Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1380: The Q(`⌒?Q) final begins!


() Hey! Standing on the huge arena of the finals, looking at the clear sky and blowing the mild warm wind, Annie, who was patiently waiting for her opponent to take the stage, felt very comfortable.

Because, in the end, she still failed to face the fierce Elisa, and was directly declared by the referees to win and successfully entered the finals. She was only one step away from winning the throne of the president. Far away.

And the reason why the ferocious Elisa abstained and gave up was because...


I don’t know what’s going on. The other party suddenly started to have stomach troubles. They ran back and forth to the bathroom frequently. After tossing back and forth several times, at the end, they were a little faint when they walked. After the frogman referees asked and confirmed, In the end, the opponent still failed to hold on to the start of the game, so sadly, amidst her "innocent" and "surprised" greetings, she took the initiative to admit defeat and withdrew from the game in frustration.


Anyway, Elisa definitely didn’t know. The potion she drank was definitely not because Gray didn’t control the magic, but because a nasty little girl instigated her little bear, secretly taking advantage of no one’s attention. Something was quietly added to some kind of potion that I wanted to "cheat".

In fact, not only Elisa's, even Miraj's were added!

But it’s a pity that the fellow Miraj failed to advance and was directly defeated by the nasty scarhead Laxus. So, fortunately, sister Mira didn’t have to suffer like Elisa. Some suffering.

"you are here?"


"Ge, Gray! Look at what you did!"

On a balcony on the third floor of the "Fairy Tail" guild station, her face was a little pale and her footsteps were a little vacant. She looked aggressive, but she was weak when she said it. Finally found someone with a naked torso. The guy questioned.

"Didn't you say that the ‘Ice Ring’ potion is safe, but why did my stomach hurt severely after drinking it, and then..."

Before she finished her words, Elisa suddenly changed her face, and then she had to bow her body slightly, while her left hand also subconsciously covered her lower abdomen.


"Elisa, are you okay?"


Seeing Elisa's movements, Lucy, Miraj, and a certain cat Hobby who were present gathered around and asked with concern.


"Cut! I drank it too, I didn't feel anything, it was just like acupuncture, Shinobu passed away, Elsa, you are so weak!"

At this time, Naz was of course also here.

Then, when he knew that Elisa had also drunk the potion and then had to surrender and surrender, he ridiculed and ridiculed.


"Naz, don't talk about it!"

"We are different from you, the Dragon Slayer! You can't even eat fire or the crystal of the magical spirit power. Can Elisa be like you?"

Lucy herself didn't know the reason, so she had to scold Naz while carefully excusing a certain Gray who was at a loss next to Elisa.


"Is the situation really that serious?"

After Milaj on the side supported Elisa, he asked with some fear.

She still kept the potion, and she didn’t have time to use it, but...fortunately, she didn’t have the opportunity to use it. Otherwise, she would be as strong as Elisa. How miserable it is!

But not necessarily.

Because, if she becomes a'Satan' posture, she will have a fairly high immunity to toxins, and can even absorb the toxins from the outside world and transform it into her own strength. Therefore, it is possible that there is no Elisa now. So bad?


"I won't tell you so much..."


"Don't you want to say something?"

To be honest, if it weren’t for Elisa’s weakness and her belly tumbling a little, she would have kicked the gloating Naz away, and then grabbed Gray’s collar to question the cause of the viciousness. Up.

Naturally, since the other party is shirtless now, can you just grab the neck?


"I, I really don't know!"


"Elisa, I swear! I don't know why you would be like this after drinking..."

Gray was somewhat innocent, directly waving his hands and trying to defend.

"At that time, I was the first to drink it after it was done. It just felt a little bit of acupuncture. Naz had also experienced it, and he was fine!"

"As for you..."

While speaking, Gray suddenly stopped talking.

Because he suddenly remembered that it was okay to drink it because he was very resistant to cold, so the only way the "Ice Ring" hurt himself was.

And it’s okay for Naz to drink it, because Naz’s physique is very different from that of ordinary people. As for Elisa... it’s really probably because he didn’t think thoroughly before, so that the medicine had some unexpected side effects For the sake of it?

However, it is too late to say anything.

"very sorry!"

"Elisa, maybe I really didn't think about it..."

"This is indeed my responsibility!"

Thinking about it now, that medicine did have a great impact on them.

