Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1434: Defeat the Demon King Annie

After eating, drinking and celebrating all night with the people of the "Fairy Tail" guild, she finally left that world and disappeared in the blue portal. Anne hadn't had time to think about going to other worlds. After walking around, I discovered another terrible fact, that is:

Because of her chaos everywhere, and her power level was a little beyond the bearing range of the plane, the endless plane world unexpectedly began to have problems again.

Of course, unlike the previous time that only the world she had been to began to merge, this time, it turned out that the worlds that she had never been to all began to merge, and the countless worlds began to move towards a certain common. Do the points collide together?

Anyway, if Annie does nothing, something terrible will happen someday in the future!

Just like...

Big Bang, Big Bang, or Big Bang or something?

Therefore, as a last resort, Annie could only use the method of twisting the rules to directly transform a huge tree in the place where the endless world merged, and then built a beautiful multi-storey small house surrounded by the tree. , And are ready to suppress it here for a period of time, just like when I was with Irene and the others, and wait until the integration of the world is successfully prevented by her before making any other plans?


Annie is now doing something that is countless times better than helping an old woman to cross the road, but others don’t know about it, because, in other worlds, she is now acting as the'invader','causing the world to be about to Characters such as the collapsed demons, the extraterrestrial demon, the different-dimensional hacker, the doomsday destroyer, the space collapser, and more!

In short, other worlds think so!

As a result, the "gods" or "world will" in the countless worlds, or other existences, are inevitably "delivered" (transmitted) to certain powerhouses in each world through various channels. If you want the world to be safe, and to prevent the end of the world, you must first defeat a certain'big demon' at the point of fusion, and then try to save the world's certain'obscure' command.

Of course, Annie didn't know those things, and she wouldn't care about what the natives in the world she had never been to thought or did.

Anyway, she is staying at this fusion point now, staying in this place like a singularity to suppress, and using her power and knowledge to stabilize the countless worlds, and think of ways as much as possible to see if it is possible This "fusion" point is directly dug out from countless worlds in order to avoid the tragic fate of collapse after countless plane worlds collide.

It’s impossible to describe exactly how to do that kind of thing. After all, the number of planes is on the order of tens to tens of thousands of powers, and that kind of weirdness, the reader’s brain capacity is certain. It can't be imagined, so, in order to prevent their brains from being burned out, Annie generously prevented someone from writing it.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Just like now, although she is leisurely staying in the shade of the tree, sitting at a small table, enjoying the afternoon tea served by the little white robot, she looks like she is idle and doing nothing, but What most people don’t know is that she is actually doing the kind of important work of sorting out the entanglement of the tens of thousands of powers of the plane, the complexity and arduousness of the task, what to say. , Almost can scare a whole world of people to death.


Although Xiao Anni is very serious, very hard, very attentive (? ('?`?) delicious)...doing serious things, but others don’t know or know what she is doing, but directly They rushed directly to this space'singularity' through their own plane arbitrarily, and were ready to crusade against her.

Isn't this?

In a certain plane called the Three Kingdoms, after a certain'fairy' has shown interest in the princes who are preparing for a battle in front of Hulao Pass, after the meteor scouts have found out that there is indeed an abnormality in this place where Annie is, he will be suspicious. They stopped the battle that was about to be fought in time, and instead led all the soldiers here to join the formation.

"the host!"

"A **** from the wild world led hundreds of thousands of soldiers to fight against you..."

Seeing that the soldiers a few hundred meters away had already arbitrarily set up their formations. After the pawns, cavalry, archers, crossbowmen, and trebuchets were all in place, Xiao Bai, the robot on the side, whispered at Annie. Reminded her.

"What are they going to do?"


"Sing a big show?"


Actually, there is no need for Xiaobai to remind, Annie has seen those guys a long time ago. She just wanted to see what they wanted to do, so she didn't interfere.


Seeing that his master didn't take those enemies to heart, the little white robot who turned into a maid and stood by did not dare to say anything, but continued to stand silently.


Among those noisy enemy forces, one person took the lead with more than three thousand iron cavalry, and rushed out of the big formation.

The headed guy wears a purple gold crown with three-pointed hair, a Xichuan red brocade robe on his body, a beast-face swallowed head armor, a lean lion belt, a bow and arrow with him, holding a painted halberd, and sits down. Tuma looks so majestic!


"Wu Na Territory Demon!"

"I am Lu Bu in Wuyuan County, so can I dare to fight?"

In the distance, a guy named Lu Bu just relented and screamed at a place more than a hundred meters away from Annie, but if it hadn’t been for a fairy master to explain the situation, he said that the evil demons outside the territory are not to be underestimated. If he did, he was afraid that he would have rushed past it in spite of it long ago.



"So they wanted to fight..."


Annie understands it, but... what she doesn't understand is, in a nutshell, why did they come to beat her? Moreover, she didn't seem to provoke them much, could she send so many people?


"Dare to come out for a fight?!"

The guy outside wearing a purple gold crown with three-pointed hair, a Xichuan red brocade robe, a beast-face swallowed head armor, and a lean lion savage belt continued to clamor and fight.



"Evil? Is he cursing?"


Originally, Annie didn't intend to pay attention to those boring guys, but if the other party was scolding her, it would be another matter.

