
Rarely, after all the uproar, even though a certain messy little girl did not conceal her main purpose of coming to'Fairy Tail', such as desperately wanting someone shorter than her What did the old man take down the chairman's throne and then occupy himself?

But the result...

I don't know what the purpose was, the bad old man chairman finally nodded boldly and agreed to her application for membership.

Of course, he didn't agree to accept Anne's challenge. He just said that it is not impossible to give her the position of president, but she has to go through various tests first. Can't she simply use force or magic as the standard?

As for whether it was his true words or simply to deal with the words of a little girl, it is temporarily unknown.

But in any case, Annie, who has the magical fairy magic that reshapes reality and changes the essential structure of the world's material, and Lucy, who possesses good protoss magic, successfully joined the "Fairy Tail" and became the "Fairy Tail". The members of, that is already a certainty.

"All right!"

"Little Annie, come here quickly!"

After the crowd frolicking (fighting) for a while, the chairman Makarov Dolea was also implicated in it and suffered a lot, bringing everything back to normal, and everyone started talking and laughing in the guild hall again. After eating and drinking, the S-level wizard of Fairy Tail, Miraj Strauss, the signature girl and the big sister of the president's secretary and clerk, moved towards a little girl who was wandering in the distance. The guy beckoned.


(? ̄? ̄?)

"I'm coming!"


Seeing someone calling herself, Annie rushed over from a distance and asked cutely:

"What's the matter, Sister Miraj, is there anything wrong?"


"What else can there be?"

"It's the guild badge!"

"Anne, now you are the sixth S-level wizard of our'Fairy Tail'. Although the outside world may not recognize it, after all, you have never performed any missions, but the president said it will definitely not be. Wrong, so..."

"Now I want to stamp you, and then you will be ours!"

"Say it!"

"Where do you want the stamp? What color do you want?"

After smiling and shaking the magic seal in her hand to Little Annie, Miraj asked as she began to keep looking at Annie.



"Why are you stamping?"

( ̄△ ̄;)

Looking at the thing that was constantly shaking in the other's hand, and then at the other's grinning face, Annie asked inexplicably.

"It's very simple!"

"Since you have applied to join our Fairy Tail guild, and the president has agreed, then you must put a special emblem of our Fairy Tail guild on your body, just like the shoulders of Naz and others. The one on the face is the same!"

"Look at Lucy's!"

With that, Miraj, who was worried that the little guy would be unwilling, hurriedly greeted Lucy on the side and asked him to take the initiative to reveal the pink fairy tail crest on the back of the opponent's hand.


"Annie, isn't it beautiful? I'm also a member of Monster Tail now!"

After knowing what was going on, Lucy proudly stretched the pink coat of arms on the back of her hand, which was as playful and a little cute as an ornament, to Annie's face and said with a show off.

In the past, Lucy had been longing for and envious of the guild of "Fairy Tail" for a long time. Now that she has successfully joined the guild, there is nothing better than this! Therefore, in order for others to easily know that she is a member of the guild of "Fairy Tail", in order to gain the enviable look of others, she printed the badge on the back of her hand so that she can be at all times. Let it be seen, not printed on the arm like Naz.

Because in that case, once you put on clothes with sleeves, others will not see it.



Seeing the mosquito net on the back of Lucy's hand, Annie couldn't help but uttered in surprise, and once again turned her gaze to the smiling big sister Miraj and the stamp on the other's hand.

"Say it!"

"Annie, what color do you want? And, where do you want to print this emblem of our guild?"

After speaking, Miraj began to patrol Annie's body with her searching gaze.

"Like Lucy, on the back of your hand?"

"Or palm?"


"Like Naz, on your white and tender arm?"

"But I think it's good on the face or forehead. If you choose a suitable color, it will look more cute?"


"On the neck or neckline will work too!"

"Of course, if you like to print other places on your body with other uncles and sisters, I wouldn't mind."

"But you have to think about it. Once it is printed, as long as you are still a member of Fairy Tail, it will never be washed off, because ah, it is also a magical magic emblem with the nature of a magic contract! "

With that, Miraj began to fiddle with the seal, and in front of Annie, the seal was flashed with magical shimmers of different colors.

Whether it's black, white, red, orange or any other color that can be spoken, as long as the little guy tells a specific color, the magic seal in her hand can all satisfy the other person.



"Sister Milaj, do people have to print that strange thing too?"


Obviously, Annie was not very happy.

Because Amoryn’s mother said before, people with tattoos on their bodies are all bad guys, and Annie obviously doesn’t want to be a bad girl, even if the magic on that stuff will definitely not trouble her, she can use it at any time It's the same to clear it.

"Of course you need it!"

"Annie, every guild's magician needs to be stamped with the guild's coat of arms. This is the rule, the whole world is like this!"

"But you can rest assured, I just tried it and it doesn't hurt at all, really!"

I thought it was this little girl who looked a little bit twisted and unhappy because she was afraid of pain, so Lucy, who had just printed the beautiful pink fairy tail badge on the back of her hand, leaned forward and added. .



"Big Sister Milaj, don't you seem to have printed the spicy coat of arms yourself?"


The other weird sisters in this guild, it is true that many people seem to have the coat of arms of different colors, but that is not absolute, because Annie does not have the beautiful Miraj in front of her. I saw that mark on my big sister.

Anyway, whether it’s the exposed calves, arms, face, chest or back, Annie hasn’t seen the "fairy tail" emblem printed on the other party’s body, so if the other party doesn’t have it, then she I must not print it myself.

After all, the coat of arms of the'monster tail' is really too ugly, it's not as good as the fierce bear head with her little bear to be powerful and domineering!



