Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1454: (·?·)/True gods in the world of swords (1...

After Li Xiaoyao, Wang Xiaohu, Ding Xianglan, Ding Xiulan, Anu, Zhao Ling'er, and Su Mei, there was another eight disciples named Lin Yueru under the Flame God Sect.

Regardless of whether Lin Yueru was voluntary or involuntary, anyway, she was named in the flame **** cult's resident, and successfully obtained the right to use the'passing gong elder' big light ball master god, let her finally understand On the day she went to the island, what was the meaning of those weird things that strange guy said.

After some understanding, she finally realized that if that **** Li Xiaoyao really obtained 80,000 sect contribution points from Wang Xiaohu and exchanged it for points, with that massive point exchange, I'm afraid that with her current ability, it seems that she is really not the opponent's opponent?

Therefore, after hesitating, after careful consideration, she just stayed in the flame gods’ sect, and just like everyone else, she tried to do that kind of sect mission every day, and then used those meager sects to contribute points. Changed to the little things that made her wonder and admire.

In this way, within a few days, Lin Yueru, who was still a little unhappy and felt a little inexplicable, gradually accepted her new identity and gradually integrated into the Flame God Sect, which is a bit different from the general sect. In the big family.

For example, today, when connecting with the main divine light ball in the middle of the huge martial arts field and browsing the inside techniques, enhancements, and magic weapons that made her salivate but couldn’t change it, she was surprised to see it. When they arrived, Ding Xianglan, Ding Xiulan, Su Mei, and the Anu dressed up as Miao, who were rarely seen in the ordinary days, all came here.


"Sister Yueru is there too?"

"Did you also receive a subpoena from Xiaohu before you came?"

Seeing that Lin Yueru was also there, the Baimiao girl with an innocent and charming appearance happily jumped up to Lin Yueru and asked curiously.

"No, I just came back, and I was handing over the task of the division. It just so happened that you were here..."

"and many more!"

"You just said ‘Yes’, are you all called by Wang Xiaohu?"

Seeing these people come here together, and hearing the words Anu just said, Lin Yueru couldn't help but asked in astonishment.


"Aren't you?"

Anu looked strange. She thought that the other party was the same as them. She received a subpoena from Xiaohu, and then rushed to have a look.


Lin Yueru suddenly stopped talking. She neither admitted nor denied, but she didn't plan to leave. Instead, she was ready to see what exactly these people were gathering here to do.


"Look! He is coming!"

Soon, with Su Mei's exclamation, everyone saw that a certain Wang Xiaohu, who stepped on the hot wheel and held something in his arms, fell from the sky, and then ran to them with profuse sweat. In front of you.

"Little Tiger!"

"What the **** is it with you, why are we all here?"

Li Xianglan asked strangely.

Because if the other party didn't have any major issues, they would have to go back and meditate hard after finishing today's master mission, so as to practice the Pansi Dafa handed down to them by Master as soon as possible.

"Good thing!"


"Sister Lin, are you here too? That's just right. I said just now why I can't find you. Come and take a look. What is this?"

As he said, Wang Xiaohu squatted directly on the ground, and threw a cloth pocket he was holding on to the ground excitedly, revealing the big white peaches inside.


"this is…"

"Master's flat peach?"

It turned out that the other party asked himself and the others to come to eat peaches. This made the two foodies, including Lin Yueru and Su Mei, who had eaten the flat peach that can greatly improve their physical fitness and increase their skills, couldn't help but encircle them for the first time.


"It seems that the size is not the same as the fragrance..."


"Little tiger, where did you get these flat peaches?"

However, after picking up one each and studying it for a while, they soon discovered that it was wrong.

"This is not a flat peach!"

"It was planted in the garden of Houshan, where our martial arts station is based, but I didn't let you eat it. You can take it and show it to the Lord God for identification?"

Wang Xiaohu said excitedly.


"What can be identified..."

Although they said that, seeing Wang Xiaohu's excitement, the women followed suit with some curiosity, and each took one and walked to the light ball.

Soon, several women got such a message from the main god:


[Defective second-generation flat peach]

Explanation: The second-generation flat peach that was planted by the flame immortal with the peach pits of the flat peach and spawned by the druid's natural magic, and then gathered the nearby earth veins to simmer, water and forcibly ripen in a short time. Although it is slightly flawed, it is better In its aura, it is a kind of fairy fruit that is rare to find.

Value: ★★

Function: After eating, the abundant spiritual energy can greatly accelerate the effect of cultivation and meditation, and increase the upper limit of a small amount of spiritual power.

