Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1358: Q(`⌒?Q) Attack! Break them down! !

Elisa's guess was true. Early the next morning, President Makarov announced an important decision against the hostile guild "Spectre".

Then, in addition to leaving a small number of non-combatants such as Miraj to stay at the damaged garrison, he led all the guild elites who were able to fight and had been summoned back, set off by train and arrived in the northeastern part of the kingdom on time. In the city of Oak, I came to the castle in the center of the historic city, and came to the castle of the "Ghost Ruler", one of the two most powerful wizard guilds in the kingdom.


What didn’t say, the members of "Fairy Tail" who were originally here to hit the scene, after Naz’s fire dragon’s iron fist smashed the opponent’s door, they rushed in, at least several times the number of those inside. Their "ghost" guild wizards fought.

For a time, all kinds of flames, frost, ring magic, swords, guns and blades, magic ropes, smoke, bullets, elements, lightning, etc., as well as many unrecognizable messy skills and magic are located in this guild station than "Fairy Tail" The hall of the larger and more luxurious guild castle burst open, and the "ghost" members in this hall were beaten up everywhere, and the floors, pillars, decorations and various furniture were destroyed as much as possible. .

Of course, it must be indispensable, that is the kind of members of the two guilds who were frozen, burned, stunned and fell to the ground or blasted out to lie down.

But fortunately, the people who President Makarov brought to the scene this time were all capable people, and with mental arithmetic and unintentional, although there were a little fewer people, the advantage was still on their side of "monster tail."

They are just like tigers going down the mountain, venting the anger in their hearts as best as they can, and defeating the members of the "ghost" with a few and a majority, and the president Makarov broke out. Light magic, just dashing all the way, single-handedly towards the top of the castle, towards the office of the president of the "ghost" Joseph Paula.


Under the fierce blows and powerful aura of the high-level wizards of the "Fairy Tail", even if there are a large number of people, the morale and combat power are relatively disadvantaged, and the members of the "Spectre" who have been suppressed. They began to be unable to support them, so that they were suppressed by so few "Fairy Tail" members toward the inside of the guild branch castle?

At this time, seeing that the members of his guild were so uncomfortable, a certain guy who had been hiding on the beam of the castle watching the show finally couldn't sit still, just after an iron fist flew over Elfman, the soul of the beast, Appeared in the most conspicuous middle zone between the combatants on both sides, and temporarily separated the two fighting sides.


"Come on! The trash of Monster Tail!"

"Come and compete with the Iron Dragon Slayer Master Jajiru!"


The person here is the Iron Dragon Slayer Jageru Leitfox, who is known as the "strongest man of the ghost ruler"!


"It's you?"

"Gajiro Lightfox!"

Seeing a certain guy finally appeared, Elisa smashed several ghost members with one sword, she raised her brows, resisted the anger in her heart, locked the opponent tightly with her angry eyes, just watching The other side walked towards them step by step.

Elisa knows that guy!

According to rumors, the other party, like Naz, was raised by the "iron dragon" Medalicana since childhood. He was called the "iron dragon" and possessed the ability to manipulate iron. He could increase his strength and replenish his physical strength by eating iron, and his character was cruel. Cold and arrogant, often address others with words such as'trash' and'trash', like to abuse others and listen to others' screams?

Previously, the one who attacked Lebby and the others in Magnolia City, severely tortured them, and hung them on a tree in the center of the city to show the public and humiliate their "Fairy Tail" is the one in front of them. This **** guy!

If you can, Elisa really wants to smash her alive with a sword!

However, knowing that the opponent is very difficult to deal with, and knowing that the opponent is very strong and probably not weaker than her, Elisa managed to suppress a certain impulse in her heart, and just watched the opponent step by step and looked at them like this. Came over like nothing.


"I know you, you are the Eliza Shucarto, right?"

Seeing that the fairy queen Elsa wearing a knight's plate armor holding the sword in front of her, Jahiro, the Iron Slayer Dragon Slayer, answered with a grin and continued:

"S-rank Sorcerer, powerful and beautiful, known as the'Queen of Fairy'?"


"I am looking forward to it, after defeating you, stripping off your armor, and then hanging it on the wall for everyone to admire..."

"Presumably, it will be wonderful, right?"

