Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1356: ?*. ?(???*)??*. S-level missions...

Daliola, is said to be one of the demons created by the "Black Sorcerer" Jeff.

It is an immortal catastrophe demon. Long ago, he did evil everywhere and caused his life to be charred. It took less than a day to destroy the entire huge city. It also destroyed the city where Gray's home was located, and indirectly killed Gray's parents and parents.

There is no doubt that Daliola's strength is extremely strong, even the ice wizard Ulu, who is no less powerful than the "Holy Ten Sorcerer", was once broken by it.

Later, Daliola was sealed by Ulu with "Absolute Freeze", and while being frozen, his life was gradually consumed by Absolute Freeze, so that to this day, although it is said to be Senior Brother Gray Under the operation of the villain, the "absolute freezing" was released, but the body also began to crack, and was finally broken by a very disappointed little girl's shining spear.

As a result, the so-called S-level mission on the cursed island of Garna was finally completed inexplicably like this.

'ended! ’

‘S-level super difficult missions were completed by our Naz team! ’

'Great! ’

‘Hobby, we’re going to be rich soon! ’

‘Hmm! ’

‘Hobby is going to buy a lot of fish. Hobby is going to live in a small house full of fish! ’

Even though they have already walked into the village, Naz and a certain stupid cat Hobbit are still yelling excitedly over there, as if it was the demon Dalioola that they had destroyed?

But no matter what, the task of saving the small island of Garna in the S-level is indeed basically completed. That is an indisputable fact! Now, when Daliola and the guys who tried to resurrect it were knocked down, when the moonlight gathering ceremony finally ended, and when they returned to the villagers’ village, all they had to do was how to get there. It was the little thing that brought the villagers back to normal when they came into contact with the curse.


"I thought it would be a dangerous battle in the end, but in the end, the demon had only one body left, and it was smashed by Annie in just one shot..."

"I wanted her to keep sealing and suppressing the devil with her whimsical thoughts. How could she just kill him directly?"


"But that's great!"

"The only thing left is the question of curses..."

"But, Elsa, are you sure, can you really break the moon?"

Watching some two heartless guys just celebrating their achievements, watching the guy Gray sitting sickly in the distance to rest, and then watching the guy who said something to the village chief, who was also seriously equipped with gold With the "Giant Armor" that enhances the attacking power of investment weapons, and Elisa holding the "Evil Breaking Spear" that can dispel darkness, Lucy doesn't know what to say.

Elisa came at the last moment, following in Gray's footsteps, with the purpose of chasing them back!

But now it’s useless to say that kind of thing. Anyway, Lucy will never admit that the S-level mission was stolen by them. They just cooperated with a little guy to complete the mission. So, even Ai Lusha, can't find anything wrong that they violated the guild regulations!

Although the other party must have guessed something, and the eyes when looking at her and Naz are also very scary, but anyway, the most difficult part of the task has been completed, and the rest are just small problems, she I wouldn't care about that much.


"Smash the moon or something, that kind of thing, I'm afraid that even Elisa can't do it, right?"

No one can break the moon, even Elsa, who is wearing the "Giant Armor" and holding the "Evil Breaking Spear" that can disperse the darkness, can't really throw anything on the moon!

Besides, it’s useless even if it’s thrown on it. How powerful that small spear can break through a hill is already the limit, and the moon, in Lucy’s eyes, is at least there. Hundreds of millions of hills add up to that big!

So, now she is thinking about how to get to the round after she is embarrassed?


How should they think of other ways to lift the curse of the villagers?

After all, the S-level mission is clearly written. They came here to help the villagers lift the curse. If they can't complete it, then they will definitely not get the huge amount of seven million J remuneration!

Anyway, no matter what they say is useless, the village chief is extremely stubborn. Lucy doesn’t think that the other party is seeing them defeating the conspirators and Dalioola who are in the Moon Temple. After that, they will think that they have completed the task and give money honestly.

"What do you mean, Annie?"

So, under the entanglement, she looked at the little girl who had been lazy, but still played a decisive role at a critical time.



"The moon or something, Elsa must be unbreakable, but other things are possible!"


Anne had already noticed some of the problems, but she didn't want to explain, anyway, she would reveal the mystery later, so she let the Eliza behave! Besides, those things are a little troublesome, and she doesn't know how to clarify all this, and now that there is that big sister Elisa to help, she is also happy to be lazy, isn't it?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"Something else?"


"Annie, do you know something?"

"Or maybe..."

"You already knew the truth about the curse on those villagers?!"

Seeing Elisa’s abnormal performance not far away and the other party’s solemn and vowed assurance to the villagers, and thinking about something a nasty little guy said last night, Lucy couldn’t help but wrinkle. He tightened his brows and felt that he had grasped a certain key point, but for a while, he couldn't figure out how.

"I won't tell you!"


"Anyway, you will understand later!"


Annie still didn't tell the truth, so she continued to play dumb puzzles with each other.


"Damn it! You nasty little guy..."

Seeing the performance of the other party, Lucy became more and more sure. The S-rank fairy wizard in front of her, this nasty little bit must be the same as Elisa not far away, knowing or seeing it better than them. Some what!


"Don't tell me, I want to see, what tricks can you play?"

I feel a little frustrated. Lucy, who feels that there is indeed a certain gap between herself and an S-rank magician like Xiao Anni, did not show it, so she hugged her arms so angrily, waiting for Ellu in the distance. Sha solved the mystery.

Anyway, she would never believe that the other party could really break the moon. She would not believe anything about that kind of thing!


