Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1411: (???) Things seem to get interesting...

In the first assessment of the "Fairy Tail" guild about the S-rank wizard, due to the malicious misleading of a nasty little girl, many groups have gone to a route completely different from their ideas.

For example:

Philip and Pigusrow met Elisa the Fairy Queen on the'fighting' route, and were beaten down by the woman who didn't know how to release the water, and had to kneel to beg for mercy; and Jubia and Lisana ran into Kana and Lucy in the "fight" route, and then she was naturally summoned by Lucy to Aquiya and rushed to a place where she didn't know.

As for Naz and Habi, they were lucky. Although they also lost, they were declared by Kildas to pass the examination because they were appreciated by Kildas.

However, Rebbi and Gajiro had accidentally chosen a route that did not require any assessment because they did not follow the wrong instructions of a certain tragic little girl president, and they were directly promoted.

Therefore, when President Kamalov arrived at the gathering point of the second level where the players gathered, he found that after the first round of trials, three groups of players had been eliminated, and the next one In the second level, only the five-member team present, namely the five-member team of Kana, Naz, Gray, Reb, and Elfman, are eligible to participate.

Then, the former president of Makarov announced the content of the second game, that is, the remaining five groups of players need to find the first president and president of "Fairy Tail" on this island within six hours. The resting place of the founder, Mébius Viviamílio, is the grave where the other party was found.

Only the team that finds the grave of Mebis within six hours can successfully pass the second round of trials, otherwise, they will be ruthlessly eliminated and missed the chance to enter the next round.

Soon, after announcing the content of the second round of trials, Makarov, who announced the official start of the second round, carried his hands on his back. The old **** was pacing away from this gathering spot, leaving only five groups. The players are in place, you see me and I see you, discussing in a low voice.



Of course, there is a little girl who really wants to participate in my heart, but can't participate. The president is also here, and she sits idly on the knotted tree roots and supports her own cuteness. The rounded chin was in a daze.


"That one……"

"President Anne, do you have any good instructions this time?"

Looking at everyone, there is no good way, and I don't think that those competitors really will give a good way to Lebby, so naturally, he came to Xiao Anni again and asked in a vivid manner.

Obviously, she must have been hoping to find more valuable clues in the body of the messy little girl in front of her.

For example, if the other party asked them to look for them in the west, she would switch to the three directions, northeast and southeast; and if the other party asked them to look for the island in the sky, she would just look for them below?

Anyway, just like the previous method, as long as she and this little girl who is careful and likes to pranks do the opposite, it will definitely have an unexpected effect, just like the cave she chose before. The "quiet" line does not need to fight at all?



Seeing the sly Lebby rushing to find her own ideas without any peace of mind, Annie fell straight down and stared at the other person and didn't speak.

She knew that this guy named Lebby was cunning and cunning, and the other party came to talk to herself again, it must have been bad intentions, she had already seen through the other party.


"President Anne?"

Rebby smiled brightly again, and pleaded again to the little Annie who was sitting on the root of the tree.



At this time, the four groups of players who had just discussed and were vigilant with each other also looked towards Lebby and Little Annie, and raised their ears one after another, and wanted to get something from the little girl’s ears. Value intelligence.

For the other four groups of players besides Lebby, they all feel more or less at this time that the reason why they can advance is because the little girl president Anne ‘correctly’ guided them?

Therefore, if Annie can give some kind of correct advice now, they will definitely accept it humbly.




ε=(′ο`*))) Alas!

Finally, looking at those eyes that were cunning, ignorant, ignorant, or expectant, Annie finally couldn't help but sighed first, and then reluctantly spoke:

"People suddenly feel a little weird, are you guys... all idiots?"


After reprimanding these guys, they made them look at her with doubts, dissatisfaction and inexplicable expressions, then Annie went on to say:

"Think about it..."


"Didn't that bad old man Makarov just said that he will be waiting for you at the tomb of the first president, Mebis, and then he will leave..."


"and so……"


"Why didn't you follow him secretly just now, instead you want to ask? You think, that old guy must go to the grave and wait for you. You don't want to find a way to follow him secretly or follow him, just waste time to discuss And come here to ask people, is this not a stupid and what is it?"

(ノへ ̄,)

While she was talking, Annie couldn't help but cover her face, and some felt a little anxious for this group of inflexible guys... You know, that kind of thing, she just thought of it, and these guys have been until now. She was still ignorant and didn't react, so she didn't know what to say.


"I've forgotten it all!"

"Quick! Hobby, take me to fly over, let's catch up with the old man!"

"it is good!"

"Hey! Naz, wait for me!"


"So cunning, wait for us..."


"Can it be like that?"

"Yeah! Why didn't I expect it?"

"Then, what shall we do now?"

"What else can I do, it's only six hours, go after it!"


Soon, under Anne’s reprimand, Naz and Habi took the first step by flying towards the place where the former chairman of Makarov disappeared, and Kana, Lucy, Elfman, Gray and others also rushed over, leaving only a little girl with her mouth poked, Lebby thinking, and a slightly anxious Gajiro.



