Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1449: (·??·?) The truth in the world of シ?

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After the card bug, Zhao Ling'er, a descendant of Nüwa with soaring spiritual power, VS the old-fashioned showdown, where he turned into a sword, and the unpredictable'Heaven Sword' was combined with human swords and collided with the'Five Elements Spell' which caused qualitative changes due to quantitative changes. After that, it was basically over.

No one knows what happened to that old-fashioned bull nose. Anyway, Zhao Ling'er, who is now a counter-attacker, is fine, and has not suffered any harm at all.

After the terrifying explosion and the flames gradually dissipated, the original forest where the white seedlings and the black seedlings were fighting each other has completely disappeared. Instead, it was a huge sinkhole!

Then, the water from the surrounding rivers that were blown up frantically poured in, and after a few days and nights, a large lake spreading over a radius of ten miles was formed, and Shengyu Village was successfully transformed into a large mountain and large lake. And a lone village surrounded by the sea on three sides.

However, if you think about it on the other hand, this is actually quite good, because in the future, Shengyu Village can have magnificent scenery such as ‘lakes and mountains’ and ‘open sea and sky’.

The only inconvenience may be the traffic problem.

From now on, the villagers think that if they want to go out, for example, to go to Yuhang County or Suzhou, they must take a boat or simply spend more time to venture over the haunted mountain behind the ten-mile slope?

Of course, that kind of thing is not important. Anyway, the people of the Flame God Cult didn’t pay much attention to it. They only knew that Zhao Linger was fine after the war, and since she was okay, it must be the bull nose. No doubt old-fashioned.

Moreover, according to Wang Xiaohu in the sky, he once vaguely saw that a **** Niubi Dao was rescued by another Niubi and flew away?

As for whether the matter is true, there is no way to verify it now, so this matter can only be done for the time being.

The fact that Bai Miao and Hei Miao wanted to plot Zhao Ling'er had to be temporarily suspended because of the tragic fight and the subsequent big explosion.

After recuperating for a few days in Shengyu Village, the senior sister of Anu in the Witch Moon God Sect was also the white seedling survivor Gai Luojiao who led the team to stop the black seedling and wanted to wait for the opportunity to **** the'princess'. Not hurriedly bid farewell, saying that he had returned to Dali to report to the patriarch of the Bai Miao clan.

So, after more than ten days, after discovering that no one else came to make trouble in Shengyu Village, no matter whether it was white or black seedlings, or Niubi Taoist priests, all of them did not appear again, Shengyu Village gradually returned to calm. , The villagers have gradually become accustomed to the fact that there is a big lake outside the village.

They have to get used to it. After all, they have no way to change the status quo, and the explosion did not affect their villages and farmland. That is a blessing in misfortune.

And these days, the two sisters Wang Xiaohu, Li Xiaoyao, Ding Xiang Lan Ding Xiulan, and Anu and others are also continuing their daily routine activities, either thinking about practicing all day, or going to the big poplar tree underground to find the lord and **** to lead various tasks. , And then do their once-a-day division missions and accumulate those hard-to-earn sect contributions.

Speaking of which, in the entire Shengyu Village, the only one who may be upset is Aunt Li...

Because, because of the formation and obstruction of that big lake, this village of Shengyu, which was originally a small transportation hub, has completely lost its due role.

The business travel on the land was completely cut off. After the huge lake formed a natural barrier, the Shengyucun Wharf naturally gradually lost its function of loading and unloading, which was not a large throughput, so that the boss of the wharf said , In the future, his cargo ship may never come to dock here in Shengyu Village again?

In this way, after the absence of business travel, the Li's Inn gradually became a sub-rudder of the Flame God Cult. Then, on weekdays, even Anu, the Ding's sisters, and Wang Xiaohu and others stayed here and stayed in the inn every day. Crushing eating and drinking is still scratching from time to time.

But no matter what, now Shengyu Village has finally recovered its calm.

The villagers who are resting at sunrise and sunset are not distracted by the mess, they still live their self-sufficient closed life here, even seeing the young people in the village gradually become more wild. Yes, I have known about dancing swords and guns all day long, but I didn't say much. At most, it was the big-mouthed aunt Laifu and Wangcai's chanting routine every morning when they washed their clothes.



