Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1419: |??ω?`) There is really no fear of death

After half a day, the sea near Sirius Island began to rain heavily.


Rumbling rumbling...

The weather on the sea changes as soon as it changes...

Above the sky, the dark clouds were rolling, the sea breeze was roaring, and the lightning was roaring. At the same time, large drops of rain began to smash from the sky, and began to enjoy all the traces of the battle on the island of Sirius. Rinse it out a little bit.

Under the circumstances of a messy little girl playing and making trouble, not long after, after Azuma, Huayuan Sikar and Zankeluo, he came to Sirius Island to perform some important tasks in Diablo. The members of the guild, Melty, Urrutia, Rastiros, and a certain Goatman Protoss among the powerful "Seven Dependents of Purgatory" were all attacked by Anne by force, sneak attack, ambush, or By the way of being cute and deceiving, they turned into little birds one by one and caught them, locked in her somewhat ugly cage woven with fairy magic.

At this point, plus the big white rooster that speaks only human words and the big yellow dog juggling swords that were captured at the beginning, there are a total of nine angry birds in Annie's cage.

If you add the miscellaneous soldiers defeated by Naz, Gray, Elsa and others, there are basically no enemies threatening them on Sirius Island.

As a result, the members of the "Fairy Tail" guild who participated in the S-Class Sorcerer's assessment were able to gather again and return to their temporary residence. They were attacked when they first stayed together and why the enemy appeared. Urgently discuss countermeasures.



"It's probably like this!"

╮(? ̄? ̄?)╭

Annie said everything she knew, of course, some people actually already knew some things, she just added and summarized it.

After all, now the ‘Seven Dependents of Purgatory’ are all captured by her, and the intelligence and information she obtained is of course the most comprehensive in her own place.


""Demon's Heart" Those guys want to create a big magical world, but also eliminate all the people who don't have magical power? "


"Are they crazy?"

"In this world, people who don't possess magical powers still occupy the vast majority, right?"

"of course!"

"In this way, doesn't it mean that they still want to eliminate more than 95% of the people?!"

"Gosh, it's terrible!"

"How can you do this……"

"A bunch of lunatics!"

"Never let them succeed!!"

After hearing the information that Anne had obtained slowly, the members of the "Fairy Tail" guild who had gone through a series of wars and suffered more or less serious injuries, and then concentrated in the temporary station. Exclaimed.


"This is too unreasonable!"

"Just like my father, even though he is really bad, I don’t like him at all, regardless of the feelings of his family, but... But if anyone dares to destroy him for that kind of boring reason, I’ll I will definitely use Protoss Magic to fight those guys desperately!"

Especially Lucy, whose clothes were a bit torn and her hair was still wet, so she had to put on a blanket. She stood up viciously and waved her fists and gritted her teeth and threatened the non-existent object.

People without magic will be wiped out. Lucy can hardly imagine the tragic world of nonsense! In short, she felt that she must not let that terrible thing happen!


"Their goals are mainly two. One is to completely annihilate our "Fairy Tail" guild, and the other is..."

"The legendary Black Sorcer'Seref' captured on the island?"


"Why are they so sure, Seref must be on this island, have they seen it?"

"President Makarov, what do you think?"

Eliza's face was also a bit ugly. After discussing a few sentences, she looked to sit aside. Although she was treated by Wendy, she still looks a little sluggish in her current state.

Elisa knew that Seref should have died, and had been shattered by their guild many times the resurrection conspiracy, it is impossible to return it now, and it is even less likely to be right on Sirius Island.


"I can't draw conclusions about this..."

"However, what I care more about is..."

"Seref, that terrible existence in the legend, is he really on the island...have any of you seen anyone other than us and the Dark Guild?"

Wrapped in a bandage, Makarov, who was sitting on a large wooden box in the temporary resident, suddenly opened his eyes and asked in a deep and suspicious voice.



"me too!"

