Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1400: Will your Annie be well? (???c)

   "Declare first!"

   "I'm not worried about you, I'm just here to lead the way!"

"That's it!"

Lucy Asure, the leader of the "Fairy Tail" guild of the dark guild in the world of Adras, the "impersonator" of Lucy in the world of Aslant is just like Naz in front. , Wendy, Xia Lulu, and Hobby led the way, while speaking proudly and stubbornly.

   "But anyway, thank you Lucy!"

   "If it weren't for you, we wouldn't be able to deal with the big frog just now... but it's really uncomfortable not to use magic. A weak animal can chase us so embarrassed..."

"and also!"

   "If only I could wait for Annie before the teleport yesterday..."


   After smiling happily and patted the shoulder of this "Lucy" who is completely different from "Lucy", Naz suddenly thought of something, and then collapsed in such frustration.



   "I heard you mention it yesterday, but who is that guy?"

   Lucy asked strangely about this.

  Because, it seems that there is no such person as "Annie" in the "Fairy Tail" guild in the world of Adras. Whether it was before or now, she is very sure of this.


"Annie is a fairy wizard. Although she joined the guild with Lucy not long ago, that is, with Lucy in our world, she is one of the most powerful wizards in our guild! "

   "Anyway, no one is her opponent. It is said that even the old man Makarov can't beat her?"

   "She defeated the peace alone and scared the freshman council who wanted to bully us. Not only did she solve a big problem, she also got a beautiful sky garden for our guild!!!"

   Thinking of the hanging garden, Naz couldn't help but split his mouth triumphantly.

   Because, since the transformation of that ‘fairy’s castle in the sky’ has been completed, Naz doesn’t have to worry about rent anymore, even though he has never worried about it? But anyway, compared to the previous dormitory in the guild’s residence, compared to the kennel-like residence, the big house that Gray and the others got now is really good, too big, and too comfortable!


   But he and Gray often have conflicts over cleaning issues, and then fight often, and then be taught a lesson by that nasty guy Elfman?

   Thinking about it, Naz could not help but clenched his fist.


"Lucy, our President Anne is very, very powerful. Even if it is Old Kildas, she may not be her opponent. At that time, we probably didn't need to teleport to escape at all. That kind of "hunting fairy" would definitely be caught. Annie turned into a loach fiercely and rushed into the toilet!!"

   Naz is very confident about this, because he once enjoyed the treatment of being turned into a mud loach by the opponent and flushed to the toilet, and since then he can't afford to fight the opponent's desire anymore.

Everyone knows that the little girl is a terrifying existence like a devil, but at the same time it is very reliable, at least very reliable for their guild, and now, knowing that the other party is okay, she came here as safely as him. This world of Adras, then he would be relieved.

   It’s a pity that there was no time to talk to each other and rendezvous at the time, so they were sent by the ‘Fairy Tail’ guild of this world to this place that they didn’t know where it was, so they might have to look for it again...

   When he thinks about that, he gets very frustrated.


   "Are you sure, your president, the little girl president named Annie, was in the forest outside our station at that time?!"

   frowned, and asked the fake "Lucy" in disbelief and worry.


"Wendy and I have seen her. She was about to fly towards us on a leopard with wings, and I was about to go out, but you stopped me then, and then we sent over here. It's..."

   "If only you were slower then..."


   After speaking, Naz sighed again in frustration.

   Finally, a companion from the Aslant world came to the door by himself, but they ran away first. God knows when the next time they meet!

"That one……"


   "Although I don't want to hit you, I still want to say: If we don't run then, we people, I am afraid that there will be no one who can survive!"

   "Believe me, we are not the enemy's opponent. No one, including your guild leader, can defeat that hunting fairy!"

"these years……"

   "Nearly half of the people in the "Fairy Tail" guild in our world have died under the Kingdom Demon Team and the "Hunting Fairy", even our president..."

   "If your president was really outside at the time, I'm afraid it's too bad now."

   Although I didn't want to hit the "Natz" who looked exactly like his "Natz" in front of me, the fake Lucy still said with a solemn expression.


   "You said Annie was so fierce?"


"That's impossible. You may not know Annie's abilities. That guy is amazing. She is not afraid of it. Even people from the new council dare to fight. How could a'hunting goblin' win her? ?"

   Naz laughed directly. Obviously, he was very confident in a little girl. It was almost blind confidence.

Anyway, after getting along for so long, he has discovered that that little guy feels like that. The other party always has a way to smooth things out of the mess that people like them have messed up. That's it. A very magical thing.

   "That's right!"

   "Chairman Annie is amazing!!"

   Hobby also raised his small paw to agree.

In Hobby’s view, everything that their little girl president participates in will always become unexpectedly smooth, and things that only involve Naz will always get worse. For this, Hobby Is very agreeable and determined,

"is it?"



   "Have you thought about it, what if she can't use magic just like you?"

Although I didn’t want to hit these guys, I hesitated and looked at the two in front of me. They are said to be very powerful. They can eat even fire, but they don’t use any magic at all. They even need to deal with a desert frog. For the "Fire Dragon Slayer Slayer" and "Sky Dragon Slayer Slayer" who he helped, the fake Lucy still had to refute each other slightly.



   "It seems like..."

Naz froze, because he also thought of the possibility...Since he and Wendy, and Hobby and Xia Lulu can't use magic, doesn't it mean that their little girl is the president, that he President Anne, who thinks that the most powerful and capable of doing things, may be like them, can't use a magic?


   "What about that one! What should I do now?"

   "Anne can't make magic anymore? How could she not be magical? She must not be like us, she must be able to use magic, right?"


   After screaming and panicking, Naz subconsciously looked at the companion Wendy who seemed to be a little worried.


