Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1337: (???)? Two little frogs are carrying croaking...


   Boom! ! !

  嗖~! Whoosh~!

   Boom! boom! boom!

'Wow! ’

  ‘Kill him! ! ’

  ‘I’m the demon...’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Red Sky Typhoon! ! ’

  ‘The roar of the fire dragon! ’

  'Roar~! ’

   rumbling rumbling...

  ‘Wow! ! ’

   Boom! boom!

  ‘Red Rock Baptism! ! ’

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Yang Yang Demon Flame! ! ’

   rumbling rumbling! !

'Humph! ’

  ‘Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon! ! ’

   Boom! ! !

   Boom! boom! !

This night, Harujion, this port city, which has always been peaceful and well-known for its developed fisheries but few magic users, didn’t know what was going on. There were two guys in the big city. Didn't sleep at night, and went to fight in the city on the shore?

And they are destroying countless houses, killing and wounding and scaring away countless residents of Haruziion. Not counting, they are so dying. They just quarreled with a certain afternoon sun and played a whole day. God, she was full at dinner, and she was lying in the terrible little girl sleeping in the sea view hotel near the harbor.



   "This is a big suite that took 2000J to live in one night, you guys actually..."

Looking at the large ruins in front of me, the hotel behind me that was beaten by magic, and then I looked at the miserable appearance of the warm and comfortable bed that I just lay in was burned to ashes by the fire, After thinking that she might never sleep well tonight and will sleep on the street, Annie raised her eyelids and turned towards the strange guy flying in the sky with some kind of magic, and another standing in front of him. On the broken eaves wall, the weird man with cherry-colored hair, scaly-like scarf, and a coat of arms with a weird logo on his arm looked at it, waving his fist.

   There is no doubt that the things that just happened, such as disturbing her sleep, burning her crib and making her have no place to sleep tonight, etc., must be inseparable from those two weird people!

As for who of the two is the good and the bad, or who made the first move, and who burned and destroyed the hotel where she lived, it doesn’t matter anymore... now the most The important thing is: she must let those two bad guys know that she is the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most,,,,,,,, most-most, The most, most, most, most, and, greatest, and greatest Queen Anne, if she sleeps, what will happen to her? ?

and so……

   "You two bad guys who don't learn well, get enlightened!!!"

   = Shining spear! !

First, he threw the little bear Tibbs aside in his hand, let him act and aimed at another bad guy, Annie raised her hand, and a piercing missile shining with a strong purple light pierced the sky. , Towards the bad guy in the sky that generated momentum through the red flames and made it fly into the air!

At the same time, Tibbers on the side was also under the influence of the magical resonance of the fairy partner, launching a piercing missile with the same power and the same shining purple and strong light towards the other with cherry-colored hair and scales. A weird man with a weird-looking logo on his arm blasted off.

  ’! ! ’

'who is it? ! ’

'what! ’

  ‘What? ! ’

Originally, Naz and Paula were confronting each other, and they were planning to use various powerful moves to kill each other, but they never thought, abruptly, that the building on the side just didn't know that they were caught by them. In the ruins of the seaside street that was smashed, two powerful purple magic missiles were suddenly shot at them?

  ‘Damn it! ’

'damn it! ! ’

No way, seeing the piercing missile shining with a strong purple light, neither Naz nor Paula were too aggressive to take it, but hurriedly cursed and avoided a little embarrassingly. Come.

   Boom! !

  嗖~! !

   The piercing missile shining with a strong purple light blasted towards the cherry-haired guy, and directly blasted the ruins where the opponent was. The other piercing missile that flew toward the sky flew obliquely toward the night sky, and it flew farther and farther, like a meteor, and soon disappeared in the high night sky.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Good, so strong magic! ’

  ‘Damn it! ’

  ‘Boy! Stop getting in the way! ! ’

Seeing that he was almost hit by the deadly magic missile, and seeing that Paula flew far away and waving his hand towards this side, the man with cherry hair turned around a little bit angrily and waved. With a burning fist, he rushed towards Annie who was closer to him.

Although he didn't know what happened to this little girl who suddenly appeared, he only knew that compared to the one who was expelled by the'Nose of Giant', he would only use the kind that was ineffective to him.' The red flame's magical Paula is obviously still a little more threatening to him by the sudden and powerful little girl in front of him?

So, after weighing it in my heart, I can’t care about him too much until now, so I plan to clean up the little girl who suddenly jumped out to make trouble, and then solve the problem of slandering and tricking their "Fairy Tail". And the guy who trafficked women.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon! ! ’

   While rushing forward, the flame in Naz's hand also burned frantically.

