Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1393: o(*`??)o People grabbed it by their ability,...

After a wretched little girl president seized the opportunity to seize control of Nirvana, the crusade launched by the Alliance Alliance forces of the Sorcerer Guild of Justice against the conspiracy of the "Six Demon Generals" of the Dark Guild was finally settled. It was the declaration of victory and it ended perfectly.

Yes, it is victory!

Under the powerful power of the ancient mobile city'Nirvana', whether it is the leader of "Six Demon Generals" or the one with short black hair, red eyes, skull earrings on both ears, and purple lips, it looks like She was a woman, and a guy with rebound and hallucination magic was not an opponent at all.

Although they had tried their best to resist and tried to regain the manipulation authority, they were easily defeated by a little girl with strong manipulation ability with the help of the power of'Nirvana'.

Then, after the battle was over, some guys who always liked to be late and pick peaches arrived late, and immediately arrested and took over the defeated or captured members of the "Six Demon Generals" and their dark guild members. They. Xuan Ling Wu Shen

Moreover, they easily arrested a large group of prisoners without doing anything. It's not a big deal. They still want to get involved in the ‘big toy’ that a little girl finally snatched up?



So, of course, in the audience hall of the ruins of the ancient city of Nirvana, Little Annie clashed with the army of the so-called new magic council and certain officers, and she was about to fight inwardly.

‘I warn again! ’

‘Chairman Annie! ’

‘We’re not going to take strong measures against you, so please give yourself control of Nirvana, please! ’

‘For your contribution and outstanding performance in this battle, the Freshman Council will definitely commend and reward your guilds and members. "The Tank Apocalypse has no pop-up window

‘Now that your task has been completed, then, just leave this to us. ’

The female officer wearing a sky blue uniform, wearing a light blue cross shirt, wearing glasses, without any expression on her face, behind her was a large group of at least hundreds of "Knights of Rune" fighters, just like that. A certain angrily little girl and those around the little girl looked at each other, their companions who didn't know whom to help, and said domineeringly.


"Ann, Annie?"

"You also know that Nirvana has always been sealed here. It is dangerous and does not belong to anyone."

"It's fine now. Its seal has been opened. You happened to seize control of it again. Now that the "Six Demon Generals" have been defeated by you, then there is no need for it to continue to exist. You directly pay Isn't it good to be dealt with by the freshman council? Isn't it irritating? "The gun dominates the world without a pop-up window

The former president of "Fairy Tail", who was proud to follow the army of the new council, was ready to show off. The bad old man Makarov had to act as a peacemaker at this time and was ready to persuade his successor. Or, persuade the little girl who has done a great job to accept the arrangement of the freshman council and surrender the control authority of that'Nirvana'.

In Makarov's view, the current situation is happy, and there is no need to keep the'Nirvana' anyway, and their goal has been achieved, and there is no need to use the'Nirvana' like the "Six Demon Generals". Do crazy things, so since the new council is willing to take over this mess, then just hand over this'Nirvana' along the way, so that you don't have to keep it in your hands and make trouble.

"What's good?"


"Why don't you give it to them for nothing that people snatched by their ability? I won't give it!"


That's right, in Annie's view, since Nirvana has been sealed here all the time and does not belong to anyone, then, if she grabs it, it belongs to her of course.

"If they dare to mess around, they will go and blow up their freshman council!!"


With that said, this huge ancient city moved under Anne's control, and the city platform on top of the six giant feet could not help but shake slightly, in order to ask the menacing group to come and ask for Nirvana. The officers and soldiers of the controlling new council demonstrating.

'you! ! ’

'you dare? ! ’

Hearing the little girl's threat, the female officer with glasses raised her brows and planned to use force directly to subdue a certain unreasonable little girl with strong means, and **** the dangerous one from the other's hands.' Nirvana's control. Catch the ghost while there is no pop-up window in the middle of the night

"and so on!"


But fortunately, Makarov was still here at this time, so he hurriedly stopped the female officer, and then smiled and told the other party not to worry before he hurried to trot to some nasty little girl who was still annoyed. By your side.


"Listen to my advice."

"This Nirvana, what do you keep it for? Anyway, the "General of the Six Demons" was also defeated by you, and it is very dangerous. It seems really useless for you to keep it, doesn't it? "

"If you have enough, just give it to the freshmen council and let them handle it. You can save trouble, don't you?"

"Let's hand it over quickly..."

