Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1294: |??ω?`)Where is this place?

  ‘Safe One! ’

  ’Secured number two! ’

  ‘My grandson is here too! ’

  'Ki Lin? ’

  ’Yes! ’

  ‘Very good! Everyone strikes! ’

  ‘Quick! ’



   "Quick! Annie, you go over there, I'm here, cover them to move forward!"

Just rushing in from the gap that Ge Xiaolun calculated and cracked, Qilin immediately abandoned the space motorboat she was driving, and took out her sniper rifle instead, and said that she was also jumping from the motorboat. The little Annie who came down ordered.



   Annie didn't say much, so she rushed to the other side of the Tiangong dense forest with her own weapon.

  ‘Quick! ’

  ‘Everyone keep up! ’

  'Xiao Lun! Liu Chuang! The two of you and I are ahead! ’

'no problem! ’

  ‘Look up! ’

  ‘The others keep up! ’

'Roger that! ’

  ‘Stay in formation and move forward! ’

  ’Report! A group of scum was found patrolling here. ’

  ‘Kill them! ’

'Yes! ’

'Humph! ’

  ‘The show has begun! ’


   Maybe it's that Tianzhao Wang Huaye was a little bit overwhelmed, or he didn't even think that Tiangong would be attacked by the enemy when he sent a large army to besiege Merlot Heaven and sees that he is about to win? Anyway, very smoothly, Annie and the eight-man assault team of the Xiongbing Company didn't have much effort and successfully infiltrated the Tiangong. After killing a small group of patrolling scum, they got into the royal jungle of the Tiangong. in.

However, they soon discovered that although the angels provided the map and the accurate model and related data of the Tiangong, it is still too least, it is several times larger than the spaceship of the Sky Blade series. , So they can only continue to sneak for the time being and while destroying the scum guards who occasionally jump out to block the way, while rushing to the central throne of the scum king Huaye.

  ‘There is nothing wrong ahead! ’

  ‘Very good! ’

  ‘Monkey brother, why is it foggy? ’

  ‘Don’t pay attention, keep going, watch out for the scum in the sky! ’


At this time, with Ge Xiaolun, Liu Chuang, and Monkey King as the forwards, Rui Mengmeng, Zhao Xin and Lena were in the middle to support the ADC, and the two snipers Annie and Qilin were behind the ADC team. Suddenly, the dense forest filled with dense fog rushed forward quickly.

  They didn't dare to use the way of flying, because most of them didn't have the ability to fight in the sky, so they must fight together! Moreover, in such a situation where there are few enemies, even if one or two of them can quickly rush to Hua Ye's throne, it doesn't seem to make much sense?

And, obviously, as far as the current situation is concerned, Hua Ye must have known that their company of soldiers had come to his Tiangong, and created a thick fog that filled the entire Tiangong in a timely manner, trying to confuse him. And strangling them? However, even so, they had no idea of ​​stopping or slowing down at all, and could only bite the bullet and continue to rush forward, because they had no choice now.

This can almost be said to be the Earth, the Merlot Heaven, and the only opportunity for their company. Once they fail, they will fail completely...At that time, they, the Earth and the beautiful angels of the Merlot Heaven, will Will fall into a state of immortality!


  ‘Attention all players! It was discovered that our communication was disturbed by the mysterious band, and Xiongxin began to be suppressed. Our current effective communication distance may only be about two to three hundred meters. Be careful, Qilin, you who are behind, don't fall behind! ’

  ‘Understood! ’

  ‘Don’t worry, Xiaolun, I will pay attention to cover them! ’

'That's good. ’


  ’! ? ’

  'Xin Zhao! Be careful! Behind you! ’

Just when Ge Xiaolun reminded him that his Xiongxin communication network was interfered by the enemy and could only perform part of its functions, suddenly, before they had gone far, they were surprised to see that they were following Lena and Mengmeng. On the tree behind Xin Zhao who was slowly advancing with the word "Pin", I didn't know when two elite captain-level scum suddenly jumped out, and the other side was viciously facing Xin Zhao's back. Slash away?

