Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1535: ?(=?ω?=)o you are not honest!

The pirate leader Azhisha Nurinahar and her pirate crew were trapped under the deck at this time. After the collision angle of the ship was sawed and pushed away by the sailors of the Li family fleet, at this time, Their ship was about a hundred yards away from the Li family fleet.

Their bows were facing the Li family fleet, unable to carry out shelling and any threats, nor were they able to move, because the sailors of the Li family fleet jumped onto the deck of the pirate’s ship and directly The boat drove to the reef and hit the rocks and ran aground.

As for the other ship, the group of clever ghosts even wanted to escape by rowing backwards despite the plot of the sailors of the Li family fleet, so they were decisively thrown gunpowder into the cabin by the sailors who boarded the ship. And the fuel burned.

Until this time, it was still burning, with billowing black smoke half-sinking across the sea not far away, and there were many pirates around holding wooden boards floating there at their fate, or just right. Struggling to fight the waves, I want to go upstream towards the Comoros Islands in the distance.

And in the cabin of the pirate ship that was burning red, I'm afraid that none of them is still alive.

boom! boom!

boom! boom! boom!

Outside the ship, the Li family fleet was still violently shelling the ships of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce and tried to prevent the wolves from approaching.

Through the portholes or the artillery doors, the pirates would not be difficult to find that the Li family fleet that was surrounded at this time actually successfully resisted the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce ships' raid, and slammed those ships. Is the interception out of the opponent's range?


"Azhisha, what should I do, the big thing is not good now!"

"Look at it, take a look!"

At this time, an Arabian pirate chief with a red headscarf used a binoculars to carefully see the specific battle situation outside through the gun door and porthole. He jumped in a hurry and ran directly in the cabin, facing them. The leader of, asked the daughter of the late pirate in the Persian Gulf, Azhisha Nulinahar anxiously.

"The waste of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce, dozens of them were even beaten back by the five ships of the Lijia Chamber of Commerce!"

"It doesn't matter if they retreat, but what about us, what should we do?"

After the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce lost several ships and was wounded several ships, it was frightened by the terrorist firepower and precision long-range artillery of the Li family fleet.

Therefore, in order to reduce the loss, they may also be afraid, so they had to retreat back a thousand yards in embarrassment, and patrolled far away, seeming to be hesitantly entangled, thinking about what to do. Don't continue to attack?

In fact, the pirates can understand that the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce has a low winning rate, and even if it wins, it is estimated to be a miserable victory! "

"At this time, the Li family fleet is like a hedgehog or an angry porcupine. Once the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce ships are too close, they will be injured or even killed. To attack, so right now is indeed a difficult choice between the two.

As a result, it is their pirate fleet with few small artillery ships that is causing the greatest damage to the Li family fleet?

Anyway, the ships of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce have not achieved any results at all, and even the few guns that ventured far away are just futile letting the shells fall on the sea, and they are directly on the Li Jiajian. Compared with the two pirate fleets that had directly hit the tail of the ship, it was a far cry.

"What else can I do?"

"We wait!"

After checking the musket and scimitar in her hand, she coldly looked at the pirates who were panicking and uneasy in front of her. Azhisha didn't even look at the outside situation, she just coldly hummed and ordered.



"When will you wait?!"


"Wait any longer, the sailors of the Li's fleet on the deck might drop the gunpowder and kerosene and blow up and burn us!"

"God bless me, I don't want to die..."

"Or, let's rush to the deck and fight with them?"


"The hatch of the ship is too small. There are dozens of people and dozens of guns on them. We definitely can't get out!"


"Climb out from both sides of the ship to sneak attack?"


"There are hundreds of guns facing us at the stern of the enemy ship in the distance. Climb out and see by yourself?"


While speaking, without waiting for Azhisha to say more, the group of horrified, crowded pirates once again quarreled fiercely in this dark and humid cabin.

Seeing their daggers, it seemed that they hadn't even started fighting by themselves.

Now they are scared because they are terrified.

In the past, in order to successfully capture the ship, their medium-sized Arabian sail and used the clippers to squeeze nearly five or six hundred people, and all of them were good jumpers and desperadoes, and the other ships were the same.

But now, the fleet was directly destroyed. Several Clippers sank, ran, ran, burned, and even themselves were killed by the terrible platoon guns of the Li family fleet just now. Three hundred people, the sticky scarlet liquid still dripping from the cracks in the deck at this time is proof!