In Makarov's view, Annie is still a little girl. Although the other party's abilities are indeed very strong, she can still be a child no matter how strong it is. For a little girl, it is natural to be playful and active. So, some things have to be persuaded slowly. If you have to speak nicely, if you have to insist on it, it will only be counterproductive. Teana's latest chapters

Anyway, in the years when the wild children in the "Fairy Tail" guild were brought up, Makarov has learned a lot about this kind of thing. This is why he has obviously retired, but he is still there. Isn't it because of staying in the guild that you still feel a little uneasy about this group of children?

Of course, the most worrying thing is probably the little guy who exhausted all the means in front of him, and finally succeeded in winning the position of chairman from his own hands.

Sometimes, even Makarov himself doesn't know what the other party will do or what kind of trouble he will cause.

"They snatched it by themselves, and they won't give it to them after playing enough!"

o(′^`)o hum!

"Also, who said it is useless?"


"People can drive it back and place it on the sea north of Magnolia, then move our guild’s castle to the platform above, and then plant some flowers, grass, and birds and fish here. Yes, by then, our guild will be a beautiful floating garden city that can be moved, how good would it be?" Dao Yi has no pop-up windows.


Annie didn’t think so. Originally, she just wanted to be bored and left it here. However, since these bad guys in front of her wanted to take away, she suddenly changed her mind, planned to drive back, and then follow Do what she just thought!

After all, this thing is quite fun and big enough. It will be a little repaired at that time, it must be very powerful and very beautiful!


Take a look at the previous "Ghost Dominator", the opponent has a moving castle and a transformable Gundam! And the "Cyan Pegasus" has the air magic crit ship "Christina" that has become super powerful under her command. Only such a ship can blow up the "Six Demon Generals". It’s even more so if you cry father and mother, destroy an army or a city!

And her "Fairy Tail" guild? Catalog of works of the Lord God System of Traversing

But there was nothing, just a broken castle that couldn't be moved. When someone hit the door, there was no way to counteract it. She had to use people to carry everything. She was already very resentful for such terrible things.

It's all right now, she suddenly thought of the use of this powerful ‘Nirvana’ for waste utilization, just like what she just said, getting it back and decorating it a bit, it is a powerful super killer!

In the future, who would dare to provoke her "Fairy Tail" guild, she would blast at the other party in one shot to see if those people were afraid?


"Do you think so?"

"This one……"

"This idea is pretty good..."

Hearing what Annie said, I thought that this mobile city can be placed on the ground and stand up high in the sky. It also has powerful protection and attack capabilities, as well as that exaggerated city-level energy cannon, Maca. Rove couldn't help but be stunned when he heard it, and then he couldn't help but feel a little moved. Master Spirit Eater has no pop-up window

He is already thinking about it, if they really move their newly built castle to this platform, spend some money on the decoration, and then put it in the sea, wouldn't it be very high-end, high-end, and deterrent? force?

‘! ! ’

'Humph! ! ’

However, instead of waiting for Makarov to continue to think about wrongs, the female officer on the side saw that Makarov, who was acting as the peacemaker, might have been persuaded by the little girl first, so she snorted so coldly, impatiently. To remind a bad old man what position he should take.


"Well, you guys wait..."

"That one……"

"Annie, although what you said has some truth, this'Nirvana' is really too dangerous. The new council must not worry about putting it in the hands of our "Fairy Tail" guild. Dark guilds or people with ulterior motives will always stare at us. This is an endless trouble. Let's not do it like that, right? "Biohacker has no pop-ups


"Shall we quickly hand it over now?"

I weighed the benefits and losses in my heart, and felt that it was always a hot potato to keep this thing in his hands. Makarov, who felt that the new council would not compromise easily, had no other way but to get to Annie's side again and whispered. Persuade.



"Just don't give it! If they dare to mess around, they will even fight with them!!"


"Besides, they are now the president. Here they have the final say, but you have the final say!"


You know, when Makarov was the president, Annie didn't listen to discipline. Now, the other party has retired. When she becomes the president, she can do whatever she wants, and how can she do what she wants? Give it to heart? The legend of the red wolf has no pop-up window



Elsa, Naz, Gray, Lucy, and the magisters of the other three guilds stood on the side like this. Look at me and I look at you. No one dared to interrupt, just staring at a certain The brave little girl confronted the army of the freshman council.

‘! ! ’

‘Makarov! ’

‘If you don’t surrender Nirvana, we’re going to do it! ’

Not far away, the female officer was already a little impatient.

As soon as her words fell, the soldiers of the "Knights of Rune" she brought up even raised the wand-like weapons in their hands, making magic runes light up on them, which is obviously true. They are ready to do something, planning to use their unconventional methods that specialize in dealing with wizards. Online game wizard century without pop-up window

"Come on! You guys try it!"