Selling price: 80

Purchase price: 100



"It turned out to be the fairy fruit that Master planted with the peach pits of the flat peach?"


"Sister, in this way, we can hope to break through the 20th level of Pansi Dafa within half a year."


"Our fascination Dafa will soon break through the fifth level!"

Seeing that what Wang Xiaohu brought was such a kind of fairy fruit that was helpful for cultivation, Lixianglan and Ding Xiulan jumped up together after a cry of exclamation, cheering and exhilarating from the side.

"Little Tiger!"

"Next time you see this kind of good stuff, remember to share it early!"

Lin Yueru was not polite, and took a bite of the fruit in her hand. After feeling that the mouth was sweet and indeed contained abundant spiritual power, she stretched out her hand again and grabbed two from the pile on the ground.


"this is mine!"

"Do not!"

"its mine!"

On the other hand, Anu and Su Mei were not polite at all. They squatted on the ground and drew a lot of them into their arms before the others did it. They almost didn’t even fight, together with the sisters and masters. The friendship between them can't be taken care of anymore.


"You don't want to grab it... and I didn't bring it for you!"

Seeing that these senior sisters didn't realize something more important, but started to eat and grab peaches there, Wang Xiaohu hurriedly said anxiously.

"Don't eat?"

"What will you do if you don't eat?"

Lin Yueru was not polite, she was quickly gnawing on the second one in her hand, not counting, she also aimed at the ones held in the arms of Anu and the little fox Su Mei.

"You guys are so stupid!"

"Don't you think it's too wasteful to eat it, and it's too slow to cultivate yourself?"

Anxiously scratching his ears, Wang Xiaohu stomped his feet first, and then continued to say with a bit of hatred for iron and steel.

"One of them is worth eighty contribution points. There are still dozens of peach trees in the Houshan Garden. The trees are full of these fruits. I don't know how many there are!"

"Old Uncle Ding also said that if you don't eat such good fruits, they will all fall off and rot in two days. If we pick some now and then secretly sell them..."

Wang Xiaohu stopped talking about the next words.

Moreover, he wouldn't tell everyone that he himself had secretly sold at least more than a hundred, and he suddenly gained more than 10,000 points of windfall!

Ever since, I felt anxious, and he kept doing it for fear of being blamed by the master. He told the matter, intending to let all the seniors and sisters know about it, and then everyone would go steal the fruits and sell them together. Then, whether it was spanked or something else, Wang Xiaohu wouldn't have to worry about it.



"One eighty o'clock, there are at least two to three hundred baskets in a basket. How many baskets can a tree pick?"

"I don't know, but I heard my father say that those peach trees are too tall because of the master's technique. They may be as high as several feet. He usually can't take care of them..."

"That means, a tree can pick a lot of fruit?"

"Well! There should be at least a few baskets!"

"How many trees are there?"

"Dozens of trees!"

"Then... there will be at least two or three hundred baskets of fruit? If one is 80, one basket is..."

"Ten Thousand Twenty Thousand Points!"



After doing a little calculation, the women who came up with an astronomical number all took a breath, and then they all realized that the peaches they had grabbed suddenly became unflavored. , Then just then you look at me and I look at you, not knowing what is going on in my heart.


"Senior sisters and sisters, let's pick some small ones, and exchange them for the ones with bad appearance?"

Finally, Anu, who was innocent, charming, clever, yet lively and lovely, spoke nervously, and looked at the seniors and sisters present with that kind of eager eyes.

"I agree!"

"me too!"

The two sisters of the Ding family immediately raised their hands with a clear heart.

"Yes! Pick it!"

Lin Yueru first hesitantly chewed the fruit in her mouth, and then, remembering the fact that a jerk, Meng Xinlang, would go away with a woman after getting 80,000 points, she gritted her teeth and used a hidden weapon to remove the leftover fruit core. He hurled bitterly on the stone slab on the ground and smashed it to pieces before he firmly agreed with him.

"If there are so many fruits, and there are so few people in our martial art, then it must be eaten, and it would be a pity if it falls off and rots..."

"It should be okay to sell some that you can't finish eating, right?"

The little fox spirit Su Mei weakly agreed.

At the same time, she quietly handed the fruits she grabbed to the Lord God one by one, and then they all disappeared quickly. As for where they went, it was self-evident.


"But, let's go picking and selling money without asking Master. Isn't it a good idea?"

Anu thought for a while, but felt that it was still a bit inappropriate.

