Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1440: (o???)o true gods in the world of swordsman (4)

Three guests came to the inn at once, and the other party was very willing to pay, so three mouths were added at once. Therefore, the ingredients in the inn are definitely not enough.

So, Aunt Li sent Li Xiaoyao to the market in the fishing village and wanted to buy some fresh fish, shrimps, fruits and vegetables. After all, there is no refrigerator in this era to preserve food. She can’t be like some hotels in the future. The ingredients are thrown into the freezer and frozen for several months.

As the saying goes, because it’s a fishing village, it’s only a priority to buy fresh fish, which is not only fresh, but also cheap. It’s better to fool guests who don’t know anything. Nevertheless.

It’s definitely not easy to eat mutton and pork. In this feudal era where supplies are extremely scarce, it’s not that people kill pigs and sheep every day. Pork Zhang just killed pigs yesterday, and today is definitely left. Aunt Li wouldn't let Li Xiaoyao buy the stale ones if they weren't sold out. As for other meats, in such a small village, they would definitely not even think about it.


What Li Xiaoyao and Aunt Li didn't know was that when they were preparing to entertain the guests from the south, those guests were planning to uncomfortably hit their mothers with bad ideas.


"Hmm! I'm back, can you find it out?"

"Check it out!"

"How's it going?"

"There are only three people in this shop. The lady boss seems to know a little bit of a three-legged cat, but it's not enough! On the contrary, it's the shop's second man. He was practicing swordsmanship in the backyard just now, and his swordsmanship looks pretty good, and his steps are steady. With a light posture and a sharp sword spirit, if you fight with a real sword, besides the leader, I am afraid I am not an opponent?"

"so smart?"


"What about the third person?"

"The third…"

"I have waited but I have never seen anyone, and I rarely show up in the village on weekdays, but it is said that she is the master of that shop's second child, and she also has the title of'flaming fairy'?"

"However, most of these were dictated by the shop Xiaoer himself. The two of us have never seen the'flaming fairy', and we don't know how sacred the other party is!"

In the upper room on the second floor on the west side, the black-clothed Miao leader and his two subordinates whispered and discussed, and in only half a day, they gave a rough idea of ​​the situation of the entire inn and Shengyu Village. Virtual reality.


"What should we do, do we still need to use Gu on that proprietress and the shopkeeper? Although they are good at it, they can hardly resist our Gu poison!"

After speaking, one of the Miao subordinates eagerly encouraged their black collar.



After pondering over and over again, the leader of Miao Ren finally shook his head, dispelling his plan to start with the proprietress and the shopkeeper of this inn.

"I'm afraid that this inn is not easy. Even the second person is better than you. I'm afraid that his master is not an ordinary person. I will wait for my order to come this time. Trouble."


"Chief, isn't it just right that Xiaoer has some skills? Would it be easier for him to go to that island?"

"Do not!"

"Don't mention this again! Think about it again, is there any other suitable goal in the village?"

After rejecting the tempting suggestion from his subordinate, then the Miao leader continued to ask.

"Subordinates have inquired about one thing!"

"tell me the story…"

"That's it. There is an 18-year-old naughty boy in the village, named Wang Xiaohu. More than a month ago, his father had a strange disease. All the doctors were asked to check it. They all said that he could not be cured. But he didn't believe in evil, so he took the risk and ran to the fairy island, saw the fairy, and asked for a pill to cure his father's illness. This matter is widely spread in Shengyu Village."


"There is still this matter, is it true?"

Hearing the leader of the Miao people was shocked, it was obvious that even he hadn't expected that there was such a thing.

"It should be true. Everyone in the village knows that the subordinates have asked many people. They have noses and eyes, and it doesn't look like a fake!"


"Then this way! Go and punish that Wang Xiaohu's father. Remember to control the poison and force that Wang Xiaohu to go to Xianling Island again. Then, let's follow behind and see if we can sneak in smoothly?"



