Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1470: ?(???`)? The strongest girl in Sword Art Online...

In February 2024 of this world, the lone swordsman Kirito returned from the fifty-fifth floor of the Aincrad world to the thirty-fifth floor, and accidentally rescued a rare beast in the dark night forest in the suburbs. The teacher (Dragon Envoy) player Silica, and the two went back to the town on the thirty-fifth floor together, preparing to stay here for one night.

In Michele’s hotel "Feng Xiang Ji Ting," in order to thank Kirito for his life-saving grace, Silica specially invited him to eat the best cheesecake here, and then the two chatted under the oil lamp. stand up.

"Are you OK?"

"Don't worry! With the ‘Heart of Pina’, as long as you go to the ‘Mound of Memories’ south of Floria on the forty-seventh floor to get the item Soul Flower, your servitor will be able to resurrect!

"The resurrection of NPC-type partners is much simpler than the players, and there is at least three days of loose time..."

At this point, Kirito's eyes flashed with a trace of sadness, and then he lowered his head in silence.

Because, he remembered the resurrection item ‘Resurrection Sacred Quartz’ he had obtained two months ago, and thought of the ‘ten seconds’ request for resurrection, it was an eternal pain in his heart!

Silica's envoy Bina can be resurrected as long as she gets the item "Soul Flower" within three days, but his companions will never come back.

"I'm fine, anyway, thank you Kirito-kun!"

"Trouble you..."

Silica didn't feel the emotional change on her savior's face, but she bowed her head shyly and nervously and thanked her.


"That's not true, you may not believe it, but this time I'm actually here to solve the trouble..."

"Others, like that little girl, must have started to head towards the area where the boss on the fifty-sixth floor is now, and people like me can only come to the thirty-fifth floor to do some small things."

With a sigh, Kirito quickly recovered, and then sighed with emotion.

After hearing the message left by Lucky Message Recording Crystal, he actually wanted to understand that he must not give up on himself, and must live bravely until the day he returns!

"little girl?"

"Which little girl?"


"What you said, shouldn't it be... the amazing'Her Majesty'?"

Silica was taken aback for a moment, and then finally managed to get back to her senses, knowing who Kirito was just talking to herself.


"Apart from her now, who else would dare to easily attack the BOSS?"

"She did all the BOSS first kills alone, and the props and resources have all tilted toward her. When the equipment can't keep up, those BOSSs are no longer what ordinary people like us can deal with."

With a wry smile, Kirito didn't even know what to say.

The little girl sang forward and defeated the guarding bosses one by one, and directly hit the 56th floor, breaking through more than half of the layers. It looks really good, but...

The problems and worries are not without it, that is:

The opponent has too many top-level items and equipment, and the gap between other players and her is getting bigger and bigger, and once the opponent makes a mistake and is destroyed by the monster, it is still in the world of Aincrad It’s definitely a disaster for people.


"I didn't even pay attention..."

"Has she hit the fifty-sixth floor now?"

"I remember that at Christmas two months ago, she seemed to have just hit the 49th floor... It's amazing, now it's on the 56th floor, and I even have the wild monsters on the 35th floor. Can't beat..."

Before, she was always called "Dragon Envoy Silica" by those middle-level players, and Silica was still complacent about this.

But look now...

And that single-handedly challenged the BOSS, and went straight up from the first floor all the way, until the 56th floor has not stopped, and it is said that when facing all the BOSS, it is a one-stroke, "the most important thing is to kill." For the legendary little girl who added Critical Strike to destroy, she seemed to be a little bit incompetent for the'Dragon Envoy' who had to rely on Pina to protect her even after fighting a few monsters?


Thinking about it, Silica became even more frustrated, and her chin almost didn't fit directly on her small curving breast.


"You know, that was two months ago, but now it's February 24..."

"It's been a bit slow to reach the fifty-sixth floor in more than two months. I guess it must be that the food on a certain floor is too delicious."

Breaking through six floors in two months, an average of ten days for one floor. Although this speed is not too slow, Kirito knew that the little girl must have been slack or stayed on a certain floor for too long. Otherwise, she could rely on her ability. , One layer a day, and then liberating the entire Aincrad world two months later is not a big problem.

Of course, that was just Kirito's own personal thoughts, and he couldn't force or demand the little girl to go through the barrier like that.


"Kirito-kun, how do you know so clearly, do you know her?"

After the frustration, Silica quickly came in interest.

The Kirito-kun in front of her is so powerful, that one person can easily eliminate the gorillas in the dark forest, and she is so familiar with what the'Her Majesty' is doing, so she feels that it is very likely that Kirito is the legend. Little girl's friend?

When she thought about it, maybe, only a powerful swordsman like Kirito is really qualified to make friends with those legendary figures, right?

"I don't even know..."

"It's just that I have met several times in total, mainly because her intelligence agent and I are still friends, so I can always get some general information about her at the first time."

Thinking of the information dealer known as the ‘mouse’ and the cat-faced girl Argo, who claimed to be able to sell even information about himself as long as the price was right, Kirito shook his head and smiled bitterly.

That Argo's intelligence is indeed very accurate and time-sensitive, but the only drawback is that it is too expensive and too expensive, and every time he goes to her, he will always spend a lot of money.

For example, this time, he came to investigate here on the 35th floor, but it took him a lot of money to get some specific clues about the murder guild from the opponent's mouth.

"But, Silica, you might not know?"

"Although I am not her friend, I am a member of the ‘Queen’s Guard’ that spontaneously formed!"

"This time, I am here specifically to solve some worries for her. She is very busy and can't leave everything to her to take care of, and this is the meaning of our existence!"