   Moreover, they also saw that at this moment, neither they nor Xin Zhao seemed to have time to support or respond?


Fortunately, at this critical time, with a muffled sound, a hole-sized gap appeared in the chest and neck of the two scum, which was obviously caused by some kind of super-large caliber. The sniper rifle was killed with one stone and two birds from a long distance.



  ’! ! ’

  ‘Huh! It scared me to death, thank you, little Annie! ’

   Seeing that one of the two scums was pierced in the chest, and the other was beaten to the ground, Xin Zhao, who had escaped, sighed in relief and hurriedly said gratefully in the communication.

He could see that there is no doubt that there is and only the 20mm sniper'cannon' of a little guy that can cause such a terrifying killing effect in front of him can do it, and Qilin has it in his hands. The Killing God No. 1 bomb is more gentle than it.

  '? ? ’

  ‘Annie, are you there? ! ’



'Hey! Qilin, where's Annie? Is she not online? Why is there no response? ’


  ‘I don’t know, I’m on the road now, she’s on the road...’

  ‘Annie? ’

'Hey! Please answer if you hear it! ’


  ‘Damn it! ’

  ‘Brother Monkey! How to do? Annie seems to be left behind. She is not in our communication distance. Do you want to return to find her? ’

  ‘Hey! My grandson knew she was going to lose the chain! ’

   After discovering that an important member, a little guy who was supposed to be the main force against Hua Ye, had fallen behind and was not within the distance of the team channel, everyone inevitably panicked and stopped hesitantly.

  ‘Sun Wukong, you and I shut up! ’

  ‘Hey! Please leave her alone, we are out of time! ’


'All right! ’

  ‘Attention, everyone in the Xiongbing Company, I’m Lena, and now I’m listening to my orders to move on, aiming at the throne of Hua Ye, pay attention to shrinking the distance between each other, don’t let anyone fall behind! ’

  ‘But what about Annie? ’

  ‘She’s very powerful. The average scum is not her opponent. She will definitely be able to catch up when we fight. The Tiangong is the size of a county here, don’t worry! ’

  ‘But a county town is also very big, there is almost a thousand square kilometers here, right? ’


'Keep going! ’

'Yes! ’

  ‘Hey! ! ’

I found that a certain little girl who had just issued a fatal sniper really accidentally got out of the communication range of the team, and then looked at the dense forest behind him where the fog of war became denser. As the captain and commander of the sun, Rayna turned around. After looking behind him, he could only gritted his teeth and waved his hand to indicate that the company of the male soldiers continued to advance as planned.

She did not dare to stop the team or turn back to search, because their time is really running out, and once they stop, they might get trapped by the enemy. In that case, the situation would be very dangerous, and they couldn't afford to bet on whether or not. Will fall into a hard fight because of this!



Qilin, who was at the end, turned her head and glanced at the location where Annie had just lurked. After finding that she hadn’t seen anything and couldn’t contact the other party, she could only sigh and decide to put the overall situation first, and then directly He jumped up and down from his lurking sniper position, and chased him quickly in the direction of his teammates in front.

   Now the fog is getting heavier and heavier, which has seriously affected her sniper advantage, so she intends to get closer to Rena and Xin Zhao, so as not to be found by the enemy one by one when Annie is offline.



   "Strange, how come their guys went there instead?"


   At this time, Annie, who was still staying behind and looking around for a while, suddenly ‘discovered’ that those guys seemed to be walking crookedly under the fog, and were rushing towards the place with the most enemies?

Of course, only she can see that, because the fog that Hua Ye created did not stump her. This is also the reason why she was able to help Xin Zhao clear the siege with just one shot, but those guys, including The grandson monkey with fiery eyes doesn't seem to see through the fog made by the enemy?


  ! o

   "Huh? This is..."


Suddenly, when Annie found out that she could not contact them and was about to shoot them to remind them of the'necessary', she unexpectedly discovered that there seemed to be a castle-like place in front of her, and inside, it seemed to be imprisoned. With some interesting guys?


   "Okay! They should have been able to fight anyway, so let's go and have some fun first?"


