Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1326: Witch Detective Irene


Looking at the two frolicking orc sisters Alice and Milina, who were doing bow and arrow training in the forest in the distance, standing aside and urging them to carry out survival training, the genius witch Irene could not help but fall into contemplation. .

Because I don’t know what’s going on, why the Milina suddenly came back to life, and at the same time, there are some pitiful other two little guys who are unable to survive alone in the forest, so compassion begins again. A flooded travel witch Irena volunteered to become the teacher of the two little orc girls.

However, she is not teaching them magic, because their bodies do not possess magical powers and cannot become a magician who only knows the most basic magic. Therefore, what she teaches is to make two people bow and shoot arrows. The means of hunting.

Originally, in Irene’s opinion, it was the most suitable for the two to live in the city, but given that they still have a strong hostility and grievances towards that city, given that the city dwellers can’t accept a crazy Eliza. And Milina, who had come back from death inexplicably, so let them return to the forest and live in their original home, that became their only choice.

   So, after clarifying everything and knowing that Milina had come back to life due to an unknown reason, Irena’s commission was transformed into guiding the two to gain basic survivability in the forest?


In the end, Irene did not refuse the official's payment of the bag of coins. After she accepted it directly, she began to instruct the two little orc girls to cook, hunt, and shoot in the forest covered by heavy snow every day. The daily routine of digging traps and so on.


"Teacher, please tell me, what caused Milina to come back to life? She was obviously dead. From the memories of those people, and even from the memories of Alice, I was quite sure about that, but... …But look, she is indeed alive now, what happened during this period?"

   "If you can figure it out, how good would it be..."

"I think it will be a great discovery of the century. At that time, the name of my genius witch Irena, I am the youngest in history, with beauty and talent radiating light, not losing to the colorful flowers, beauty A genius who blooms like a flower, and is as beautiful and cute as a doll, will definitely be remembered and praised by countless witches?"

After looking at a carefree, nasty little girl who was playing along in the thick snow and piled with snowmen or monsters, Irene began to think about it. , And accidentally said that she came here to guide the two orc girls as a witch. It was not without any selfishness or utilitarianism.

   "It's a pity..."

   "Milina doesn't even know how she came alive again, it's so strange!"

   Irene also investigated Milina's memory, but unfortunately, she found nothing in the end.


   "Then you can study it slowly! Anyway, I promise, it must not be something other people do!!!"


That’s right, Anne is very sure, sure and sure, that little orc sister named Milina really wasn’t her resurrection, and that kind of thing, whether right or wrong, must not depend on her Queen Anne, after all She really didn't do anything, and the holy light that rejuvenated the other's body and vitality really had nothing to do with her!


   Is she just letting a suitable guy show up at the right time and at the right place and said something right?

   "I didn't say you did it..."

   "Teacher, you tired and lazy fellow, you know all day long to eat, drink, play, and sleep in. When have you seen you doing business?"

   "I just don't understand the key point, and then I complain about it..."


   While talking, Irene sighed heavily, then raised her eyes to the two little orc girls in front who were practicing archery skills talking and laughing.




   Annie almost couldn't help but want to say loudly, the reason why Milina was able to live was because she summoned a Paladin and gave orders?

However, when she heard that the bad guy in front of her said so many bad things about herself, she suddenly didn't want to say it again, and made up her mind to let the other party guess it slowly, and then she couldn't guess it, she died anxiously. Forget about a bad guy! !

   "I will not be discouraged, I will definitely find the answer, because there is always only one truth!"

   "But, teacher..."

   "You have also seen that although the two of them are very talented and stronger than ordinary people, they learned the basic archery and hunting skills in just a few days, but this is still far from enough."

   At this time, I just refreshed myself, but still can't figure out why the other party will be resurrected, Irena quickly turned her attention to other aspects.

   "Because of the resurrection of Milina from the dead, the guys who should have been convicted were released because of their innocence. I think they will be resentful?"

   "It must be like that?"

   "Look, Milina is alive, but their companion has died forever..."

"It's okay to have these two powerful witches sitting here now. They are given a hundred courage and dare not retaliate against them at this time. However, we always have to leave. After we are gone, they both With those two hunting wooden bows, where can you stop those guys from intruding?"


   "It's a pity that Milina and Alice can't learn magic, otherwise things would be much simpler!"

