Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1423: ε=(?ˇεˇ??))) Bah! People...

Night fell...

In the "Fairy Tail" guild temporary residence, Annie, Kamarov, Elsa, Naz, Miraj, Lucy, and all other guild members who are still on Sirius Island gathered again. Here, and around the bonfire, just surrounded the vine bird cage placed on a simple wooden table among them to discuss things.

"Okay, everyone..."

"This is the situation now. The president and vice president of the "Devil's Heart" guild, the seven dependents of Purgatory, and two powerful elites were all successfully captured by us. Most of the other guild members also fled here spontaneously. They basically It was declared that it was completely wiped out by us. "

"And all the members of the Freshman Council, for example, Mr. Dolan Bart and their army evacuated the island in a desperate manner. All that was left was the Seref, the weird Jeff that Annie met before. Doragnier."

"Let's talk about it, what should we do now?"

After introducing the situation, Miraj, the signature girl of the "Fairy Tail", the secretary to the chairman, and the chief of the house, asked with a smile at the companions who were scattered around.

Although the process was very thrilling, but fortunately, in the end, the people in their guild succeeded in annihilating the enemy and crushing some of the enemy's conspiracies.

"What else can I do?"

"Of course everyone set out together to find out the evil black wizard Seref, and then defeat him!"

"I'm already burning!"

"After we have cleaned up all of them, let's hurry up and perform the assessment of the S-rank wizard!"

"Simply let's have a big melee, and the one who stands last wins, how about it?"

Naz was the first to jump out to express his opinion, and still remembered the assessment of the S-rank wizard.



"Hey! Why are you looking at me like this? Is there any problem with this?"

However, before Naz finished speaking, he found that most people were looking at him with that strange look, and he asked in a strange way.


"When is it now, are you still thinking about the S-level exam?"

"Forget it..."

"President Makarov!"

"What do you think?"

"Do we need to fight against that Seref?"

After frowning and reprimanding at Naz, Elisa didn't intend to say anything, she turned her head to their guild leader, the one sitting on the side of the box, staring at the vine cage, especially the cage. Asked the former president of Makarov who had been watching the small cage in the small cage, which was the single "prison" of the VIP treatment in Annie's mouth.


Makarov did not speak, but looked at Elisa and the other guild members who Qiqi looked at him. After watching the group of children present for a long time, he sighed slightly.

"Do you really think that magic is divided into light and darkness?"

"I just thought about it..."

"We have indeed heard the story of the Dark Sorcerer Seref, and even saw all the dangerous magic items he created and the powerful demons, but..."

"Have you heard of or seen Seref, that is, did Jeff himself take action to destroy and destroy the world?"

"There is..."

"Did he take the initiative to attack you during these two days on the island?"

Makarov hesitated, and once again looked at the cage made of vines.

To be honest, if it hadn’t been for the “Demon’s Heart” guild to attack and create this storm, I’m afraid that everyone in their “Demon Tail” would still not know the most powerful Dark Sorcerer, the Sorcerer. Leif is on this island, right?


"what do you mean?"


"President, speak your opinion, we all listen to you!"

Miraj, Elsa, Kildas and others seemed to have heard something in Makarov’s words, so they all quieted down, and while stopping the guy Naz from speaking, they inquired, ready to see What constructive guidance does their former president have.


"Magic, in fact, does not distinguish between light and darkness. Magic is alive and people are alive. Magic is not evil, evil..."

"It's the human heart!"

Having said this, Makarov sighed and looked at the VIP birdcage again.

Precht. Gelberg, one of the four founding veterans who founded the Fairy Tail Guild, had the highest aptitude and strength among the four at the time, and invented the heart of the super magic fairy.

But now, the former second-generation president of "Fairy Tail" is now locked inside, in the name of a loser and a prisoner...

To be honest, Makarov has been thinking about it since he was defeated by the opponent. What made the old white-haired elder who was once wearing a gray robe, holding a magic wand and a kind and kind face turned into the crazy look in front of him?

