Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1462: (* ̄0 ̄) The true **** in the world of ノ Fairy Sword (twenty-six...

Not long after encountering the group of monsters who came to the door by themselves, Lin Yuer, Wang Xiaohu, Ding Xianglan and Ding Xiulan finally learned from the monster named Shuzhongxian the real reason for the lock tower:

It turns out that the Locking Demon Tower was completed 584 years ago by Emperor Liang Wu of the Southern Dynasty, who spread all over the world with diamonds and white jade. It took thousands of first-class craftsmen to complete it for more than 20 years. He also invited countless monks and masters to complete the locks. Countless taboo spells were cast inside and outside the demon tower, trying to use this to target the many immortal cultivators on the mountain.

However, at that time, many immortal cultivators fought hard in the mountains. After a great battle, Emperor Liang Wu’s men and horses failed miserably and retreated. The pagoda built by him stayed behind, and was then taken over by the Shushan Immortal Sword Sect, which was later created. And changed its name to the current "locking monster tower", used as a prisoner of monsters.

And what the former King of Prison Prisoner who was still locked on the sword pillar said is not wrong. Theoretically speaking, this demon lock tower has only an entrance but no exit, because it was originally a trapped person. And the magic weapon to kill the immortal cultivators was created, so I didn't even think about setting aside the so-called export.

The lock demon tower uses extraordinary things, and the countless taboo spells inside and outside the lock demon tower play a role, so that the walls of the tower world are a bit stronger than the copper wall and iron wall, even if it is a magic weapon or a lightning strike. The fire can't damage it any more, and the immortal magic curse is even more ineffective. Like before, Lin Yueru can engrave some words on the wall and leave a few shallow white marks. It is already the ultimate. If you want to break through the wall , That is simply wishful thinking!


No matter what, it is still a tower, not a magic weapon that is truly refined to trap people and kill demons and gods!

Therefore, since it is a tower, it must have a foundation, and once the foundation is damaged, no matter how strong the tower is, it will collapse if it breaks down.

The meaning of the immortal in the book is summarized as follows: enter the lower level of the lock demon tower, enter the bottom soaked in the blood pool and the demon water, destroy the giant swords that are made of fine iron and serve as the foundation of the tower, destroy Drop those pillars and break the "Flying Dragon trapped on the land, above the sky, and below the Jedi", and then the entire lock demon tower will be destroyed without attack.

"I understand!"

"So, what you mean is: as long as you dive under the demon transformation pool and destroy the support points of those sword pillars?"

"But, for so many years, since you know the way to get out of trouble, why don't you find someone to do it earlier and get out of trouble together?"

After hearing the words of the old monster named Shuzhongxian, Lin Yueru nodded, presumably she understood what the other party meant.

However, she didn't believe it all, she was still a little wary and asked suspiciously.


"The heroine knows something!"

"I'm waiting for a demon body, the kind of demon water that touches a drop will cause pain and severe damage! But if the whole person sneaks in, there is still a small life, and it has to be turned away. ?"

"Although there have been many human races who have come to the tower, they are not afraid of transforming demon water, but in addition to transforming demon water, there is also the prison guard king in the lock demon tower. Before the young heroes defeated the imprisonment, who would dare to trespass here, why would he let me wait to destroy the sword pillar?"

"Therefore, after seeing the young heroes defeated the King of Prison, I will wait for Fang to show up and offer a good plan. Isn't it just waiting for this good time and place?"

First, I looked at the Ming King of Zhen Prison, who was still locked on the sword pillar and was immobile and depressed. The fairy in the book exclaimed with emotion.


"It seems that this is the case, then it just makes sense."

Nodded, Lin Yueru gave a high five, indicating that he had understood it thoroughly.

Thinking about it, it is indeed the case. These monsters want to break the tower, they really have to pass the two stages of Hua Yaoshui and the King of Prison, and it happens that the four of their senior sisters and brothers are not afraid of Hua Yaoshui, also I'm not even afraid of the King of Prisons, and if someone else came, I guess he would have been caught by the King of Prisons and beaten to death before he found the entrance and sneaked into the bottom of the demon-changing pool and started his hands.

They have just seen the power of the King of Prisons, that is, they are four of their strengthened fellow elders, sisters and brothers. If they are replaced by others, even if it is her Lin Yueru’s father, Lin Tiannan, the martial arts leader of the South Wulin. , It must have been unable to beat the three-headed six-armed fairy, even if the so-called fairy seemed weak in her opinion.

"Do not!"

"Don't listen to the evildoer!"

At this time, the King of Prison Ming, who was trapped on the sword pillar, was anxious, because he knew that the fairy in the enchanting book was indeed telling the truth.


"Listen, once the Seven-Star Pan Long Pillar is destroyed, the Demon Locking Tower will collapse!"

"By then, all the demons who have been surrendered by the Shushan disciples and trapped in the tower for hundreds of years will be exhausted. Then the world will be overwhelmed, and the people will not have a living. Under the investigation of the gods, you and others will be condemned by heaven!"