"Look at others if you don't beat you up looking for teeth!!"


Annie waved her hand without retreat, and circles of magic runes lit up on the entire ‘Nirvana’ city platform.

Under her control, certain functions of ‘Nirvana’ had been activated, and then a series of magical fascination immediately trapped those who were crying out to attack her newborn council.

You know, ‘Nirvana’ is her place now, and those guys dare to be presumptuous in her chairman Anne’s place, do they really think she is a good bully?

‘! ! ’

‘Do it! ’

'fast! The latest chapter of Black Pupa

‘Take her directly! ! ’

Seeing that a certain little girl was still'stubborn', seeing Makarov's persuasion failed, and seeing that the other party was already preparing to take the lead, the female officer didn't hesitate anymore and just waved her hand to let the soldiers start. Arrange, prepare to break through that magical depression, and then go to take down the little girl, and forcefully take away the control of'Nirvana'.

"People won't be afraid of you!!"


Annie is always saying that she can do it, and she likes to do it first!

Therefore, without waiting for the other party to break the magical dilemma and get out of the trap, she shot again and quickly gave her own ‘Nirvana’ some new magical instruction.



Ding Lu

"Annie! You should calm down first too!!"

Makarov hurriedly prepared to stop, but...

He had just spoken, only to see that the army of the new council was knocked to the ground by countless magical tentacles that appeared from the ground in an instant. Then, including the aggressive female officer, soon It was **** by those magical tentacles into a personal meat dumpling, so he fell to the ground and couldn't move, even his mouth was blocked.


Makarov was dumbfounded.


"It's over, it's over now!!"

Seeing that Annie really directly took the army of the new council to subdue the hundreds of people in an instant, he was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground, feeling that the sky was about to collapse. Bring a princess back to modern times without pop-up windows

He was already thinking about whether starting from today, their "Fairy Tail" guild will be expelled from the Justice Guild League, and then formally become a member of the Dark Guild, and live the life of everyone shouting and fighting. ?

You know, in the current Magic Council, the old friend who didn’t have him, the old man, continued to support him and spoke kind words. That old fellow, when he announced his retirement and no longer served as the president of the Fairy Tail Guild, He also officially withdrew from the Supreme Magic Council, and now went to open a restaurant in a small town.

So, what should he do next, he really doesn't know...

Three days later...

Fortunately, what Makarov was worried about did not happen in the end.

Because, the new council soon sent another member with sufficient authority to come and talk to the "Fairy Tail" guild president and some of the three guilds firmly standing on the side of the "Fairy Tail" guild. The representatives of the People's Republic of China conducted a'friendly' negotiation. Bloody battle without popups

That's right, it's negotiation!

They had to come. After all, it was not just the army of the hundreds of new councils on Nirvana who were arrested by Annie. In fact, all the "Knights of Rune" who came to the Vass Forest were captured by Annie. It was caught, not even one ran away!

Then, a certain little girl went as far as she could, and UU reading then drove ‘Nirvana’ into the sea and moved towards the newly built station of the New Life Council?

So, under the blatant threat, the freshman council that was unwilling to form and was broken up was soon forced to compromise, and after negotiating with a little girl and reaching an agreement, announced the following three Negotiation results:

First, under the supervision of the New Life Council, Nirvana dismantled the evil magic that "transforms between light and darkness and controls the human heart". Then, it was handed over to the "Fairy Tail" as a mobile fortress and super gun emplacement. "The guild held it and officially became the private property of the "Fairy Tail" guild. Sword of Slaughter

Second, due to the success of smashing the conspiracy of the "Six Demon Generals", the "Fairy Tail" guild president Anne Hasta was officially named the "Holy Ten Great Wizards"!

Third, the former president of Makarov was promoted to an honorary member of the new council, who can participate in all important decisions of the new council.

Soon, with the conclusion of the agreement, after both sides got relatively satisfactory results and shook hands to make peace, the hapless "Knights of Rune" who were caught and hungry for three days were finally released. When I came out, I went back in such a desperate manner.

Of course, in addition to the "Fairy Tail" guild, the other three guilds have also gained a lot of benefits more or less.

Even the selected members of a guild who participated in the crusade were more or less rewarded very expensive relative to them. Some were honors, some were money, and some were magic items. .

For example, Lucy, she got a lot of Protoss keys, that is, the woman in the "Six Demon Generals" who was arrested and locked up, and the collection of the Protoss Wizard named "Angel".` )゜゜.

? Ask for a ticket?

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