What is the origin of that little girl Sorcerer and what it has to do with Paula. Naz doesn’t know, nor does he want to explore. Anyway, he only knows that all those who jump out to attack him at this time are all his enemies. He won't show mercy just because the other party looks like a cute little girl!



   "Help! Tibbers!!"


   Seeing the other party rushing toward him fiercely, and wanting to hit him with a fist, of course Annie can't let that kind of bad guy do what she wants.

So, she stretched out her hand again and pointed at the sakura-haired villain who was screaming and rushing towards her, and her "faerie partner" Tibbers flickered under the influence of magic. It hit the opponent's chin, and slammed the opponent out into the sky, and at the same time received serious magical damage.

  ’! ! ’

   Although his chin was a little red and swollen and his nose bleeds, Naz, who was rough-skinned, didn't mind. He just rolled and removed the force of the strange attack from the opponent.

  =3333 Euler Euler

  ‘Yes, damn! ! ’

  ‘What the **** is this thing? ’

However, even though the force of the strange attack from the other party was relieved by just a roll, Naz quickly discovered that the little girl threw herself in front of her without knowing what teleportation magic was and hit herself severely. The next plush doll bear did not stop attacking, but so dexterously jumped behind him, unceasingly using its short but powerful bear paw on the back of his head to greet constantly What?

  ‘Bah! ’

  ‘Go away from me! ! ’

   With great difficulty, Naz got rid of the hateful stuffed bear's attack and pulled the opponent from the back of his head.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘What, what? ! ’

Then, thinking about whether to put that weird enchanted doll that can attack by himself, Naz was horrified to find at this time: the stuffed bear that was caught by him, at this time, actually grinned. And stretched out two bear claws at him, just aimed at his face?


  嗖! Whoosh! Whoosh!

There is no sign of the concentration of magical power, a barrage of three magic missiles that are only slightly smaller than the piercing missile that shines with strong light just now, suddenly from the palm of the plush bear in front of you and not far away That little girl's palm slammed at him suddenly?

  ’! ! ’

Although Naz subconsciously avoided the missile fired by the little girl, the missile fired from the paw of the stuffed bear in front of him was too close. Obviously, he couldn't avoid it. After all, Is that really too close and too sudden?

  呯! Boom! Boom!

A series of three magic missiles directly hit his face and exploded directly, causing him to fly backwards fiercely again. At the same time, the doll bear that had not had time to tear up just now had to be let go and get rid of it. His control.

'Uh! ’

  ‘Yes, damn! ’

What exactly is going on? !

   Naz stood up with a backflip the first time he landed, and reached out his hand to cover his **** and swollen face.



   "Bad guy! Take another shining spear from someone!!"






   Boom! !

Large piercing missiles shining with a strong purple light once again burst out from the hands of Tibbs bear and Annie, and instantly bombarded the place where Naz was, causing the exploding strong air current and magical energy to be instantly Three missiles had just come from his face, and Naz, who had not had time to check the wound, covered it.


   "Is the spicy bad guy dead?"

   Annie did not continue to waste magic attacks, but looked a little curiously toward the explosion ruins covered by firelight, magical energy, and spreading ashes.

  ’! ! ’

   Boom! !

   Soon, there was a movement inside. It seemed that someone suddenly opened a certain building fragment that was pressing on him, and threw it far aside?

   "Well, it seems that I haven't died yet..."


Soon, Annie discovered that the guy with scars and blood all over her body, even half of her face was swollen, and the other eye was so swollen that there was only a gap between the cherry-colored hair, and it slowly became full. It was the ruins of fire that came out step by step.

Obviously, the roughness and magic resistance of the other party's skin is indeed a little bit beyond Annie's expectations. With the bombardment of her level just now, with the sparkling spear of the fairy witch'Lulu' she used. As well as the one or two bombardments with limited magic power, they can't inflict too much damage on the opponent.

'Humph! ’

  ‘The attack without warning, the puppet that obviously has no magic power, is it because of magic resonance? ’


  ‘But it’s not enough to defeat Naz in this way! ’

'watch out! ’

  ‘The roar of the fire dragon! ! ! ’

   Although the ‘Fire Dragon’s Iron Fist’ he had just made was broken, the fire dragon’s fire that he had wrapped around his fist had not completely disappeared.

