Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1300: ??(??`?)??? often go home and have a look at home...

Annie didn't lie to that Angel Yan, because, ah, she did go home, returned to her home in the Valoran Voodoo Land, and returned to the steel jungle that had been transformed by the Human Race and Protoss related technology of the Hero Federation into a steel jungle. It looks like a gray order in the resident.

   Of course, it is a bit inappropriate to say that it is merely a place of gray order now, because ah, it has become a huge science fiction and magical steel city now!


   When Annie came back, all she saw was the towering steel walls, bright lighthouses, modern streets, and towering ferocious mage towers!

The small stream in front of her house that she had originally remembered was gone, and the two big fruit trees outside the resident gate were also cut down. The stone mills, haystacks, and insects beside the stream that she was familiar with were also cut off. The birds and beasts, the curling smoke from each house, and even the big yellow dog from the old mage's house next door could not be found.

   Everything in the memory is gone here!

Here, it has completely changed into another appearance. It is no longer the place where Annie knew who gave birth to her and grew up with her until she was eight years old... But there is no way, she asked for it, because, In a sense, her hometown, her home, and the gray order of her home, were she actually demolished by her own hands?

I think at the beginning, she really let her hands down and demolished her own home, and then built the steel mage fortress in front of her. Although there is nothing good here, it cannot be said that it is totally bad. She asked for it all by herself, so who can she blame?

It’s also helpless to think about it. In the world of Runeterra, other mages are riding on the backs of tall horses or dragons and roaring and casting spells. Now, the mages in her house’s gray order are riding on suspended motorcycles or Stay in the atmospheric warship flying in the planet, stay in the gun position protected by the thick armor plate, plasma shield and magic shield, cast spells individually or in combination, and the staff will be cancelled by them. Now, replaced by a magic resonance infrasonic speaker device for amplification and amplification?

In other kingdoms, such as the knives, swords, swords, halberds, bows, and crossbows that are still popular in Demacia or Noxus, they have long disappeared here. They have long been pierced with Gauss rifles or pistols and cannons. It is completely replaced!

One accidentally, Anne took her homeland, her real "main base", to a leap forward upgrade for dozens of generations, directly from the feudal age of the mage manor to the energy steel of the aerospace age fortress?

   Although there are some regrets and weirdness, but there is no way, Annie also knows that after some things have happened, there must be no way to easily save them.


  Ε=)) alas

   "Sure enough, people really shouldn't let them be transformed into this way at the time, and they are almost completely unrecognizable by themselves!"

The land of voodoo is still the original land of voodoo. There is still a home in the place where her home was originally located, but Annie always feels that it no longer has the taste of the original home, which is like being here, many of her impressions The same thing is no longer found.

   For example, a certain big yellow dog who stared at her when he didn't watch the door all day?

   Of course, although the big yellow dog from the old mage’s house next door is hard to find, it’s easier to find the old mage next door!

   Isn't this?

When Annie was wandering in the small park in the middle of the street where the small castle and garden that originally belonged to her family was in her impression, she was surprised to meet someone wearing a shirt, beach pants and kicking slippers sitting on a chair in a daze. Save the Master Master next door to her house! Then, of course, under the warm invitation of the other party, she sat in this chair together and chatted in a daze.


"is not it?"

   Seeing Annie sigh, the old mage also sighed.

Then as soon as he stretched out his hand, he expelled a icy breath from his fingers, directly frozen a glass of juice on the stone table in front of the chair, and then waited for a bit of chill to emerge before waving his hand. Under the control of the mage's hand, let it drift slowly to Xiao Annie's.

   "Thank you~!"

Annie was not polite. After all, when she was a child, she did not go to the other party’s house for food and drink. So when she saw the other party serving herself with juice, she quickly stretched out her hand to hold the straw, and then stretched out her head to suck. ``Sucked'' and drank.

   "Annie, let me tell you! Old man, I still don't like this steel fortress..."

   "Look at it?"

"What's so good about this tall building? Although the elevator is indeed a bit convenient for an old man like me, it's not a big deal, old man, I can slow down by myself, and there is element magic. Without an elevator, the old man can still fly in one breath. Do you need that kind of thing to go to a hundred floors?"

