Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1324: |????) Hello? Is anyone at home?

When Irena’s skin is more crystal clear than the snow in winter? Even snowflakes can’t help but melt away with shame. The genius and beautiful traveling witch is running around for her commission, and is constantly using it. When magic secretly'attacked' the residents of the city, and learned from their'heads' that she wanted information, a little girl who was full and idle but had nothing to do was a step ahead of her and walked to her one. Outside the home of the mission goal.


Through the unclosed wooden door, through the dim light from the dilapidated wooden house, Annie saw the situation inside at a glance. Then, she couldn't help but frown, and under curiosity, she quietly hid aside. Watching.

   Soon, Annie saw that the guy with horns on his head and no tail behind him was talking to himself.

  ‘Milina! ’

'No way! You are still sick, so you have to lie down! ! ’

  ‘Okay, go back to bed quickly! ’

'correct! ’

  ‘Milina, I bought a gift today! Look, it's the Big Apple! ! ’

  ‘I’m sorry, I have been letting you eat apples all the time. You probably are tired of eating apples, right? ’

  ‘Do you like it? ’

   "This way..."

'That's good! ’

  ‘Don’t worry about me, I’ve already eaten it, really, look, my belly is full! ’

'Ok! ’

  ‘Then you eat slowly by yourself, I’ll sleep for a while! ’

   "Good night, Milina..."



   Soon, as the self-talking inside gradually stopped, as the weird little girl opened a wooden door in a bedroom inside, the house gradually quieted down.


   "Tibbers, you said... what shall we do now? That guy, looks stupid, do you want to help her?"


When the night was completely dark, and when the residents of the cities near and far had lit their homes, they stood in the snow and looked at the building in front of them, which seemed to have been burnt, but was then simply repaired and dilapidated. Anne couldn't help but feel a little tangled about the house.


"what should I do……."

   Annie was a little entangled, because ah, if you go to help directly, it seems to be meaningless, and that kind of thing is too boring, she doesn't want to do that kind of stupid thing!



   "I thought of a good idea!!!"

   eh hehe!

After struggling for a while, Annie suddenly felt that if...she took advantage of that silly guy with horns on his head and a tail behind him to sleep, and she would play a prank on the other party, it would be very interesting. ?




   "The secret, you will know it soon, I won't tell you!"


Annie didn’t explain, but waited for a while. After she was sure that a certain guy was asleep, she stepped forward, stepping on the thick snow, and step by step to the building that seemed to have been burnt, the outer wall and There are still many burnt marks inside, and even the door is tattered. Even if it is wide open, there will be no thieves in front of the wooden and stone house.

   "Excuse me...Is anyone home?"

  |?˙?˙) Hello?

   "I'm coming in!"


Leaning on the door of the room, Annie asked knowingly, and found that a poor silly fellow was indeed asleep and would not be easily awakened, so she went straight into the dimly lit oil lamp. All kinds of furniture were in dilapidated condition. There were scorched black marks everywhere. There were many cracks in the windows and walls. The floor began to have holes. Just a table was still new, and it seemed that it was in this house sent by someone else.

Then, what greeted her was the one who was sitting crookedly on a chair. Although he was wearing a good coat, his bare hands and face had turned black and rotten, and his eyes were deeply sunken. The hideous corpses that all started to turn white!

The corpse sat on the chair beside the table so well, and in front of the corpse was a big red apple, which seemed to have been carefully cleaned. It was obviously the silly guy who had just put it there, intending to give it to that' Corpse' eaten?

   "Hi~ How are you!"


The left and right are just the corpse of a girl who has been dead for more than a month. Annie is not afraid, because, in a more tragic situation, the terrible scene that people in the entire kingdom and the city turn into walking zombies. Seeing too much, what's so strange about the horrible situation in front of you?


   There must be a faint smell of corpses in the house.

I am afraid that it is now the cold winter season. The snow melting may take a while before the weather will gradually warm up. Otherwise, the poor fool put such a corpse in the house for so long. I haven't done any anti-corrosion treatment, I'm afraid the stench has already spread, and the corpses are crawling all over!