Not only did it not make the one of them who faced the little girl successfully resist the other's spells, but it also turned out a worse result, causing them all to have troubles because of the medicine...

First, Naz was ordered to retire because of a blatant violation, and then Elisa had to voluntarily surrender because of a problem with her physical condition...So and this, it completely violated their original intention of researching the medicine.

If you knew this was the case, it would be better not to prepare!

Well now, Naz and Elsa, who were most likely to make it to the finals, went wrong because of their cleverness. This was indeed quite unexpected.


"Forget it!"

"Perhaps... Laxus is really the chosen son of heaven, and the position of president is destined to be his only?"

Looking at Gray who was frustrated and annoyed, Elisa opened her mouth. In the end, she still couldn't say the harsh words brewing before coming here. Instead, she sighed like that. After Lucy and Miraj With support from him, he carefully sat on a chair aside.

This is the end of the matter, and it is useless to hold accountable. What else can they do besides accepting the upcoming results?


"This is really something I didn't expect..."

Gray lowered his head again.

Because he really didn't expect that the medicine would have different effects on different people after drinking it...If he knew that was the case, he should have studied the medicines for external use at the beginning.

"Forget it..."

Elisa, who was barely sitting on the guardrail, waved her hand, not intending to talk more about that matter.


"Don't be so depressed!"

"at least……"

"We still have little Annie, don't we? She has been arguing to be the president since the day she joined the guild. This time, maybe let her succeed?"

"If it were her, she should be a little better than Laxus, right?"

Seeing the gloomy looks of Gray, Elisa and Miraj in front of them, Lucy on the side hurriedly cheered everyone up.

"we all know!"

"That fellow Annie, she will definitely not be in charge. When the time comes, I guess it will be Miraj. You and Chairman Makarov are responsible for helping and coordinating the union. Then everything here is still business as usual. Is it good?"

The more Lucy thought about it, the more she felt right, that it was actually quite good, at least a little bit better than the guy Jean Laxus?

Anyway, she would definitely not tell these friends in front of her that she had spent almost all the money and spent tens of thousands of dollars on the lottery that Annie won. As long as the other party wins another game, she will That's why I can get the windfall of at least millions of J.

Besides, as far as she knows, the cat flying in the air, Hobby, actually bought a lot, maybe there are about 10,000 J?

Like her Lucy, Hobby had some foresight and a little savings. It was not like that fellow Naz, who was so poor that he couldn't get rid of the pot, so he knew that he would spend money on credit in the guild and eat and drink everywhere.

"You mean Annie?"

"just forget it……"

"Don't talk about her..."

After taking a look in the distance, Elisa sighed, obviously not very optimistic about a little guy.

"I also think it is unlikely that Annie will win..."

"You didn't face Laxus, so you don't know how strong and determined he is... I was just a little scared by him, and then I had to give up and let him win directly."

Thinking of the previous matchup between himself and Laxus, Miraj couldn't help but smile.

She could see that Laxus was really willing to fight, the will to fight and the serious attitude, the fierce attitude of defeating the opponent at all costs, but it is definitely not the little Annie who only knows to play all day, basically nothing. The little guy who has fought can be compared.

Unless Anne's ‘wonderful ideas’ that can reshape reality and change the essential structure of the world can restrain Laxus, otherwise, she really can’t see how much hope the little guy has to win.

It’s just that even they thought of the way to'restrain' the opponent’s transformation spells at the beginning. It is impossible for Laxus to be unprepared. Therefore, the result of the next final that will begin soon is very likely. It is already doomed.


"Is it impossible?"

Lucy was obviously unwilling and didn't think that she didn't want a little guy to lose the game.

"Annie is amazing!"


"You have also seen that in the quarter-finals, Annie directly won against Naz! And the quarter-finals were the same. Elisa still failed to hold on to the start of the game. In this way, Anne almost didn't waste any magic power. , Isn't it?"

"On the contrary, it is the guy from Laxus. He first fought with Mistgang, and then with Miraj for nearly half an hour. He is definitely not in good shape now. What is he going to compare with Annie? "

"Although it has not been formally certified, President Makarov himself has already admitted that Annie is indeed an S-rank wizard, that is unequivocal!"

"How can Annie lose when she is also an S-rank Sorcerer?"

Lucy started fighting for reasons, and the analysis was excellent.

In short, for the sake of my little money, I don’t have to eat like a guy named Naz for the next one or two years. Lucy hopes that the little guy will win anyway. !