The two Miao people responded, and then followed the sound of footsteps and the sound of opening and closing doors. Soon, there was no more rustling secret conversation in this room.

"Xianling Island, Wang Xiaohu, and fairies?"


What the three Miao people didn't know was that what they whispered in the west room on the second floor had already been heard clearly by a little girl in the east room.



"It turns out that the spicy Wang Xiaohu is also the protagonist? People thought he was just a soy sauce guy?"


During her stay in this village, Annie certainly found the weak'protagonist halo' on Wang Xiaohu, but compared to Li Xiaoyao, who is the hottest, most, most, most, most, and most conspicuous, Li Xiaoyao. , The "halo" on the other party is far away, so she has not paid too much attention to it.

But now...

Since the three Miao people focused their attention on Wang Xiaohu after they intervened in Li Xiaoyao's affairs, then she had to take care of it, and she must not let the conspiracy of those people succeed.

She just wanted to go and work against them like that, to make them angry!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)



"Tibbs, anyway, one is a teacher and the two are also a teacher, so let's reluctantly accept both!"


With that, Annie, who was eavesdropping in the room, jumped off her bed, and disappeared instantly as soon as she landed, and she didn't know where she was teleporting to.

But at this time, Li Xiaoyao, who came out to buy vegetables by his aunt's order, was wandering around the village.

Because the Miao guest officials had already eaten lunch, and Li Xiaoyao had eaten it himself, so it was still a long time before dinner and he thought he could come out for a stroll, so he wandered around in the village and prepared to go shopping. Go back and buy fish, shrimps, fruits and vegetables for your aunt when you have enough.


"Little plum, where's your aunt? It's noon, why haven't you seen her come out to wash clothes today?"

"I'm almost done washing, and I want to wash it slower. I'll talk a few words when she comes again!"

At this time, an aunt who was washing clothes in a tub by the well greeted Li Xiaoyao who was wandering around.

"Aunt Laifu?"

"Don't wait for her anymore. There are customers in the shop this morning. No, I'm going to the market to buy fish and shrimps!"

"Aunt Wangcai, talk slowly!"

Li Xiaoyao is not in the mood to go chatting with the aunts who are doing laundry about the short things in the parents. In their mouths, they can chat for a long time regardless of big or small things. Therefore, he is explaining why his aunts After telling the two aunts why he couldn't come today, he hurried to the front.


"Brother Li! What a coincidence, are you going to buy something?"

At this time, one of the village flowers, that Ding Xiulan dressed in blue, saw Li Xiaoyao, and then happily put down the things in her hand and waved at him.

"It's Xiulan!"

"Why, sister Xiulan, are you trying to carry water for Uncle Ding?"

"Come on!"

"I'll pick it back for you, anyway!"

Seeing that the other party was holding the wooden barrel in his hand, and looking at the wet marks on the ground from the washing aunts at the mouth of the well, Li Xiaoyao hurriedly walked over to roll up his cuffs, and took the other party's hand unceremoniously. I snatched the barrel inside.


"Thank you, Brother Li..."

When Li Xiaoyao took the opportunity to touch the back of her hand twice, Ding Xiulan couldn't help flying two red clouds on her cheeks. However, she only persisted for a while and did not refuse in the end. She took advantage of the situation and handed the barrel to the other party's hands and moved forward together. Walking.

However, when she saw Li Xiaoyao's changes in the past, she became more handsome and more energetic, and when she looked at the other person's hand holding a large bucket of water easily, Ding Xiulan's heartbeat couldn't help but speed up. a bit.


"Brother Li, tell you something..."

"what's up?"

"I Da Zi made a big pot of sweet porridge before dawn today, and I don't know who I was going to drink it for. If I want to drink an extra bowl, she won't give it..."



Li Xiaoyao didn't know how to answer the conversation, because he knew that Vanilla was definitely cooking porridge for him again, especially after he started practicing the Immortal Technique this month, the other party made it more diligent.

