Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1341: (???) 21 add 5, others take 199...

At this moment, Annie was happily counting the small amount of money she had just earned yesterday in the small villa she rented. It was a stack of brand new banknotes, each with a denomination of 1,000 J, and one There are a hundred sheets, and they add up to a hundred thousand J, and the ones she put on the table here are as many as twenty thousand J, or two million J? !

   There is no doubt that this is a huge sum of money!

   Its purchasing power is enough to buy three three-story houses facing the street in Fairy Tail Station, which is the city of Magnolia where magic and commerce are very popular, and they are all of the kind with shops! Or, at no premium, enough to buy the small villa with a garden swimming pool that she and Lucy are now renting?

   Of course, the premise is... the owner of this house is willing to transfer, and will not take the opportunity to increase the price?

As for where Anne’s two million J’s windfall came from, it’s not enough for outsiders...Anyway, she didn’t steal, rob or cheat, let alone sell magic everywhere, she just secretly To complete a small commission.

   Yes, it's just a small commission, and it's still a trivial one!


  ‘Annie! ’

'We're back……'

At this time, as the door was pushed open, and then there were waves of shoe changes and footsteps. For the first time, a certain and the strongest fire dragon Naz of the "Monster Tail" partnered for the first time and performed the task, but in the end it was a penny. Lucy, the Astral Sorcerer who hadn't made any money, finally returned in a humble manner.

'Hello there! ’

  ‘We are here too! ’

And Naz and the stupid Meow Hobbit, who seemed to be similarly dingy, also followed, and as soon as they entered, they threw their dirty salutes on the floor aside, causing them to be The kind smiles of the hired maids who were about to welcome on the side directly gradually stiffened.



   Obviously, this was just cleaned up today, and now they saw the house being sloppy and dirty by two villains. Isn't the performance of the guests too satisfying?

   But there is no way. After all, the two guys are friends of their employers. Even if they are dissatisfied, they will never say it directly, at most they just stop giving them smiles.


   "Did you come back?"

   "Thanks for your hard work, you have to play by yourself first, and people have to pack things first..."


  ! o

   "Hey! Lucy, what do you want to do, this is mine!!!"


Little Annie, who was about to count the last stack of the first small amount of money she accepted and received, when she saw a guy with wide-eyed eyes and two followers of the other party, she hurriedly He hurriedly pulled them into her arms and quickly stuffed them into her pockets.


   "Annie, what is going on, why do you have so much money?!"

   To be honest, Lucy almost wanted to summon the Taurus Talos just now, and then grabbed the big pile of money that the other party had just put on the table! But in the end she held it back, because she knew that she seemed to be unable to beat the opponent?

   In fact, perhaps with the two drooling Naz and Hobby behind her, it is probably not the opponent of this little guy who even the president dares to tease in front of her?

  ‘How can she have so much money? ’

  ‘I guess, there should be at least one million J, right? ’

'Do not! ’

  ‘Naz! I just counted it. There are twenty stacks in total. Each stack is 100 sheets with a face value of 1,000, so the total should be two million J? ’

  ‘Two, two million J? ! ’

'Yes! ’


  ‘Huh? ’

   ‘how about...’

  ’From today, let’s switch to robbers, right? ’

Watching a certain little girl quickly put the stacks of money into the magic pocket of the magic space beside the other party's skirt, until the other party looked at their hopeless eyes and put the last stack of money After taking it in, Naz, who had been envious and jealous for a long time, suddenly urged the stupid Meow Hubby beside him.

  ‘Okay, Naz! ’

  ‘Go on, I will help you cheer! ’

Hobbit doesn’t want to be turned into a frog by a devilish little girl and thrown on the fire to roast. Therefore, it says that it can only support certain behaviors of the other party verbally at best, but it will definitely not provide it in action. Any kind of help.


   "Are you going to sell magic books again?!"

   Lucy didn't pay attention to the two guys who were interested in getting money, but looked a little enviously as Annie put away the last stack of coins, and then asked in surprise.

After all, Lucy knew it. Last time, this little guy in front of me sold some magic books in Harugion, and then made a lot of money. Now, since there is so much money, it must be The other party has sold more books, it must be like that!


   "I went to complete a commission! That's your mission of "Duke Albar"!"

   Annie didn't mind telling the source of the small amount of money she had just now. Anyway, this incident is recorded in the Fairy Tail Guild residence. Even if she doesn't say it, these guys should be able to check it.


   "You mean... the mission of the perverted fat man?!"

   Lucy exclaimed directly.


   "Why did our missions have failed, the book was not burned at all, but you got the 2 million J?"

"Kabi Mellon, isn’t his family very poor? The writers are very poor and pitiful. That Kabi is the writer’s son, so he is even more pitiful, let alone two million J, he I’m afraid I can’t even get 20,000 J!”

   As she talked, Lucy frowned.

As she has gone through the mission all the way, knowing the details of the perverted fat man of Duke Albar, knowing the details of the book, and finally knowing all the details of the task entruster Kabi Mellon, she is definitely I don't believe that the guy who rented a big house and drove her around can afford the money, even if Annie really secretly accepted the commission behind her and Naz!



   "People don't know Kirby, they only know Hobbit!"

   While talking, Annie looked at the stupid meow on the side.

At this moment, the stupid guy is still staring at her pocket and drooling, but it is a pity that no matter how drooling it is, Queen Anne will definitely not give it out the little money in it. of!


   "He is the client of that task, don't you know him? However, he simply can't get the money, he lied to us!"

   At this point, Lucy sighed.

Although she was deceived, she couldn't get angry anyhow. She only felt that the other party was pitiful... Therefore, she finally agreed to Naz's approach and regarded it as a failed mission. Did not collect a penny?

   "But people really don't know me!"


