Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1438: (^_?)☆True gods in the world of swordsmanship (2)

Annie gave Li Xiaoyao the 10 cm cube, weighing approximately 19.32 kilograms, and having a purity of one hundred molecules of 99.999...99, according to the one-jin approximation of this era. Calculating the weight of 600 grams, after there are about 30 kilograms of golden gold, she will naturally become the super VIP and the most, most, most, most, most, most popular in this fishing village inn. Distinguished guests.

Now she just wants to eat what she wants, what she wants, and stay as long as she wants to live. She has people serving tea and water at twelve hours a day, and she is on call, the kind of service that guarantees quality and quantity.

Anyway, Annie is really satisfied with her stay these days.

And Annie also discovered that after the piece of gold was confiscated by Aunt Li and she claimed to have kept it, she gave Li Xiaoyao a few more daughters-in-laws, and worked hard to spread the branches and leaves for the old Li's house, and that Aunt Li no longer cares about Li Xiaoyao.

Basically, why does he love to go?

Even if you sleep until noon, even if you go for a dog-fighting all day long, or all day you know how to practice the wooden sword swordsmanship of ‘No sword is better than a sword’, that aunt doesn’t care about it!

Because ah, Aunt Li is just thinking about making good food all day long, trying to get someone somehow stranded in their small fishing village, stranded in her little ancestor in her inn, that is, Annie, who doesn’t know where he came from. The little girl served her ancestors well, but she didn't care about everything else, even when new guests came.

In this way, Annie stayed in this inn and stayed there for several days.

At the moment, in this inn, Annie's status is obviously the highest, and under her is Aunt Li, Li Xiaoyao, and finally to that messenger Li Xiaoyao.

Therefore, after being reduced to the bottom of the poor and oppressed for several days, Li Xiaoyao finally made up his mind. On today’s dark and windy night, he sneaked into Annie’s room quietly and sneaked into the dark. The ground rushed towards Annie, knelt on the wooden floor, and squatted his head vigorously.

"Fairy Master!"

"Oh no!"

"It's the master, please be worshipped by the disciple?!"

In the posture of five-body throwing on the ground, Li Xiaoyao couldn't get up on the ground so much. He held his breath and waited nervously for the response of a little girl who had been basically determined to be a fairy through his observations these days.

You know, Li Xiaoyao is a ghost. At the beginning, even if Annie turned out two water bears to fight in front of him, even if she took out a large piece of gold, but he still didn't believe it all. .


After watching secretly for several days, he found that the opponent was able to fly through the clouds (flying), take a long distance (teleport), shoot objects in the air (manager's hand trick), summon the samaya true fire (fireball technique), and not invade water or fire. After he couldn't even use the laxatives at all, he finally believed it.

And tonight, taking advantage of her tired aunt's chance to fall asleep early one day, she ran to the other party's upper room and was ready to apprentice to learn art.



"What are you doing?!"


At first, Annie thought it was because the other party didn’t want to learn well and wanted to make money and kill her. Just like the TV show, she wanted to catch herself as a pork bun and sell it for money. But what did she think, the other party ran in secretly. Kowtow?


"Master Anne, please accept the disciple!"

"Tu'er doesn't want to be a second-hand in a shop anymore, nor does he want to be a rich man. To be the best hero in the world, to dig the strong and help the weak, and to stay in the history!"

"Master Anne, please teach me fairy tales!"

After knocking a few times again, Li Xiaoyao pleaded bitterly.

He had already figured it out. If the other party didn't agree, he would come to kowtow every night. If he could just kowtow a few heads in exchange for the Immortal Law, then he wanted to come, no matter how bad he was.



Annie just sat on the stool with her feet dangling, not in a hurry to speak.

After hearing the other party's intentions, she began to rack her brains to think...

Originally, she didn't plan to teach the right method, and she still wanted to trap the other party in this inn forever, and she also worked hard to give money until she raised the other party into a fat pig that was delicious and lazy, until she died of old age, and she was so angry. A world consciousness or heaven or something?