Feeling that her teammates don’t seem to be in any danger for the time being, Annie extinguished her thoughts of catching up and correcting the route, and moved quietly towards the castle-like building in front of her. Smoothly drew out her single-molecule energy light blade.

   "Hey hey..."


Soon, as she swiftly ran forward dexterously, in the dense forest above the Tiangong, this place full of weird fog of war, she was no longer visible, even those touched by gunshots and ballistics. The scum flying in the sky also failed to find her trace at all.

   Then, after patrolling in the sky for a while, the scumbags could only give up in annoyance and turn to the group of six members of the male company team.


   In fact, Annie admitted the wrong place. This looks very beautiful. The place that looks like a castle is not a castle, but the entrance to the underground cell specially used by the scum to hold prisoners or female slaves!

   Some time ago, in the battle that assaulted the Angel Nebula and regained the Tiangong, and successfully ‘eliminated’ the Heavenly King Hexi, they caught a lot of female angels, and they are now being held in this cell! Of course, in addition to the female angels, there are also many male and female demons caught in the Khun Sa Star annihilation battle, and they are all locked here.

Under normal circumstances, foreign intruders must not be able to find this area hidden by fog and some advanced concealment methods. Its security measures are very well done, even if the general scum is not authorized before. It's impossible to find or enter here, but no matter how strong its protective methods are, it can't resist a bad little girl.

   Isn't this?

At this moment, in front of the gate of this "castle" building, two scum are standing in front of the gate majesticly, looking straight, but they don't have much defense, even if they do. After receiving the notification, knowing that Tiangong had sneaked into a small number of enemies, it was the same! Because they didn't believe that those enemies could find and come to them, and their standing guard here was just a routine.



  唰! !

  '? ? ’

'Hey! what happened to you? ’

   Suddenly, when one of the two scum on guard suddenly made some abnormal noise, the other scum turned around and asked with some curiosity.


  ’! ! ’


'you! ! ’

When he noticed that there was a flash of molten red mark on the neck of his companion who was destroyed, and then fell to the ground in disbelief with his eyes rounded, he was shocked and took out his waist for the first time. When Long Sword was about to sound the alarm... I suddenly felt a pain in my neck!

Then, after a while, he saw a slightly familiar headless body threw himself in front of him. The neck was burned red and smoked, without any trace of blood. Gushing out?



Then, when he saw a sneaky figure in black armor carrying a large sniper rifle and carrying a light blade into the door of their cell, he finally turned black in front of him. I no longer know……



  The cell of the scumbags is very luxurious and looks magnificent. It is even better than some eight-star hotels on earth? Maybe, if it weren't for the restricted freedom and life and certain important things that are difficult to preserve, I believe that many people on earth would like to live here, right?

Anyway, what Annie saw. In the prison cells comparable to the luxury suites of hotels along the way, the captured female angels or demons, apart from being imprisoned by freedom and power, had good food and drink. , Even better than her food on Sky Blade VII?

   This kind of thing is really unreasonable! !





  |ω`) Is there a case?

However, Annie has no time to protest the fact that the prisoners actually ate and drink better than her, because, now, she hasn't forgotten that she sneaked in to make trouble and fight the scum, but she has no time to eat and drink. At that point, she can still weigh it.

'Hey! ’

  ‘I’m telling you, that female demon communicator has a really good figure, and her skin is very nice and smooth! ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘How do you know, have you tried it? ’

'Of course! ’

  ‘Damn it! That kind of good thing, why don't you call me? ’

  ‘Ah... haven’t you tried it? Well, next time, it will definitely be called next time! ’


  ‘But I don’t understand, why didn’t King Hua Ye move the devil queen? If the king had gotten tired of playing one day earlier, wouldn't it be our joy? ’

  'Wait, King Hua Ye hates her hair is too ugly, isn't she stuffing it in a petri dish to accelerate the growth of her hair? ’

  ‘Also! But her figure is really good, her face is straight and her skin is very good! ’

  ‘Okay, don’t say anything, I'll find a female angel to shed the fire! ’


  At this time, two scum guards were exchanging some thoughts in a loud voice, while walking out from the depths of the cell along the corridor.

