Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1468: ('??'?)/The most in Sword Art Online...

After Annie successfully defeated the first-tier defensive BOSS "King of the Beasts" and encouraged all the players, the speed at which the advancing players quickly attacked the towers of Aincrad became significantly faster. Up.

   However, those inspired players soon discovered that what a little girl singled out and successfully attacked the defensive BOSS is that emotion is not the end, but only the beginning?

   Isn't this?

In the next year, they soon discovered that the game system would announce to all their players a message of successful clearance to all their players almost every once in a while, and it was basically the same. The name and format have never changed, as if this game was developed specifically for the other party?

  Any player, as long as he opens his panel and scrolls to the option notified by the system, he can find the following message:

   Ding Dong!

   The player "Anne Hasta" defeated the second-tier defending boss, and the passage to the third-tier of Aincrad's world was opened...

   Ding Dong!

   The player "Anne Hasta" defeated the third-tier defending boss, and the passage to the fourth-tier of Aincrad's world was opened...


   Ding Dong!

   The player "Anne Hasta" defeated the seventh-level defending boss, and the passage to the eighth level of Aincrad's world was opened...

In less than a month after breaking through the first floor, the mysterious solo player "Anne Hasta" defeated a full seven BOSS and sent the players to the seventh floor in one fell swoop, completely shocking the entire Ai England World.

   However, the mere clearance of the seventh floor is not the end. In the following days, gradually, people will become numb to those clearance prompts.


   Ding Dong!

   The player "Anne Hasta" defeated the ninth layer of the defending boss, and the passage to the tenth layer of Aincrad's world was opened...

   Ding Dong!

   The player ‘Anne Hasta’ defeated the tenth floor defending boss, and the passage to the eleventh floor of the Aincrad world was opened...


   Ding Dong!

   The player "Anne Hasta" defeated the 28th floor defending boss, and the passage to the 29th floor of Aincrad World was opened...


   Ding Dong!

   The player "Anne Hasta" defeated the defending boss on the 35th floor, and the passage to the 36th floor of Aincrad World was opened...

   Ding Dong!

   The player "Anne Hasta" defeated the defending boss on the 48th floor, and the passage to the 49th floor of Aincrad World was opened...

   I don’t know when it started. Maybe it was due to the fanatical pursuit and hype of some good people and fans?

So, like the kind of "Lone Wolf", "Invincible Great Sword", "Her Majesty", "Tower Pusher", "Boss Terminator", "Enemy of Kayaba", "Aincrad's The nicknames and halo of "Star", "Savior", etc., etc. were pressed to the legend. Dragging a two-handed sword, walking among the wilderness, mazes and towers, the sword fell in hand, no monsters or monsters. BOSS is one of the legendary little girls who are enemies.

It was also from that time that the'Great Sword Stream' became popular in the world of Aincrad. However, players soon discovered that they would be very clumsy and difficult to avoid when holding a big sword. It is also difficult for a monster to attack with a sword, and it is even more difficult to kill with a single blow like that little girl!

But if they are more agile, their power will not be able to keep up, and their attack power, defense, and blood volume will put them in a very dangerous situation. If they are more powerful, their speed will be relatively behind, which is even more dangerous. Up!

   So, gradually, the "Big Sword Stream" was quickly eliminated and abandoned by players who blindly followed suit, making the "Big Sword" the exclusive weapon and status symbol of the legendary little girl again.

   But the things about the towers are not important, because today there are more important things!

   Today is Christmas, and NERvGear has been on sale for more than a year...

   I don’t know what the purpose is. The game official suddenly refreshed a large number of Christmas trees and holiday dresses in various towns on all levels today. It seems to be holding a lively and noisy Christmas celebration?

  More inspiring is: According to some gossip, this Christmas event has a special Christmas BOSS. Once you defeat the opponent, you can get a vital item that can revive the dead?

   Then of course, the entire Aincrad world went crazy and became a sensation.

Some guilds, organizations, or individuals who think they are powerful and think they can defeat the BOSS are even more eager, and are using various methods to start to explore the whereabouts of the BOSS, intending to get that vital resurrection item. on.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   After all, this game is really going to die if it is dead, and so far, there are more than 2,000 dead players and nearly 3,000 people So, if you can really get the kind of props that save your life or revive your teammates, then no one will definitely refuse it!


   Not everyone is interested in that matter, and there are some people who ignore it at all.

On the forty-ninth floor, in the bustling Christmas Square in the center of the town, a little girl with a hood is eating at a stall on the side of the street, without having to look around at all. The bustling crowd.



   It wasn't until another cat lady with a certain cat walked gently behind her and stopped, that she turned her head in surprise and glanced at him.


   "It turned out to be Sister Argo, you weird fellow..."


   glanced at the other person. After knowing who it was, Annie turned around to eat her own food again, and then let the other person sit next to her, never looking at each other again.

   Because, in Annie's eyes, at this time, delicious food is definitely more important than friends. There is no doubt about it.

   Friends are only used to chat to relieve boredom, but the food is eaten in their own stomachs. Which one is more important, she can tell the kind of things with her eyes closed.



   "Where are your weapons?"

   sat next to Annie. Argo, with a beard and beard drawn on her face, was a little strange when she saw that Annie was not equipped with any weapons.

   Since she didn't have that iconic weapon, she had been looking for it for a long time, and finally found that such a small person was sitting here.