   Yes, there is no doubt that this is what Irene is most worried about now.

After a few days of getting along, she has already fallen in love with the two poor and helpless orc sisters. This is also why she is willing to be the teacher of the two and bought some furniture, clothing and all the commission commissions. Food and other materials are used to subsidize them, so that up to now, there is no main reason for how much money is left.

But that’s useless, because Irene knows that she and her teacher are going to leave sooner or later. They are witches traveling the world. After staying here for a few days, they are beyond the plan. Stay here and protect the two little guys until they have the ability to protect themselves!


   "Do you have anything to do?"

   Helplessly, Irene, who couldn't think of a good solution, had to look at the little teacher Annie who was still competing with the snow and playing happily.

   "It's easy!"


   "Since the bad guys want to abduct Alice and Milina and they still want to retaliate, why not just go and burn the bad guys who want to harm them?"


   "In that case, no matter if we are here in the future, then we can guarantee that no one will come back to their ideas!"


   This kind of little thing obviously can't trouble Annie, so when she speaks, she gives the best answer that can be solved once and for all!

"No way!"

   "Teacher! We are now solving problems, not creating more conflicts!"

"You don't know that the family of the mob who was killed by Elysie in that city is very small, but still has a grudge against them, and now they are going to burn those who were released, then the city will definitely More people will resent them for this, and they are still orcs. Once we leave here, what terrible things will happen!"

   Irene rolled her eyes and rejected her unreliable teacher's unreliable method.

   How could she do such terrible things that burn people at every turn?

Anyway, in Irene’s view, violence is never the best way to solve problems. It will only lead to more hatred and trouble. Therefore, violence can only be the last resort to self-defense, and It must not be the preferred solution to the problem!


   "Go and falsify the memories of those bad guys?"


   This is not the first time Irena has done this kind of thing, so Annie felt that the other party should be able to do it easily, and that is indeed a good way.

"No way!"

"It's really simple to change the memories of a few people, but the root of the problem is not there. We can't guarantee that no one else will have the same thoughts as them. We can't just change everyone's memories. ?"

   "Although the city is not very big, but with so many people, I can't finish it to the point of exhaustion!"

Just like last time, in that small village, in order to help the poor slave Nino obtain happiness, she was tired and half alive to tamper with the memory of more than a hundred people in that village, and now, this There are at least tens of thousands of people in the city. With so many people and such a heavy workload, when will she be busy?



"You know, it's a bad thing to use magic to tamper with other people's memory at random! At the'Ministry of Magic' in that other world, that kind of thing can only be strictly enforced by the special confidential department. It's prescribed to do, isn't it?"

Although Irena herself is indeed capable of tampering with the memory of a large number of people, that kind of thing is indeed very evil and very bad. It's fine to do it with good intentions like her, but, Once discovered, once the spell is spread or learned by some ill-intentioned people, God knows what terrible results will happen!

The thought of some evil magician sneaking into the city or some people’s home, and then wantonly tampering with other people’s memories and doing certain evil things, she couldn’t help but shuddered and rushed into her forehead. Guilt.


   "Just let them move?"




   "Still no! At least most of the people here are willing to protect them, but once you get to a strange place, you are not familiar with the place, what will happen is not what we can expect."

   Frowning for a while, Irena also denied the third method proposed by her teacher.


   "This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, then tell me what to do!"

   Annie quit her burden, and didn't plan to give the other party more ideas.


   "It would be nice if Alice and Milina had the ability to protect themselves earlier. In that case, no matter what those ill-intentioned people want to do, it will not succeed. It's a pity..."


   Irena sighed twice.

That’s right, it’s the same as what she was worried about. It would be great if only relying on the abilities of Alice and Milina and their beginner archery skills to be able to catch prey and feed themselves. Not bad, if you want to resist those mobs who might attack again, that is simply impossible!

   Otherwise, the parents of the two of them would not have to fall off the cliff and die in grief under the threat of the caravans of slave hunting.

Especially when she thinks that Alice and Milina are two pretty orc girls, she can't help but feel worried...because she knows that once captured by the slave squad, based on their appearance, A large sum of money must be exchanged in the slave market.

