Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1365: o(*?︶?*)o People are now holy 1...

When some guys are two or three minutes behind themselves, and still continue to run through the castle passages that have been deformed, Anne has already come to this castle by herself. The most central area is before the control center of the castle giant and the throne of the opposing guild leader.

   Actually, it doesn't matter whether Annie comes to destroy this center.

Because, at this time, because the'Four Elements' have been completely destroyed by her, after lack of the assistance of the'Four Elements', the huge magic circle, the'Purgatory Wave' outlined by the fingers of the giant, The magic that could destroy the whole and all the residents of Magnolia was on the verge of stagnation and collapse, and could no longer continue.


   Annie also knows that although the magic circle has almost stopped at this time, some people still need to be defeated, otherwise, this matter will not be finished!



   "This energy breath is..."

   However, when Annie just stepped into this huge, palace-like office, she couldn't help but feel startled, and she felt some abnormal energy fluctuations.

   "Hey! Hey!"

"Not bad!"


   "You really surprised me... You can defeat my four elements and interrupt my magic in such a short time?"

Suddenly, the sound of light applause quickly brought Annie back to her senses, so that she would no longer be entangled in the rich, strange dark energy spreading in this room. Instead, he looked at someone who was still sitting on the throne-like seat.

   It was a weird man with a weird beard, eyebrows and eyeliner that made her hate, and even a weird lip gloss on her mouth.


  ! o

   "That's the badge of the'Holy Ten Great Wizards'...I see, you are the badass president, you're the bad guy called'Popola,' right?"


Actually, Annie, the guild president, didn’t know him, nor had she ever seen it. However, she knew the silver badge of the "Holy Ten Great Wizards" and the other party’s button on the neckline of the other party. sound.

  Especially the silver badge of the "Holy Ten Great Wizards" that looks like a big button. She wanted to get one out for a long time.

   It's a pity that there is only one bad old man Markrov, and the other person is her own. If she asks her to **** her own things, she will always be a little bit helpless? But now it's alright, since there is also an enemy in front of her, then of course she is confident, righteous and strong to **** it up!

   Because, robbing the enemy’s things can’t be called looting, it should be called ‘captured’? Anyway, that kind of thing is sensible, reasonable, and legal, and it doesn't require a conscience.


   "Listen, little guy!"

   "The one standing in front of you, but one of the'Holy Ten Great Wizards', the leader of the kingdom's most powerful guild-the Great Magus Joseph Bora!"

   "It's not "Popola", can you hear everything clearly?"

   Although he was very upset in his heart, he wanted to rush forward and launch a fatal attack on the little girl in front of him, but Joseph knew that he could not do that.

  Because he knows the other party's abilities very well, knows that the other party has the kind of fairy magic that can reshape reality, change the essential structure of the world, and easily turn a person into a small animal.

It is a disgusting skill that cannot be resisted, avoided, and is very difficult. If he does not want to be turned into an octopus or something like Sol, one of the "four elements" under his command, and then be If he puts it in a bottle and throws it into the sea and can't find it anymore, he must be more cautious, and must keep a safe distance from the other party?

Judging from the current information, he already knows enough. The opponent’s skill called "Wonderful Thinking" seems to have to reach a certain distance before it can be successfully used. Therefore, he has now Think about how to easily defeat the opponent.

   "People don't want to listen!"


   "Shu 黍!"

   "Let’s discuss something together now, how about it?"


   What is the name of the person, that kind of thing is not important!

   After all, there is so much hotness in the world that Annie has passed through, and the people who have met have gone to the sea. Where does she remember so many hot people and so many names? Besides, she didn't want to remember the name of a bad guy so clearly!



"What do you want to do?"

Seeing the other party walk in grinningly, Joseph Paula, who had already stood up, hurriedly flashed and appeared further away, trying to keep a safe distance from him, and then he was vigilant. Asked.