"I do not know……"


   "Since we can't use it anymore, I think she might not be able to use it anymore, right?"

It’s not long since Wendy joined the guild. Although she lived with Annie almost every day before, she certainly didn’t know as much about Annie as Naz, nor was she as blind as Naz. However, it was precisely because she was not so blind to believe that she could Comment on some things relatively rationally.


   "If Annie can't use magic anymore..."

   Thinking that a certain little girl might have been arrested or hurt by the ‘hunting fairy’ that the fake ‘Lucy’ called, Naz couldn’t help but breathe a sigh of relief at the thought of that terrible thing.

   "No way!"

   "I'm going to find her!!"

   Then, the more he thought about it, the more worried he became, so he made a decisive decision, turned his head, and planned to go somewhere.


"Where are you going?"

   "Of course it is to find Annie, I want to save her back!"

   "Save it? How can I save it, relying on you?"

   "I'm great!"

  嘭! !


   "Look, you can't even beat me, how can you save your president?"

   "You can't save anyone now, wake up!"

   "And it's been a day, she might be dead too, you are too late to go now!!"

   The fake ‘Lucy’ knocked Naz down with a punch, and sat down on the opponent’s neck so that Naz couldn’t get up no matter how hard he struggled.

"Do not!!!"

   "Anne will be fine, please let me go!"

   "Huh! Don't think about it!"

   "Wen, Wendy!"

   "Help me..."

   Seeing that he couldn't struggle, he saw some nasty fake ‘Lucy’ riding on his neck so that he couldn’t get up anyway. No way, Naz had to ask Wendy for help.


   Seeing the ‘Lucy’ who glanced over fiercely, Wendy took a step back subconsciously in fright, and then said cowardly:


   "I also think Lucy is right, no one of us can help now..."

   "Besides, it's been a day. Now let's look for it. When we get back to that place, it will take another ten days. Whether it is Annie or the villain hunting fairy, it is impossible to stay there anymore..."

   Wendy can only comfort Naz in this way, and also comfort herself.

   After all, she really has nothing to do now, because her own sky magic can't be used, she and Naz are just two ordinary people at this time.

   "Damn it!"

   "Hobby! Come and help me!"

   No way. Seeing Wendy's disobedience unexpectedly, Naz had to continue struggling desperately while calling for help from his partner, Hobby.


   "Naz, I..."


   "You are not allowed to go!"

   However, before Hobbit had time to act, he was stopped by the equally fierce Xia Lulu on the side.

   "That woman is right!"

   "We are unable to protect ourselves now, and no one can help!"

   "But, President Annie should be able to escape in time, right?"

   "You saw it at that time. She was riding a flying mount. Although it looks a little small, I can still do it if I want to escape."

   Thinking about the situation at that time, the white cat Xia Lulu could only comfort her companions in this way, and at the same time comfort her herself.

  Because, since coming to this world of Adras, since more and more chaotic memories have poured into her mind, her guilt has become more and more serious.



   Gradually, Naz, who was lying on the ground, stopped struggling.

  While waiting for a while, the fake ‘Lucy’ sitting on his neck also let go of him and stood aside. The two of them just stood silently in this desert.


What Naz, Wendy, Xia Lulu, and Hobby didn’t know was that when they were worried about a little girl and thought that the other person might have suffered misfortune, the little girl was beating a certain with a whip. A big **** of'Elisa' that looks exactly like Elisa, and urges a certain'hunting fairy' to show her the way!



With a muffled hum, she glanced back at a little girl sitting on the back of a flying leopard. Although Elisa Netivoka hated her, she wanted to take her spear back and smash her opponent with a single shot. After thinking about it, I still had to continue to bow my head and lead the way in grief.

   Yes, she failed in the previous battle...

   Moreover, not only did she lose, but she also lost miserably! !

  In the end, when she was forced to desperate and exhausted by the opponent's bombardment, she was about to fight to the death, but suddenly she realized that she was turned into a female monkey by the opponent?

   Then, that kind of endless humiliation...

   Anyway, she doesn't want to recall those things anymore.

   At this moment, she has been tortured by the demon-like little **** behind her so that she has no will to resist, and she has already told everything she knows, and just walked forward with dejection.

   "Hurry up and lead the way!"

   "Slowly, be careful when others smoke you!!"


Sitting on the back of the flying dog, while flying forward slowly, she used her whip on the **** of a certain'Elisa' and waved the magic in her hand like this. The whip threatened.


   "Didn't I say it?"

   "The northeast direction is Luen City, the east direction is Sika City, and then to the east, UU Reading will be the capital of Adras after crossing the strait. Can you just fly by yourself?"



   Before the words were finished, ‘Elisa’ got another whip from Annie on the ass, which made her scream painfully while holding her back.

   "Hurry up and lead the way!"

   "I'll smoke you nonsense again!!"




   "Who made you guys mess up and teleported the city of Magnolia here and turned it into a magic crystal?"

   "So, you can take the road honestly now, first take them to that Sika city!"


   You need to know, if it weren't for her disapproval, Annie might have made the big dog squash this fake ‘Elisa’, which looks so much like Elisa, how could she get alive?

   Therefore, the other party should feel grateful and honored. If it weren't for her mercy, now it would not be as simple as giving herself a few buttocks from time to time.




   "Dear Anne will grow up, the younger one knows..."

The situation is stronger than that of people. I found that I couldn’t beat the opponent, and I couldn’t escape. Nothing, the counterfeit'Elisa' could only continue walking feebly in front of me in frustration, and was ready to walk on a certain way. Fly, but he has to follow his fellow to Sika City in a slow way.



   ask for a ticket

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