Is it really just because of magic?

And what makes Makarov most puzzled and ironic is that the once kind elder has become a lunatic who wants to destroy the world, and the legendary strongest, most evil, and most terrifying black wizard Seref , But he was a'good guy' who had to hide in Sirius Island because he didn't want to hurt his life, and even took the initiative to retreat in order not to hurt Naz, Elfman and others?

So, he just figured out something suddenly, and once again looked at the surrounding children and continued to add:

"That's right."

"The human heart is the most terrifying thing!"

"Magic is not wrong. It has not changed, or it has been changing with the times. It can become light, it can become darkness, and even become something else..."

"However, in any case, it is a terrible thing to impose your own ideas on others at will. Everyone has the right to live freely in this world. We will not let others interfere with our freedom. Nor will it easily interfere with others’ freedom..."


"If we think that Seref, think that Jeff Doragnir is evil, and before the other party has done anything terrible or harmful to the world, we will convict him and attack him. if…"

"What is the difference between us and them?"

After speaking, Makarov suddenly pointed to the birds in the cage and asked back.

Regarding that Seref, that is, the Jeff Doragnier whom Annie said, although Makarov had heard all kinds of terrible rumors and even saw the demons created by the other party, After listening to Anne’s report, and after learning that Naz and Elfman described the situation when they encountered each other, he felt that perhaps some of the rumors were wrong?

But no matter what, they cannot decide to do certain things based on subjective assumptions. If that Seref, that Jeff Doragnier has sincerely regretted it, or they have never done something evil. If it’s a problem, just let the other party continue to stay on this island.


"President, you mean, let's do nothing now?"

Elisa understood what Makarov meant, so she was the first to ask when she saw her surrounding companions thinking silently.

"It's not doing nothing!"

"It's just that Elsa, the more difficult problem we need to deal with right now is..."

"What are we going to do with these guys?!"

The members of the "Devil's Heart" guild caught by Annie are really not easy to deal with, especially the "Hades" president. The other party is the founder of the "Demon Tail" guild, the second-generation president, and the identity. Very special, in any case, he must not be easily handed over to the freshman council.

However, if you don’t hand it over, I’m afraid that the council will definitely use this to attack their "Fairy Tail", and then issue various disciplinary measures, and even directly announce the dissolution of their guild or even directly sanction them. What will happen.

"This one…"

"I don't know, maybe we can ask Annie?"

The captives weren't caught by Elisa, and some of them might not be able to beat Elisa herself, so she, who felt that she was not qualified to speak, looked at a little guy on the side who was eating.



"You see what others do, continue to talk about you!"


"I have to finish this first..."


No matter what happens, even if the world is the end of the world, even if the planet explodes, Annie has to fill her belly first.



However, before Annie finished speaking, she suddenly turned her head in amazement to look outside the temporary tent shed, and then looked towards the path in the night.

"what's happenin?"



"Someone is here again?"

"who is it?"

"I don't know, but there seems to be only one person..."

"It's not the remaining members of "Devil's Heart", right? "


"However, their president and seven family members have been arrested, do they dare to come and die?"


Following Annie's sight, everyone soon realized that there was a vague figure in the distance walking towards them step by step.

"not good!"

"I smell it, he is that guy!"

"The guy who turned my scarf black!"

At this time, as the opponent gradually approached, Naz suddenly exclaimed first.


"Yes! It's him! Hobby recognizes him too!"


"Be careful, everyone, he is the weird guy we met, that is, Jeff, or maybe..."


Almost at the same time, Elfman, Iba Gelin, and the three brothers of the cat Hobby, who had seen each other before, also exclaimed and stood up.


"Is it Seref?"

"No way…"

"Everyone, be careful!"


Although Makarov has just said that the opponent is not as bad as he thought, and there is no need to crusade the opponent, but now I see Naz, Elfman and others saying that the opponent is the legendary dark monster. Guide Seref, Elisa, Lucy, Miraj, Lisana, Kildas and others who were present still stood up and prepared themselves.