   "Um... I am a little thirsty now, you shouldn't mind if you eat an apple, right?"


After asking, Annie didn’t care about the “other’s” disagreement, jumped directly to the table, and then grabbed the big red apple that had been cleaned and placed on the table, and just sat on it and swayed. The leg gnaws loudly.


   At this time, the inner house is still quiet, only the sound of breathing.


   "It's so sweet!"

  Ε=)) Ha!

Not long after, Annie ate the apple and wiped her face. She threw the rest of the core part on the table, jumped off the table again, and began to tilt her head to watch this being put. The poor corpse sitting here comes.

"That one……"


   "Since you have eaten your apples, then they must help you!"


   Of course, Annie wouldn’t easily eat other people’s free food, so she decided to help this poor guy a little bit, just this time, not for example?


   Annie circled around the ‘corpse’ and saw that the corpse seemed to be well preserved in the cold weather. At most, it was just some water loss and corruption. She quickly thought of a good idea to be lazy.

   "Come out, pickup..."


   "Ah! No, come out, Paladin!!"


   The other party only ‘gave’ Annie an apple to eat, but did not give a delicious meal, so Annie would definitely not help herself! So, finding someone who can help to do it for her, and then waiting for the other party to finish doing it, and kicking it back, became her best choice.

   After all, her Queen Anne is a very principled person, so she won't do some inexplicable things casually!



Soon, as the portal opened, when a guy wearing a light messenger suit, surrounded by golden light and holding a huge warhammer, walked out of the portal in doubt and saw the dilapidated house. After a familiar little girl who was standing there, she knelt down on her knees, exclaiming for the first time:

   "Lord Hearthglen, High Lord Silver Hand, Grand Knight of the New Kingdom of Lordaeron, Tirion Fording came here in response to your call!"

   "His Majesty Anne Hasta, the queen of the great Flame Kingdom, the cute lord of the Flame Alliance, and the emperor of the Azeroth Empire, what is your order?"

   The person who came directly excited and shouted loudly.

Just now, Tirion Fording thought which friend was calling him through the portal. Who would have thought that when he walked over, he found that the one in front of him had disappeared for many years, and he hadn’t been back for a long time. The cute master who has been in contact with Azeroth?

That's right, in the minds of these old people of the Flame Alliance, they prefer to call the "adult" in front of them as the cute lord rather than the emperor. That is their eternal memory and glory, and it is still only their old The veterans of the Flame Alliance are qualified to be called like that, even if others want to call them, they are not qualified!



   "You keep your voice down!"


   After discovering that someone in that room just turned over and whispered, but didn't wake up, Annie angered someone who was kneeling on the ground and was taller than her.

   "Tirion Fording, right?"


   Although the name Annie can't remember who it is, that doesn't prevent her from calling the other party to beat her today.

   "Don't get excited, and don't disturb others..."


   "It's like this, this poor fellow, if you resurrect her, shouldn't it be a problem? If you can, you can act quickly and go back after you are done?"


Annie didn't say too much, she pointed to the one sitting crookedly on the side of the chair. Although she was wearing a good coat, her bare hands and face were darkened and corrupt, and her eyes were deep. Deeply sunken, the hideous corpse whose eyes were beginning to turn pale ordered.



   Tirion Fording suddenly felt a little at a loss, because he never thought that their cute lord summoned him to cross the barriers of the world to summon him for such a small thing?

   He knows the abilities of the big man in front of him, and he still feels that instead of wasting so much power to summon him, it seems that it is better to do it yourself faster and more cost-effective? You know, to summon a person from one world to another, it takes a lot of energy, and with that energy, with the means of the'adult' in front of you, let alone resurrect a person, even if it is a resurrection. Ten thousand people are more than enough, right?


   "Tirion Fording takes the lead!!"

However, although it feels very strange, I will never shirk the command of the Lord Moe, and dare to guarantee unconditional obedience with his life and the honor of the paladin, and also promise to do the best Tirion Fording. Hung the huge warhammer in his hand on the buckle of the back armor, then gently walked to the table and looked at the weird corpse.