"Old Man Ding, don't you need to carry water and do farm work today?"


Little Annie, who was going out and swaying, met Ding Xianglan and Ding Xiulan's old father, old man Ding, and she greeted each other as a matter of course.

"No more..."

"Fanglan and Xiulan spent a little contribution point to build a well, water tower and automatic watering system behind my house? Now it is easy to water, as long as you flip the switch, the water mist will be sprayed out. No need to close it again, it saves worry."

Old man Ding is one of the few beneficiaries of the "main god" in the village.

Because the filial sisters of the Ding family did not have to work too hard for their old man because they had no time to help, they spent the lowest '1' point of martial art contribution points in exchange for the well water tower and the piped watering system, which was immediately saved. Old man Ding has a lot of trouble.

"That's it..."


"Then you have to use it well!"


Annie wouldn't tell the other party that if the ‘1’ point of contribution was used to exchange grain, the rice noodles that might be exchanged would be worth the grain that Old Man Ding had grown for decades.

Of course, those guys who exchanged things indiscriminately, Annie never went to correct it. For example, Li Xiaoyao exchanged the TV for his aunt, but there was no electricity, and after changing the solar panels, she found that there was no TV signal. Then it changed a lot of image data to finish.

Those who come and go, the wasted contribution points before and after have already exceeded ten digits.


"The little demon star taken in by Lao Li's house has come out again!"


"Aunt Laifu, keep your voice down. I heard that she is amazing and she is still a great fairy..."

"What's so awesome, can you still eat me?"

"Speak down better..."

"Wang Caisao, let me tell you, those children in our village, Wang Xiaohu returned Pandan Xiulan, but she just learned badly from her, what will happen in the future!"

"Ah? But didn't they say they were cultivating immortals with her?"


"Ah! Bah! If you continue to repair it, maybe someday we will blow up our village into a hole in the bay!"


Behind Annie, two Shengyu village chief tongue wives who were washing clothes by the well started their daily routine again, and they just pointed and pointed quietly behind Annie.

However, that kind of little thing Annie obviously didn't care about it.



She continued to stroll to the south of the village alone, preparing to find Zhao Ling'er that fool.

Because Aunt Li said, it seems that the other party ran to the newly formed lake early in the morning, and she didn’t know what she was doing, so she planned to see if the other party was secretly eating something delicious. , Or is the other party playing something fun?

While Annie was planning to find a little girl who was depressed recently, Li Xiaoyao and Wang Xiaohu had already arrived in Suzhou City at this time, and were also wandering around in the city.

"Brother Xiaoyao..."

Followed Li Xiaoyao to stroll around this huge Suzhou city for a while, Wang Xiaohu, who was wrapped in Hun Tian Ling on his hands, with the Universe Circle on his waist, and with a spear on his shoulder, Wang Xiaohu finally couldn't help but speak.

He doesn’t plan to go on shopping, because he has discovered that no matter where they go, there are always people around them watching them curiously, especially Wang Xiaohu, who seems to be treating him like street monkeys or jokes. Style person?

"Stop it!"

"Did you call Brother Xiaoyao?"

"Go go! Little Huzi, you have to remember that only Ling'er, Xianglan, Xiulan, and Sister Anu can call this. You will call me Senior Brother Li or Senior Brother, do you understand?"

After stopping and scolding Wang Xiaohu with a stern face, Li Xiaoyao continued to stroll forward.


"The big brother, when will we go to the hidden dragon cave to demonstrate the snake demon and fox demon, and then capture the little fox to complete the task?"

"I still want to finish the task as soon as possible, and go home early for lunch made by Aunt Li!"

Wang Xiaohu carried his weapon, followed Li Xiaoyao forward and said weakly.

The two of them used expensive flying charms to fly here in Suzhou, but as a result, the big brother Li Xiaoyao didn't want to hurry to complete the task, and instead went to the city to stroll around. This matter made Wang Xiaohu quite resentful.


"What kind of lunch? I have eaten that old witch's lunch for almost 20 years. If there is anything delicious, I'm tired of eating early!"

"Don't worry, Xiaohu, you will never starve to kill you with brother!"

