Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1397: ?(??0`?)? Ah! It's better to sleep on a rainy day...

"Ahhh! It's better to sleep on a rainy day!"




"It feels a little weird..."


A sad little girl in her sleep woke up, and then, she seemed to have noticed something wrong, she thought for a long time, then hesitated to get out of the bed, and turned to tiptoe carefully toward the window. Looked curiously outside.



"that is……"



Today, the streets in Magnolia are very quiet and there are basically no pedestrians.

Because, at this time, the sky is covered with dark clouds and thunder is rolling. It has been pouring rain from last night until now. No one will go out easily at this time, even the members of the "Fairy Tail" guild.


‘Kildas should not be wrong, the black dragon has appeared...’

‘There are now three in the "Fairy Tail" guild... No, it should be four Dragon Slayers. It seems that the matter has been said by Polusica. ’

‘The wheel of fortune, it’s about to start turning...’

‘The end of the black feather has appeared, and the end of the era is coming...’

‘I don’t know, what will it look like in the end? ’

You can’t go anywhere on a rainy day. The Honourable Makarov, who just stayed high in the sky on the "fairy sky pavilion" and drinking in the lobby on the first floor of the guild castle, first sighed heavily, and then Then he swept toward the guild hall with his slightly red face.

Due to the rainy weather, many people are frolicking here, such as those young people who sing and dance vigorously in this spacious hall after drinking high.

He also saw: Kana was holding a barrel of beer there, pouring it fiercely, and yelling at other noisy behaviors like a big sister, and that good boy, Lebby, was still working hard. Learning the magic book that records ancient knowledge and words, Naz is sleeping on the chair next to him, Lucy and others are gathering together and don’t know what to talk about, and a certain cat, Hobby, is rightfully pleased At the other female cat who doesn't seem to like it at all...


‘These children, I don’t know if they can survive the catastrophe by then? ’

After thinking about it, Makarov sighed heavily.

He himself obviously gave up the position of president, but now he still has to take care of the president's heart for these children, coupled with the affairs of the freshman council, so that his workload has not decreased, but on the contrary. It has become more.

‘Oh! ’

‘It’s just like not retiring! ! ’

‘! ! ’

'Well? ! ’

Suddenly, Makarov saw Elsa walking in from the outside with wet armor, so he beckoned to the opponent for the first time.

"It's Elisa, come here!"

After the opponent came over, Makarov directly stated his decision:

"Is such that."

"I thought about it yesterday. Regarding the one-hundred-year mission...Since even Kildas can't complete it, just leave it alone and let someone from another guild try it!"

"Let's "Fairy Tail" don't waste time and energy on it. No one of you is allowed to pick up the task. I already said hello to Mira, do you understand? "

Yes, although some things Makarov had already found out about Kildas yesterday, the hundred-year mission was not very difficult, but he was not sure that the dangerous black dragon was still there, so he was sure He doesn't approve of anyone in the guild to touch that mission anymore, especially the team of Elsa and Naz!


"President, this decision is wise, I have no opinion!"

"Don't worry, I will be optimistic about Naz!"

Hearing that this was the case, Elisa quickly nodded.

After all, she had never thought of trying to take on the task bravely, but unlike the fellow Naz, she wouldn't just do some dangerous things casually.

"That's good……"

"But I'm not the president anymore, don't give me that word all day long!"

When I remembered that he was obviously no longer the president, and had to worry about the president's heart for these children, Makarov was full of resentment!


"Where's Annie? Why didn't you see her all day today?"

After scanning the hall, Makarov couldn't help but feel a little strange after realizing that he didn't see a certain little guy. He didn't know where the little guy went wild in this kind of weather.

You know, he originally planned to talk to the other party about the money. Although Xiaomi has already told him and has a relatively satisfactory plan, the other party misappropriated the money that had taken such a large amount of money without authorization. About the matter, taking advantage of the free time today, he must go to have a good talk with the other party.


"She should still be asleep at home..."

"If you have anything, I think you'd better go to her at dinner time?"

Now Elisa, Lucy, Wendy, Xia Lulu, Miraj and Annie live together in a beautiful big house assigned to them. There is a garden around the house, an artificial beach, a large swimming pool and cherry blossoms. Tree, so of course Elsa can tell Annie's whereabouts in one bite.

