Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1465: ?(ψ`?′)o The strongest in Sword Art Online...

Annie had already quietly left the station in the Tiankeng Lake of Shengyu Village, leaving only a avatar to guard there, so in the name of ‘retreat’, she stopped taking care of the affairs of that world.

As for the inexplicable disciples she collected, such as Li Xiaoyao, Wang Xiaohu, Ding Xianglan, Ding Xiulan, Zhao Ling'er, Anu, Su Mei, Lin Yueru, and Jiang Wan'er, what nine people would think, then she would definitely not care. Yes, and I don’t even think about it.

   She has always just cared about her happiness, how could she care about the life and death of the guys who were fooled by her on the thief ship?

   In fact, this time, she even threw her own little bear Tibbs to the body, and didn't bring it at all.



"here it is…"


   Just came here, and when she came to the big square in this unknown city, Xiao Annie was immediately taken aback by the sight in front of her.

   Because, at this time, she actually saw that countless people of all kinds were being teleported to her in an instant, the number was still thousands, and the square was crowded and full.

This made her subconsciously believe that the people in this world are a group of high-level and above mages, and they all have mastered the teleportation skills that ordinary low-level mages cannot master. Therefore, they can use extremely intensive methods at the same time, regardless of the possibility of triggering. The turbulence and turbulence in the space have been directly and accurately teleported here!


   However, as more people continued to transmit, Annie gradually felt that something was wrong, and then began to observe carefully.

   Soon, she discovered the wrong reason.

   It turns out that this world is not a real world at all, but a virtual game world based on another ordinary world?

Originally, a world without much power like this did not need her to interfere. However, given that this virtual world in this world may undergo some subtle changes due to the interference of the world’s will, given the world’s The children of luck might awaken and interfere with themselves under the'game', so this flame clone of her still came here.

At this moment, this clone of her came here for only one purpose, that is: to deprive the'qi luck' originally belonging to the children of good luck, to interfere and disrupt the'obscure' world will in this ordinary world, Let it not grow up in a short time!



   "There seems to be nothing fun, let's change the world..."

After the investigation, Annie wanted to turn her head and leave, letting her clone toss and deal with it casually, but... Seeing that so many people were sent here, and more and more people were sent, look. When those weird guys were talking excitedly about something, and they seemed to be excited, she suddenly got a little bit of interest again.


   "Why are there so many spicy people?"

   "It looks like it's fun..."

   Annie hesitated a bit, and stopped her original idea of ​​turning her head and leaving, letting her mind leave this clone, leaving this boring game world.

   "Forget it!"

  Ε=)) alas

   "Anyway, it's here, so play around!"


   "Let me take a look first, how can I play it?"

With that said, unlike the strange uncles, Annie, who looks like a little girl, didn’t care about the guys around her, but started to check the system options and her own “infiltration” into the game. The flame avatar in the data comes.


   Character: Annie Hasta

Grade 1

   Experience: 0

   Basic attribute ability value:

  STR: 1

  VIT: 1

  INT: 1

  AGI: 1

  DEX: 1

  LUK: 1




   "How is it possible? Is it so spicy? How can all the basic attributes have only ‘1’?!"

  Although this is just a game, it cannot be taken too seriously, but seeing that her basic attributes are all the lowest and lowest ‘1’, it’s definitely impossible for Annie to mind that kind of thing!

and so…



   looked around, and found that no one would care about her little bit squeezed in the crowd, she opened the game panel that she could see, and then quickly input some code that was not displayed with her finger on it.

   Then soon, after she obtained certain permissions, she naturally reset the basic attributes of her character.



   "Get it done!"

   After everything was done, Annie reopened her character panel, and then she saw the following screen:


   Character: Annie Hasta

Grade 1

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}  Experience:0

   Basic attribute ability value:

  STR: 10

  VIT: 10

  INT: 10

  AGI: 10

  DEX: 10

  LUK: 10


   That's right, Annie just adjusted her character attributes to the maximum allowed by the basic attributes in an instant!