In fact, he didn't know that he was not condemned by the heavens, but he only knew that when the time comes, the people of the world and his weak guarding king will definitely be out of luck!

He can ignore the life and death of the people in the world, but he has finally cultivated to become an immortal. Although he was conspired to be sealed as a prison king and had to be trapped in the lock demon tower, no matter what, He also didn't want to die or be implicated by God Realm's sin because of this lock demon tower matter.


"Well, you are the King of Prisons, you dare to confuse the crowd when you die, this ghost king will kill you now!"

The Heavenly Ghost Emperor was furious, and directly drew out the knife and jumped up. He planned to use the white knife in and out of the red knife, and chop off the head of the prison king who was already tied to the sword pillar and was planning to make trouble.


Fortunately, before the Heavenly Ghost Sovereign was ready to succeed, Lin Yueru slapped with a chirp, and directly slashed the monster who wanted to fall into the pit.



"Woman, what do you mean?!"

With an exclamation, the qi sword finger hit by the assault caused the weapon to drop instantly, and then had to stagger to the ground, and after seeing the finger-sized blood hole on his arm, the Heavenly Ghost Emperor was shocked and angry. Angrily stared at Lin Yueru.


"He was caught by us, but you will be hacked to death without saying anything!"

"and also!"

"This girl thinks what he said seems to have some truth. You monsters don't look like good things. It's not good to let you go out indiscriminately, but... for the sake of you who gave us the trick, This girl shouldn't be difficult for you this time, why don't you get out?!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Yueru, who had obtained the solution, turned her face to deny the demon, and raised the sword in her hand, pretending to attack the monsters and ghosts who wanted to use their hands to escape from the tower, scaring them, including The Heavenly Ghost Emperor and Shu Zhongxian, among them, hugged their heads, and quickly disappeared.

"Lin, Sister Lin..."

"Is it a bit bad for you to do this?"

At this moment, Wang Xiaohu spoke weakly.

He thinks, his own sister Lin’s kind of humiliation, the behavior of the bird hiding with the bow is always a little unpretentious, anyway, as simple and honest as his Wang Xiaohu, it must be easy to do such shameless things. .

"What's wrong, what's wrong?"

"I tell you, Xiaohu, those monsters are not a good thing. They want to use us to help them get out of trouble. Don't be fooled!"

Lin Yueru rolled her eyes, and quickly sneered, patted Wang Xiaohu on the head, and corrected her bitterly.


"Sister Lin, even if they want to use us, but we all want to go out, don't we have to destroy those pillars?"

Wang Xiaohu shrank his head first, and then stubbornly collided.


"You're a little bit, your brain was alive when you stole the fruit, why is it now an elm head?"

"Have you seen Senior Sister I do something that is unsure?"

Putting away the sword, Lin Yueru patted Wang Xiaohu on the head again, and laughed and cursed a little bit of hatred for iron and steel.


"What elm head, Sister Lin, what are you trying to say?"

Wang Xiaohu, who shrank his head again, and protected the top of his head with both hands in an aggrieved way, first hid to the side before asking strangely.

"Junior Sister?"

"Do you know other ways to get out?"

At this time, Lixianglan seemed to hear some overtones, so she hurriedly moved in.

"Sister Lin!"

"Hurry up! How can we get out?"

Ding Xiulan also came to her.

Although she, Sister Xianglan and Wang Xiaohu came in to save Lin Yueru and Su Mei, but now they have been trapped for three days. They also want to get out of this ghostly, monster-running strange tower as soon as possible. I went out and didn't want to stay any longer.

That is to say, they have been strengthened now, and ordinary demons and ghosts cannot beat them, which makes them feel a lot of confidence, but if she changes in the past, if Ding Xiulan comes to this terrible lock demon tower, let alone three God, I'm afraid it will scare her to death for a long time!

"of course!"

"Those monsters are very cunning. They want to use us to escape. They are wishful thinking. Who do you think of my Lin Xia Xia? Is it the kind of person who allows them to fool a few times?"


"I'm telling you, we actually don't need to destroy the seven-star plate dragon pillar. You should have heard clearly what the cunning book fairy said just now, right?"

"So, we just need this and this...and so and this... Then can we go out safely?"

Soon, in front of a certain prisoner Ming King who was immobile on the sword pillar, Lin Yueru would not damage the lock demon tower or release the demon, but still let the five of them successfully get out of trouble. Said it.


"Such a good way, me, why didn't I think of it?!"

After listening, Wang Xiaohu slapped his own head with only a bunch of hair, exclaimed with some annoyance, and sincerely admired the good idea that his sister Lin came up with.



"But Junior Sister, what should Junior Sister Su Mei do? She is a demon clan, not a human being. If she touches the demon water, she will be transformed into blood, right?"

After looking at her sister Xiulan, Ding Xianglan also felt that Lin Yueru's method was feasible.