"And Hobbit!!"

Then, what surprised others was that Naz, Elfman, Iba Green and the blue cat Hobby raised their hands together?

"I saw it!"

"That's a weird guy with black hair. He even dyed my scarf black with magic. If it wasn't for Wendy, it would still be black now!"

Naz was the first to speak and speak enthusiastically.

"It's true!"

"We were there at the time, it was the first encounter between Iba Greene and I, and if Naz hadn't arrived in time and threw us down, I'm afraid the consequences would be disastrous..."


"That person is really scary, but I don't know why he suddenly left by himself afterwards, which makes people feel very strange."

Elfman and Alba Green also added with lingering fears.

It was different from the desperate fight with the members of the "Devil's Heart" guild and the "Seven Dependents of Purgatory". At that time, when we met that weird person, it was the closest they were to death, and there was still no sign of it?

Now, just thinking about it can give Elfman and Alba Green a terrible feeling of shuddering.


"Habi saw it too. He seemed to cry after seeing Naz!"

At this time, Hobby the cat also hurriedly added what he had seen and heard at the time.



Hearing the descriptions of Naz, Elfman, and Alba Green, Annie couldn't help exclaiming when thinking of something.


"Annie, have you seen him too?"

"That really is Seref?!"

Hearing Annie's exclamation, Makarov, who was already frowning, hurriedly asked a little girl who was teasing the birds and didn't know what bad idea she was making.



"I did come across a weird person. He also has black hair... As for his power, it is indeed very dangerous, but he seems to have a problem with his brain?"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

"By the way! His name seems to be Jeff Doragnir?"


Now that these people asked, Annie naturally told what she knew.

Of course, the dangerous power of that weird person is relative to these dumb guys in front of them. For Annie, such dangerous things will definitely not exist.

The reason why she ran away was just because she didn't want to have too much contact with the kind of weird people who only wanted to die and had problems with their heads.

"Jeff Doragnil?"


"Jerf... Seref..."

"Are they the same person?"

"I do not know……"

"I see! You think, they definitely won't be members of our guild, and if they are not members of the "Devil's Heart" of the Dark Guild, then it is very likely that they are really the ‘Selev’! "

"It makes sense."

"I can't believe that that kind of terrible guy would appear in the forbidden area of ​​our guild, on this Sirius Island?"


"You said... Did he follow us like the "Devil's Heart", or did he live here all the time? "

"Who knows this?"

"But Lucy, according to the current situation, the "Devil's Heart" did not follow us to Sirius Island. Their main purpose is to capture the'Seref', and destroy our guild only incidentally. That's it. "

"Fortunately, they failed to destroy us, but we all arrested them instead."

"Yes, fortunately..."

As they said, everyone couldn't help but look at the bird cage woven from vines next to a certain little girl.

There, a lot of frustrated birds were lying listlessly at the bottom of the birdcage, and with their speeches and discussions, from time to time they cast bitter or sorrowful eyes at them.

"Jeff Doragnir..."

Makarov began to ponder the name, and subconsciously glanced at Naz.

It’s not certain whether Seref is on the island or Makarov, but since that guy, the Hades president, and the Prechto Gelberg are so sure and determined to bring people to the sky. Wolf Island, then it proves that things must be inseparable.

Of course, what makes Makarov even more puzzled is that in addition to the two guilds on the island, there is also a fellow named Jeff Doragnir, and, coincidentally, the surname of Naz It was also Doragnir, plus Hobbi's words just now, which made him think about some possible relationships between the two.

If you add Meester who left and ran to report to the council...

Well, now Sirius Island has gathered "Fairy Tail", "Devil's Heart", the Newborn Council, and the legendary evil black wizard Seref, and so on. So many can almost be regarded as the world. The top wizards in Shanghai gathered their sights and their respective powers on Sirius Island, which made Makarov feel a sense of horror, and always felt that something bad would happen. .