Seeing that the other party wanted to learn this way again, she also considered that even if she didn't teach herself, there might be someone who would come to teach the other party rashly in the future. At that time, she might not be able to guard against something, so she hesitated for a while and then suddenly changed. idea.



"Let's do it!"


"Let's talk about it first, what do you want to learn?"


Annie quickly decided that she simply turned the protagonists in these worlds into their own people!


Train these guys up, and then let them do whatever they want in this world, completely disrupt the world, and completely block all those who want to attack her?

Anyway, it is to disturb what was originally destined to happen as much as possible, then knock down or subdue all the guys who jumped out of the mess, and then see if it can affect and change some important things, then Basically.


Unexpectedly, it would be so easy. For a while, Li Xiaoyao was a little at a loss.

You know, he originally thought that he would need three bows and nine prayers, and then toss for ten and a half days, let the other party annoy and see his own determination, and then it will happen!

After all, those little people, and those storytellers seem to say that?

"Ann, Master Anne!"


"I just want to learn the kind of celestial art that can subdue demons and demons, and I also need a little stone into gold!"

For Li Xiaoyao, who wants to become a generation of heroes, he needs force and money!

Because what he thinks now is just to go out and help the weak like his dead ghost father, earn back a beautiful girl like a fairy, and then take Lilacan and Ding Xiulan as concubines. Spanking them every day, and then using the'golden technique' to live the best life without work and sleep every day, or is it the kind of big fish, big meat, good wine and good food every day?

In that way, he and his aunt no longer have to get up and work in the dark every day, and they no longer have to be picked up by their ears by their aunts early in the morning, and they will be able to do great things in this small fishing village in the future. Fu, I think it's pretty if you think about it.



Annie's current spell is actually no different from the fairy magic, and it is even countless times more advanced than the so-called fairy magic that the other party said?

However, considering that the other party is carrying a wooden sword and the flurry of cramping all day long, she probably knows what the other party wants to learn.

"Although Xianshu people also have them, but they are not very good at it..."

ε=(ο`*))) alas

"As for turning stones into gold, it involves distorting and changing the core rules of the world. It will be too troublesome to teach you, and you will definitely not be able to learn it. People might as well give you a few pieces of gold or real gems."


Of course, the few pieces of gold in Annie’s mouth are obviously a piece weighing tens of tons. Anyway, she still has a lot of them, and she often doesn’t know how to spend it when stuffed in a space bag. If the other party really wants it, she It must be sent out at any time.


"Master Anne!"

"Please be sure to teach Xiaoyao those fairy methods that can subdue demons, **** the strong and help the weak, please!"

I thought it was the other party who wanted to shirk his remorse. Where did Li Xiaoyao give up when he saw hope? Therefore, he just bowed his head again and bowed heavily.

He has been in this small fishing village for nineteen years, if he does not seize the opportunity in front of him, it is estimated that he will really be like the carpenter in the village, guarding this broken inn and spending his entire life in the village. That's why he was unwilling.

"The fairy way to subdue demons and demons..."


"But, well, why do you want to subdue demons and demons, **** the strong and help the weak?"


Is Anne suddenly a little strange? I don't know why these people have the strange idea of ​​"destroying demons and demons" for some reason.



"Master Anne, is it not normal for the demon to subdue the demon and to help the weak?"

Li Xiaoyao raised his head with a look of surprise, but he didn't know how to explain it.

"Where is it normal?!"


"The monsters of the other people are very good. The monsters were born to his mother. They didn't kill or set fires or provoke you. What are you doing when you have nothing to do with them?"


"I will tell you..."


Then, Annie slowly told the story she had made up.

For example, humans and demons are living creatures in the human world. To live in harmony, there is no need to take care of them as long as they don’t do evil. Gods are a group of strong men who have found a better place. They want to occupy that good place in the fairy world. , Has been ruling and suppressing the human world, just to maintain the order of the six worlds that is in line with their interests, and his Li Xiaoyao is just a kid who wants to turn over under the other party's'ruling' (pì) People only.