"Ann, Annie..."

"What did Elisa just say? She said... She wants to cooperate with Naz to break the moon? Is she really kidding?"

"And look!"

"The expressions of those two people don't seem to be joking?"

Listening to Eliza’s promise in the distance, listening to the other party’s solemn request for Naz’s cooperation, and really got a positive response from the insecure guy, Lucy couldn’t stand up again, she couldn’t help turning her head and whispering. He secretly asked these two sentences to a little guy next to her who seemed to know something.

"Should be serious, right?"


"The moon may really not break, but some other things will really break!"


Annie didn’t say clearly, she just looked at the cute-looking “Giant’s Armor” wearing the golden and holding the “Evil Breaking Spear” that can dispel the darkness with Elisa and Naz’s “Fire Frog”. Under the gaze of the villagers, they walked to the tallest watchtower on the village wall.

Obviously, it seems that those two people really intend to carry out the work of "shooting the moon" in that highest place?


"You and Elisa must know something!"


"Is this the difference between an ordinary wizard and an S-rank wizard?"

Seeing Little Annie still reluctant to say it, Lucy started to get a little angry, and she stood aside with her arms so angrily, intending to see what Elisa could make.




(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(However, Tibbers doesn’t think so, he thinks, it’s not the difference between the strength of the S-rank wizard and the ordinary wizard, but between people, brains and brains. Difference?)

At this time, Elisa's performance began!


"here we go!"

‘Oh! ’

'Wow! ’

‘! ! ’

'That is……'

'awesome! ’


‘It seems, it’s still far from the moon? ’

That "evil-breaking spear" with flames and smoke directly cut through the sky and pierced the sky at a super high speed, but it was still flying higher and farther...

However, anyone with a discerning eye seems to be able to see that it seems to be far from where the moon is, and the "evil-breaking gun" that braves flames and smoke will not be seen after flying away, but the moon is still hanging. Above the horizon.

In contrast, it is indeed a little unlikely that such a small "Evil Breaking Spear" that has turned into a small light spot wants to break the moon. Lucy herself does not want to believe it anyway.




"It seems that I can barely get it!"



‘! ! ’

'That is……'

‘Broken, broken? ’

‘Hit? ’

Soon, in the exclamation of Little Annie and the crowd, in the horrified eyes of Lucy about to drop her chin, that serious Elsa, actually really shattered the moon?


"No! It's not that the moon broke!"

"Is it the sky?!!!"

Obviously, compared to the moon being shattered, Lucy is even more surprised to see the sky shattered!

Fortunately, her surprise did not last long.

Soon, when the purple ‘sky’ broke open and revealed a moon of the same color as the rest of the world, looking at the broken firmament, Lucy finally understood something.

"It's like this!"


"You are not cursed, but for other reasons!"

At this time, in the eyes of everyone's surprise and admiration, Naz, who was coming down from the destroyed watchtower with a look of excitement, finally gave a little bit of truth to the matter.

It turned out that it was not the moon or the sky that was crushed, but something that resembled a magical waste gas produced by the influence of that ritual'drop of the moon'.

Because of their accumulation over the years, they covered the sky above the island and formed something like a transparent magical crystal film, which is similar to an enchantment. This caused the moon to look normal in other places. This island looks weird purple here?

Moreover, the villagers have not received any curse at all, they are really a group of demons, and they are a group of demons that can transform into a human form at will!

However, because of the influence of the exhaust gas from the'drop of the moon', the purple enchantment and moonlight have some influence on their memory, causing them to have a certain mental understanding barrier, so they can feel that they are originally Are they humans, and the purple moonlight caused them to be cursed and mutated?

In fact, the purple moonlight has no ability to cause biological mutation at all!

At the same time, that is to say, the so-called curse does not exist at all, and those things are just the imagination of the villagers themselves?

By coincidence, the guys who ran into the Temple of the Moon to engage in conspiracies and tricks were just caught by the fish at the wrong time, and they were attracted by Naz and Annie, who were attracted by that S-level mission. Human force strikes!

And all that Elisa explained is the final truth of the matter! !

In other words, the real name of this island should be-Devil's Island?


"Annie! Did you know it a long time ago? Then why didn't you say it earlier?!"

After knowing everything, Lucy looked at the little guy for the first time, because the other person seemed to have said more than once that there is no curse or something?

"Because they don't have any curse themselves, and they really don't know how to lift their curse!"


"The mission did not say to break the upper lid... Besides, the purple lid is quite beautiful..."


"So, they don't know what to do, so I won't talk about it!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas



"Next time! If you find something, you must remember to tell us clearly in advance!!!"

Seeing the dancing demons flying into the sky to celebrate, Lucy was scared and happy, so she couldn't help but angrily scolded a little guy who seemed very irresponsible to her.

Because, if they knew this was the case, they could complete the task directly before Elisa came, and then left happily with the reward!


In the end, although she successfully completed the task, Elisa stubbornly did not accept the seven million J from the villagers, and she only accepted the key to the zodiac as a reward.

Because, UU reading, she believes that although this S-level mission was led by the S-level wizard Anne Hasta, it did not go through formal guild channels to report and register. So, it was an illegal task and violated the guild’s decision. So, that large sum of money was so wasteful!


"What does Elisa think? That's a lot of money. Even if everyone shares it equally, everyone can get more than one million J..."

"If I have that money, I won't need to worry about money for at least two years..."

"It's fine now, I don't know what to do next month!"


?More exciting, what do you know...? (???c)

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