"No need to ask, she's still asleep now, and we will have to take a nap later. Now anyone who dares to quarrel with her will definitely be beaten!"

Wang Xiaohu just took a step back in a hurry, making it clear that he would definitely not, and he didn't dare to quarrel with their little Master Annie.


"When is this, are you still sleeping?"

Looking at the scorching sun filled in, Lin Yueru was a little strange.

"Isn't it normal to not get enough sleep in the morning and then take a nap?"

"We will have to take a nap later. This is the Master's rule. If you don't believe me, ask them!"


"I also heard for the first time that there is a school that stipulates that disciple disciples must take a nap..."

"What's so strange about that?"

"Master also said that Flame God teaches about returning to nature. Let us learn from her. We sleep until we wake up naturally, and take a nap every afternoon to replenish the spiritual energy. Only then will it be good for physical and mental health... It must not be like some evil ones. Like a capitalist, you are not allowed to work, you are not paid, you are not allowed to sleep before midnight, and it makes you feel that staying up late is a normal thing?"

Wang Xiaohu said solemnly.

"What is a capitalist?"

Lin Yueru said that she didn't quite understand.

"It seems like a group of evil vampire zombies?"



"That's really scary..."

"But why don't they let me sleep before time? Is my brain sick?"

"I don't know, it was the master who said..."


"Even the servants of my Lin family usually fell asleep before Haishi, and went to rest after sunrise. This is the unchanging principle for thousands of years, and it is not even given when it is over. If someone sleeps, is there still a king's law?"

Lin Yueru said bitterly.

And feel that if she meets the kind of guy who doesn't give herself sleep before the time, she may be sure that a "qi sword finger" will be slaughtered towards the other's head, let that kind of guy know that she is Lin Xia. Powerful?

"Anyway, let's not quarrel with Master for sleeping!"

"Let's talk about the peaches, do you want to pick them? If you don't pick them, they will really rot in two days!"

The outspoken Anu became a little impatient, and once again encouraged and eagerly asked the senior sisters, younger sisters and younger brothers present.


"Sister Xianglan?"


"I think it should be picked!"

"But those big, delicious and good-looking ones should we keep honoring to Master?"

"I, I agree with what Senior Sister Xianglan said!"

"I agree!"

"Just do it!"

Soon, Ding Xianglan, Ding Xiulan, Anu and Su Mei unified their opinions.

"What are you waiting for?"

"I'll go take a look first!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yueru couldn't wait any longer. She turned around and performed the light work of the family, and rushed towards the back mountain of the sect's resident.


"She's so cunning!"

"Everyone, keep up!"

"Wait, wait for me..."

In this way, following Lin Yueru's back, Dingxianglan, Ding Xiulan, Anu, and Su Mei also used various methods to run towards the Houshan Orchard in the sect station at the fastest speed.


Wang Xiaohu didn't move, and stood silly on the martial arts arena all the time.


"Now I'm not afraid! The big brother is right. When you do bad things, you have to pull other people to do it. The more people you have, the better, and then you won't be afraid of being beaten by yourself."

It wasn't until I could no longer see the backs of those senior sisters, that Wang Xiaohu smiled thiefly, took out a universe bag from his body, and then dropped it on the ground. At least a thousand peaches rolled out. Hurry up. Piled up into a hill

Then, under the recovery of the main god, they instantly turned into a ray of light and disappeared without leaving any evidence.

"I want to redeem my universe first..."


"There are more than 30,000 left..."


"This Immortal Technique in Lingbo City also uses guns? Great, you can learn it!"

"Broken Yueshi?"

"I studied!"

"The sky is falling apart?"

"Learn too!"

"Turning the river down?"

"good stuff!"

"Golden light vertically?"

"Stop as a mountain?"

"I studied!"

"Learn everything!"


Soon, the daring Wang Xiaohu began to flash bursts of power fluctuations and skill golden light on his body. With the strengthening of the main god, the thief smiled triumphantly and quickly squandered the points.


"You save me some..."

After the evidence was wiped out, Wang Xiaohu first carefully hid the universe circle, and then stepped on the hot wheels, pretending to be in a hurry, shouting in a hurry, and leaving toward his fellow teachers and sisters. The direction of the chase quickly.



However, what Wang Xiaohu and his senior sisters didn't know was that their every move had long been seen by a sad little girl who hadn't slept at all.


She didn't care, but after watching for a while, she quietly closed the window on the third floor of her hall, pretending that she didn't know anything, and continued to be busy with her own affairs.


() La la la ~ ask for a monthly pass~!


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