"okay then!"


Annie is doing very important things now, she doesn’t want to waste time with those bad guys, so, of course, she directly took out her 20mm rod, named "Flame Goddess" I ss-01 special production. The super-strong electromagnetic sniper rifle, without having to open the scope for aiming, directly aimed at the head of the guy named'Lü Bu' from a long distance and pulled the trigger.


After the gunshot, the opponent's head shattered instantly and turned into a large pool of blood spray.


After the headless corpse stubbornly swayed on the horseback, it fell from the horse with Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand.



Discovering that the main general on his back was dead, of course the red rabbit horse was somewhat frightened, and he turned around and ran away after groaning twice.


"The evil spirits are rampant, who dares to fight?!"


"I am the famous Hanoi general Fang Yue!"

"The evil demon is coming!"

Following the retreat of the three thousand iron horses, soon another horseman rushed out under the scream of a certain chief.

"Let you demons..."



"I am..."

Another black-faced man rushed out.

"No time to listen..."

(? ̄? ̄)︻デ═一呯!

"Evil dare?!"

Someone rushed out again.

"Just dare!"


Finally, when Annie shot down all those daring guys with several shots in a row, making them so hard to die, no one in those military formations dared to shoot and fight.




"The evil demon outside the sky is rampant, no one can be the enemy, we just swipe the army and kill him, just take the first level to judge the merits!"

"Great good!"

At this time, the princes did not know who had shouted that first, and then the proposal was supported by the rest of the princes who were a little bit afraid because they didn't know what demon technique the demons used.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Soon, there was a loud sound of war drums.

Then as the flag waved, the pawns began to take their steps, slowly pressing up from the middle position, while the cavalry circumambulated from both sides to cover up. As for the crossbowmen, they were naturally unwilling to lag behind, and they pulled their bows one after another. Wind up, ready to start the first round of blows.



"People are very busy..."


"Xiao Bai! I'll leave it to you to take care of it, and I will go back to sleep first!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

Annie gave those guys a chance, and now they still refuse to leave, and they have to attack her inexplicably, then she really can't be blamed.

After all, what Annie is doing now is very important and very important. If something goes wrong, it will not be one hundred and eighty thousand dead, it will be the end of an entire universe or an entire plane!


"Please rest assured, master!"

Watching Annie turn around and walk into the tree house, and then look at the massive soldiers rushing up and the bows and arrows flying into the air in the distance, Xiaobai robot raised his hand and quickly operated on a virtual keyboard that appeared out of thin air.

Soon, a light blue shield appeared around the big tree, directly protecting it and the entire tree inside, so that those arrows could only be bounced away in vain.

Then, a portal appeared, and a round body with four large missiles on its back, with some kind of anti-magic patterns engraved on it, with two powerful and long legs, and a large-caliber revolving solenoid on both hands. The gun robot appeared inside this shield.

"Little fat!"

"Destroy them!"

That's right, it is the special-purpose robot designed by the Academy of Sciences of the Hero Federation that has an attack range that is significantly smaller than the explosion radius.

Its identification code is "Eamon Destroyer" and its nickname is "Naughty Fatty". The current production quantity is unknown, and the expanded model is also an undisclosed secret.

'beep! beep! ’

‘Target has been identified! ’

‘The space shield is open! ’

"Super Ivan is ready..."

'emission! ’


Soon, an unremarkable rocket flew out of the shield, and then the next second...

The endless bright light lit up, and the whole world became a vast expanse of whiteness.

This space merges here, and only the dense and strong tree inside the space shield and the tree house, as well as a maid under the tree, and a chubby'little fat' robot are still standing there. .

For a long time, when the white light dissipated, and when the place was restored to its original state again under some magical rules, the troops who attacked Annie, an extraterritorial evil demon, were already dead, as if they had never been in this world. Appeared in general.

As a result, in this plane belonging to the'Three Kingdoms', as the Eighteenth Route princes and Dong Zhuo were all annihilated by the evil demon outside the sky, the world settled down instantly.

Then, with the assistance of some ministers and ministers, Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty finally gradually regained control of the government.

More than a decade later, the Han Empire was rejuvenated again, and the fortune of the country was able to stretch for more than 300 years again...

However, Annie didn’t know about that kind of thing, and didn’t want to know, because the plane she was suppressing was too much, too much, and she was not in the mood to care about so much, even a certain one was hiding far away. Here, in another plane, peeping at the battle just now, the slime, who looks chubby and funny, didn't even care about it.


"too frightening…"

"If you don't agree, you will throw a nuclear bomb, and the individual's own strength cannot be analyzed and identified. She really deserves to be the real devil!"

"Forget it!"

"Although I think I'm already very good, UU read www.uukā, but in the face of that kind of existence, I should devour other things first, and try again when I become stronger..."

"It's decided, this demon king is not easy to deal with. Let people from other worlds first attack her. Anyway, the world doesn't immediately collapse and perish, or wait and see?"

It didn’t take long before I saw the tens of thousands of troops on another plane vanished into ashes, and because he was on a different plane, he was lucky enough to not be affected by a certain chubby slime named Limru Turnpest. Mu Bian flew away from this plane fusion point and returned to its original world.


(*?▽?*) Monthly ticket, recommended ticket...

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