Obviously, he was also a bit afraid that the little girl would slowly approach him by speaking, and then suddenly violent, cast a "wonderful idea" on him to turn him into some kind of small animal, and then hold it in the palm of his hand. ?

"Is such that!"


   "You gave the badge of the'Holy Ten Great Wizards' on your neckline to someone, and then they won't beat you today and let you go. What do you think?"

Defeating the opponent is actually not Annie’s main purpose. Anyway, the'Four Elements' have been defeated by her. Anyway, that huge magic circle, that messy spell called'Purgatory Smash', can no longer be launched. , Then she didn't bother to embarrass the other party again, as long as the other party gave her the badge, she promised to let the other party leave.

   Of course, it's only for today. If the other party ran out to do bad things and let her run into it in the future, she would definitely still beat the other party.


   "Do you want this thing?"


   "However, this thing is not something ordinary people can have... What if I don't give it?"

   was stunned, and looked down at the silver badge on his neckline, which represents the highest honor of this continent, and Joseph Paula directly grinned and snorted.

   He is a little bit confused. Now the two sides have not started to fight, and he shows no signs of failure. Why does the other party dare to make such non-discriminatory demands?

   Is it possible that the other party thought that if he destroyed his castle, hit the'four elements', stopped his giant, and forced himself to make an early move, it would be considered a victory? Could it be possible that the other party thought that Joseph Paula, the "Holy Ten Great Wizard", would be like others, just like the "Four Elements". They were just dumb fools?

   "If you don't give it..."

   "People will beat you! Then, they will **** it by themselves later!"


   Annie didn't mean to conceal at all, she directly and grandiosely stated that she was going to grab something and that she was going to turn the other party's badge into her own.

   Anyway, the matter lies in the difference between whether the other party wants to ‘be severely beaten first and then have to throw things away’ and ‘give something without having to be beaten up’.


   "Let's take a look, now... everything has just begun, don't think that there is no giant, I can do nothing with you, do you think you are determined to win?"

   With a wave of his hand, in this hall full of various magic circuits and magic devices that control giants, a magical image appeared, and a huge ‘ghost’ energy giant appeared on the top.

At this moment, it was just waving its huge fists, smashing the station into a pile of ruins with one punch and one punch, and the ant-like guild members around it could only work hard and in vain. The ground bombarded it one by one with attack magic, but it didn't have the slightest effect at all. On the contrary, it was knocked over by its punches, and it was chased by it. Isn't it embarrassing?



   "The house was finally broken..."


   "Forget it! If it's rotten, then it's rotten. Anyway, people don't like that messy broken house!"


I leaned over and looked curiously, and found that my guild’s resident was actually hammered by a monster like an energy giant, and then those companions were chasing away from the opponent and fled and attacked in vain. Anne didn’t care. The ground slumped his shoulders, indicating that he didn't care too much about those things.


   "Dark Shot!"

Discovering that the little girl dared to turn her back to herself and look into the magic screen, she still looked unsuspecting. Of course, Joseph Paula would not miss this opportunity, she was just so shameless. He shot his own dark energy towards the opponent's back instantly like a bullet.

   Boom! ! !

I saw a violent explosion sound, and at the same time the little girl and the ground of the castle where the little girl was located was instantly shrouded in smoke, and the hard boulder floor that made up the castle was blown to pieces directly by his powerful attack. Various stones are also splashing everywhere.




   Joseph Paula snorted coldly when the smoke and dust had not cleared away.

Because he found out, his sneak attack just did not work. At this moment, a green fairy shield is firmly protecting the little girl in that shield, even if his attack just hit the ground. It had to explode a big hole, and it didn't hurt the opponent at all.


   "Let me see, how many times the shield released by your little S-rank wizard can withstand my attacks?"

In Joseph Pola’s view, it is undoubtedly the most stupid way to defend in vain in the face of an attack. After all, everyone’s power is limited, and so is the magic power. Consumes more magic power, just like the previous Elusa, relying on the defense of armor to resist his cannon, but as a result, he was blasted to lose combat effectiveness after a single shot?