"She is……"

   "An orc?"

   Lightly took off the hood on the corpse's head, and when he found the horns on the opponent's head, Tirion Fording was taken aback.

   But that is not important!

When he found that the corpse in front of him was a little orc girl, when he found that the other person’s body was well preserved, but there were many stab wounds, and the time had passed for a full month or two, he couldn’t help feeling frown.

Resurrecting a person who has been dead for a full month or two, especially the person whose body has not been properly preserved, is indeed very difficult for him, because it means that he needs to spend a lot of holy light to go. He has never tried to repair and stimulate the vitality of the dead body and cells, and it is theoretically impossible to achieve it.

   But, isn’t that absolute?

   And first, he now needs to confirm one thing, that is: Is the other party's soul still on his body? Or is it still nearby?

  If the soul is no longer there, or the soul has left or even died, then even if he exhausts his energy to work, what he gets is just a living ‘corpse’, that’s meaningless!

   Therefore, after observing for a while, Tirion Fording, who had already started to feel a little bit deep in his heart, groaned, and stretched out his hand and stroked it towards the head of the orc girl's corpse with a slight light.



   It's strange, the soul is still there?

   Soon, after discovering a strange thing, after discovering that there was still a crying soul in the body of this orc girl, Tirion Fording exclaimed, slightly surprised.

Because according to common sense, the soul should have left after the other person died for so long... However, although he was strange in his heart, Tirion Fording didn't think much, just carefully controlled his own. The Holy Light, while using gentleness to nurture the weak soul of the other party, also began to communicate with the other party, and at the same time'watching' the stories that happened to the other party.


   After a long time, the Paladin Tirion Fording, who had finished communicating with the opponent's soul, slowly let go of his hand, looked at their cute master and said:

   "I have said before that race does not represent honor... I know some orcs who are as respectable as the noblest knights, and I also know some human beings who are as evil and terrible as the cruelest undead natural disaster!"

   "Unexpectedly, the same thing would happen again in this little guy..."


   "Don't worry, Meng, I will try my best to save her, sure!!"

Knowing what happened to this corpse, he finally understood why their cute lord would be willing to save this poor soul. Although this kind of thing seemed meaningless, Tirion Fording Still decided to go all out to try it, even if the power of the holy light in his body is exhausted!

   And, he swears, it's not just because of their cute master's order, but he also wants to do that.

   After finishing speaking, he stepped back two steps. Before Annie could answer, Tirion Fording's body began to flash with strong Holy Light energy, and at the same time, the Lightbringer suit plate armor on his body also resonated and shone.

   "The supreme light......"

   "Please bless me!!"

   "In the name of the Holy Light, give me strength, help me break the boundaries of life and death, and redeem this innocent soul in front of me..."


With the end of the prayer, the endless holy light of UU reading began to shine in this dilapidated house, and Tirion Fording, who was in the center, also became shining like the sun. .

'Ok? ’

  ‘Who is outside? ’


  ‘Milina, did you finish the apple? ’

At this time, the movement outside finally alarmed someone who hadn’t been asleep for a long time, so two tired and whispering inquiries came from the room, and then someone slowly got up and started putting on shoes. The kind of rustling sound.


  !? ?

   "Oh! Hurry and go! Don't let her find out!!"


   After speaking, Annie flashed directly and disappeared in an instant, not knowing where she went.


Although I don’t know what the adorable Lord Master is doing, he saved an innocent life that shouldn’t be resurrected. Tirion Fording, who feels extremely proud and proud, still didn’t ask much, just so straightforward. Turning around, strode to the portal, and quickly disappeared.

   And now...

The hideous corpse, whose hands and face that should have been sitting crookedly on the chair turned black and rotten, and the eye sockets were deeply sunken, and the eyes were turning white. His chest is still slightly undulating, as if he is already alive?


  ?????? Ask for a ticket?

  ? More exciting, please see the words of the author of ㊣ edition?

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