Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1303: Teacher Annie, please accept me as a disciple!


   After listening to the little girl, Irena didn't speak, but blinked, her dark brown eyes filled with surprises.


  What is the three-year-old burning dragon, the five-year-old archmage, and the seven-year-old becoming a half god...

Obviously, Irene must not believe in the words that a bad girl just said righteous and strong. In her opinion, the other party must be envious of her talent, and then, under anxiousness, she casually flattered. Just fooling people?

That’s right, it’s definitely like that, because she, Irene, is the youngest and youngest genius apprentice witch in this world, at least in the peaceful country of Loberta. She is the best, best, and best. one!

   So, after the surprise, the expression on her face gradually turned into a look of contempt and disdain, and she frowned slightly at the Stardust Witch who didn't know what she was thinking.

   "Lord Stardust Witch!"

   "Since you don't want to accept me as a disciple, then I will leave and disturb you..."

   Irene said coldly, feeling a little discouraged.

She knew that the reason why the Stardust Witch said that just now was definitely just to find a way to refuse and tease her. The other party must be the same as the witches in Loberta, and they are not willing to receive her. Loberta is the most talented apprentice witch ever.

   So, she is going back...



   "Irena, don't you think about it? Annie is really strong. I can't even beat her with a single finger. It must be more than enough to be your teacher. You really don't think about it?"

   Seeing that the female Irene lowered her head disheartenedly and frustratedly, she sat down on the witch's broom again, and Stardust Witch Fran hurriedly shouted to her.

Because she really did it for the benefit of Irene, the other party is so good...Although she promised that the other party's parents expressed their willingness to accept Irene's apprenticeship, but now that there are more suitable candidates, she must be generous. Recommend some.

And if the other party can really learn better and more powerful magic from the unknown origin next to it, and it is said that it is from the terrifying'arcanist' from another world, then she will not only be more relaxed in the future , Don’t have to rack your brains to think about how to teach Irena, and you can still receive the large amount of benefits and follow-up expenses from the other’s parents. Wouldn’t it kill two birds with one stone?


   Irena didn't answer, she just controlled the broom to slowly rise, and stopped after reaching a distance of two or three meters from the ground.

"thank you for your kindness!"

   "Your Excellency Stardust Witch, no matter what, I will definitely not let a little girl who can only speak big words as my teacher, so even if you want to humiliate me, you must at least have a degree!"


   Irene cursed secretly in her heart.

She had already noticed at this time that the Stardust Witch, who was hiding in the deep forest, would not accept her as an apprentice just like the other witches in Loberta in the country of peace... However, she just met the others. Unlike the witches who coldly refused or gave her a closed door, the guy in front of him was a little bit worse, so he found a little girl to humiliate her?

   This is really outrageous! !


   stretched out her hand, Stardust Witch Fran wanted to say something, but she was somewhat speechless. Because, she swears, the reason why she suggested that way was really for the good of the other party. Why did the other party not appreciate her and blame her for that kindness?


   "Excuse me, I hope you don't mind..."

   After finishing speaking, Irena turned her head and glanced coldly at the large and small two people on the ground, then raised the broom again, and then accelerated, planning to fly towards her house.

   "Damn it!!"


Finally, when Irena’s savings increased and accelerated and she was about to leave, she had been listening. Annie, who had thought that the other party would compliment and envy her, suddenly became a little angry, so she suddenly waved her hand and let the other party’s broomstick. He lost control in an instant and turned and fell.



Irene had no idea what was going on. When she was just about to leave this place that made her feel humiliated, she suddenly discovered that her broomstick had become disobedient, and then she did not wait for her to use her powerful magic power. To appease and control it, he fell directly to the grass.

  嘭! !


   "Ann, Annie? How are you..."

The Stardust Witch Fran beside    knew that it was the little guy next to her who had acted and forcibly left her behind.



   However, Annie didn't explain, she just turned her head a little proudly.



   "Good, it hurts..."

   Irena, who slowly climbed up on the grass, rubbed her chest and buttocks, and looked viciously at some nasty little girl.

  Because she knew that it was the little kid who did her hand!

and so......

Aside from shame and pain, she directly used magic to conjure her short little wand, and pointed the tip of the wand to someone who had dared to attack herself with magic just now. It was hateful that she didn't even have a trainee witch badge. Little magician.

   "Damn it!"

   "You must have done the spell that made my broom out of control, right?"

   Irena questioned, and stood up slowly, ignoring the pain on her body and the skirt covered with grass scraps behind her ass.

   "People didn't let your broom go out of control!"

   "People just made the air around you turn around, they didn't attack you, don't mess with good people!"


That's right, Annie is sure that she believes and is determined. She did not attack the opponent just now, she just attacked the air around the opponent, and then the opponent's broom couldn't resist the turbulence of the air and fell out of control. Then it turned off again. What's her thing?

   Anyway, the truth is like that, she will not admit what she has not done!

   And the other party is really weak, so weak, what kind of genius apprentice witch... that kind of level, in her opinion, is really average, anyway, it is incomparable with her Queen Anne!