   "Furthermore, in the past, our mage tower did not have that kind of lifting device. At most, it was a little wasted rune energy stone. What's so great about that?"


"This kind of house is too depressing. It can't go up to the sky or down to the ground. The roof is not high enough. It doesn't have a yard. You can't see the blue sky and white clouds when you go out. You can't go to the yard to plant flowers, grass, and water, even at night. There are no worms and birds, no fences, morning glory, and no old man. I am not allowed to set up magic prohibitions to prevent a little guy like you from running out in the middle of the night. It also made my family's rhubarb a little hungry and listless all day long. ..."

   "What is the difference between the small broken place of more than 100 square meters and the old man's cemetery prepared by myself?"

"Also, the young couple upstairs is too shameless. They banged on the floor every night. Why don't you be sympathetic to me, this bad old man? I don't sleep in the middle of the night, and I don't even think about going three poles the next day. You are still lazy, it's so shameless!"

   "If I change to the old man's apprentice, see if I don't smoke him!!"

The white-bearded old man mage just cursed and said to himself, and after seeing that the water in his little teapot did not move, he lightly tapped on the stone table, a small'hot air' spell After throwing it away, the water in the teapot quickly boiled again, and then he turned his head again and continued to complain:

"let me tell you……"

"It's better to have a mage tower like we used to have, a mage with ten or eight apprentices, but your soft-eared Gregory can't stand it after being said by the little girl Amoryn. Now, I have to go to the Grey Order Magic Academy!"

"She just did it, but she was kind of it. I disliked the old man. I was too old and couldn't teach students. She also assigned all my apprentices to the high-level mage class in the college. In the end, she refused to even give an honorary professor. I, the white blind old man, I was so devoted to compiling the elementary teaching materials for arcane arts for her. Isn't her ruthless behavior the kind of **** who dismantles the grind and kills the donkey and crosses the river and bridges?"

   "It's really unreasonable!!"

When he thought that he had given so much, the last few apprentices had been abducted by the little girl in Amoring, so that he was alone now, not even a person to do housework and orders, he felt that The fire in the belly!

Therefore, he decided that next time, when the Magic Academy conducts the second performance appraisal, a member of the elders group, he must give Amoryn a big bad review, and then think of a way to She tore from the position of vice principal and replaced him to sit by himself?

"and also!"

"The Yalong dogs that I used to raise are very precious. When I was in Noxus, owning one or more Yalong dogs was a symbol of wealth and power! But she was good, and she still thought they were too fierce. Is it fair to say that the community does not raise large dogs and then put them in zoos and colleges as experimental materials?"

   "It's really unreasonable, what is the danger of an Argonian dog bound by magic, don't think I don't know, she just wants to use it as a teaching material!"

"and also……"

   "Little Annie, let me tell you..."

After finally catching Annie, who hasn’t been home for a long time and can speak, this old mage just chattered and talked about the irrationality of the current gray order, or it seemed unreasonable in his opinion, so that he was not allowed. Those who were satisfied were refuted and complained loudly.


Hearing the other party's constant complaints and cursing her mother Amorim, Annie didn't know what to say... Anyway, she didn't think it was right to listen, and it didn't matter if she didn't. In the end, it was only slightly obvious. Embarrassed and continued to sit aside silently sucking his juice.


   "The old man also knows that it might be better and safer now, and those young people like it more?"

"It's just that, the roots of our gray order, they shouldn't be these tall steel buildings, nor should they be those taller than a mage laser tower... Our original way of life should not be like this, it should be better. Being closer to nature is..."

"High-rise buildings do not represent how advanced and powerful our knowledge is, but only when our people, our masters, and our own knowledge are strong enough, will they be strong, and that will make outsiders afraid and dare not come again. Violate us!"

   "Although technology is good, only magic is our root!"

"and so……"

I didn’t care about Annie’s impatient and uncomfortable expression at all. A certain horrible old man who could hardly adapt to the ultra-modern life, prepared to continue speaking with such a jealous neck, and continued to criticize some others. People who are not used to or think they are everywhere against him.

   "Hey! Hey!"