   And this is the main reason why their orc parents were forced to fall off the cliff and die, right? Even if the black-clothed city officials promised to protect their personal safety, they were willing to do that, but with huge benefits before them, the people who dared to take risks will definitely not be the only ones released!

   "The ability to protect yourself?"


   "Didn't you teach them to shoot bows and arrows?"


  Although, that bow and arrow are not very fun, but Annie also has to admit that they played very well and shot accurately.

"No way!"

   "They can only deal with some small animals at most. I am afraid it is still a bit difficult to protect themselves, but the point is that we can't stay here for too long..."

Now that the weather is getting warmer, Irena feels that they will stay for one or two days at most, and they must leave before the snow melts. However, after that, what will Milina and Alice do? There is no good way.


   "Then simply, let's directly stimulate their bloodline power!"


  Since this is not okay, that’s not okay. Teaching them to archery is too slow, and they can’t learn magic, and they can’t stay here for long. There is no way, so Annie had to help them reluctantly and think of another way.

   Of course, Irena would definitely not be able to accomplish that kind of method, but she can, however, the omnipotent Queen Anne!

   "Arouse blood power?"

   "What's that again?"

   Irene was puzzled, she didn't know what her little teacher meant.

   "It's easy!"




   "Milina! And Alice! You two come here, there is a super fun thing!!!"

  ? 乛? 幛?


   Annie didn't say what she was talking about, she jumped directly onto the head of the big snowman she just piled up just now? Then she shouted to the two little sisters with horns on their heads in the distance.

  ‘What’s fun? ’

  ‘What is the fun thing? ’

  ‘Irena-sensei? ’

  ‘Is it time for lunch? ’

   Hearing Anne’s call, soon, the two sisters, Milina and Alice in the distance, stopped their work, and happily ran over with their bows and arrows and asked.

For the teacher Irena and the old teacher Anne, who is known as Teacher Irena, they still respect them. After all, they are two powerful witches, who can burn a big tree with a single magic. Terrible existence.


   How does Irene know what a bad little girl wants to do?

   So, she had to look up at some guy standing on the snowman's head in a puzzled way, wanting to see what the other party could do.

   "It's not lunch time yet, but there is really something super fun!"

  '? ? ’

  ‘Teacher? ’


   Irene, Alice, and Milina all raised their heads, their faces all puzzled.



"This one!!"


   Without waiting for the two to react, two magics mixed with snowflakes accurately hit the two orc sisters, Alice and Milina.


  ’! ! ’

  ’! ! ’

  噗通! Puff!

Under the magical effect of Anne’s bloodline, the eyes of the two sisters with horns on their heads instantly turned red, and at the same time, the heart in the body began to beat sharply, and there was a dull but unusually powerful beating sound, that kind of movement. It was so big that Irene who was on the side was a little scared.

   However, this is not the end, on the contrary, it is just beginning...

  ’! ! ’

  , ‘Roar~! ! ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Wow! ! ! ’


   "This, this is..."

With the bursts of "pop" and red light, the bodies of Eliza and Milina swelled sharply, as their clothes were torn in an instant, and with two terrible roars, soon, When everything calmed down, Irena, who was dumbfounded by UU reading, only saw: what appeared in front of her were two huge ones, covered with dense white hair, and a strong body full of muscles. , With a pair of sheep-like horns on his head, his arms and legs are extremely sturdy, his body is like a hill, and there are huge monsters with terrible claws?


   "Look! This is their ancestral transformation after their own blood is fully stimulated!"

   "It looks... it looks like some kind of snow monster, how about it, Irene, is this very powerful and fun?"


Anyway, Annie thought it was good, because she didn’t do much. She just used magic as much as possible to stimulate the power of the blood in the two of them and to maximize it. But then I thought, they actually did. Become such two big, ferocious and hideous monsters?

  ‘Oh! ’

  ‘Milina, how did you become such a monster? ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Love, Alice, and you too! ’

'what! ’

  ‘Irena, why are you so small? ! ’

  ‘Ah! that is true! ! ’

At this time, Irena was even more shocked and shocked: In the chaos, she found that Milina and Ellie could step on a big tree with just one leg up, and lift a boulder with one hand. After the transformation of the two sisters, Jie seems to be able to maintain complete sanity?

   That is really, incredible! ! !


  ? Ask for a ticket?

  ? More exciting, please see the words of the author of ㊣ edition?

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