"good very good!"

"right now……"

   "Show your magic wand, little girl, let's start a duel now! I must want you to know that the youngest apprentice witch in the history of the country of peace Loberta is amazing!"

   Irene invited to fight in hatred.

You know, as she officially became a trainee witch, she not only passed the witch written test with very good results, but also controlled her broomstick in the'competition' and used spells that won't hurt the rest of the candidates. They laid down their broomsticks and won the final victory, becoming the youngest apprentice witch this year!

   She was able to defeat so many older candidates in that contest where so many people participated, and she was able to humiliate them with ease. That is enough to show how good she is! And now, she felt that it was time for the little girl who didn't know the height of the sky and the Stardust Witch who dared to change her way to humiliate her.

   Just in time, she has been rejected countless times this time, and she has eaten countless "closed doors". Now she still has a stomachache, and she is worried that she has nowhere to vent!



   "You...really want to fight me?!"


   Annie expressed surprise.

   Because it has been a long time, a long time, no one dared to start an appointment with her like this, especially when she explained her strength before.

"Oh my God!"

   "Irena, believe me, that's not a good idea..."

Stardust Witch Fran originally wanted to persuade Irene not to take her own humiliation, because she did the same thing, and in the end...Anyway, she doesn't want to remember the things that happened, but she I only know one thing: Irena and Annie's duel are really just humiliating themselves, there will be no better end! .


   "Then I don't care about you, Annie, just remember not to hurt her, otherwise I can't explain to her parents?"

However, after seeing the ferocious and stubborn look in Irene's eyes when she glared at her, she suddenly changed her mind. She felt that she would let the other party suffer a little bit, take a little blow, and then take the arrogant share. It's good to have a bad temper and look down on others?


   "Don't worry, she can't hurt me."

"in contrast!"

   "I will try my best to control my magic, and will not easily hurt your apprentice, don't you say, this little sister of the ‘Magic Taoist’?"

   glanced at the opponent's chest again, and found that the opponent had neither the apprentice witch badge nor the official witch level mark, Irena completely relieved, and then secretly made a certain decision.

   She felt that the other party made her fall and it still hurts so much. Perhaps, she should beat the other party, and then grab the other party and give her a big butt?


   "You are too weak, so people don't want to fight with you!!"


   Scratched her head and thought for a while, Annie, who didn't want to play the ‘duel’ play house game with the other party, directly refused.

  Because they just ate lunch, it’s time for digestion, go play that kind of duel game with each other, and why would it be more comfortable to have a little belly lying on the grass and basking in the sun?





  !? ?

Just twisting her body gently, Annie easily avoided the big fireball from the other party's raid, and then watched it whizzing from her side to the distant sky, until it gradually disappeared. .

   "Hey! What do you want to do?!"


  Although Annie is not afraid of any flames, even if she runs into the magma to take a bath, she will not be hurt, but... no matter what, she doesn't like being hit by fireballs casually!

   "Why don't you want to do it!"

   "I just want you to come to a duel with me, let me teach you this nasty little guy a good meal!"

   "Also, I won't bully you!"

With that said, Irena waved her magic wand suddenly, and while the magic power was running, the fire snake sprayed out from the tip of her wand and swept a circle more than fifty steps away from her center. Traces of burnt.

   "You don't have a broom, do you?"

   "Then let's fight in this circle. Whoever gets out of the circle first will lose, and then the loser will be beaten by the winner!!"

   After speaking, Irene smiled cruelly.

   When she fell down, she smashed her **** so badly. I don’t know if it’s red... So, she decided that she must retaliate severely! After a while, she directly defeated the opponent with the fastest speed, and then under the stardust witch's gaze, she pressed the little guy on her lap and humiliated her!

   She swears that if she wins, she will do that.

   And, she will definitely win, there is no doubt about it, she firmly believes that there will be no more possibilities!


  ! o

   "It seems so fun..."


   Rarely, when the other person said that, Annie was raised with such a lost interest, thinking that it would be very interesting to hit that arrogant young lady in the ass?

"how about it?"

   "If you don't refuse, I will assume that you agree!"

   Seeing that the other party was thinking there, she seemed to be lacking in confidence, Irene urged with a little impatiently.


   "Irena, believe me, that's not a good note..."

"How about this!"


   "I won't let you worship her as a teacher, shall I accept you as an apprentice?"

   Stardust Witch Fran, who can imagine what will happen later, seemed a little bit unbearable, so she acted as a peacemaker and wanted to persuade Irene who was'seeking her own death'.


   "Just treat you as if I didn't say anything..."

   However, the other party gave her a stubborn and fierce look, but Fran had no choice but to slumped her shoulders and honestly retreated outside the circle.



   "Then you start quickly, people will let you do it first, and then you will be beaten quickly, and then you will be hit hard!!"



   "Damn it! Stop despising people!"

   She is Irene, Loberta’s youngest apprentice witch, someone who can become an official witch immediately as long as someone is willing to accept her as an apprentice. How could she be afraid of a district ‘magic priest’ who can only play tricks?