The problem now is: their four sisters and Wang Xiaohu are human races, so naturally they are not afraid of transforming the demon water. Of course it is fine to dive into the pool, but Junior Sister Su Mei must not be able to escape with them, like that. Once the problem comes back to the original point?

"Do not worry!"

"Sister Ding, Xiaohu, and Sister Xiulan, you three just stay here, don’t let those monsters kill him, I’ll go find Sister Su Mei, and then we Go out together again!"

Pointing to the Prison King who was tied to the sword pillar by herself, Lin Yueru picked up the sword in her hand, and then lightly ordered.

Then, she turned her head to warn the King of Prison Ming on the sword pillar:


"You guy listen carefully. I hope you didn't lie to me just now. If I find Junior Sister Su Mei, then everything is easy to say, we will naturally leave by ourselves and let you down, otherwise..."

"If I find that you are lying to me, if my Junior Sister Su Mei is not in that Jiang Qingna, you guy will be dead!"

After finishing speaking, first, he threatened the Prisoner King violently, letting the other party know that he was not joking, Lin Yueru turned around and ran towards the entrance to the upper level, and quickly disappeared there. Inside the dark lock demon tower.

About half an hour later, a sad little girl and her big disciple Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Ling'er and Anu arrived late in the Shushan realm, and soon dropped the colorful cloud head. Came to the outskirts of the lock demon tower.


"Is this the lock demon tower?"


"Let's go in quickly and save the junior sisters and Xiaohu, right?"

As soon as he landed, Li Xiaoyao volunteered, holding the sword in his hand, intending to forcibly break into the lock demon tower.


"Brother Xiaoyao, this tower is not easy, don't mess around!"

Taking a look at the densely packed charms and protective formations on the periphery of the tower, Zhao Linger hurriedly grabbed her husband.

She could see that the tower was not simple, it would be fine if it was destroyed from the outside, but if you want to rush in and then break out, it must be not easy.

"Yes, big brother, this taco is evilly tight!"

"Don't you go in!"

Anu, who jumped from the head of the cloud, also persuaded him.

"Then what do you say?"


"I do not know either…"

"do not know?"

"Then we just let Junior Sister and Xiaohu get trapped inside?"



"Sister Ling'er, and senior brother, what are you worried about, don't we still have the master?!"



"Master, you said, how are we going to save Xiaohu and the others?"

After arguing for a while, Li Xiaoyao quickly reacted under Anu's reminder, and then followed Zhao Linger with some sorrow, and turned to look at their little girl master.



"We are late, it seems we don't need to save it..."

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Looking at the tower and blinking, Annie sighed suddenly.


"No, don't save it?!"

"You, you mean, Xiaohu and the others..."

Li Xiaoyao's eyes widened in an instant, and he subconsciously thought of the worst possible him. With his feet soft, he immediately slumped on the ground.


Zhao Linger couldn't help covering her mouth, her eyes filled with the little master who looked at them incredulously, unable to believe what the other party said was true.

"No, no?"


Anu also stepped back subconsciously, unable to believe that her four sisters and junior brothers were gone.



"What are you doing?!"


Seeing the strange reaction of the three of them, Annie was a little inexplicable.


"Xiaohu, Xianglan and Xiulan, brother will definitely avenge you!"

Li Xiaoyao whimpered directly, wiping tears, and withdrew the Tai Chi sword in his hand.

What didn't say, since Xiaohu and the others were killed here in Shushan, then those people in Shushan must have nothing to do with them. It must be right that he went to find them to vent their anger.

"how so…"


Zhao Ling'er and Anu just stood there in silence, lowered their heads, their eyes gradually reddened, and the gleam of crystals began to brew inside involuntarily, UU reading www. will burst out at any time.

"What are you doing?"


"Look, didn't they already come out by themselves?!"


As soon as Annie’s words fell, Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Linger, and Anu, who subconsciously raised their heads, were surprised to see: Lin Yueru, Wang Xiaohu, Ding Xianglan, and Ding Xiulan, who were a little embarrassed and still wet, were unexpected. The earth broke from the soft mud not far away?


"Sister Lin, what you said about using the earthen escape method in the pool at the bottom of the tower is really useful, we finally came out!"


"Is that dirt escape? That's digging a hole!"


"It smells so smelly..."

"Sister, I don't know how much the demon's flesh and blood has been transformed into the demon water, it's disgusting, I really want to vomit..."

"Me, me too..."


"Is that the master and them?"

"It really is…"




"Li Xiaoyao!"

"Wow! You bitch, this girl is looking for you!"

With that said, Lin Yueru, who just broke the ground and was ugly and ugly, looked like a beggar's woman. First, Lin Yueru stuffed a certain universe bag into Wang Xiaohu's arms, and then raised the sword in her hand. Li Xiaoyao, who was not out of the sheath, just connected to the scabbard, with a sword gesture of breaking the boat, sitting straight on the ground, still with some tears on his face, and his expression looks extremely complicated and changeable. Came here.


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