  ! o



"Grandpa Master, don't say any more! People know what you want, so let's wait for another day... No! Tomorrow I will ask Galen and the others to rebuild a residence next to this city, which is exactly the same as our previous residence in the Gray Order. In the mage area, let them help you build a mage tower to your own satisfaction and restore the fence of your house yard. Is this always okay?"


   Annie is a bit impatient, and that kind of thing is not too troublesome, that is, it is just a small thing that she can solve with a word.

   And since this old master mage is not satisfied or uncomfortable with the current life, she simply helps him or someone who thinks like him to meet that small need!

Besides, she herself feels that this city does not have the taste of the previous home. If the original gray order can be reproduced, maybe she would be happy to live in a house with beautiful childhood memories. ?

   So, before the bad old man next to him continued to chatter, she quickly said her decision.


"you sure?!"

   The old mage obviously didn't expect that the little guy in front of him would give a solution to the problem that they had been stalemate and noisy for a long time, so he couldn't help but feel a little stunned.

   "Good, good!"

"Little Annie, I didn’t hurt you for nothing before! Don’t worry, next time you go over the wall and go out to play, I promise not to go to your mother again. I’ll find that little Amorim to complain! And promise not to let my rhubarb go Chasing you!"

   Hearing Anne's words, this lousy old man wearing a shirt, beach pants and slippers grinned with joy.

In fact, he wanted to do that a long time ago, but there are too few old guys who are willing to move out with him, and his financial resources can't support it, and the little Amoryn is in trouble, so he has to continue. Lived in this steel fortress city.

Now it’s alright, Annie, the little guy, is back, and she didn’t take much effort to successfully fool the other party to give them these old men who are difficult to adapt to the new life. He can still be dissatisfied with this. What?


   "You're welcome, you just feel happy..."


   Annie didn't say much.

   And, she said, she herself no longer needs to sneak over the wall in the middle of the night to go out to play secretly, she can play it brazenly, and she can go whenever she wants, and where she wants to go!

Sure enough, it was Amoryn’s mother who was right. The master mage in front of me seemed to be a bit demented... even if he was as tenacious as Faye, after hundreds of years of experience, the life of a mortal is still an enemy. But the laws and shackles of nature, and the great arcane pilgrimage, the world outside the world, the endless journey and the endless knowledge, how many people can cross the difficult threshold like her?

  Thinking about it, Annie suddenly felt a little lost...

Because she didn’t know, and she was a little scared. She didn’t dare to imagine what she would be like in hundreds of thousands of years, and could she still be like her now and be able to talk to her little bear carefreely. Continue to wander around in various worlds?


'Hey! ’

  ‘Annie? Yes, it's you! ’

  ‘Hey~! ’

  ‘Annie! ! ’

Suddenly, outside this park, a security officer riding on a suspended motorbike saw the presence of Annie. He hurriedly braked, then turned his head to confirm, then jumped out of the car and shouted at Annie. One sentence.

   "Hey! What's the matter?"

Although I don’t know why the other party called to myself suddenly, but I saw that the other party seemed to be an apprentice brother I knew before, under the hands of my dad Annie also moved towards enthusiastically. The other party waved.

   The other party is an idiot. In the past, Annie could write down and learn a thick magic book casually. It is said that the other party could not learn it for several years? But now, he must be still a junior mage, so he was kicked out to be a sheriff, right?

  ‘Your mother just called you to go home for dinner! ’

  ‘Go back quickly! ’

   After finishing speaking and confirming that Annie had heard it, the little brother stepped on the levitation motorcycle again, waved to Annie again, and walked away.


   "I will go back now! Grandpa, I will go home for dinner, goodbye!"


After speaking, seeing that she finally had a chance to get rid of the chattering and demented old man in front of her, Annie hurriedly jumped up from the chair, and first slapped the finished juice glass onto the stone table. Just turned around and ran away.




Annie knew that no matter her hometown, no matter how the gray order changed here, and no matter whether it was what she was familiar with, there was one thing: her mother Amoryn called her home for dinner every night on time. It will definitely not change!

   Of course, and at the same time it will definitely not change. Maybe there are those meals that will never change and that she is not allowed to say that they taste bad?

   "Go! Tibbers, let's go home for dinner!!"

  . ̄●)


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