Therefore, Irene didn’t talk nonsense. Seeing that the other party was still smiling and groaning over there, as if she was ready, she waved her magic wand without using any spells. After the magic shock, a swirling air vortex turned instantly. Formed and under her control, rolled towards the other side.

   Seeing that the other party is still a little girl, she does not intend to directly consume the deadly force, but intends to directly use the airflow to roll the opponent out of the circle.




   "It seems you have some ability!"

Seeing that the other party didn't know what method she used, she broke her air vortex in an instant, and she looked relaxed and comfortable, Irena frowned slightly, and then she didn't keep it, she just waved herself again. The wand in his hand, ready to take it seriously.


   "Ha! You lost!"





   how, how is it possible? !

   At this moment, Irena, who was about to take it seriously, suddenly discovered that, I don’t know when, a magic circle of six-pointed stars lighted up under her feet?


   Boom! !

   Then, a violent arcane explosion exploded under Irene's feet instantly! Then, I don't know what the other party did, and when Irena, who secretly cast a spell under her own feet, was directly blown out.

  噗! !


   exclaimed her hand, and when Irena frowned and propped up her body, she realized that she had been blown out of the circle?


   "How, how come?!"

   Obviously, this situation makes Irene a little bit unbelievable. She unexpectedly lost to the little girl'Magic Taoist' who didn't even have a trainee witch badge?

  A genius like her, who defeated countless candidates and successfully advanced to the youngest trainee witch of Loberta, was she defeated by a girl who was younger than herself? !


   "Irena, I warned you before...but don't be discouraged. My Stardust Witch has also been defeated by her, and the defeat is even worse than you!"

   Seeing Irena seemed a little unacceptable, Fran, who was worried that the other party would be hit too much, walked over with a smile and comforted.


   "Is it really like that?"

"of course it's true!"

"This is the reason why I just suggested that you worship her as a teacher! But...Irena, now I'll give you a choice. Are you willing to be her apprentice or the apprentice of my Stardust Witch? ?"

   After seeing that the other party was finally no longer as arrogant as before, after thinking about it, Fran asked suddenly.



   "Ann, teacher Anne!"

   "Please accept me as a disciple, please!!!"

On one side is the little witch who defeated her in an instant and defeated the Stardust Witch, and on the other side is the stardust witch who defeated the opponent's opponent. How to choose this multiple-choice question? Of course Irena does not use it. It was taught by others, so she directly bowed down to a little girl who was jumping over joyfully and pleaded.

   "Of course you can!"


  ? 乛? 幛?

   "First let the family fulfill the agreement just now, then it will take a hundred butts! Now, please get down quickly and turn around?"

   Little Annie walked to the other side and raised her little hand.

   She said that later she will definitely play very lightly, and she will definitely not break the opponent's skin, at most... the kind that makes the opponent suffer for several days?


   "No! No! No!"

   "Old teacher! Please don't take it seriously!!"

Seeing this little girl who seemed to have become her own teacher, it didn't seem like she was joking. Irena hurriedly jumped up from the ground, and then backed back in fear, while hurriedly covering her small **** behind her short skirt. .

  Although the other party may indeed be better than herself, but... But letting a little girl spank herself, the kind of humiliation, she still can't accept it for a while.


   "Want to run? Quick! Tibbers, catch her for me! Hold her down for me!!"

   How can you go wrong if you lose the duel? So, before the other party was about to turn around and run away, Annie hurriedly threw out her little bear.

  'Roar~! ! ’

  ??????: Wow!

"no no no!"

   "Let go of me!"

   "Teacher! Please! I surrendered, can't it work?"


Irena, who still wanted to say something, quickly became speechless, because while a certain nasty big plush bear buckled her hands firmly behind her back and pressed her on the bear’s legs, You even covered her mouth just yet?



   Annie walked over step by step, UU reading, anyway, the other party said that everything is useless, and one hundred slaps can't be less!

"That one……"

   At this time, the Stardust Witch suddenly spoke, causing Annie to turn her head and look at her curiously.


   At the same time, Irena, who thought that the other party was going to intercede for herself, stopped struggling.


   "It looks very interesting... Or, you let me play twenty or thirty times?"

  Looking at the seductive look in front of her, Fran, the Stardust Witch, was a little itchy, so she also came over, rolled up her cuffs and pleaded with a somewhat surprised Annie.


   "Well, then, they let me hit! Just twenty!"




Hearing that the Stardust Witch turned out to be the kind of idea, Irena began to struggle desperately... What a pity, her strength, how can she struggle to make a certain strength strong, even the Hulk can Shadow bear hit on the ground?


After a'snapped', a certain bear followed the contented little mischievous master and another stardust witch Fran with a spring and smiling face, and turned towards the distant place. When the tree house walked, there was only a genius apprentice witch who had been ravaged on the grass and looked like it had been played badly. She no longer had the slightest arrogance. She just covered her **** and lay there sobbing.


  ↓For more exciting, please see the author's version↓

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