   "Of course it is put away."


   "Because it is too troublesome to carry it, and it is easy to be seen by those stupid guys who are very annoying and annoying..."

   "Gulu, Gulu, Gulu..."



  ! o

   "Ms. Argo, what do you want to do when you came to find someone this time?"


After eating her own food, she drank the big bowl of soup in one sip, but her belly didn't swell at all, and she felt a little dissatisfied, and then she continued to spend money and ordered another large portion to the NPC shopkeeper. After the meal, he then started to ask strangely while eating.

"of course!"

   "I got a piece of information. It is said that it was late on Christmas Eve, which is tonight?"

"A special boss, Apostate Nicholas will appear. He will appear under a special fir tree with important resurrection items. Now some powerful guys in the guild seem to be looking for red eyes. Yeah!"

   "It's no time now, and once the fir tree is refreshed, I'm afraid they will find it soon, right?"

   Argo sighed, and ordered a drink to the NPC shopkeeper.

   In this world, food is not actually necessary. Just eat something regularly to satisfy satiety and the system's judgment. She is not like the little girl around her, and almost half of the money she earns is invested in food.

   From Argo's point of view, if the other party spends most of their money on strengthening their own weapons and equipment, I am afraid it would have already broken through the sixtieth or seventieth floor.

   "But fortunately, I know an approximate area..."

   At this point, the cat face girl Argo stopped and turned to look at Annie, as if she wanted to see if Annie was really interested?

   It's a pity that she quickly became disappointed.


   "It's like this..."


After    responded, as more delicious food was served, Annie started to eat again, and did not express any attitude towards the information Argo had given him.



   "Little guy, what's your reaction?"

   "If you don't want to find it, I will sell the information to others!"

   "That's a resurrection item, don't regret it then!"

   Cat face girl Argo obviously also noticed Annie's not very positive attitude, so she raised her eyebrows first, and then reminded them cautiously again.

   "Whatever you want..."


   "Hmm! Hmm!"

   It smells so good~~

  What tattered resurrection props, how could Annie be interested in that kind of thing?

   So, after knowing that it was such a trivial matter, she didn't pay attention to the other party at all, and still ate her own food.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "You!!!"


   "I said, can't you be more active?"

   Argo was a little mad, and he asked his stool in a low voice after he moved his stool closer to Annie's.

   "Why should you be active?"

   "I still have to eat now..."


   "Eating and defeating BOSS to obtain props to strengthen yourself, and then get through 100 levels as soon as possible, which is more important?"

   tried his best to lower his voice, and when he tried not to attract the attention of the surrounding players, Argo asked with his teeth and eyes rounded.

   "Of course it is important to eat!"

   To the surprise of Argo, the cat-faced mother, Xiao Anni answered with a straightforward and strong answer, and she seemed to have no thought at all. Is that kind of truthfulness?


   "You fellow, are you still ashamed?"

   Argo was completely mad, and continued to stare angrily.

   She felt that if she hadn't considered that she seemed to be unable to beat the terrible little girl in front of her, she would have picked up the food and patted the other person's face.


   "There seems to be none!"

   After thinking about it for less than three seconds, Annie turned her head and gave Mao Lian Niang a big and sincere smile.

   "You can't eat something ashamed, why do people have it?"

   Yes, Annie doesn't need that kind of weird thing!

   In her opinion, a creature like a human lives in the world as long as it fills its stomach, don't be starved to death, and then has a place to sleep comfortably without being frozen to death.

And there is no doubt that among all things, eating is the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most The most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most the most important kind!

   As for other things...

   For example, what shame, shame, face, reputation, etc., then all are not important!

It's just other people's boring views of themselves, and the stupid guy who likes to impose other people's views on him and let himself be influenced by others is undoubtedly stupid, and is to be rejected by her Queen Anne. of!

   Anyway, she wouldn’t learn from those idiots!


   "Forget it!"

   The cat-faced girl Argo, who originally wanted to say something, gave up quickly after struggling for a while, and then after thinking about it, she continued:


   "I sold the information of the Christmas BOSS to others. Then, it is the old rule to find out the specific location of the guarding BOSS leading to the next level for you?"

   I was not interested in seeing the little girl redeeming the resurrection props, and she didn't seem to realize the importance of that thing at No way, Argo could only stand up angrily.

   "I'm afraid that is what you care about..."


For Aincrad, he is known as the "mouse" of the intelligence agency, and is also a closed beta player. One of the many female players who participated in the closed beta, and found the hidden skill "Physique" during the closed beta. For her who is good at exploring, if she can find the BOSS position name of this layer and provide it to the little guy in front of her, so that she can lead them all through the 100th floor and leave the game as soon as possible, then she is currently one of the few The way to realize self-worth.

   At that time, everyone can leave this virtual world safely and early, and Argo must also have a contribution to her!



   "Sister Argo, I'm sorry to trouble you!"

   "Remember to draw the route better, otherwise people will definitely get lost!!"


   Hearing that the other party was going to explore and find the boss of the tower, Xiao Annie also quickly turned around to remind the other party.


   "You should continue to eat yours!"

I thought of one time when the other party could find the wrong place when they had a map, and finally lost their way in the tower, and had to use teleportation props to teleport it out, and then let him bring it in... The cat face girl Argo first and then again. He glared bitterly, then turned around, put on his disguised hood and hurriedly left.


   monthly pass

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