Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1474: !? (?''??) The big one in Superman...

In the last Aincrad game world, singled out from the first floor of the tower to the 100th floor, completely cutting off the luck of certain protagonists and interfering with the world will of that world. After playing the game for a while, Annie abandoned it and came to this new place.

This world is a little weird...

Anyway, as soon as Annie came here, she discovered that the world will in this world is unexpectedly strong, and she still wants to destroy the human beings in this world?

Then again, it was not the sons or protagonists of certain planes who wanted to go to the overlapping point of the world to cause her chaos, but the crazy world will?

So, naturally, Annie quickly knew what she needed to do in this world, that is-find delicious food, and then find opportunities to add to the world!

That's right, it's Jiangzi!

Moreover, looking for delicious food must be ranked first, and then there are other things.

boom! boom! boom!

It is a pity that Annie was a little upset that she just bought a bunch of takoyaki on the side of the road. Before she had time to eat it, she discovered that the world will of this world had gone crazy again...

A blue body, full of muscles, and without clothes, with fleshy horns on his head, looks a lot like the kind of "Namek" and extremely powerful guy she has seen before. The will was'created', and it smashed into this city viciously all at once, making it like a nuclear bomb, instantly razing half of the city to the ground, and destroying and burning the streets around Annie. At the same time, she also fried the takoyaki that she hadn't had time to eat in her mouth and disappeared in an instant.



In the violent wind caused by the explosion, Annie looked a little messy looking at the surrounding sea of ​​fire and ruins.



Then for the first time, Annie stared at the falling point of a certain ‘Namek’.

If the other party wants to blow up the city, they will blow up. The power of Anne, the flame clone, is actually not very strong, and it seems that she can’t control how wide it is. In addition, she has to save a little power to deal with that crazy world will. I want to waste time dealing with each other too much.

But the result...

The spicy guy is so immortal that she blew up her takoyaki as soon as she appeared on the scene, and burned the spicy takoyaki uncle Koizumi to death, making it too late for her to buy a bunch, that kind of thing, How can her Queen Anne tolerate?

If it spreads out in the future, others say that Queen Anne was indifferent after the food was destroyed and let the perpetrator leave, then how will she get mixed up in the future?



"Bad guy! Stop! Don't run!"


Therefore, after giving the diabolo of the mobile phone to the ruins below her feet, Annie immediately chased in the direction where the "Namek Clan" flew away, intending to pursue the other party and get rid of it. Own the guilt of takoyaki.

boom! boom! boom!

boom! boom!

However, the monster may be too far away, and didn’t even notice that a lawless little girl was chasing him. Instead, it flew straight ahead and used all kinds of energy cannons. , Qigong bombs, or Moguanguang killing cannons bombarded the city indiscriminately, and soon more than half of the city was plunged into a sea of ​​flames.

Countless buildings began to collapse, countless Shinkansen lines were reduced to ruins, schools, parks, and towns, even if they were not blown up and burned down, soon sank into the smoke and dust, making the entire city like the end of the world.

In less than three minutes, half of the city was gone, and tens of thousands of people died of unfavorable lives. All this was caused by a monster created by the will of the world.

boom! boom! boom!

boom! boom!

However, this is just the beginning...

The continuous explosion sounded again, the monster flew in mid-air with the "dancing technique", and then all kinds of energy bombs, vitality bombs and so on kept bombarding the city, leaving those in this huge city still intact. The streets fell into the terrible ruins of fire in an instant.

All of a sudden, the fire sirens, cries, screams, calls for help, and various other air defense sirens sounded sternly throughout the city.



Annie originally planned to take the shot, but when she rushed to the bombing point of the "Namek Star", she discovered that someone had arrived here first, and she was coming out without being ashamed or wearing clothes, and she was not afraid of flying all over the sky. The "Namek Star" monster that was photographed by others confronted each other.



"Well! Since someone else came first, let's take a look first!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Annie didn't intend to **** someone else’s monsters, so she hid directly in the burning building, completely ignoring the damage to her by the flames, just standing in the broken window with billowing smoke. Ready to take a look first.

"I am Raiden Max!"


"I'm Smiling Superman!"

"Realize it, monster, with us here, you can't even think about it!"


The'Raidenmax' in black tights with blond hair standing upside down and the'Smiling Superman' in red tights but with a smiling face printed on his chest went one after the other after he reported to his house. He rushed towards the enemy one high and one low, and rushed towards the'Namek Man'.

Thunder Max turned into a flash of lightning, almost reaching the speed of light!

Smiling Superman lifted up a construction rail, then jumped high, smashing towards the enemy's head without any slowness.

Their momentum looked terrifying, and Annie almost thought they were about to defeat the enemy.

It's a pity, almost...

In the next second, the two guys flew backwards at a faster speed, and then all fell on the ruins of the building and lay there motionless.



"Tibbers, you see, people thought they were so good, and as a result..."


"Forget it! It seems that someone has to go on the road..."

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

After sighing, and after speaking to the little bear in her hand, Annie crawled out of the burning window.



It's a pity that the ‘namek star’ didn’t pay attention to Annie at all, or didn’t find her at all?

Therefore, without waiting for her to slowly crawl out of the window, she flew to a distance with a whistling ‘dancing technique’, and once again began to bombard the intact part of the city.

"Hey! Don't run away!!"




"You wait!!"


There was no way, Annie had to follow her and flew over, planning to let the takoyaki that knocked her out, and dared to ignore her own strange scorpion, a good-looking one!



