Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1473: ?(ψ?~?)o The strongest in Sword Art Online...

Three days ago, the feat of a tragic little girl who attacked the 40th floor of BOSS continuously in just three hours, directly and unreasonably slashed all the bosses and hit the 100th floor of the Red Jade Palace, was taken for granted. The ground completely ignited public opinion in the entire Aincrad world.

Those players who have survived so far began to sing and dance, thinking that there is a'Lone Wolf','Invincible Great Sword','Her Majesty','Tower Pusher', and'Boss Terminator'. , "The Enemy of Kayaba", "Star of Aincrad", "Savior", etc., with the efforts of little girls with nicknames, everyone can quickly quit the game and return to the real world to follow When my family and friends got together, went to the offline base, and checked their bodies that hadn't moved in those two years, the reality made them take a hit!


No one knew what was the reason, and no one knew what happened. Anyway, the little girl didn't move anymore, and the system didn't send them any prompts.

So, naturally, in these three days, all kinds of speculation and rumors began to fly in the sky, and the players went crazy.

Some people say that the little girl has cleared the 100th level of "Red Jade Palace", but Kayaba Akihiko regrets it and only allows players who have cleared the 100th level to leave? So, the little girl left and abandoned thousands of them in this world.

It was also said that because the little girl was too radical, she had not had time to digest the large number of drops after the forty bosses and use them to strengthen herself, not to mention that she went rashly without raising her own level to 100. The'Red Jade Palace' on the 100th floor, to the end, it was discovered that the BOSS couldn't be touched at all, and it was impossible to even escape. So he drank hatred on the spot and was directly hacked to death by the BOSS?

Of course, there are people who vowed to say...

In fact, the little girl did not go to the 100th floor of the Red Jade Palace at all. After breaking through the ninety-ninth floor and entering the Red Jade Palace, she quickly teleported away, and now she is in the place where Aincrad has already opened up. Wandering in one of the ninety-nine floors?

In short, there are a lot of rumors among the players in Aincrad at the moment, and there are more rumors. There are various theories and various versions, plus the little girl involved has never She has appeared in public and announced her thoughts or decisions, so basically the current situation is:

No one of the players can convince anyone, and no one believes anyone, even if the rumors are indeed mixed with some correct information.

It's almost two years...

Since the release of SwardArtOnline on November 6th two years ago and the official start of operations at 1 p.m. that day, players have been trapped in this world of Aincrad for almost two years. In these two years, Except for a few heartless ones ((???.???)????), which player is not dreaming of seeing the day when he logs out of the game and returns to the real world?

And now it’s alright. The little girl has already hit the ninety-ninth floor from the first floor. She was just short of her last kick, but suddenly there was no more information. There was no news for three days. In this case, let In the game, those players who have been trapped in this Aincrad world for nearly two years, are uneasy and expect to be able to'log out' the game and go home in the next second, how can they not worry about being worried?

Of course, the one who is the most anxious, speechless, and aggrieved right now is the one who is on the 100th floor of the Red Jade Palace, and is sitting on the throne of Kayaba Akihiko!

Because, that messy little girl, she said she would come after a meal, but it turned out...

That meal actually lasted three days after eating it?

Fortunately, he also specially arranged the scene, replaced the armor and weapons, and waited nervously for the final battle, to see if the opponent was the person he wanted to find, and whether he could break through his own settings, but in the end, he was in Waited for three full days in Hongyu Palace and let the other party release the pigeons?

In the past three days, the players who ran to the Red Jade Palace to investigate and then ran out in a hurry were not too few, and he was hacked to death by several lunatics who were not afraid of death, but until now, he is still Did not see the shadow of the little girl.

To be honest, Kayaba Akihiko almost wanted to directly use GM's authority to send the little girl directly to the Red Jade Palace, and then force the other party to give him a game.

However, in the end, he still did not choose to do that. He could only continue to be patient and wait on his throne, intending to wait until the messy little girl was ready and determined to challenge him!