Yes, he saw that the opponent's weapons and armor are made of stainless steel, so...

After defeating her, he will gnaw away the armor on the opponent's body little by little, and then hang it on the outer wall of their guild castle to show the public, letting the citizens of Oak City and the people of the whole kingdom know and dare to talk to them. What a miserable ending for the guys who oppose "Ghost"!


"Gajiro Lightfox, believe me, you have no chance!!"

Hearing that the other party wanted to make herself like Lebby and the others, stripped naked and hung up high to show the public, Elisa almost didn't hold back and rushed over and smashed each other alive.

But fortunately, knowing that it was not the time for her to be brave enough, she took a deep breath and resisted the eager thought.


"Really? You woman looks very confident and tough?"


"You can't cry anymore soon, I will definitely break every hard bone in your body!!"

Gajru grinned grimly, and after walking a short distance from Elisa, he stood there in such a grand manner, not paying attention to the members of the "fairy tail" in front of him.


"That's not self-confidence! It's because..."

"You are too close now, if you are further away, then you have a little chance, but it is too late now!"

With a sneer, after seeing that the distance between the other party and herself had reached a certain critical value, Elisa suddenly relaxed, and then she ridiculed herself so well.



"Ignorant woman, you don't know anything about my power! You still want to defeat me?"

Startled, didn't feel any threat, and didn't think that the woman in front of me who could only play with guns and swords could do nothing to gain her own Gajru, then smiled indifferently, then squeezed her fists, preparing to take this The Fairy Queen who made him very upset beat her down, and then openly ate the armor on the opponent's body, humiliating those "Fairy Tail" members severely.

"It's now!"

"Annie! Do it!"

Without waiting for the other party to try to attack herself, Elisa suddenly screamed, and she hid behind her and watched the show, who hadn't made a fight since she came in, and screamed and commanded. .

"I'm coming!"

O(∩_∩)O ha!


Seeing that these "fairy tail" garbage came to kick the hall with a little girl, Gajru was a little surprised.

"she is……"

At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder.

Because, before their "Ghost" decided to start an action against "Fairy Tail", they had done a detailed investigation of the other party's entire guild members, so he remembered that he seemed to have seen the other party's information, that little one. The girl seems to be an S-rank wizard too?

However, he can't remember the specific abilities of the opponent. After all, it is just a little **** with no reputation. Who knows if the name of the opponent's S-rank wizard is messed up?

"Wonderful thought!!"


However, no matter what the other person thinks, and no matter what the other person thinks of her, after receiving Elisa's reminder, she didn't even think about it, and directly followed the agreement between them before facing the person who was in her' "Wonderful thinking" The guy within the casting range directly used the fairy magic that can reshape reality and change the essential structure of the world against the confident villain.


"What kind of trick is this?"


"Sure enough, you rubbish, you really don't know anything about my power!!"

Although he felt that his surroundings were enveloped by some invisible force, but he didn't think that that weak force could hurt him, Jajiru did not try to resist or rush to defeat the enemy before he succeeded. Instead, he waited so carelessly and suspiciously for the magic around him to start.





He didn't have time to finish his words, he just felt that the sky was spinning, and then everyone around him became huge, and his vision instantly became weird?



Soon, a small tin lizard suddenly appeared in the midair where Gajru stood just now. Then, before it fell to the ground, a little girl with eyesight and quick hands rushed over, and The long little tail that grabbed it firmly!

"Caught it!"


"You don't know anything about other people's power!"


"The meaning of what Big Sister Elisa just said is: You are too close to others, and you have entered the control distance of others' "Wonderful Ideas"! "

Hahaha??? (??????*)

As soon as she shot her, she successfully caught the little Annie who was one of the enemy's generals, so clutching the other's tail, she swayed the tin lizard in her hand and laughed triumphantly.

‘! ! ’

'That is……'

‘Jahjiru was turned into a little lizard and was caught! ’

‘No, no? ’

‘Nothing, didn’t you just see it? ’

‘How is that possible, that’s Jajrou...’

'not good! ’

‘I remember, I’ve seen investigating intelligence, she seems to be the S-level fairy wizard Anne Hasta from the "Fairy Tail"! ’

"The fairy, the fairy wizard? ’

'Yes it is! ’

'Have not heard……'

‘Me too, the Astral Sorcerer knows, as for the fairy...’