So, seeing that the other party seems not very easy to deal with, seeing that the other party has a strange magic resonance puppet in concert, and realizing that he can't easily get close to the other party to perform a close attack, Naz's heart is ruthless and resolutely The fire of the fire dragon suddenly began to gather in his body, and then took a deep breath, spit out the fire of the fire dragon gathered in the body from his lungs, and then, under the blessing of the ancient dragon extinguishing magic, let The violent flames sprayed straight toward the little girl in the distance and the place where the hateful stuffed bear was sitting.

   His powerful fire dragon flame is enough to burn any target, and that large-scale flame attack cannot be easily avoided. The target hit is either burned or burned. There is absolutely no other possibility!


   "It turned out to be a fire..."

   rumbling rumbling...

Soon, before Annie had time to react, the flames directly enveloped her and the ruins where Tibbs was located, so that all the things that could burn in those ruins were in that terrible flame, like a dragon's breath. The bombardment exploded frantically.


'do you died? ’

  ‘Although it might be too heavy to start? ’

   After waiting for a while, Naz, who found that there was no movement in the sea of ​​fire, couldn't help frowning a little, but soon he put that kind of sympathy for the enemy behind him.

   After all, it was the opponent who attacked him indiscriminately first. He was just a defensive person. Besides, the other party is likely to be with that Paula. If you don't destroy the other party first, he might be the one who died here today.


  ‘It’s your turn now! ’

   Naz turned around and looked at the red-flavored Pola who had just been watching from a distance.

  ’! ! ’

'what? ! ’

   However, before Naz could say anything, he turned around abruptly.

   Because, at this time, he was shocked to find that there was something unusual in the fire behind him? It seems to be... something is moving in the fire?



   "I will tell you secretly, just like you, they are not afraid of fire at all!"


Annie walked out of the fire with a careless smile. Although she is using Lulu's ability now, she is not afraid of fire or energy attacks such as frost. This cannot be changed. fact.

   "However, they won't let you burn down anymore, goodbye!"




  Wonderful thoughts!

  ’! ! ’

  ‘呱~! ’

  '? ? ’

Naz, who was just about to make a move, was shocked to find that some kind of weird magic power swept through and encompassed his surroundings, and when he wanted to roar to activate his own dragon-killing magic and rush forward, only I realized that I made an inexplicable cry, and at the same time the whole world suddenly became inexplicably bigger?


   Then, Naz, who started to land again, realized that it seemed that it was not because the world had become bigger, but because he himself had become smaller and became some kind of...little animal on all fours?

'what! ’

  ‘Thank you for the help of this lady, if it weren’t for you, I’m afraid...’

  Pola saw that the man was being cleaned up by the little girl, and thought that the other party was ‘owner’, so he leaned forward to make a polite statement. After all, the little girl who can defeat the "fire dragon" in the fairy tail is definitely worthy of him to make friends, and if he can use her own ability to charm or coax and make good use of it, then It's better.



  ’! ! ’

   "Hey! What are you doing?"

   Seeing that weird little girl's expression, Paula felt excited, and planned to turn around to escape or evade, but unfortunately, his movements were still a little slower?


Another frog appeared not far away, and then, before the other party shook hands and feet randomly in the air, Annie waved her hand, causing the two frogs to fly into her hand in an instant, and then she was grabbing one each. The leg was carried on the hand.


   "Two little frogs, they are called quacka~!"


Then Annie took advantage of the fact that the time for the other person's transformation was not over, and hurriedly grabbed the legs of the two frogs in one of her hands, and then turned her arm in a circle counterclockwise while humming. With songs, UU reading www. shook violently.

  ’! ? ’

  '? ? ’

   Some two hapless guys, at this time, they only felt a strong sense of dizziness coming from the sky, and then they screamed so bitterly as the whistling wind swayed in circles.

  ‘呱? ! ’

  ‘呱! ! ! ’

  ‘呱呱! ! ’

  ‘Hey~! ’

  ‘Stop it! ’

  ‘Annie! That is my own! ! ’

   While Annie was having fun playing with two frogs in the ruins, in the distance, a guy she knew was rushing over here with a cat and shouting.


   "What kind of person?"

   The one who is running over is Miss Lucy. Of course Annie knows, but she doesn't know what she is talking about.

   However, that did not prevent her from continuing to shake the two hapless frogs in her hands!

   To be honest, she would have beaten them a long time ago if she hadn't worried that she would harm them and cause the transformation art to be destroyed.


  Hoo! call!

From a distance, from the moment she saw Annie and Naz start fighting, she secretly said something was wrong, and Lucy, who ran towards this side for the first time, just panted on her knees and didn't know what to say. What should I order?


  Oo ask for a ticket oo

   More exciting, please see the author's words

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