   Actually, it's not that she doesn't want to be higher, but the level 1 game character seems to have the highest basic attribute value, but only allowed to swing randomly between 1~10?

Therefore, in order to prevent some bad guys named GM from discovering and interfering, and then adjusting her attributes back, she converged a little bit and didn't let her attribute value overflow directly, thus attracting herself. Some unnecessary troubles.

   Although, she seems not afraid of trouble at all?

"All right!"


   "The cheating is over!"


   "Now go buy a weapon, and then go out of the city to fight monsters and upgrade!"


Queen Anne said that she had played the number one player, and was the coolest and strongest game player when she played that kind of simulation warehouse in the star area. She is so familiar with this kind of holographic immersive simulation game. Familiar again!

   Now, she is the strongest one, if someone can play better than her, then she dare to write her Queen Anne's "king" upside down!

Soon, due to the embarrassment in the pocket, the money on the initial character was only a pitiful loss, all of which were fixed values. Annie, who did not dare to modify it easily, had to buy a dagger casually, and then began to rush to Xinshou Village. Outskirts.

   "Wild boar?"

"Okay! It seems that the head of this game developer is not very bright. Outside the Novice Village, there are no one or two full-level dragons or lichs to block the door to kill novices to increase the difficulty. It is just a bunch of useless. Little animal?"


   Seeing that the wild monsters outside the Novice Village turned out to be the only kind of boring little animals, Annie couldn't help but lowered the evaluation of this broken game.


   But no matter how low the evaluation is, since the decision has been made, in any case, Annie must continue to play.

   "That wild boar over there!"


   "Look at the move! Swordsmanship!"


   Of course, Annie doesn't know how to use swordsmanship, and the character in the game has no spiritual power, but she can do all kinds of sword moves and postures!

Moreover, in addition, her character’s basic strength and speed are both the highest value of the basic attribute of '10', so in an instant, after she easily dodges the assault of the wild boar with her dexterity, she took advantage of the situation and moved towards The wild boar's side chest was slammed in, and then directly hit a huge crit. Then the wild boar wailed and rolled on the ground twice, and finally fell dead on the spot.


  The battle is over

   Experience gained: 30

   Earn money: 62

  Props obtained: 3

   You got the mane of a wild boar, the tusks of a wild boar, and the leg meat of a wild boar...


   Soon, as the wild boar fell dead and was refreshed, Annie received the above information reminder in her personal game panel.

   "It's boring!"

   "What's the problem with such a weak enemy, should I level up quickly, and then go to fight other more powerful monsters?"


It is obvious that a wild boar can't beat Annie. So, after Yijian killed the opponent, Annie turned to look at the more wild boars in the distance. Then, without thinking about it, she cheered directly, Yang He rushed over with the small blade in his hand.



At this moment, not far from Annie, two guys who had managed to kill a wild boar were dumbfounded watching her rush to the owner's group to kill them, and watch her constantly flashing. The light of experience.


   "Tong, Kirito-kun, have you seen that guy, that little girl, did she cheat?"

   "Look at you!"

   "She has killed the third group of wild boars now, at least dozens of them added up, everyone is the first level, how could she be so fast, that must be cheating, right?"

   "Shall we take a screenshot and report it to GM?!"

The guy with red hair and straps on his head almost didn't start to drop his chin after seeing Annie's performance, so he opened his character panel and looked for the function of video recording. It seemed that he was really planning. Report Annie to the official GM?

   "Are there any plug-ins for this game?"

   "It's so frustrating..."

   "This is the latest immersive game. It happened on the first day of the public beta. This experience is really terrible."


   "Kirito-kun, you are a beta tester, do you know where the report button is?"

   "Why can't I find..."

   The red-haired guy operated for a while and recorded the video, but he searched and searched, but he couldn't find the function module to report.

try{mad1('gad2');}catch(ex){}  "No..."

   "She didn't cheat!"