   There is no doubt that they who support the order of the heavenly palace and admire extreme hedonism are obviously the same as a certain scum Wang Huaye. Listening to their conversations, they will definitely attack those female angels or female demons.

   However, their good days are now basically over...

When they had just turned the corner of the corridor and were about to go to the outer area of ​​the cell to find a cell suite and enjoy it, they suddenly discovered that at the end of the corridor, there was a man wearing The little girl in black armor is holding a scary sniper rifle at them?

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Enemy, enemy attack! ! ’

boom! boom!

With two gunshots, the two scumbags who had just drew their weapons and shouted, were beaten and retreated. After slamming into the corridor wall, they slowly fell to the ground with a **** head. , And then the walls and the ground were all red and white, and they flowed slowly to the ground, seeing that they couldn't live anymore.


   "These are the last two villains in the cell, now they are all cleaned up!"

  *. *.

That's right, although this black armor has no invisibility function, and although Annie did not use invisibility magic, she still managed to sneak into the bottom of the castle cell that was so arrogant that she didn't even have a surveillance system. She was not discovered by any enemy, for which she was very satisfied.


  ∑? !

   "Red-skinned crocodile and black-faced monsters, why are you two here? So you are not dead yet?!"


She was about to continue walking into the cell, and wanted to see what the two scumbags were discussing. She suddenly discovered that in a cell next to her, there were two'acquaintances' staring. Looking at her with round eyes?


   "That's great, it turned out to be you, a terrific little girl! Quick! Quickly let me out! I want to blow the heads of those scumbags!!!"

   When a certain crocodile saw the savior coming, he beat his chest violently and howled excitedly.


   "They can put it, but you can't!"

  While talking, Annie started to lift the doors of the prison cells and some devices that restrict prisoners. Although she has no permission or access card or something, such things will definitely not trouble her.



   Crocodile Thornton stopped suddenly, and then rushed to the door in astonishment until he was blocked by some kind of invisible ‘wall’.

   "Because you can't fly, you won't be able to beat those bad guys if you let you out!"


   Thornton is a little anxious. Although he knows that the other party is right, it is not all right, because although he can't fly, he doesn't have the means to attack the air at all! As long as he retrieves his two axes, he guarantees that a flying axe can smash a scum!


   "Alright! Thornton, come out!"

   After Atox's restraint was lifted, he stretched out his hand and a pitch-black sawtooth sword appeared in his hand, and then waved his hand, Thornton's cage was instantly pierced.

   At the same time, after being destroyed by brute force, the alarm sounded throughout the prison.

   But, now they don’t care!

  Because they have succeeded now, and their strength is no longer limited, they are not afraid of those scumbags! Moreover, the scum in the cell seems to have been beaten to death by a cruel little girl. No matter how the alarm goes off, no scum will dare to suppress it in a short They have time to cast and arm all the prisoners here.

   "Thornton! You kill them, let out all our companions and some hapless angels, I will go to save the Queen and them now with Your Lord Anne!"


   "Good, good!!"

   "No problem, Atuo, take a good look. When I go out, I will kill the Quartet fiercely!!"


   "Come on, Lord Anne, let's save the queen..."

Watching the crocodile Thornton steal the two long swords of the scum and destroy the prison door all the way and bring more and more demons and female angels to rush out, Atuo gratefully held a sniper rifle towards someone. Some indifferent little girls invited out.

   It didn’t take long...


   "It turns out that Miss Qiangwei is really locked up here..."

   When Little Annie and the demon "Ato" who seemed familiar with the terrain walked to the bottom of the cell, she was surprised to see:

In a cage like a petri dish, a young lady covered in red fruits, that is, the Demon Queen Temporal Rose, was actually locked up in the petri dish with blisters, and her short hair was originally ugly. Don't know when it has grown to the position of its ears, looks very heroic?

   Then, when she saw her and the demon "Ato" walk in, the other party suddenly opened his eyes inside, and then stared at them both with blazing eyes.


  Subscribe to the version will be happy~

  O and some other guys will be unlucky~!

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