At this time, a group of people were looking for Anne’s all over the world. In the end, it was still a spooky intelligence dealer. Argo, a closed beta player known as the intelligence dealer "mouse", successfully managed to reach Kam on the 74th floor. Dayto finds a nasty little girl who is enjoying a braised'chowder of rabbit meat' in a high-end restaurant opened by an NPC.


"You are here..."

"It makes me easy to find!"

After sighing, Argo, the cat face lady, while sitting across from Annie's table, she didn't forget to send the coordinates and information about finding the target to some people in her friend list.

"I have sent you several messages, why don't you reply to me?"

"Do you know how much your sudden disappearance has had on this world?"

"If I didn't see you still on the list, I would have thought you were dead!"

Seeing that what Annie was eating seemed to be pretty good, Argo thought for a while, then picked up the menu and quickly ordered himself some luxurious dishes on it.

After all, they have already reached the 100th floor of the Red Jade Palace, and they must be completely liberated in the near future. Therefore, there is no need to keep her money anymore. It is better to take advantage of the opportunity now. Just consume it quickly.

"You just died!"

ε=(?ˇεˇ??))) Bah!

"They just didn't remember to open that annoying chat window, and it was already muted by others."


Yes, although Annie is friends with these people, she doesn't have much contact with them, and she never read those news on weekdays. At least after so long, I don’t know that there are tens of thousands of messages. Now, how could she go and look through it one by one?


(??~??) Chew~!


ε=(′?`*))) It smells so good~

"Miss Argo, the one you ordered doesn't seem to be delicious, but this chowder of rabbit meat is better, the braised and roasted ones are the most delicious!"


Seeing that the other party also ordered a delicious meal and a glass of juice, and seeing the NPC waiter brought it up, Annie hurriedly corrected the other party.

"Thank you!"

"I don't like eating rabbits!"

Argo paid no attention to Annie's words, but began to enjoy her delicious and luxurious food.

She has a hunch, it is possible that today's meal will be her last dinner in Aincrad's world, so she must enjoy it well.



"But, Tutu is so spicy and delicious, why don't you eat it?!"


"Since it's cute, you shouldn't eat it!"


"Annie, the boss in the 100th floor of the Ruby Palace, that is, Kaaba Akihiko is really good, so when you saw that you couldn't beat it, you ran out quickly?"

While eating, Argo asked about things she cared more about.

In the past three days, the Red Jade Palace has basically been investigated. There is no doubt that Asuna’s guess was correct three days ago. Heathcliff is really suspicious, because that guy turned out to be the guard of the 100th floor. BOSS, is also Akihiko Kaaba himself?

And this news has now spread throughout the world of Aincrad, and almost all players know it!


It's useless to know!

Because no one will be the opponent of Kayaba Akihiko, all the guys who try to attack the BOSS, whether it is out of righteous indignation or other, who dare to break into the Red Jade Palace and challenge them, are all dead now, and they are all killed. That Kayaba Akihiko would kill with a single blow, let alone a resistance, and he didn't even have a chance to launch an attack.

Therefore, at the gate of the Red Jade Palace, the "Army of Aincrad", the "Army" guild responsible for maintaining the security of the game world and protecting everyone as its mission, sent the highest-ranking guild members to guard the red jade. The entrance to the palace is temporarily forbidden for players to enter, especially those who are deemed to be ineligible to challenge.

"That Kaaba Akihiko..."

"How good is he?"

If even the ‘Raiders Queen’ in front of them can’t beat that Kaaba Akihiko, then they can only train to the 100th full level first, then build the equipment, and finally form a team to enter the strategy.

Anyway, Argod has no other better way.

"How powerful?"




"I don't seem to know how powerful it is..."


After scratching her head for a moment, she took another sip of the drink, and finally looked at the stewed rabbit stew at her table. In the end, Annie could only give Argo such a vague statement.


"Don't know? Don't haven't beaten him yet?"

Argo was shocked, and hurriedly asked.

She always thought that it was because Annie couldn't beat it, so she had to run out, and then she was a little depressed, she didn't get her information back, and even secretly hid here to eat and get angry or something!