"Regardless of whether the guy named Jeff Doragnir is the legendary Black Sorcer Seref, I now ask you to avoid that guy immediately and not fight him!"

Although I don’t know what is going on with that Jeff, or whether it’s related to Naz, Makarov only knows that the other party did not take the initiative to attack the members of their guild. This is a very good phenomenon. Therefore, He must also restrain his own children who don't know the heights and heights of the earth.

Of course, except for a bad little girl?

Anyway, Makarov has become less and less able to understand the little guy... But, although the other party is always mischievous and often does something nonsensical, he always feels that he should let the other party join "Fairy Tail." And let the other party become the nominal president of the guild, maybe it was the most wise decision in his life?

Otherwise, if there is no other party, he wouldn't know how terrible and miserable their "Fairy Tail" guild would end up just because of today's affairs.

"Have you all heard it?"

After thinking about it, Makarov sullenly, blowing his beard and staring at the guild members who were still talking quietly without knowing the seriousness of the matter.

"Ah! Yes!"

"Got it……"


"Don't worry, sir, we listen to you."



First, I was so scared that the presence of Elisa, Miraj, Lisana, Naz, Gray, Lucy, Elfman and others suddenly promised them, not dare to be in such a critical time. To easily disobey President Makarov's decision.

"However, don't be too nervous..."

"Because of everyone's efforts, now our guild has basically no disadvantages. The'Seven Dependents of Purgatory' have all been captured by Annie. In addition to the enemies you defeated, it is estimated that no one on the island will dare to trouble us anymore. "

"So, the only problem now is that Seref..."


"Regardless of whether that Jeff Doragnir is'Saref' or not, we don't need to rush to conflict with him!"

Yes, in Makarov's view, the dark guild’s "Demon's Heart" offensive has basically been defeated and disintegrated by them, and the council and some guy who is suspected to be "Seref" are not their guild. Enemy, at least not yet?

So, what they are going to do next is clear at a glance.

"Our first priority now is to try to solve the one on the coast..."


"What's the matter with you, Annie?"

Before he finished speaking, Makarov was surprised to see that Annie suddenly stood up on the wooden box and looked out through the canopy of the temporary camp.

'grumble! grumble! ’

'grumble! grumble! grumble! ’

At the same time, the ‘birds’ in the bird cage seemed to feel something, and became excited and looked towards the outside in a certain direction.

"Old man Makarov, what you just said doesn't seem right!"




"It seems that there is another enemy coming to trouble us!"


Yes, Annie saw it. In the distance, a strange guy was walking towards their camp step by step in the heavy rain, and at this time everyone in their "Fairy Tail" guild was here. Therefore, the other party is definitely not theirs, then, there is no doubt that they are definitely looking for trouble!


"That is……"

"Everyone be careful!"

"It should be a member of the Dark Union!"

At this time, looking in the direction indicated by Annie, and perceiving a certain evil aura of huge magical power, Makarov raised his brows and shouted directly at the crowd to remind them.

However, although he knew that the person was bad, he was not very worried.

Because, at this time, all the people in their guild who are still on the island have gathered here. Two guild leaders and two Saint-Ten mages, plus a group of S-rank mages and S-level mages alternate, How could he be afraid of the enemy coming at this time?

Besides, or when the enemy seems to be only one person?



"It's really that guy from the Dark Guild, now I'm finally going to make up ten birds!"

?*. ?(ˊΩˋ*)??*.

Amidst the cheers of a heartless little girl, an extremely powerful magic power was surging on her body, and the rain around her was particularly heavy, like a waterfall that washed down directly from the sky like a middle-aged uncle with a hook nose. So defiant, I walked alone to the temporary station of the "Fairy Tail" guild, and at the same time, at a distance of about 100 meters, he faced a large group of curious "Fairy Tail" members in the canopy across the rain. .


?(?^o^?)?? The end of the month, ask for a monthly pass??(?^o^?)?

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