   If a guy like that rushes to his office intact, it will definitely make him feel very troublesome and a headache!

   "Phantom Arrow!"

Seeing the little girl still standing there gracefully, Joseph Pola unceremoniously released the ghostly black energy arrows, making them blast towards the little girl who still didn’t move. go with!

   Boom! boom! boom!

   A steady stream of explosions and violent vibrations began to continue on the top of the castle's core, and soon filled the place with smoke.


   "Damn it!"

   "What kind of shield is yours, why hasn't it changed at all?"

"This is impossible!"

   bombarded nearly a hundred times in a very short period of time, and found that the other party's shield was still in good condition without any change. Finally, Joseph Paula's face was a little moved.


   "It seems that if the shield has been used all the time, it is indeed suspected of cheating...Okay! Then people don't need it!"

The shield is maintained by magical power, but my own magical power is endless. It must be impossible compared to a certain'Lulu', so I feel that it is really not good for me to do this. Annie, rarely, when the smoke gradually dissipated, she generously disbanded her unbreakable fairy shield, and exposed herself directly to the dark death energy that was filled with smoke and dust. In the air.


   "Less look down upon people!"

   "Little guy, you are trying to kill yourself!!!"

Never thought that the other party would innocently want to fight him fairly, and like an idiot, he would lift the shield that he hadn't thought of a way to crack for the time being. Joseph Paula was surprised and happy, why would he give up that kind of thing? Great opportunity?

   So, he made a decisive move and directly a ‘dark spiral’, a shock wave that turned the dark energy into a spiral and directly bombarded the innocent little girl.

   rumbling rumbling...

Smoke, explosions and loud noises, as well as the movement of the shaking mountains, once again noisy, and this time, Joseph Paula’s attack was so strong that he directly moved his own castle from the inside to the outside. The top part blasted halfway open, so that all the buildings behind Annie's place just now were blasted down.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Good, so powerful energy! ’

  ‘Who is that fighting the enemy there? ’

  ‘It must be Naz and the others! ’


  ‘Who will be attacked? ’

'do not know……'

  ‘I hope it’s not our side. ’

On the embankment, before the guild station was completely destroyed and razed to the ground, the guild members who had not fallen were still fighting for their lives and were fortunate to be able to see the loud noise from the top of the castle giant standing on the distant bay. And the billowing smoke.

   Of course, there must be that huge damage gap that was blasted out.


What everyone, and Joseph Paula himself did not expect, was that after his attack, a certain little girl who was clearly defensive and did not evade, was still holding her plush toy bear standing in the original place. Land?


   "No, this is impossible!"

   "How could you be okay?!"


   "What the **** are you?!"

   Joseph Paula exclaimed, taking two steps back in confusion.


  Ε=)) alas

   "What kind of attack do you use is not good, but you use the distorted shadow energy... Don't you know that people have already started playing shadows before they started learning magic?"


Yes, Annie is called the'Daughter of Darkness'. Before she started playing with fire, the shadow energy that existed from the moment she was born has been with her, so ah, the other party chose to use that kind of distortion Attacking her with the power of death from the shadows was really even more stupid than someone who burned her with fire!

   Anyway, she would definitely not be hurt by the kind of ‘dark energy’ that Amorim’s mother has never allowed her to use indiscriminately.


"you're lying!!!"

   "I am the most powerful. I will wipe out your guild station, all of you, so that the fool Makarov wakes up and finds that everything he treasures has been destroyed by me!"

   "I want him to be in extreme sadness and self-blame, and after he has tasted despair, I will destroy him!"

   "I will make you and your fairy tail no longer exist in this world!!"

   Maybe he didn't want to believe it, maybe he was scared, maybe he didn't dare to bear the consequences of failure?

Anyway, at this moment, Joseph Paula was yelling hysterically, and at the same time, as soon as he raised his hand, he blasted all his powerful attacks at the place where the little girl was. .