"I just wanted to fight, but suddenly remembered that I didn't eat, so I ran out quickly..."

?( ̄??)???

"Then, I plan to go in when I'm full, but I don't think these layers of food are spicy or delicious. I only ate the 75th floor today, and I want to wait until the 99th floor. Trouble with that guy!"

Hahaha?? (???*)

While talking, Annie laughed out loud and cheerful, she didn't care what Miss Argo's sister in front of her and a certain Kaaba Akihiko who was likely to be peeping at her would think.



Argo, who was about to say something, suddenly turned aside, because she found that after she sent out those few messages, someone finally arrived.


"Kirito, and..."

"Liz Beit?"

"Why are you here so fast?"

Argo looked a little surprised, but he didn't expect the three of them to come together.

"Because we happen to have a teleportation point in this city, we rushed here as soon as possible."

"Hello, Annie!"

"Let me introduce to you. This is my relative and friend Lisbeth, the forge who opened a shop on the 49th floor of Aincrad. Before you go to level up, you can put all your weapons and equipment. Leave it to her to forge it, it will definitely increase your combat power!"

After answering Argo's question, Asuna walked to Annie's side, and then took the Lisbeth and introduced it to Annie.

"Hello there!"

"My lord Queen Anne, this is Lisbeth, please take care of me?"

Lisbeth bowed nervously at Annie.

Obviously, she felt very honored to be able to see this legendary existence in front of her, and even to build equipment for the other party.



"Forging weapons, why?"


Annie was a little inexplicable, because she never seemed to say that she wanted to forge weapons and equipment.

"Didn't you run out because you couldn't beat that **** Kaaba Akihiko?"

"If you don't forge it, how can you beat that guy?"

Asuna stuck her waist in her waist, and said directly and unceremoniously.

Now she hates that Kayaba Akihiko, because the other party pretended to be "Heathcliff" and lied to them for so long, and it was because they respected each other so much in the past, but it turned out...

"People didn't fight him?"


"And how do you know people can't beat it?"




Hearing Annie's words, Asuna was startled, and then subconsciously looked at Argo.


"Information error!"

"But I can confiscate your money, so this information is not counted!"

Argod put his head aside in a bit of a jealousy.

The message that'Anne didn't show up for three days because she couldn't beat Kaaba Akihiko' is a wrong guess she made earlier, but now she has understood clearly that the matter is completely imaginary, and they guessed it indiscriminately. of.


"But anyway, Annie, it must be right to strengthen your weapons and equipment! When we have reached the 100th level, then it will be the end of Kayaba Akihiko!"

Asuna said viciously.


"Annie, let's go this time. I'm now at level eighty-one, and I will rise to level one hundred as soon as possible, and I will definitely be able to help!"

Kirito also stood up.



Annie was a little weird, she clearly said that when she had eaten enough and had enough fun, she would go find trouble with that Kaochang. Why did these guys suddenly become spicy and positive, and they made decisions for her?

And, when did she say that weird guys like them would help? !

"Forget it, don't be so troublesome, I will go now!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

With that said, Annie directly took out the teleportation item, and then in the next second, without waiting for the four people present to react, nor waiting for more people to arrive here to discuss any countermeasures, she directly transmitted it in the data stream. And disappeared completely.



"Not good! Look! The list of friends shows that she has been sent directly to Hongyu Palace!"


"Quick! Go to the ninety-ninth floor now!"

After a while, Argo, Asuna, Kirito, and Lisbet could not say anything more, so they got up in a hurry and rushed to the ninety-ninth floor.


At this moment, Annie had already teleported to the Red Jade Palace, and dragged her huge sword, step by step towards the slightly surprised, surprised, and somewhat relieved Kaaba Akira on the throne.

"Are you here?"

"I thought, you dare not come..."

Standing up from the throne, Kayaba Akihiko also walked down the stairs step by step, towards the little girl, and was mentally prepared to fight the opponent.

"How could it not come?"