   "Because the person's mission client is another person, he is super rich, and his commission seems to be the same as yours!"


   "What, what do you mean?"

   Lucy was a little bit clouded, wondering what the little guy in front of her meant.

   "That's the fat duke!"

"He wanted to get the real secret of the book, and then they followed you secretly, without doing anything, and completed the commission... and then they passed the content to him, so the two million J easily You're here!"


   Thinking of it, Annie couldn't help feeling a trace of pride for her brilliance.

At first, when she saw Lucy and Naz two bad guys refused to take themselves to make money, she was angry from her heart to the guts, so she ran to the town of Hilozmay in advance, originally wanting to report in advance , In order to cause trouble for some two bad guys, but as a result... After discovering that the fat guy is particularly rich, she changed her mind and quickly reached a new agreement with the other party, that is:

   to figure out the true intention of the commission accepted by the two "Lucy" and submit the investigation results truthfully?

Then, from start to finish, she seemed to have done nothing, and no one hurt, just from the hands of Duke Aibar, who was still very rich although the big house she lived in collapsed. A huge reward of two million J.

Although it seems a bit too much, Annie doesn’t care about that much. After all, it’s stated in the agreement. How much is the guy who sent someone to steal the book and how much is the fat guy. So, that’s why she just The main source of the twenty wads of small money piled on the table should be enough for her to splurge and eat and drink for a while.

   "Fat Duke?"

   "The Duke of Aibar?!"


   "Annie, you, did you tell him the secret of that book?"

   After knowing the cause of the matter, Lucy couldn't help but stay in a daze.

   "Yes, it's spicy!"


   Lucy suddenly felt that her whole body was bad, and she didn't know what to say.

She, Lucy, Naz, and Hobby’s three members of the "Fairy Tail" went to accept the commission of the poor Kirby, and the nasty little guy in front of her turned around and reached an agreement with the target of the mission, and then they were tired. When she was exhausted and didn't catch anything in the end, the other party didn't do anything, just followed them sneakily and made so much money. Why does this make her feel so embarrassed?


   "No way!!"

   After being dull and ‘petrified’ for a while, finally, Lucy directly reached out a hand to some nasty little girl.



   "What are you doing?!"

   Looking at the other party's empty palms, and then at the other party's serious face, which seemed to be asking for something from herself, Annie asked with some puzzlement and carefully moved aside two steps.

   "What are you doing?"

   "Of course I am asking you for money!!"

   Lucy replied frankly and strongly.

   "The reason why you can complete the task successfully, we also have a lot of credit, don't we? So, that money should be given to us!!"

Although the reason is far-fetched, Lucy is now mad and poor. She has already planned to go out and shamelessly. No matter what, she will have to make so much money from the little guy who made so much money easily. Suck down a handful of wool.

   "It's like this..."

   "Thinking about it, it seems to be the same. When I think of it, you three stupid guys are also pitiful, but if the mission failed in the end, you didn't even have the travel expenses back..."

   Annie completed the commission almost at the same time. However, why Annie was able to come back early, and these three guys have not returned home until now, it must be because they had to walk back because they had no money to hire a car!

However, Annie would definitely not tell the three of them. When she came back, she saw the three of them walking into a certain path and shortcut, but she did not greet the three of them, so she made a lot of money with peace of mind. After a sum of money, they crossed the three people in a luxurious carriage, and returned to Magnolia comfortably.

"OK then!"

"Since you are so pitiful, since you did help others a little bit... then, now 21 is added to five, and people themselves get 1.99 million, and here is 10,000 J, you three will get points. Well, after all, if it weren't for you, no one would have known the secrets in the book!"


   Annie took out a handful of small money from her pocket very generously, and put it on the table, saying that it was her generous Queen Anne gift to the three of them.




   Lucy, Naz, and Hobby were stunned!

   They thought that Annie would take out several new and brand-new banknotes, but in the end, they only took out ten poor ones? !

   "Damn it!"

   "Annie, isn't it supposed to be equal?"

   Although I think it’s impossible, Lucy still intends to fight for more, even if she and Naz and Hobbit don’t share one hundred and eighty thousand J! Of course, if it doesn’t work, give her Lucy one hundred and eighty thousand, or 10,000 to Naz and Hobby?

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Naz, let’s divide these evenly! ’

  ‘Yes! ! ’

  ‘Five for you, five for me, just right? ’

'Ok! Ok! ’

   Anyway, it was given for nothing. Don’t do it for nothing. So, while Lucy was still trying to fight for it, a certain stupid cat suddenly divided the money with Naz.


   "Hey! You guys, how can this be, UU reading mine?!"

   "Damn it!!"

   Never thought that her teammates were so unreliable. There was no way. Lucy had to leave a certain iron **** first, and then roared at the other two guys who were carrying her privately.


   ‘Lucy, it’s not easy to divide 10,000 J for three people...’

  ‘That’s it! ’

  ‘It’s you a ghost! ’

'Faster! Call me all the money in your hands! ’

  ‘No! ’

  ‘Neither do I! ! ’

  ’! ! ’

'Hey! Don't grab it, you're going to tear it apart! ! ! ’

  ‘Meow~! ’

   Soon, the two of them clashed and clamored together so much that they didn't even know how a certain ‘Old Choi’ girl left.


In the evening, Naz and a certain stupid cat had left Anne and Lucy’s villa. Then, after no other men, Lucy, who had just showered, was able to lie on the luxurious sofa just wrapped in a bathrobe. And drinking freshly squeezed juice.

Regarding the question of money, Lucy no longer thinks about it. Anyway, she still has a little savings. It shouldn't be a difficult task to maintain a decent life in a short time... However, she must work hard next. Just accept the commission and work hard!

   Of course, that’s the future, what she has to do now is of course


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