"Senior brother will take you to have a big meal today, what you want to eat and what you want to eat. When we are full, we will go on the road to kill the demons for the people. After fighting the big monsters, we will catch the little monsters and take them back. The Lord God takes the reward!"

That’s right, when he came out, Li Xiaoyao made up his mind. He wants to go to the demon after he has had enough fun in Suzhou city now, eat and drink, and then go back before dinner. In this way, go shopping and do tasks. There can be no two mistakes.

Besides, he had already thought about it. Remember to buy some gifts for his own Linger. Of course, he can also buy some for Xianglan, Xiulan and Junior Sister Anu?

In addition, they also need to buy a little special delicacy for their food master to go back. That is also indispensable.



"Big brother, are you rich?"

After just getting excited, Wang Xiaohu soon became depressed again.

Because he knew that Aunt Li was very strict with his big brother, and would easily refuse to give money. He also said that when a man has money, he will go bad? In addition, there are no guests in the inn recently, so Wang Xiaohu is very skeptical. He always feels that the other party might have the idea of ​​a treat, and then finally let him Wang Xiaohu pay?


"Look, what is this?!"

After looking around, Li Xiaoyao mysteriously pulled away the corner of his waist purse towards Wang Xiaohu.


"Golden, golden beans? Why are there so many golden beans?!"

Wang Xiaohu was stunned!

He just saw clearly that in his big brother's wallet, there was a pile of heavy golden beans?

"Replaced from the Lord God!"

"One contribution point can be exchanged for a large piece of gold. I just dug a little, and the rest is buried in the ground behind the inn. If you want to change it by yourself, don't dig for me!"

"Also, the gold you can't use up can also be buried there. The place is very hidden, and no one usually goes there. I also pressed a big rock on it as a mark. If you want to bury, remember to stay away from me. ?"

In this way, Li Xiaoyao didn't even see the outside world and told Yiwuyishi what he had discovered at the main **** and the secret of laughter.


"Is it true? The Lord God can still exchange gold?"

"of course it's true!"

"You didn't lie?"

"You are a puppy!"

"It's great. I'll change a big one the next day, and let my dad push the old house at home, and then build a big and beautiful house that is bigger and more beautiful than your inn. Marry another fairy who is even more beautiful than Ling'er sister in 2011!"

Knowing that the sect's contribution points could even be exchanged for money, Wang Xiaohu immediately became excited, and quickly made up his mind, and put it into action when he was ready to go back.

"Bigger than my house? Want to marry a daughter-in-law who is even more beautiful than my soul?!"


"Little tiger, your conspiracy will not succeed. I will ask my aunt to find another place to build a mansion when I go back!"

"Oh no!"

"I directly used the martial art contribution points to exchange for a mansion with the main god, I am mad at you!"

Where is Li Xiaoyao willing to let Wang Xiaohu compare himself? Therefore, he quickly made up his mind and stated his plan.


"Then I will change another one too!"

"You also change?"

"I... I found a mansion a while ago called'Lantai Xiaomeng', but it's beautiful, I'll change it when I go back!"


"Then...then I will change to'Lantai Xiaomeng' too!"


"Then I won't change it. I remember that'Yi Chi Chun Jing' is also quite good. It is the same as'Lan Tai Xiao Meng' with ten contribution points. I'll change that."


"Then I will also change to'A Spring Scenery'!"


"Hey! Little Huzi, do you have to fight against me? Or, do you also change to a sister Linger?"


"Sister Ling'er can also change it?"


"I don't know, UU reading, let's go, let's go to the front to see the excitement, it seems like there is a lot of excitement over there."

Li Xiaoyao suddenly didn't want to speak, so he walked forward with a black face.

"But brother, aren't we here to cast down the demon?"

"Demon Down?"

"It's not urgent to drop the monster. Anyway, the monster can't run. Let's go there to watch the excitement first. Hurry up, as if there is something big over there?"

"Ah, brother, wait for me..."


With that, Li Xiaoyao impatiently pulled Wang Xiaohu towards a lively place where people were gathering. Because they have seen that there are a lot of people over there, and it is bustling. It seems that there is an important event or the market is about to start?

Therefore, in the mind that the monsters can fight later, but the excitement cannot be ignored, they also squeezed forward with the crowd desperately.


(?ω?) It's the end of the month, ask for votes (?ω?)

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