Someday in the future, if she really succeeds in usurping the throne and becoming the president, the first thing she will do is to change the ‘Fairy Tail’ badge!



"Little guy, who told you I didn't print it?"


Miraj was taken aback, and when she saw the serious expression on Annie's face, she suddenly smiled, and then she didn't mind at all in this hall and gently opened her skirt, revealing her left white leg. The incomparable white coat of arms of the fairy tail.

With such a white coat of arms printed on such a **** part, it must be full of endless temptation visually, but unfortunately, the object she showed is a little girl, so the beauty of that temptation seems to be Did not play a role.



Come on!

At this moment, seeing this big sister Miraj also seemed to have heraldry, and it was still printed on the outside of the left thigh near the ass, Annie closed her mouth directly, she had nothing to say.

"All right."

"It's getting late, Annie, make your decision quickly!"

"Go ahead, what color do you want?"

"Also, where do you want to be printed?"

"If... you are shy and don't want people to see the coat of arms, I can call the shots and help you print it on your little butt!"

As he said, Miraj blinked playfully, and kept pretending to look behind Annie.



"Just, don't print it on the little ass!!"

!!!!=???? (?ò?ó?)?

Upon seeing this, Annie, who looked at the opposite party's ill-intentioned eyes and thought that the other party was really doing that kind of evil thing, hurriedly covered her **** and took two steps back.

"Then tell me, are you going to print there?"

With the waist in, Miraj sighed, raised the stamp in his hand that was shining with different colors, and then asked impatiently.

When others joined their "Fairy Tail", who couldn't wait to get up and wish that she would imprint this crest on her body soon so that she could officially become one of them? And this little guy is good. It's unreasonable to be allowed to join them at such a young age, and dare to pick and choose their coat of arms!



Seeing that the thing must be printed, and seeing that it seems that she can't avoid it, Annie began to rack her brains to think.


!(;?▽?)o there is!

"That, Sister Milaj, just print it on the bear contract!!"


Finally, after thinking of a good way, Annie directly grabbed the bear who was hanging from the button on her waist, and held it high up to the big sister Miraj.

(Hey! Hey! Little master, don’t attract that ugly fairy emblem!!)


(After realizing what a horrible little master was making, Tibbers hurriedly protested loudly to the opponent from the bottom of his heart.)

"Red, flame color coat of arms will do!"


"My little bear likes the color of flame the most!!"


Regardless of a certain bear's protest, Annie directly suppressed the opposition's resistance while quickly speaking out her own decision.



Seeing the decision made by the little guy, Miraj was obviously hesitant, because she had never encountered such an example.


"I remember... Naz seems to have said that this is your magic contract pet, still very powerful?"

"Well, now that you have decided, then go ahead!"

Miraj considered for a while, and finally nodded reluctantly, then raised the guild seal in her hand high, and after the magic sparkled on it, he slapped a bear on the belly of a certain bear. For a while, then quickly removed.

"All right!"

"Now, little guy, I declare: You, Annie Hasta, from now on, will be an official member of our Fairy Tail Guild!"

After removing the seal and discovering that the bear-shaped doll had the conspicuous flame-like orange red ‘fairy tail’ crest, Miraj nodded in satisfaction.

After all, this little guy has always carried this doll, and he needs to use the power of the doll when fighting. Then, it seems that she can print the guild badge on it?

"that is really good!"

ε=(′ο`*))) Huh!

Seeing that the other party was satisfied, and she didn't need a tattoo symbolizing the "bad girl" sign on her body, Annie couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.



However, although everyone seemed satisfied, Xiong himself seemed not satisfied at all!

and so……

(Little master, don't play with them at all. You just let the little ones out, and the little ones help you defeat all of them, so that you can become the president today?)


(Tibbers said that it doesn't like the coat of arms of the fairy at all, because it is a shadow bear, a bear bear in the shadow world, how can it print the coat of arms of other creatures on its belly? What?

Therefore, it is now eager to release its power, burn that stupid coat of arms, and eat all the people here who displease it, especially the one who dared to smash the mark on its uncle Xiong’s belly just now. Guy, that’s the one called Miraj. It must wash and peel her off by then, rub it smoothly, torture it, and finally clean the intestines, and then throw it into it. Crush it in your big mouth and swallow it! )

"If it's okay, I'm going to play!"


Fortunately, Annie didn't pay attention to the protest and instigation of a certain bear. Otherwise, God knows what will happen here!


"Lucy, so are you, please contact and communicate with you, UU reading www.uukanshu.com will be helpful to your future development, as well as to perform tasks and commissions."

After seeing that he had finally completed his work today, Miraj also breathed a sigh of relief, and then waved his hands to indicate that the two of them could make their own way.

Because, from now on, they are all a family, and there is no need to be so polite for some things.

'Humph! ’

‘I’m telling you, I didn’t lose to that little girl, if it wasn’t for her sneak attack, how could I be beaten like this by her? ’

‘The president was also attacked by her. Her kind of trick is not strong at all, and she must not be able to reach the S-level wizard. That is just to make her happy. ’

‘Yes, it must be like that! ’

‘What are you doing? ’

‘Habi, don’t pull me! ! ’

‘I’m telling you...’

At this moment, a certain cherry-haired guy was bragging with a few good companions very uncomfortably, and constantly raising himself, and at the same time trying to slander and lower the evaluation of a little guy, just like him Those scars are all accidentally touched by himself?



"Wonderful thought!!"

(* ̄▽ ̄)o─═≡※:☆

‘! ! ’

When someone was about to say something ill, a magic hit him abruptly, and then he directly felt something strange that could reshape reality and change the essential structure of the world wrapped around him. And when he started exclaiming, it turned into a strange cry?

"Guah~! ! ’


‘? ? ? ’



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