Makarov didn't speak, so he stood up directly on the wooden box, and frowned to look at the person who had walked to stand tens of meters away from their shed.

Through the light of the campfire, he saw: the other party has short black hair, black pupils, a black robe on the upper body, a high stand-up collar, a pendant on the chest, a long white cloth tied around the robe, and his feet Wearing black boots, he looked gentle, completely unlike the legendary black wizard Seref.

"What's matter?"

"Your Excellency Jeff Doragnier?"

Makarov asked slightly nervously.

In fact, it's not just him now, all of them here, except for a little girl who doesn't carelessly continue to eat, drink, and drink, all are nervous and uneasy.


"Akuno Lokiah is coming..."

Abruptly, the man standing outside, who was photographed by the campfire a little unrealistically, said suddenly.


"what did you say?"

Makarov is somewhat inexplicable.


"The King of Dragons, the Black Feather of the End, the Origin of Evil..."

"It was the trigger they pulled, and the magic and evil thoughts they used to fight you brought it out. This era is about to be declared over..."

The visitor, that is, Jeff Doragnir, said quietly what he knew, just like saying an insignificant thing.

Because, at this time, he focused more of his attention on the little girl who was just like him, who was also a little indifferent to the things around him, and only cared about eating.


"That black dragon is coming?"


Before Makarov could react, Kildas on the side exclaimed for the first time.

The expression on his face looked a little distorted, but it had never even appeared when facing the dark guild president ‘Hades’.

"Great! I knew that there must be dragons in this world!"

"How can it be…"

"Black, black dragon?"

Naz, Jajiru, and Wendy, the three dragon-killing wizards who had an unclear relationship with the dragon, also exclaimed at this time.

Of course, their performance is also different, some are excited, such as Naz; doubtful, such as Gajiro; and the one who is a little at a loss, obviously it is Wendy.

"Black Dragon?"


"I know…"

"Annie, do you have any good suggestions?"

To be honest, Makarov himself didn't know what to do with the extremely powerful existence recorded in the Apocalypse.

He heard what Kildas said, when the opponent was defeated by the black dragon, it was a momentary thing, and the person who could beat Kildas into that miserable appearance in a moment was absolutely powerful. It wasn't his Makarov, a terrible old man whose magic power was declining.

In fact, he now, even a prisoner who is being kept in a cage, can't even beat that ‘Hades’!



"No suggestions!"


"However, it comes as soon as it comes. It just so happens. People think it's a bit boring to catch a bird. This time just catch a big dragon!"

(??????????) Hey!

Annie was not kidding, she was serious!

And ah, she had heard that the dragons in this world seem to be very powerful and very deterrent? So, if she grabs a head and goes back and raises them on their fairy castle, the new council will definitely be more ‘cautious’ when they want to point fingers at them in the future, right?

"How can it be?"

"Annie, don't mess around, that guy is dangerous, really!"

"President Makarov?"

Seeing that a disgusting little girl dared to say that kind of desperate words, Kildas hurriedly looked at Makarov on the side, wanting the other party to quickly make an idea, whether it's avoiding or running away. Anyway.

"People are not joking!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah!


"Children, don't worry..."

Makarov motioned and comforted everyone, so that everyone was not in a hurry, and then looked at the Seref with a calm face.

"Your Mightiness!"

"Thank you for coming to warn me about this news, UU reading is just..."

"I want to know, what exactly do you want to do, and why is it on this holy ground of our guild?"

The black dragon is an imminent threat, but the ‘Selev’ in front of him is the threat that is all in front of him. He can still weigh the lighter and heavier.


Jeff Dolagnier slowly raised his head, first glanced at Naz with a little regret, and then fixedly looked at a little girl.

"I want to die..."


??(??︶`)?? ticket ticket ticket?? (??︶`)??

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