"People are waiting to hack you, and then go to other worlds to play!"


"Hurry up, people are very busy, so I don't have time to waste time with you bad guy!"


Annie also dragged her big sword forward step by step.

"is it?"

"I am looking forward too…"

"Your avoidance is really peculiar. I want to take a closer look. How many swords can you dodge my ‘sacred sword’?"

Kayaba Akihiko walked to the last step of the throne ladder, and then slowly pulled out his holy sword that was inside the shield from the shield.

"You won't have a chance to watch..."

What? What?

"watch out!"


Kayaba Akihiko just drew his long sword, before he had time to prepare for a war of the century, Annie took the lead with a stab, which turned into a lightning bolt and slashed towards his neck!



Kayaba Akihiko was surprised to find that the little girl's movements were even faster than his one-hundred-level full-level GM account of this BOSS template?

As a result, he did not see the opponent's movements clearly at all?

At the same time, he also found that there was a scar on his neck. Then, his green HP slipped to the bottom in an instant, and he was directly hit by a critical and fatal blow by the opponent? !


Scared and angry in his heart, Kayaba Akihiko, who didn't intend to die like this, opened his character panel for the first time, intending to modify everything in front of him with the authority of GM.

It's a pity that after he opened the interface, he was surprised to find that, I don't know why, his GM character interface actually displayed the bright red word "inoperable"? !


"Are you cheating?!"

Before his body gradually became transparent and was about to disappear, Kayaba Akihiko finally recovered and glared at the little girl angrily.



"That is a loss of one billionth of their true strength!"


Annie wouldn't admit that she cheated. She just accidentally used her little strength.

Then, another accident, her power interfered with the game.


Kayaba Akihiko still wanted to say something, but he couldn't say it anymore, his body shattered directly into pieces of broken data and disappeared completely in the Red Jade Palace.

Next moment!


"What, what's going on..."

"Am I dead? How come I quit the game..."

Kayaba Akihiko, who slowly opened his eyes, realized that he had already appeared in his secret studio?

However, before he could figure out why, the next second, a group of policemen broke into the door, and then picked him up from the medical massage bed for the first time, took off the'NERvGear' helmet and twisted his hands. Put on a pair of handcuffs.


"Kayaba Akihiko!"

"You have been arrested for committing a crime of first-degree murder and interfering with the Internet. You have the right to remain silent, but every word you say next will become evidence in court!"

"Now, come with us!"

After the handcuffs were put on, the two wolves and tigers of the Metropolitan Police Department dragged Kaaba Kyohiko's still weak body and walked out.


"What the **** is going on?"


"Am I supposed to be dead?"

Regarding the fact that he could quit the game after he died, Akihiko Kayaba obviously couldn't accept it for a while.

"There is a problem with the system!"

"Players who die in the game can exit the game normally, but players who are not dead will have their lives in danger if they remove their helmets forcibly!"

"So, Akihiko Kayaba, as the instigator, you are now arrested! You will be responsible for the two hundred lives on November 6, 22!"

A police officer heard Kayaba's mumbling, so he walked over and sternly criticized him.


"Why, how could this be?"


"Don't ask me, you should save your energy to talk to the judge, you bastard! Scum!"

"You are dead!"

"You are really dead!"

Di Woo~!

Di Woo~! Di Woo~!

Soon, UU reading got a precise location amid the sound of police sirens, and the police cars that rushed to arrest Kayaba Akihiko escorted their prisoners away.

And with the arrest of Kaaba Akihiko, almost at the same time, the players stranded in the Aincrad world also received this news:

? Ding Dong! ?

The player ‘Anne Hasta’ defeated the guardian BOSS ‘Kayaba Akihiko’ of the 100th Floor Ruby Palace and won a great victory. Aincrad World will remember this historic moment! ?

?The death penalty is cancelled...?

?Now, all players can ‘log out’ the game normally, and your family, friends and some unexpected surprises are waiting for you. ?

?Special announcement! ?


?(′︶`)? Ask for a monthly pass? (′︶`)?


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