"That's it..."

"Then forget it!"

After taking a sip from the wooden cup next to him, Makarov with a slightly red cheek waved his hand and motioned to Elisa not to mind, because he just asked casually, and didn't want to find the little one too eagerly. Guy showdown idea.


He can wait for the time limit mentioned by the little guy to arrive, and if the money is still not settled by then, he will go to the other party to have a good talk?

"Hey~?! ’

'so boring…..'

‘Lucy, do you need me to show you a book? ’

‘! ! ’

‘Forget it! Lebby, I can't read any of your books, and I can't read them at all! ’

'Ok! ’

'Ok? ’

'Hey! Rebby, Mira and Elfman are out, where are they going? ’


‘Teaching, church? Go to church in this rainy weather? ! ’

'Yes it is! ’

‘But, why go today? Can't it be another day? You have also seen it, the rain in the sky is so heavy...’

‘Because it’s Lisana’s death day soon, and at this time of the year, they have to go to church. ’

'what! ’

'Oh I see……'

‘But, who is Lisana? ’


‘It’s Mila and Elfman’s sisters. There was an accident several years ago... But Lucy, Lisana is a bit like you, and they are all the ones who have a good relationship with Naz! ’

‘! ! ’

‘Naz, did you have a good relationship with a girl before? ! ’

Lucy frowned, looked at some guy who was asleep in disbelief, and started thinking about it in her heart.

Although, the woman named Lisana had died in an accident, but Lucy felt a little uncomfortable at the thought of what belonged to her once belonged to someone else.

‘Hahahaha! ’

‘Come on! ’

‘Everyone keep drinking! ’

'dry! ’

'Cheers! ! ’

'Hey! Gray, come on, are you scared? ’

'laugh! ’

‘I’m afraid of you? Drink it! ’

'drink! ’


The rain outside is still coming down, the sound of wind and thunder is louder, but the "Fairy Tail" guild is still lively and noisy. Hundreds of guild members just gathered in this hall for carnival. He didn't take the wind and rain outside to heart.

Boom! !

‘? ? ’

'who is it……'

‘Naz kicked the door again? ’

‘No, he’s still sleeping over there! ’

'what! ’

‘It turned out to be our President Anne! ’

‘Mr. President, come here for a drink? ’

'Uh! ’

‘Sorry, I forgot that kids can’t drink anymore...’

‘Ahahahaha! ’

At this time, there was a sudden kicking sound, and when everyone saw that it was a black-faced little girl who was kicking in, the drunk drunks, who were so drunk, teased their new president so unscrupulously. When I got up, I didn't care at all that they might be turned into a loach and then flushed into the toilet.





"You dumb guys, you know hiding here to drink, what's the good thing about that kind of spicy and choking stuff?"


Seeing those guys who are drunk and dare to provoke themselves utter contempt, in the past, Annie has given them a little color to see!

However, she has no time to pay attention to them now.

Because she still has more important and more interesting things, so she doesn’t want to waste time on those guys who tease her will grow up with the tiger's whiskers. Instead, she just turned around proudly and moved to the other side. The Makarov and Elsa and others walked.


"What's wrong, Annie, what's the matter?"

Seeing Annie's face, Elisa was a little baffled.

However, she could also see that the little guy's expression was very wrong, and it was not the same as the previous state of laughing and joking, which shows that something important must be happening.

"It's Annie..."

"I just asked Elisa just now and said I wanted to find you, and then you came..."


"Why are you stubborn?"

Makarov, who was already drunk, took a drink and exhaled a stinky breath, and then asked a little girl who walked up to him with some doubts, and then asked the little girl who seemed to have something wrong with her face.



"You stupid guys, don't you go to the window to see by yourself? You can see the sky and you will know what it is!"


Seeing the performance of these guys, Annie couldn't help being a little angry.

You know, she was awakened just now in her sleep, and then finally made up her mind to escape from the clutches of that nasty bed big devil, and rushed here to warn these guys.

But the result...

These idiots, are they such a reaction?


That is really outrageous! !

"Out of the window?"

"Isn't it thundering and raining outside the window, what's so nice about it?"

With his cheeks still red, Makarov waved his hand indifferently, and continued to pick up the cup and drink, without even taking Annie's words to heart.