Therefore, he often wondered, would it be a little bad if you just let down Pandan? Or, just wait until he has become so successful in his practice, he will marry Pandan as a little wife, and then let the other party make a variety of porridge for himself every day?

"and also!"

"Brother Li, I have something to give you later, can you come to me again after you have bought the food?"

At this time, I didn't know what was thinking of, but as she walked, Ding Xiulan suddenly summoned the courage to say.

"no problem!"

"Then I will look for you later."

"Yeah! That's it!"

"Give it to me, you can go to the market from here, it's not far from here to my house."

The village is not very big, so soon the two of them came out at a fork, and Ding Xiulan directly stretched out her hands and took the wooden bucket filled with water from Li Xiaoyao's hands.

"Be careful!"

"If you are tired, don't pick it. I will come over to help you in the afternoon when I am free. I can pick eight barrels in one go, but it's much faster than you!"

"Got it~?"

"Brother Li remember, look for me after noon!"

"Got it!"

"What a virtuous woman!"

Seeing the other party struggling to carry a bucket of water, Li Xiaoyao suddenly felt that he could not favor one another, should he marry Xiulan?


If that is the case, when the time comes, will Old Man Ding chase him with a **** and Li Xiaoyao will kill him from the head of the Shengyu Village to the end of the village?

However, that kind of trivial matter can't be troublesome for Li Xiaoyao. In his opinion, it is a big deal to wait for Pandan Xiulan to give birth to a baby, pick a boy named Ding, and make sure that old man Ding can laugh so much that his mouth is cracked!


After bidding farewell to Sister Xiulan, Li Xiaoyao, who was crooked in his heart, kept walking not far, and ran into three little kids. Then he couldn't help but squat in his heart, and secretly said something bad.


"It's Li Xiaoyao!"

"Hurry up! Let's read it out loud together!"


"Little plum, high-spirited, wants to learn the fairy sword to climb into the sky, without awakening three poles in the sun, and enjoying the pottery in his dreams every day!"

"Hey~ Le Taotao!"


Listen, Li Xiaoyao took a breath.

You know, Li Xiaoyao hasn't slept in for a long time. Today, he got up just after dawn, and as the saying goes, he should treat each other with admiration for three days. He has changed his evil spirits for more than a month. Why are those little broken kids? Are they still holding on to their previous things?

Besides, he is now practicing the Swordsmanship of the Immortal Family, and he may be able to fly into the sky someday, so where is he still daydreaming? !


"You three bastards, you dare to arrange that kind of children's rhyme to laugh at me, see the trick!"

What didn't say, Li Xiaoyao directly leaned over and picked up a few mud **** on the ground, then swished a few times before hitting the meaty places on the buttocks of the three little boys.


"Li Xiaoyao has done it, you hit him!"

"Hit him!"

Of course, the three little kids refused to admit defeat, and picked up chunks of mud from the ground.

It's a pity that Li Xiaoyao is no longer what it used to be. He was as light as a swallow and with a quasi-precise head. He quickly caused the three of them to suffer from pain, and then fled with their asses.

"mock up!"

"A group of little rascals dare to shake the sky, Xiaoye, I have practiced hidden weapons during this period of time!"

Seeing the group of urchins running away, Li Xiaoyao finally smiled triumphantly.

After practicing the immortal method for a month, although I still don’t know how effective it is, at least the group of lawless little urchins in the village are no longer his opponents, and he has just avoided all the mud that the opponent hits perfectly. Tuan finally made him exhale for a while.


"Brother Xiaoyao!"

However, at this moment, a little boy with a tiger-shaped birthmark on his arm and only a bunch of hair on his forehead ran towards Li Xiaoyao again.

But fortunately, the other party was obviously with the smaller group of naughty boys just now, but his little follower Wang Xiaohu, Li Xiaoyao!


"It's Xiaohuzi, what do you want?"

"I found a bird's nest on the other side of the woods yesterday. Brother Xiaoyao, please take me to dig it out. Let's split it in half, okay?"