  Darkness erodes!

   Soul swallowed!

   Dark energy and two giant black ghosts spread towards the little girl, trying to torture her and devour her soul and magic.

at the same time……

   Dark combo! !

  Dark beam! !

   Boom! boom! boom! boom! boom!

Countless black and purple light beams blasted towards the little girl continuously, causing the entire giant and the outer walls of the castle to blast and vibrate violently again, and countless boulders and bricks began to fall off continuously, causing the whole The giants began to make wailing noises.

  Death Storm! ! !

At last!

   Joseph Paula, who felt a little unsafe, also used his strongest magic. His hands began to gather a large amount of dark power, generating a super powerful dark shock wave, and suddenly blasted towards the little girl.

   rumbling rumbling...

   After a while of shaking the mountain and a huge black explosion, the entire castle and Joseph Paula himself have been ruined in disarray.

'Humph! ’

  ‘I won’t play with you anymore! ’

'what! ’

  ‘You still want to run? ’

  ‘Don’t you know...’

  ’Are people very, very, very acquainted with space spells? ! ’

  ‘Tibbers, he is over there! ’

  ‘Quick! ’

  ‘Shining spear! ! ’

   In the diffuse smoke, a little girl’s cheerful voice sounded, and then...

   Then with a dull sound, much smaller than those earth-shattering explosions just now, after a muffled sound like a blast, there is nothing more then.

  ’! ! ’

  ‘Annie! ’

'we are coming! hold onto! ! ’

'what! ’

  ‘What about the enemy, the enemy? ’

'Well? ’

  ‘You are all here too? ’

'what! ’

  ‘Ai, Elisa, why are you here too? ’

When Naz, Gray, Elfman, Hobby the cat, and a certain Elisa who was clearly injured but had to drag the injured body to come here, coincidentally rushed to this'in time' to this place. When they were overturned and exploded, leaving only a hall floor in the hall, all they saw was a pair of white and tender calves dangling, sitting on a throne that was still intact, playing with a big It's just a little girl with a button badge.

As for a certain culprit, the president of that, Joseph Paula, the hair on the back of his head had already been blown out, and he was still smoking, so he faced the ground, **** up, lying motionless. In the pile of rubble formed by the broken eaves, I don't know whether it is alive or dead.

'children! ’

  ‘Don’t worry, I’m here! ! ’

Haven't waited for the dumbfounded Naz and Elsa to say something, a stunner, wearing a white and gold cloak, slowly fell from the sky in a golden light, the bald and thin, bad old man finally came Late.



   "Who can tell me what happened here?"

Looking at the left and right children intact, and then looking at an old adversary who is lying face-to-face in the rubble and posing in an ugly posture, UU Reading Makarov can't help feeling a little for a while. Was frightened.

You know, he rushed here as soon as his magic power was restored. He was still a little worried about whether he would be Joseph Pola's opponent just after he recovered, and he wanted to use the'fairy' at all costs. How can I think about the law? Now, it seems that even Joseph Paula, who is a little jealous of himself in his heyday posture, has been knocked to the ground?

   How could that be possible...

That's one of the "Holy Ten Great Wizards", even Elsa, it would not be the opponent's opponent, but...the facts are in front of him, making him even if he doesn't want to I believe it can't be done.



Elsa, Gray, Naz, Elfman and Hobby the cat just looked at each other. Look at me and I look at you. No one can answer President Makarov’s question, so they had to go together. He cast his gaze on a certain little girl who was sitting on the'throne' and was pinning the silver badge on the neckline of her skirt.


   "Look at it! Now, they are also the top ten holy wizards!"




Annie proudly stood directly on the throne, and then made her head upright, and on her neckline, there was the big button-like button, which was just snatched by her...No, it was just by her. Captured, and wipe the bright trophy-the silver cross badge of the Holy Ten Great Wizard.



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