   However, at this time, the guy called "Kirito" shook his head solemnly, denying his friend's guess.

   "Klein, look!"

"Her avoidance movements are not very fast, and they are still in the category of novices, but her body style is not muddled, and she can always use the simplest movements to avoid the collisions and bites of the wild boars, just like in Like dancing in a wild boar group?"

"and also!"

"Look at her attack. Although she didn't use any skills, it was extremely precise and fierce, and she didn't have the slightest extra moves. She was precise, accurate, and ruthless. She could always attack the vital points of the wild boar and produce critical strikes with normal attacks... "

   "It's amazing!"

   "Anyway, you don't need to report it, she is definitely not cheating, nor is it a plug-in!"

   "I guess, she is not only the same as me, but also a beta tester. At the same time, she is likely to be a swordsman in reality, and she is still the most powerful one!"

   looked and watched, that ‘Kirito’ gradually changed from the original shock to exclamation. He had never thought that there was such a number one among the group of beta testers back then!

   However, when he saw that the other party had set the game character to look like a child, he nodded clearly, thinking that the other party definitely did not want to expose the packaging and testing information, so he changed his image again?


   "No, no? Kirito-kun, are you sure, she really didn't cheat?"

"I'm very sure!"

   "Her attribute value is similar to ours, but she has used all kinds of advantages to the extreme!"


   "What's the matter with the light on her?"

   "She upgraded..."

While the guys named Kirito and Klein were still in a daze and talking, the little girl rushed to another group of refreshed wild boars and slaughtered everywhere. Soon, when the two were still sighing. , She was successfully promoted to the second level, so that the two guys who were still watching her from a distance almost did not drop their jaws.

"All right!"

   "Klein, it's still early, let's hurry up and kill monsters!"

   "Those who are alone, the wild boars she doesn't like, are ours."

After watching for a while, I felt that as a beta tester, I couldn’t waste time, and I couldn’t let others compare myself to Kirito. Soon Kirito cheered up, and then took the name "Klein". 'S new friend, kills a wild boar in the distance.



   "Can't we just attract a large group of wild boars like her, and then swipe it faster?"

   "She only upgraded after hitting dozens of them. When do we fight one by one?"

I looked at the little girl in the distance and led a large group of wild boars there, and then looked at the one that Kirito had locked. I felt that my two big men were no better than a loli Klein. , It seems that I can't hold my face?

"Do not!"

   "I can only deal with one at a time. If you have two, you may not be able to dodge and lose blood. At that time, if you die, you will lose more experience!"

   "Moreover, running back and forth from the resurrection point will waste a lot of time."

Shaking his head, Kirito rejected Klein’s suggestion, but after teaming up with the opponent, he resolutely rushed to the wild boar, and after entangled for a while, he cut the opponent down with a few swords. UU reading successfully gained a little experience and money.


   "Klein, I have to give you experience in a team situation, don't you just stand?"

   After hitting a wild boar, when Klein was still staring at the little girl in the distance, Kirito urged with some dissatisfaction.

You know, just now, he only agreed to help the opponent get familiar with the game, but he did not agree to take the opponent to level up. If the opponent deliberately raped and dragged him down, he would definitely release the team state without hesitation and go alone. Leveling.


   "Good, good!"

Finally, Klein stopped looking at the little girl in the distance that he was a little hopeless and unable to imitate. Instead, he learned the method Kirito just taught him and turned to another not far away. A wild boar rushed over, and while carefully avoiding the collision of the wild boar, he used the machete and skill in his hand to cause little damage to the wild boar.


   After half an hour, more and more players came here, and joined the ranks of the protected animals slashing wild boars.

   "It's so spicy that there are so many people..."

I don’t know how many wild boars, and got countless trophies and a lot of money in the backpack, but the trophies are all mane, fangs and pork thighs. Annie, who sees that she can no longer level up normally, sees more and more After more people made this place smoggy, she thought about it, then gave up this place, and walked towards the area where the high-level monsters were in the distance.


   ask for monthly pass


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