At the same time, she was quite sure that the worried cat next to her must have the same idea as her.

"Lucy, it would be nice if it really analyzed it with you."


"It's not like that, Laxus..."


"Has it started?"

Miraj could not go on, because she found that Laxus appeared on the beyond-horizon magic interface in front of their group of people, and the referee was also beginning to make the final preparations, which was obviously the final The finals will begin soon.

Therefore, she felt that she was a little pale and weak in saying everything now, so she had to stop, holding a complicated mood, standing next to her companions, waiting for the final result that was coming.

Unlike Lucy’s attitude, Miraj was the one who wanted to see Elisa and Laxus face up and win, but now...Anyway, the two guys on the court, no matter who wins in the end, She felt that it was not a good thing for their "Fairy Tail" guild.

If Laxus wins, once the opponent really implements the harsh and so-called elite strategy, it will definitely arouse strong confrontation within the guild, and the guild will have to be torn apart in the end!

And if a little guy wins...

Although there won't be any major changes in a short period of time, God knows how much trouble the other party will cause to the guild in the end!

That kind of thing, she now feels a little headache just thinking about it, so that she can't bear to watch the battle scene that is about to begin.


"Come on!!"

"Defeat that Laxus!"


"Yes! Go on!"

Lucy and Hobbit didn’t think as much as Miraj’s, so they got to the front, watching the magical picture that narrowed the visual range, and at the same time giving a distant view to someone on the huge ring on the sea in the distance. The little guy cheered loudly, regardless of the fact that the other party couldn't hear it at all.



At this time, Annie finally saw her opponent.

She saw that Laxus, who was still in bandages in many places, walked onto the field without saying a word, and stood still at a place that was clearly within her casting range, just so straight. Staring at her silently.

"Look at you, you are injured, and the magic has not fully recovered, so, do you really want to fight others?"


"Or, if you think about it, just give in, then people won't beat you, what do you think?"


Before the game started, Annie quickly began to persuade the other party with words, hoping that the other party would be more acquainted, and just like a certain Elsa, directly surrendered so that she could easily win the final victory.

After all, no matter whether you fight or not, the victory is definitely, and it can only be hers. It's better to just fast forward a bit and save each other a little trouble!


However, Laxus didn't pay attention to her at all, and stared at her silently, with a cold and fierce light in his eyes.



"You guy, the magic power on your body hasn't been recovered, and the injury doesn't seem to be light, you must be unable to beat it!"




"They are very strong, even if you are not injured, even if your magic power is doubled, you will definitely lose!"


Yes, forget it if you are not serious. Once Annie gets serious, even if she doesn't cheat or use more power, the guy in front of her will definitely not be able to beat her.

She said she was very sure, affirmative, and sure about that kind of thing!


(● ̄ ̄●)


It's a pity that Laxus still didn't speak, so he stood not far away and stared at her without saying a word, until a certain frogman referee flew over while sitting on a magical levitating device.


‘Congratulations to the two contestants for entering the finals. Now, please listen to my password! ’

The frogman referee sitting on some kind of small floating flying magic moving platform saw that Anne and Laxus were both ready, suddenly raised the small starting gun in his hand, and raised the distance. While reminding Annie who still wanted to say something, motioned her not to speak any more.

Then, seeing the little girl calm down in anger, she began to raise her cute brows and made some preparations before he nodded in satisfaction, and raised the starting gun in his hand to the position to be fired. .

'right now! ’

‘I declare: The final round of the first "Fairy Tail" tournament, which is the finals...’

'Officially begin! ! ’


In the next second, a green firework exploded over the air between Annie and Laxus, announcing the official start of the exciting final!

"watch out!"



At the beginning of the game, without waiting for the Laxus to rush up with a fist full of lightning, Annie was not polite at all, and threw a "wonderful idea" on the opponent, and then reshaped it in that one. In reality, after the magic that changed the essential structure of the world transformed the opponent into a little hamster, she rushed forward happily.

"Haha! Did you get so close? You got it?"



"go to hell!!"

Thunder Dragon's collapse fist!

When Annie rushed to the opponent, she just wanted to squat down and grab the little hamster that was crawling around in a daze and announce her victory, but she was shocked to find that the opponent suddenly recovered under a flash of lightning. She lost her original condition, and slyly took advantage of the chance that she was close and unprepared, and hit her chin with a fierce punch?




``Request tickets''


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