Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1446: ?(????) The true **** in the fairy sword world (...

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Under Anu’s explanation and the assurance of a nasty little girl, Flame Fairy, Li Xiaoyao and Li Da Niang, who had basically no idea about what is Nuwa tribe, what is **** tribe, and so on, finally finally Gradually let go of the prejudices, and the original look of disgust, fear, incomprehension, and consternation in his eyes finally turned into a little hesitation and more surprises and surprises, and he dared to move forward and curiously faced Zhao Linger’s lower body, The magic snake's tail stroked and studied and was amazed.

However, Li Xiaoyao and Aunt Li did not have time to do more research on the lower body of Ling'er, who was hesitant, scared, and a little shy, and Annie cast the spell once again to change the other party back from the half-human and half-snake form.

As a result, the supplementary banquet wedding banquet that night was finally not postponed.

Knowing that her daughter-in-law is not a monster, but a descendant of the **** Nuwa, she is a true fairy. Knowing that her nephew married a real fairy, Aunt Li happily twisted Li Xiaoyao’s ears and asked him to follow I went out to buy ingredients by myself.

Although Shengyu Village, with simple folk customs, is relatively closed, far away from the mundane and sparsely populated, even if the whole village is invited to eat, it will not exceed five tables. Aunt Li can handle it alone, but in order to be richer, in order to make the old Li Jia can have a bit of face, Li Auntie still decides:

The evening must be a little richer, and all the good things in the market must be purchased back, and the elders in the whole village must eat satisfactorily and eat happily!

Soon, there were only some messy little girl Annie Daxian and Zhao Linger, the little fairy (female) left in the inn.

Aunt Li and Li Xiaoyao went to buy vegetables, Wang Xiaohu was visiting the village and the villagers who invited to perfuse at night, and the two sisters Ding Xianglan and Ding Xiulan were sad and planned to turn their grief and indignation into strength, and went to practice swords and do mentoring tasks , As for that Anu...

It is not clear for the time being, but the other party is not here anyway, and no one cares about her whereabouts.





Seeing someone who had recovered and was sitting at the table holding the peach that she had just given to the other party, but hadn’t eaten it, she just played with it, and at the same time she was still a bit of Zhao Ling'er who was still talking, and Annie finally felt a little uncomfortable. I'm impatient.

"Hey! Just say what you want. There are now the two of us. You only know what you are doing while peeking at others?"

(?`~′)o chew!

At this moment, Annie broke away the nuts she didn't know from which world she came from with her bare hands. While chewing, she opened her mouth and asked Zhao Ling'er strangely.


"Master Anne..."

Zhao Ling'er didn't know how to call the little girl in front of her, but when she thought that she was the master of her husband, Li Xiaoyao, she thought about it, and then followed that, but she always felt that she called a little girl to be a'master'. strange.

"what's happenin?"

(*?~?*) Chew!

"Is such that…"

"The real body of Nuwa just now, is that really me?"

Even if she was actually turned into a human head and snake body state, Zhao Linger still couldn't believe it. She always felt that the little girl in front of her might have deliberately turned herself into that way.

"Who else can you be?"


"Ah! You guy wouldn't think that someone deliberately turned you into a spicy look to lie to them?!"


"No one is boring!"


Although, Annie is really boring now, so boring that she can only pass the time by eating constantly, but how could she deliberately do that kind of thing to deceive people?


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"But why can't I change myself? And... after recovering, I always feel that there is more power in my body that does not belong to me, and my spiritual power seems to have risen out of thin air?"

"Master, is your power left in my body?"

Yes, Zhao Linger had already discovered it.

She has discovered it since she was transformed into a human body by the other party again. She always feels that she has recovered from the so-called snake... from the state of the so-called Nuwa real body, her strength and spirit Strength, reaction, and certain perceptions become stronger out of thin air, just as the other party forcibly instills a part of her own strength that is not lost to her own?



"Not at all!"



"What's the matter with the spiritual power that suddenly appeared in my body and the changes in my body?"

Raising her hand and touching her face, Zhao Ling'er was sure that she had indeed become stronger for no reason, and it was more than a little bit.





Annie didn't answer directly, but started to look up and down at the Zhao Ling'er in front of her, because she was pretty sure that she didn't give the other party any power just now, she just induced the other party to transform themselves.



"People know the reason!"


Soon, after a few glances, Annie easily found the source of the problem.


"What is going on?"

Zhao Ling'er hurriedly blinked her **** eyes and looked at Annie's beautiful blue eyes, wondering what was going on.

"It's your own reason. When you transform into the form of Nuwa, you will gain part of the power of the bloodline from that great **** of Nuwa, and when you recover, a large part of the power will stimulate your potential and at the same time It will remain directly in your body, because Nuwa's power is the same as yours, so you can easily digest them!"


"Probably that's it!"


In the endless world of planes, there is no problem with being able to live in Anne, the most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most,,,,,,,,,-most, most-most-most The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most powerful Flame Immortal, no matter what is incomprehensible, she only needs to look at it at most, and she will definitely be able to find the cause and root. Where!


"Is it the power of Nuwa's ancestor?"

"I understand…"

Zhao Linger nodded her head seemingly understanding, UU read but finally understood a little bit why she suddenly became a little stronger.



"Miss Ling'er, it seems that someone has discovered an interesting bug, so, do you want to become stronger faster?"

?(????) Hey...

At this moment, after Annie's big eyes rolled around, she suddenly leaned on the table of the Eight Immortals in the inn and leaned in front of Zhao Ling'er, asking so thiefly.


Zhao Linger is a little unclear.

"Be stronger..."

"If you can really become stronger, you can defeat a lot of bad guys and do a lot of things, then it must be a good thing."

I don’t know why the face of Master Anne in front of her suddenly became so terrible and evil, but she felt that the other party would not hurt herself, and the other party had just spoken for herself so that Aunt Li and her husband could eliminate their misunderstanding, He nodded stupidly.


"What is ‘BUG’, and what should I do?"

After experiencing those bad guys, Hei Miao rushing to Xianling Island, then capturing them, and learning from them that they originally wanted to slaughter Xianling Island out of their terrible plan, Zhao Linger felt that he had a stronger power. It doesn't seem to be a bad thing?

"It's very simple!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

"Didn't you find out everything already?"

(? ̄?? ̄??)??°

"If, if we call the state you just turned into the'Nuwa's true body' as'Dream Snake', then, every time you transform, every time you dream of Snake, you will be able to change from the Nüwa God Inheritance or blood inspires and gains more power?"

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