"Out of the window?"

"You mean..."

After hearing Annie's words, Elisa still reacted faster.

Therefore, she did not refute or ask, but frowned and walked quickly to the window, and then opened the window, letting the wind and rain come in and wet her armor coat and hair, and then poked her head towards the sky. Look over.


"That, that is..."

Then, of course, at that moment, Elisa was stunned, her eyes stared wide and her pupils shrank sharply!

"Meeting, president!"

"It's not good! Come take a look, something big happened!!!"

Then, after a long pause, Elisa finally saw that something was wrong, and then she hurriedly retracted her body and head. Regardless of the wet rain on her body, face and hair, she went directly to someone who was sitting on the counter. Makarov drank the wine loudly and shouted.

At this time, she subconsciously forgot that Makarov was no longer the president, and the fact that a little girl standing aside angrily was their new president.

‘? ? ’

‘Elisa, what’s the matter? ’

'what's happening? ’

‘What is it? ’

'Let me see……'

'I also want! ’

'Wow! ! ’

'That is? ! ’

With Elisa’s exclamation, think about the reaction of a little girl just now. Those guys who were drinking, chatting, or reading, rushed to the wall where Elisa was. And they opened the windows one after another, poking out different heads to look into the sky.

'Well? ’

'what is that? ! ’

'Wow! ’

‘Gosh! So, that... what is that? ’

‘Someone is using magic? ’

'who is it? ’

"No, I don't know..."

‘The big thing is not good! ’

'Hey! You get out of here, I want to watch too! ! ’

‘Don’t squeeze, there are also windows over there, go and watch it yourself! ! ’

‘Wow! ! ! ’

Soon, exclamations of all sizes rang out, making the guild hall more noisy and lively than before.


Finally, when the wind and rain that came in with the wind and rain wetted everyone’s clothes, heads and the floor, followed by the howling cold wind came in, and saw the panicked reactions of the people, Makarov was already a little drunk. Finally he paid a little attention to it, jumped off the table, and began to walk staggeringly towards the window sill.

"Get out of the way!"

"You all get out!"

"What is the style of yelling?"

"Get out of the way!"

"Old man, I want to see, what is it that makes you so excited? It also made the floor wet. You will suffer if Xiaomi pulls it back later!"

Makarov cursed and walked to the window, and struck with the magic wand in his hand, finally succeeded in driving away a handful of people by the window, and then he staggered to the window and stood there. The cold rain water, towards the sky, squinted towards the sky.


"That, that is..."

Then, in an instant, Makarov's drunken and misty eyes immediately opened in anger, completely ignoring the large drops of rain dripping into his eyes.


At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky were spinning like a huge storm eye. The vortex was so large that it directly covered the entire Magnolia city area, and the electric snake lingering in it was also on top. Constantly twisting crazily, some kind of weird magical energy is brewing in it, and it seems to be activated at any time?

"Ann, Annie!!"


"Go and activate the guardian magic circle of'Nirvana' and protect the entire city!!!"

After a while, Makarov, who realized that the matter was serious, jumped back directly, read the book, and then he also ignored the rain on his body, so his hairs stood upright, and the first time he turned to some A little girl standing inside with her arms yelled.



"It's late! It's useless, the protective cover of the Nirvana platform can't deal with the magic above!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

The ‘Nirvana’ platform, also known as the ‘fairy’s castle in the sky’, can’t really deal with the magic in the sky, but Annie must have a solution herself!

However, seeing the dull reaction of these idiots in front of her, she felt a little upset in her heart, so she didn't plan to take the initiative to foul to resist or defeat the magic, but wanted to see what would happen after it was activated. thing?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



"Shoot the alarm, everyone, run for your life!"

"Elisa, the alarm bell is ringing in the city and let everyone escape from Magnolia!!!"

Hearing what Annie said, Makarov turned his head once again, and screamed at those guild members, at Elsa and the others.

But then...

It's exactly as Annie said, it's really too late to react now!

Isn't this?

With a white light in the sky, the entire world seemed to be frozen in an instant, and then the entire city of Magnolia and all the buildings, characters, animals, and even the "Fairy Tail" guild residence and sky garden. Everything in's was instantly distorted in the white light and quickly disappeared completely.


?(*?)?? Ask for a ticket??(*?)?

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