"Cunning Lebby, won't you follow?"


Seeing everyone running away, leaving only this cunning Miss Lebby's group, Annie couldn't help but asked a little strangely.

"Yeah, Lebby!"

"A little bit later, we probably won't be able to keep up!!"

After seeing everyone running out of sight, Gajru on the side couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

Because this second part of the assessment does not require fighting, nor does it need to pass the test of so and so, it is just to find a tomb, and there is only six hours of time, without knowing the size, shape, and location of the tomb. Given the approximate location, the two of them need to search an entire island, which is not so easy.


"If President Annie didn't say that, and if everyone didn't go to punish President Makarov, that method would indeed be feasible!"


"Now that everyone has gone, President Makarov will definitely find the tail behind him, and he will definitely take the opportunity to get rid of or mislead those who want to follow him. Therefore, we must not rashly. Follow along!"

After pondering for a while, Lebby still shook his head.

"It makes sense!"

"They just went in that direction over there, so shall we look in the other direction?"

After thinking about it, Gajiro felt that what Lebby said was reasonable, and when he chose the route before, he had proved that the other party's brain was really useful, so of course he did not refute, but was ready to accept the other party's opinion humbly.

"We are not in a hurry!"

"I have just learned that Philip uses the'surgery' to leave a very secret magic on everyone. If they find a place, they will be activated and remind us. Then we can just look for the past. ."

"and so……"


"Chairman Annie, do you really know the specific location of the tomb?"

Rebby smiled and made a grimace at Gajiro, then turned around again, and sat down next to Annie with a smile, and whispered to a little girl who had become wary.

"Don't ask!"


"If you ask again, I don't know!"


"Moreover, they really don't know, they dare to swear in the name of Little Bear!!"


The Lebby in front of her is very cunning, and Annie has fully understood this before!

So, she made up her mind. Later, she won’t be in a hurry to find Makarov. She will wander around the island first, and not only put the'art' on other people's bodies, but also dare to connect with herself. Is this cunning guy with a'surgery style' secretly placed on President Anne's body?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"You are the president, how could you not know the location of the grave of the first president of our "Fairy Tail" guild? "

Obviously Rebby didn't really believe the words of a certain vowed girl, and still wanted to extract some information from the conversation between the two parties that might be valuable in her opinion.

"How could someone be interested in a dead man's grave?"


"I don't know, I don't know!"


"Also! Even if people know it, they won't tell you a cunning guy!"

?( ̄??)???

Annie really didn't know, because the bad old man Makarov had never told her what the second round was. Just like these guys, she just learned the content of the grave-finding game.


"Okay, Lebby, let's find it quickly, this is a rare test that can pass the test without having to fight!"

"If we are found by those guys first, we will fall behind!"



"Chairman Annie, we're leaving now, goodbye~!"

After being urged by Gajiro on the side, and seeing that a certain little guy really did not intend to reveal any information to her, there was no way, Rebby sighed, and then stood up and followed Gaggie. Lu started her search in a certain direction.



Watching the last two people leave and drift away, Annie didn't speak or act. Instead, she frowned, looked towards the sky beyond the island, and frowned to perceive something.


What? What?

"You feel it too, right? Things seem to suddenly become interesting!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)

(Of course Tibbers knows what his own bad little master is talking about, but he doesn’t care about that kind of thing! It doesn’t matter what he wants to come here, it doesn’t matter, after all, it’s a long time. There is no time to participate in the event, it is already hungry and thirsty for Uncle Xiong!

"Let's go!"


Annie jumped down from the root of the knotted tree and patted her little butt. Then, after taking a casual glance in the direction of a certain bush, she didn't say anything, she just carried her little bear. Tibbers, wandering randomly in an uncertain direction.

"Let’s go and see what’s fun and delicious on this island!"

??(′?`?)??? Huh huh~?

With Annie's departure, soon, the peace gradually returned to here...

But then!

After a few minutes, there was a burst of light distorted not far away, and then the figures of Lucy and Kanna appeared.

"Kana, it seems useless..."

"What to do? Rebby didn't seem to be able to ask Annie about the location of the tomb..."


"It doesn't matter, then we can only look for it ourselves."

"Anyway, that stealth card was not wasted, at least we already know that Lebby has set a'surgery' on our body, and we must find a way to mislead her severely once!"


"But... this island is so big, where should we look first?"


"No one went here just now. Let's search the east side. If it doesn't work, we will search upwards when the time comes!"



"Lucy, don't you think that the island above is strange and suspicious?"


"We don't seem to be able to fly..."


"Don't you have a Protoss that can transform? Let it become something that can fly, such as a hobbit, or some kind of flying animal, just just load us on it?"


"That's didn't I expect..."

"Let's go, time is running out, we can't waste it anymore!"




Finally, as Lucy and Kana left, the place finally recovered calm.

However, this island concealed by magical energy and a certain force field, Sirius Island is not peaceful, because there are many powerful wizards from the "Fairy Tail" guild, especially those who have hope. The wizards who successfully advanced to the s-rank have already begun to search this island, and gradually it has become noisy.


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