Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1360: (?·??-)? Keep it secret!

Contrary to the state when the enemy’s guild branch was rushed towards the enemy’s guild branch at the beginning, the members slipped back in desperation when they came back, and they still came back in the dark, seemingly not at all. The people who dared to tell the city of Magnolia knew that they had fought a big defeat, and even the guild president Makarov was seriously injured?


   Although the president had to retreat because of the serious injury, the members of Monster Tail were not discouraged by the temporary failure at this moment.

At this time, they are still playing around in the guild, such as preparing to drag out some powerful magic cannons, magic bombs and some hidden in the guild warehouse, because they are too powerful and have not planned to use them. Army magic book and so on.

Those gadgets have always been banned by the kingdom and would violate the laws of the kingdom due to their power or attribute taboos. They have also been banned by President Makarov from using them, Makarov will Chang Du was seriously injured and knew nothing about life or death. After the dragons had no head and lost their bondage, they couldn't take care of that much at this moment.



  ! o

So, a little girl who was too lazy to go to her house last night woke up from the guild room of Big Sister Mila, and when she came out, she saw a pair of those guys in front of her. , And is preparing to go to a big fight again.

   "Hey! Why are you so spicy that you have been working long ago? Could it be that you haven't gone to bed all night?"

Annie said that she got up very early today, but these people are already here right now, and it seems that they have already started to work, which unavoidably made her feel a little surprised , And then couldn't help but ask.

  ‘Hey! ’

  ‘Little guy, we’ve got up a long time ago, don’t you see what time it is now? ’

  ‘What a little guy who doesn’t know the seriousness of things...’

  ‘That’s right, don’t look at what time it is now! ’

  ‘I’m so envious that I can sleep till this time. ’

  ‘Don’t worry about her, hurry up! ’

  ‘Kana! ’

  ’Yes! ’

  ‘Help me move the box of magic bombs, be careful, don’t fall on the ground, it will explode. ’

  ‘Understood! ’

'Hey! Elfman, follow me to the warehouse, let's take out the magical device. ’

  ‘No problem, just leave that kind of hard work to me, a man! ’

  ‘Grey? ’

  ‘Come and see this guy, he is our important hostage! ’



Everyone quickly resumed their work, doing their own things, looking like they were full of enthusiasm. They didn’t even care that they got up after ten o’clock, and then they dare to say they got up too early. girl.

"Really annoying!"

   "It's still very early..."

   "Hey! Sister Elisa, that's damn... what about the President Makarov? Why didn't he see him, he should be all right?"


After not paying attention to those nasty guys, Anne of course went directly to that Elsa, and then immediately sat aside with a straight face, and asked Elsa, who didn’t know what she was thinking. The situation of a bad old man.

  The reason why she asked that was because Annie felt that if the bad old man failed or really lost all his magic power, maybe...she would have the opportunity to formally compete for the throne of the guild leader?



   "Sent to a tree house in the east forest!"

   After taking a look at a little guy, after hesitating for a long time, Elisa took a sigh of relief and said lonely in words that didn't know what she was feeling.

   "The tree house in the forest?"

   "Why do you want to go to such a place? Is it possible that you are afraid of the enemy's attack?"

  If that is the case, Annie said that there is no need at all.

Because, at this moment, her Queen Anne is now in the guild’s residence. If those guys really dare to chase here and make trouble, she will definitely be beaten up and arrested all. of!


   "A friend of the chairman lives there..."

   "She is called Boliusika, the healing wizard. Because she doesn't like humans, she has been living in seclusion in the forest. If anyone can heal the president's injury, she must be one of them!"

   Elisa didn't conceal it, she told Annie openly.

Polusica and the president Makarov and others were already confidants when they were young, and at the same time a superb healing magician, living in a cabin deep in the forest east of Magnolia, and a pacifist. , I don't like human disputes, and at the same time I hate human beings and the taste of humans very, very much.

   But anyway, Elisa knew that the other party had already taken action and agreed to treat President Makarov. It was much more reliable than the Sorcerer Hospital where they would be sent to Leibin.

   "Is it this way?"

  *.。 *..

Annie was still thinking about whether or not to make a small exception, and take advantage of the bad old man's death to save the other party directly, but after hearing that there seemed to be a powerful guy to help, she nodded and put out the plan. The idea of ​​breaking the rules and using power other than'Lulu'.

   "So, what are you doing now?"



   "Ready to fight back!"

   Elisa said viciously.

   "Fight back?"

"That one……"

   "Actually, as long as you make someone the chairman, they can defeat all of them alone! People are very strong, very strong, very strong!"


"All right!"

   "Annie, stop making trouble!"


   However, in the face of Annie's suggestions and vowed words, Elisa didn't pay attention to it at all, and instead asked the other person aside impatiently.

   "Where is Naz? Has he not returned yet?"

Now Lebby and others in the guild are still lying in the hospital. Makarov will live and die forever, and Lucy was taken away by someone again. Naz was missing when he retreated, and now the guild is here. There are still a lot of injuries, all kinds of things put together, making Elisa feel very irritable, and where is the mind to talk to a little girl?

   "Damn it!"


   Seeing that the annoying Elusa turned her head to talk to others without ignoring herself, Annie knew without thinking that her proposal to ‘usp the throne’ just now must have been rejected by the other party.

  ‘Naz? ’

  ‘I didn’t pay attention...’

  ‘Grey, how about you, have you seen him? ’

'How would I know? ’

  ‘Damn it! ’

  ‘Naz I’m afraid something really happened! ’

'what! ’

  ‘Will it be the same as Lucy, caught by the enemy? ’

'possible! ’

  ‘No way, is Naz so bad? ’

  ‘Then tell me, where did he go, why didn’t he withdraw with him? ’



   Everyone argued for a while, and soon they had to give up.