(Tibbers doesn't want to speak, because it has just been abandoned by its bad master for a long time at home, so it plans to use cold violence to fight against the bad master of his family!)

boom! boom! boom!

boom! boom!

The'Namek' didn't know that someone was chasing him behind, so he didn't mean to stop at all. He bombarded wildly, while continuing to fly forward at high speed with that kind of skilful dance. , And behind him, there was only a sea of ​​smoke billowing fire and ruined ruins.

The disaster level has been further expanded...

After a long time, after the "Namek Star Man" finally exploded and landed contentedly, a sad little girl who didn't want to work too hard finally caught up with him and saw that he seemed to be trying to treat someone who was crying. Miss Sister attacked?



"Is anyone here again?"


Annie dared to touch Tibbers’ conscience and swear that she really planned to do it just now. She intends to save the young lady who was about to be made into meatloaf by the'namek star', but in her Before the shot, another guy actually flew over, and said that it was a long time before that, and that the villain who could only kill and set fire was stopped quickly?

"That is……"


Annie, who was hiding behind the ruins, saw it. It was a big bald head wearing yellow trousers, a cloak made of a white sheet, and red working plastic gloves and boots on his hands and feet.

That's right, just a big bald head with a weird look!

Anyway, Annie saw it and was almost blinded by the other's bulb-like head.


"what are you?!"

Realizing that he had jumped into the air, the blue ‘namek star’ finally spoke, and asked the person who turned to face him after saving a little girl.

"Are you asking me?"

"My hobby is to be a hero, I am such a person."

The bald head answered blankly.

"What is inexplicable, am I asking you this?!"

The Namek was angry, with blue veins on his body, and he had the urge to attack if he didn't agree with him.

"very sorry……"

"You just asked me what it was, but I thought about it seriously, and it seemed that I couldn't answer it very well, so I could only introduce myself like this."

The bald head gave the blue "Namek Star" an innocent look.


The Namekians suddenly stopped talking, but confronted the bald head. It seemed that the wisdom was too high, knowing the reason why the other party did not answer his question?

"Say it!"

"You seem to be different from ordinary monsters. Why do you want to destroy the city and kill the innocent?"

Holding his arms, letting the white sheet cloak sway his head in the fire, he didn't rush to start the fight, but slightly curiously asked the blue ‘Namek’ monster.


"Hum hum……"

"As long as humans have been repeatedly destroying the environment, constantly emitting exhaust gas into the sky, and secretly discharging nuclear power plant wastewater into the sea, then I will come into being!"

"I am the vaccine of this world!"

"The earth is a huge living body, and you humans are pathogens and bacteria entrenched on the surface of the earth. In order to eliminate you these germs, in order to cure the diseases of the earth, I was born in the world according to the will of the earth, in order to eliminate you. These calamity white blood cells, you still have the face to ask me why?!"

It's okay if the bald head doesn't ask. As soon as you ask, the blue ‘Namek’ is instantly excited and becomes more and more huge and hideous, just like a cosmic emperor has completed the third form of transformation.

"I am the apostle of the earth and the incarnation of the world. You scumbags are not qualified to ask me, you humans should be cut and wiped out!"


As he said, the "Namek Man" who had become a huge monster raised its huge claws high, roared, and planned to do something on the bald head.

"and many more!"

However, at this time, the bald head in yellow clothes suddenly reached out his hand to stop the monster's roar and his plan to do it. He turned to look at the ruins where Annie was hiding and asked softly:

"Come out!"

"I saw you. You have just been following the monster here. You are very fast, unlike an ordinary person. Are you from the League of Heroes?"

Seeing that a certain miserable little girl was still hiding there and looking at it timidly with only half of her head exposed, her bald head finally squeezed out an ugly and very unnatural smiling face.



"What is the Association of Heroes?"


Annie walked out carrying Tibbs, her bear cub, but she didn't know what the hero's association meant by the other party.

"I don't know? Well, that's not it..."

After nodding, the bald head once again looked at the huge ‘Namek’ monster who was left in the cold by him, and suddenly became somewhat aloof and righteous, and asked:

"Are you going first or me?"

He saw Annie chasing and following the monster all the way, and running on the ground as fast as the monster flying in the sky. Therefore, he thought that the little girl came before him and thought that he should be polite. He hesitated and planned to let The little girl chooses.



"It's better for you to go, people won't fight with the shameless weird guy who doesn't wear clothes!"




Anyway, it's just an inexplicable monster. If it weren't for the chance encounter, maybe Annie wouldn't care about this kind of So, now that it seems that there is a great bald head present, she I don't mind continuing to sit on the sidelines.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)


"What do you think I am, let you choose the goods?!"

The blue ‘Namek’ monster was angry, and hit the yellow bald head viciously with a straight punch. As for the little **** the other side, it intends to wait a while to clean up, and together with the one that was just rescued, throw it into its mouth as a germ to be wiped out!

In fact, it doesn't seem right to be a bacterium, because in its view, people on earth are bacteria, and they are still the kind that have multiplied tens of billions!

puff! !

But then...

The blue "Namek Star" monster has no chance...

I saw the bald head wearing yellow clothes and red plastic gloves for dishwashing with just one punch, and it smashed it into a large pool of broken pieces of meat that fell from the sky and bleeds with green blood.



"Bald-headed corn, you seem to be better than the Superman and the Thunderbolt?"


Rarely, seeing that the other party had solved the monster with one punch, Annie gave the other party a slight compliment.

"Superman and Thunderbolt?"

He scratched his light head with his finger, but unfortunately, the bald head didn't know who the two were talking about.

"I'm not a bald corn, my name is Saitama!"

"Little girl, who are you?"


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