'Hey! It's not the time to discuss that matter. Gajiro has been arrested. What should I do? ’


‘We obviously can’t fight...or, let’s run away first? ’

'hateful! ’

‘They’re just such a few people, are we going to run away? ! ’

‘Then what do you say? ’

'laugh! ! ’


The previous battle was very unfavorable, but now I saw that one of the several masters in my guild, the Iron Slayer Dragon Slayer Jageru Lightfox, was seized by the enemy, and even had no chance to fight back. The "Ghost" members who were shaken by some scholars couldn't help but start to shrink even more.

As a result, they began to launch another fierce attack and threat from the members of the "Fairy Tail" guild.

'Well done! ’

‘Little Annie, give it to me, I will burn him to death! ! ’

'Hey! Hey! Naz, don't mess around! ’

'open! ’

‘Don’t pull me, I want revenge for Lebby and them, I want to squash it! ! ! ’


'what! ’

‘It seems that this time the victory is set, they have already lost! ’

'attack! ’

‘Beat them directly! ! ’

‘Kill! ! ! ’

Different from the cringes of the members of the "Spectre" and the low morale of being blown away, at this moment, the members of the "Fairy Tail" guild became more morale of course after a burst of cheers, and then just like that. Continue to move forward courageously, and once again violently attacked the enemy.

"Well done!"

"Annie, you control him first!"

"Other people, attack me!!"

Seeing that the little guy really made great achievements as soon as he shot, Elisa couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then continued to work hard, planning to beat the hateful "Ghost" guild members in one go, let them know, attack them The members of the "Fairy Tail" guild have to pay a heavy price?

But then...

‘! ! ’

‘What is it? ’

‘Elisa, be careful! ! ’

boom! ! !

At this moment, suddenly something fell from the top of the castle, and it hit Elisa so hard, causing her and the other members of the "Fairy Tail" guild behind her to attack again. Shengdi stopped in shock.


Then, when the dust dispersed, everyone heard that a familiar and faint groan came from the point of falling?

"Magic, magic..."

"My magic..."


"That is……"

"Meeting, president?!"

The nearest Elisa exclaimed, and then her heart sighed. At the same time, she was a little distraught, so she could no longer take care of those enemies who were about to flee. She turned around and rushed forward. He hugged the thin old man who was lying on the ground and looked abnormally weak in his arms in the hard steel armor.

‘! ! ’

‘President Makarov? ! ’

'what? ’

'How can it be? ’

"The chairman..."

‘Old, old man? ! ’

'No way? ’


'Hey! ’

‘Master, are you okay? ! ’

‘Master? ! ’

At the same time, the members of the "Fairy Tail" guild who saw the shocking scene couldn't help but stop their original fierce attack and looked towards Elsa in amazement.

The people like Naz and Gray who were at the forefront stopped unexpectedly, and rushed back, so they approached Elisa in spite of it, and faced each other worriedly. The bad old man yelled anxiously.



"It's him... but he is so hot and useless, he was defeated by the enemy and all his magic power disappeared?"


Annie, who was leaning over, could tell what was wrong with the other party.



Because he is still the guild leader, or what is the "Holy Ten Great Demon", look now, when he went up, he was awe-inspiring, but when he came down, he was miserable. Give her the title of "Guide" to Queen Anne!

If it were given to her, she would surely lead everyone to beat all those enemies to the ground, right?



‘President? ! ’

‘President! Are you OK? ’

‘Elisa, what is going on? ’

'I do not know! Don't ask me! ’

'hateful! ’

"This time..."


Everyone ignored what a little girl was talking about. UU Reading just leaned anxiously beside the frail President Makarov, and at the same time, just rushed out of the "Demon Tail" members who were not far away. We also retreated in unison.

Correspondingly, the members of the "Ghost" who were beaten up and retreated just now naturally stopped the behavior that they were planning to be defeated on the whole line. They were so surprised and watched not far away, and wanted to know what it was. What happened.


☆??(o*??ω??)???? Ask for tickets, ask for subscription, ask for everything??

For more exciting, please see the author of ㊣ edition

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