Thinking of the murder guild, thinking of the guy who threatened to ambush the'Her Majesty', Kirito gradually lost his face.

To be honest, Kirito really doesn’t know the structure of the brain circuit that kills the madman. The little girl has worked hard (eat, drink) to reach the 56th floor, and is trying to get through the 100th floor as soon as possible and liberate the entire Aincrad is working hard in the world, but those people are good, no matter if they don’t help, they actually plan to drag others back, even want to ambush the opponent, and then explode those massive first kill props. ...

Anyway, he really didn't know what adjective he should use to describe the villains.

"I really envy you, I haven't seen her once..."

Silica of course has heard of the spontaneously formed ‘Queen’s Guard’. It’s said that the people in it are all the top players who can attack the BOSS?

Some people even said that if one day'Her Majesty' accidentally fails, then there is no doubt that the'Queen's Guard' will take over the burden of the'Her Majesty', shoulder the Raiders BOSS and get through 100 Responsibility of the layer?

The fact that the Kirito in front of him can join the ‘Queen’s Guard’ fully demonstrates his strength.


"Is she really a little girl?"

After the envy, Silica quickly turned her attention to other aspects.


"She is indeed a little kid, she looks almost the same as you, all the same cute, but...she may be shorter and smaller, because she is only eight or nine years old at most."

It was a blond little girl who didn't take out a weapon when she was in the city, she bounced around, looking like an NPC wandering around.

However, that kind of thing needs to be kept secret, and Kirito didn't want to describe it too clearly.

"Eight or nine years old..."

"She is so powerful when she is young, and she can defeat terrible monsters like the defending boss by herself, but I can't even break through the 35th floor of the wild forest, and it makes Bina want to protect me..."

"I really want to see her..."

After sighing for her own uselessness, Silica suddenly had the idea of ​​wanting to meet the little girl, and then learn some game skills or methods from the other party.

Silica felt that she didn't even need to learn too much, as long as she only learned one percent of the skills from the opponent, it was estimated that she would be inexhaustible in the middle-level player team.

"That's easy!"

"Go to the places selling delicious food on the fifty-sixth floor, and you will always have a chance to meet her."

"Although you may not recognize her?"

Thinking of the fascinating little girl who had never taken the initiative to reveal her identity in public, and had always been a lonely little girl, Kirito chuckled a rare occasion.

He thought, it's possible that the little girl passed by, Silica probably wouldn't recognize it, because the guy's appearance is too confusing, as long as you haven't seen it with your own eyes, it's probably hard to believe someone like that. The guy actually exists in the legend.

?? Ding Dong! ??

?? The player ‘Anne Hasta’ defeated the defending BOSS ‘GeoCrawler’ on the 56th floor, and the passage to the 57th floor of Aincrad World was opened...??


"Look at the system prompt, Silica, now you want to see her, I'm afraid you should go to the 57th floor to find..."

After clicking the prompt and seeing the prompt to kill the boss and the opening of the fifty-seventh floor, Kirito first heaved a sigh of relief, and then smiled and teased at Silica who was astonished.

He knew that the fifty-sixth floor of the guardian BOSS'GeoCrawler' is a demon holding a big sword, wearing a thick armor, and the big sword in his hand will continue to lose blood even if it is blocked, which is very difficult. It's not something ordinary people can deal with.


Fortunately, the little girl is definitely not an ordinary person, so now the guardian BOSS'GeoCrawler' on the fifty-sixth floor has been defeated, and presumably, the big sword in the opponent's hand can ignore the block and cause The murder weapon of the damage effect must have fallen into the hands of the little girl.


"I haven't had time to ask, Kirito-kun, what are you going to do on the thirty-fifth floor?"

Finally, Silica remembered the important thing that made her somewhat puzzled.


"The main purpose is to investigate the Murder Guild-Hand of Titans!"

"Killing, killing guild?"

"How can there be such a terrible guild?!"


"SwordArtOnline is Silica's first MMO game you played?"

"Yes, is there any problem?"

"That's no wonder..."

"Maybe you don't know? No matter what online game, there are always many players whose personality changes. Of course, there are also those who wantonly release the dark side of their personality and act as bad guys."

"For players like us, the arrow of the attribute is usually green when looking at the past, but after committing a crime, it will turn orange!"


"Once a player commits a murder, he will turn red. That is the so-called red player!"

"When you encounter people like that, Silica, you'd better be careful, because they really enjoy killing people, even if they know that the players will be burned by the brain after death by ‘NERvGear’!"

Clenching his fist, Kirito, who was sitting on the edge of the table, said with a dark face, with a heavy tone.

This is the purpose of Kirito coming to the thirty-fifth floor. He wants to find those people, find the guild, and then, before they do more terrible things, throw them all into the Black Iron Palace, so that they can never again. Come out and do that kind of terrible thing that hurts the world!

"how come……"

"Really, are there such people?"

Covering her mouth, Silica still couldn't believe it.

"Anyway, be careful, and there is always nothing wrong with protecting yourself!"

Kirito does not intend to continue because according to reliable sources, the murder guild "Hand of Titans" is currently entrenched on the thirty-fifth floor. He can't guarantee that what he said will be surrounded by others. A lurking member of the murder guild heard it.


"Thank you Kirito-kun, thank you for telling me so much."

I know a lot of incredible things that I have never touched before, and I got a promise from the other party that tomorrow I will take myself to the "Mound of Memories" on the 47th floor to get the item "Soul Flower" and resurrect my pterodactyl. Na, thinking that the other party cared and helped herself so much, and so powerfully, gradually, Silica's cheeks couldn't help but turn red.


??????(??????ω????)?? monthly pass

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