengmeng, I want one too!"

   At this time, Rui Mengmeng and Lena also came over, and when they found it was delicious, they unceremoniously snatched what good thing? Little guy, I want one too! "

"And I!"

"give me one!"

   "I want two! Hey! Little guy, don't be stingy, how come you give one?!"

   "Ah! Liu Chuang, don't grab it, be careful to catch it!"

   "Ugh...Why, how could it be so delicious?"

   "Hey! It's great, but it's the first time I have eaten such a delicious banana. After taking a bite, I feel that my whole body is full of power, and I can kill at least ten scums with one punch!"

   "Just blow it, anyway, the sky in the universe is dark!"


   "Hey! Little guy, is there any more, one seems not enough to eat, give me another one?"

   "Give me another one too!"

"I also want!!"

Soon, Ge Xiaolun, Xin Zhao, Liu Chuang and others who smelled the scent also rushed over. Together with Qilin, Qiangwei and Mengmeng, they soon took Anne when a certain monkey was tangled. The handful of bananas that came out were instantly divided up.



Therefore, a certain monkey sitting on a branch again holding his arms, no longer pretending to meditate like the kind of closed-eyed monkeys, and the soldiers who gathered together in twos and threes in the square, sitting and resting on standby. She stared and swallowed secretly.



  Ticket? Subscribe? Those who don’t look at the ㊣ version, especially careful Annie will punish you~!

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