So, it’s okay to **** the strong and help the weak to do good deeds, but there is no need to kill demons. As long as they are not bad demons, then there is no need to be nosy and save time to become someone else’s. Chess pieces and thugs?

In short, it was probably that Annie started to instill some weird knowledge into the other party, and even some of them even said she didn't take it seriously.


After listening for a long time, Li Xiaoyao couldn't help being stunned, unable to calm down for a long time.

Originally, he had always thought that the most exciting place in the world is only the rivers and lakes, because there are swords, lights, swords and shadows, delightful enmity, and long-lasting love, but he did not expect that this world is so vast that there are three ways and six realms. God realm, devil realm, immortal realm, demon realm, human realm and ghost realm, and where he is now is just a small corner of the human realm?

What's more, what surprised Li Xiaoyao was that this immortal master who wanted to apprentice to learn art was really a **** named ‘flaming god’, and it was said that there was a flame **** behind him?



"Consult the disciple fairy!"

However, after the shock, Li Xiaoyao quickly recovered and worshipped firmly again.

"Of course there is no problem in teaching you fairy methods!"

() Hey!

"However, are you really willing to join the flame **** cult of others, and then follow the door rules?"


Thinking of those on TV, Annie began to ask seriously.


Li Xiaoyao is not stupid, so he didn't even think about it, so he nodded in a hurry to accept it, intending to learn his skills first.



"Let's do it, people will teach you fairy tales now!"


Actually, Annie's most powerful thing is magic, but since the other party is willing to learn the magic, then she will teach it!


As she said, Annie's fingers lit up, and then a little bit towards Li Xiaoyao's forehead abruptly.

In an instant, she decided to make the Zhenyuan Daxian's fairy tales that she had obtained from Wuzhuang Guan, such as the "Zhou Yixue", "Xiaoxiang Fairy Rain", "Sleeve of the Universe", "Cultivation of Immortals", "Hunyuan Dao Guo" Xianjue, "Clearness Cultivation" and "Seven Stars Escape", etc. were all stuffed into each other's mind.

"All right!"


"After teaching, you are now a Taoist fairy, but you don’t have mana in your body, and people don’t bother to teach you how to condense mana. Later, they will find you a flat peach. After you eat it, you just want to make do with it. It should be fine to practice..."

Yi yi

"Give you?!"


However, when Annie took out a small peach that she hadn't been willing to eat for a long time, that's the kind of flat peach that was ripe once in 3,000 years that was "small flowers and small fruits, one ripe for three thousand years, people become immortal after eating, and light body fitness". , But only found that the Li Xiaoyao, who had been arrogantly forcibly stuffing the entire Wuzhuang View all the magic in her mind, was already foaming at the mouth and fell softly on the floor and gasped.



"Okay! I'll eat it for you another day!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

Since the other party is not suitable for eating now, of course Annie put the fruit directly into her mouth, and chewed it with big mouthfuls.

"I don't know if there are Tianting and Pantaoyuan in this world... I don't think there are too many fruits. I have to think of a way to find someone to hit the door and pick another batch!"


In this way, UU read eating what she had in her hands, but Annie was already thinking about the fruits of other people's homes.


(● ̄() ̄●)

(Tibbers didn’t care about the messy little master of his house, but after receiving the instruction, he jumped awkwardly to the floor without getting bigger, so he grabbed one of Li Xiaoyao’s feet and directed the opponent directly to the opponent. Drag the room away.)

Soon, after Anne cast a spell to clean up the disgusting things left by the other party on the floor, and began to run to the bed and start sleeping with her head covered, the inn in the small fishing village gradually became quiet.

At the same time, an aunt who had been pretending to sleep and deliberately watching Li Xiaoyao's every move, and overheard all the conversations between the two, finally breathed a sigh of relief.


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