It is an iron fact that the fellow Naz didn’t come back, so, as he said, everyone in this damaged guild hall could not help but quiet down, and the atmosphere and mood suddenly became a little depressed. .

"is it?"

   "Sure enough..."

   "You still haven't come back?"

   Elisa sighed, her determined and heroic face couldn't help but feel a little lonely for a while.



   "Is they really...Huh?!"

At this moment, when Annie was about to say something, suddenly, the door of the damaged guild hall was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and then everyone found that the one who appeared at the door turned out to be The'missing' Naz, Hobby the cat, and the'captive' Lucy who should have been captured by the enemy? !


"We're back!"

   Naz raised his head straight and raised his brows and said, facing everyone's horrified eyes, he directly led Hobby and Lucy to the broken hall of the guild.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Naz? Lucy? ! ’

'Great! ’

  ‘You are finally back! ’

  'Lucy? ’

  ‘Good boy! Naz, did you run to save Lucy? what! You really have it! ’

'Well done! ’

  ‘It’s Lucy! ! ’

'awesome! ’

  ‘Look! Our Lucy is back, and the enemy's Iron Slayer Dragon Slayer is still in our hands. We now have the advantage! ’

'Great! ! ’

  ‘Long live! ! ! ’

  ‘Naz! Come over and tell us, how did you do it? ’

After seeing that the people who came back turned out to be Naz and Lucy, everyone was shocked, and then they clamored to greet them. Then they surrounded Lucy and Naz in the middle, as I just thought about it. Little Annie, who wanted to continue talking to Elisa, was naturally ignored by them again.

"Really annoying!"



There was no way, seeing those people just talking, seeing that her "usurpation" conspiracy was temporarily unable to succeed Annie, so she turned around bitterly and walked over to the bar, intending to let Big Sister Mila make herself something delicious. Say it again.


'Yo! ’

  ‘That Lucy was rescued? ’

  ‘Forget it! ’

   "Let’s go back to the topic just now..."

'Since that old man can no longer clean up the mess he made, let him retreat quickly and give me the position of chairman, and then I will definitely go back and help you beat those guys. It's going to happen! ’

  ‘Xiao Mila, what do you think of this suggestion, let him consider it? ’


  ‘Mila, let me tell you, I’ve already...’

At this time, Annie, who walked to the bar, was surprised to hear that in a certain magic communication device, the guy called Laxus, at this time, was like her, trying to make a bad old man abdicate and then occupy The idea of ​​the guild president, and still arrogantly laughing in that device?

  嘭! !

   It's a pity that before the other party had time to finish speaking, the angry Miraj punched the communication device and shattered the mirror-like magical instrument.


  ‘Unbelievable! There are such bad people...’

  ‘Is he really still a member of our guild? ’

   ‘It’s so bad...’

   Maybe it was too angry or too sad. Anyway, Miraj, who had not succeeded in finding reinforcements, sobbed and sobbed slightly inside the bar, making the sister Kana hurriedly leaned over to comfort her.


   "Well, let's not trouble her for now!"


After thinking for a while, I felt that I was like that "bad guy", who was all working and not working hard. They were all thinking about the chairman's throne. After being ashamed for so zero and one second, she quickly Throwing that thought behind his head, then walked angrily to the side, took something out of his pocket and ate it himself.



At this time, the hustle and bustle in the guild hall once again started. Some were talking solemnly with Lucy and Naz about certain important things, some were persuading Sister Mila to vent their emotions, and some were busy. Those who are carrying various'strategic materials', and those who are busy taking care of the wounded...

   Of course, there must be some kind of heartless little girl who is eating and drinking and not taking what is happening and what is about to happen seriously.




   At this time, after listening to Lucy's statement in the distance, Elisa, who knew why she attacked the guild, did not blame Lucy, but walked towards Annie's side blankly.

   "I want to ask you..."

   "What exactly is the so-called ‘big move’ you mentioned before, can it really help us fight?"

Now that President Makarov is not here, Laxus and Mistgang have not returned, Mira is temporarily unable to fight, plus the wounded... Therefore, it seems that she is the only S-level main force that can be counted on right now. Although Elisa herself and the one in front of her is a bit playful and nonsense, she is indeed an S-rank Faerie Sorcerer, and she has been highly respected by President Makarov in private, saying it is very likely. The little girl Annie is stronger than his president.



   "Big tricks or something, haven't others used it yet?"

"of course not!"

   "Who have you seen?"

   Anyway, Elisa must have never seen it herself. She seems to have only seen the other party use the magic that turns people into small animals and launches sparkling missiles.



   "I haven't seen you use it!"

"I do not have either!"


   "Annie, isn't your big trick to turn people into small animals? That's already very powerful, and even the chairman and the enemy can't resist it!"

   "That's it!"

  At this time The other people who came with Elisa also clamored and teased.

   "It's not a big move to become a small animal, it's just a very common spell!"


   "So it wasn't a big move? I always thought your big move was just that kind of useless move!"

Naz touched his nose. He always felt that the move was the opponent's big move, because that skill has never seen anyone who can resist it, whether it is him or President Makarov, or something else. Some of the guys, even a huge Lalabay demon, were instantly subdued by her moves, and it was really very powerful.

"All right!"

   "Let's talk Annie, what's your big move?"

   Elisa is already a little impatient, because she has to count her current combat power in order to consider whether to continue raids, or arrange to defend against the other party's possible offensive.

   After all, right now they and the two guilds have officially declared war, that's not a casual joke.

   "Big trick..."

   "Please keep it secret for now!"


   "Anyway, it's really amazing, amazing, and fun!"

   Anne doesn't care if it's too good, anyway, she thinks it should be fun, nothing else!



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