"Picking out the bird's nest..."

"going or not?"

"Forget it, Xiaohuzi, your brother Xiaoyao, I am a sword fairy now, how can the sword fairy dig out the bird's nest?"


"Stop talking, I'm very busy today. I'm going to buy vegetables for my aunt first, and then I have to date sister Xiulan Xianglan in the afternoon, and I have to practice exercises in the evening. I really don't have time!"

Yes, Li Xiaoyao is really busy, and he is ready to be a sword fairy. In any case, it is impossible for him to dig out a bird's nest with a child. That is not in line with his identity.

"What about tomorrow?"

"No time tomorrow..."

"What about the day after tomorrow?"

"The day after tomorrow is the same!"

After finishing talking, Li Xiaoyao waved his hands and left without taking care of the wronged little tiger. He walked directly to the market in Shengyu Village to the north by himself.



"If you don't go, I will go by myself!"

"I'll go now!"

With that said, Little Huzi seemed to be outraged. He didn't care about Li Xiaoyao who ran far, but ran towards the woods all alone bitterly.


It’s a pity that when Wang Xiaohu found the big tree with the bird's nest, there was already a little girl under the tree roasting a nest of bird eggs with fire, and when he raised his head, there was still a nest of bird eggs on the tree. The existence of a certain bird's nest?


Suddenly, Wang Xiaohu felt a little wronged, and felt that the world was full of malice towards him.

Obviously it was the bird's nest he found himself. He kept it for a day, but Xiaoyao's brother refused to come and dig it with him. It's fine if he didn't share the joy with him. Now it's okay. The blonde who lives in the other's inn The blue-eyed weird guy, that is, the weird person in front of him, actually came first to dig out the bird's nest he had planned?

How can these people be like this? !



"Your name is Wang Xiaohu, right?"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

"Tell you, in fact, they are the'flaming fairy' who taught Li Xiaoyao the fairy method. They have been secretly observing you for a long time and found that your bones are unique, talented, and rooted in wisdom. You must be a rare wizard in a century! So, do you want to be like that Li Xiaoyao, learn something amazing from others?"

What? What?

Squatting under the tree, while roasting the bird eggs that the other party found first, Annie asked thiefly at the other side.


Unique bones, extraordinary talents, and wisdom roots?

Wang Xiaohu was stunned...

Of course he knows that Xiaoyao brother seems to have really obtained the immortal law recently and is working hard every day to practice it. He also thought about pestering brother Xiaoyao to learn together, but unfortunately, that guy doesn’t know at all. 'The truth, even hiding and refusing to teach him, and then simply stopped playing with him, he was angry and envious of that kind of thing for a long time.

It's all right now. The weird person in front of him who claimed to be the "Flaming Fairy" turned out to be a rare wizard in a century. Wang Xiaohu only felt that the heart in his chest was beating fiercely and throbbingly.


"Can I also learn fairy tales like my brother at ease?"

Hearing what the other party said so nice, and hearing that he seemed to be able to learn the Immortal Technique, Wang Xiaohu's eyes widened in an instant, and then he walked over and asked in a trembled voice.




"The fairy master is here, please be respected by Wang Xiaohu!"

After getting a positive answer, Wang Xiaohu, who had always been a little envious of and admiring Li Xiaoyao, had a spirit in his heart, so he hurriedly learned what the storyteller had said, and turned towards some weird little man who just took out the bird's nest he reserved. The girl bowed down.



"From today on, UU reading, you are a disciple of the Flame God Sect!"


"But... your talent is too great, people must first think about what to teach you..."

?( ̄??)???

If the talent of a normal person is '5', then the talent of Wang Xiaohu in front of him is probably only '1', so Annie must find a dumb skill that is suitable for the other party to learn, and it is still not necessary. Anyway, it must not be the same as Li Xiaoyao.


(?ω?)? Ask for a monthly pass? (?ω?)

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