At the moment, the ship was not robbed, but was beaten into this miserable appearance, and even the opponent's people jumped onto the deck and the ship ran aground on the reef. The remaining two hundred people of them were trapped. Being unable to move in the cabin, and possibly being killed at any time, this situation is indeed about to make them close to collapse.

"Then what do you say?"

"do not know!"



As a result, they found that they couldn't find a way to quarrel, so they could only once again cast their eyes on the vicious one-eyed captain Azhisha Nulinahar who had been somewhat taciturn.

These pirates have no ambitions. They have nothing to do except murder and arson, and they follow Azhisha just for eating, and they don’t respect her very much. Even if there is a need, or if someone pays a big price, They would definitely not hesitate to chop her into meat sauce or simply bully her and sell it directly to Calicut's prostitutes!

However, since they are in distress now and they really can't come up with a good way to get out of trouble, they have to pin their hopes on the one-eyed woman leader.

"Is it over?"

"When the trouble is over, just stay with me honestly!"

Glancing coldly at the mobs again, Azhisha didn't say much, just continued to play with the weapon in her hand.

Being able to protect herself in a group of pirates and be the leader, Azhisha has clearly seen everything a long time ago. She knows that the only thing she can trust at this time is herself and her own weapons. She knows better than anyone else. , Once these guys in front of them are completely desperate, what kind of things will they do?

"When will you wait?"

"Sneek was killed and Dandy was also injured. We are now trapped in the cabin like a group of prisoners, but you let us wait?"

"Is it possible to wait until those useless Europeans defeat the Daming people, and then rescue us from here?!"

"They can't protect themselves now!"

"You see, those cowards, they have shrunk away again, they don't dare to come closer at all!"

At this moment, with a red headscarf tied to his head, naked to the upper body, and a scimitar in his hand, Angelou, who looks extremely strong, walked up to Azhisha angrily, opened his eyes in anger, and sat down. Azhisha on the gunpowder keg stared at each other fiercely.


"Then Angelou, do you have any good ideas?"

"Or any of you?"

At first, she smiled contemptuously, and finally, Azhisha slowly stood up from the gunpowder keg, turned the scimitar in her hand, and inserted it precisely into the gem-encrusted gemstone on her waist. In the delicate scabbard, then he began to look around the crowd again.



The pirates looked at each other a bit, but you looked at me and I looked at you, but no one spoke.

Because they really didn't have any good solutions, and the bad ideas that they had just said were all rejected one by one by themselves.

"Since you don't have one, wait for me honestly!"

"Wait until the tide rises!"

I looked around and found that no one of the pirates had spoken, and Azhisha slowly explained her own way.

"high tide!"

"You mean..."

"When the tide rises, we can take the opportunity to escape?!"

With a startled heart, the pirate leader Angelu, who looks extremely strong with a red turban on his head, naked to the upper body, and a scimitar in his hand, suddenly asked in surprise.

"Not all right!"

"Think about it..."

"The reason why the Li's fleet has to use the ship as a fixed fort, and the reason Espinosha dare to patrol in the distance and refuse to leave is because the sea here is relatively shallow and there are more reefs. And the big ships of the Li family fleet can’t sail freely, right?”

"And once the tide goes up..."

"The Li family fleet will definitely take the initiative to attack and pursue the ships of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce, and when they finish fighting, it will be tomorrow at least."

"And we, as long as it gets dark, the opportunity will come!"


"You idiots, what you have to do now is to stay here honestly, and then take advantage of the time to fix the breach underneath."

"Do you understand everything?"

After speaking, Aziza no longer cares about the dark and humid pirates in the cabin, which is still full of sweat, body odor, rotten smell and strong **** smell, but walked out on her own.

She intends to find a single room to take a good rest, regain her energy, and run away at night while the scum moves.

Yes, just run away!

In fact, Aziza hadn't considered being able to drive the ship away under the nose of the Li family fleet. She made up her mind and let these people make trouble, while she took advantage of the chaos and fled to the island.


"The captain is wise!"

"Long live Azhisha!!"

"Just do it!"

"Great, I don't have to die anymore."

"Quickly, some people, let's go down to repair the ship first!"

"Quick! Quick!"

Finally, after a little cheer, the pirates began to get busy, ready to wait until the evening high tide, taking advantage of the Li family fleet's opportunity to take advantage of their chances, and hurriedly thought to drive off the ship.

At that time, all they have to do is to solve the dozens of musketeers on the deck under the night, and that kind of thing is obviously not too difficult for their pirates who are licking blood.


"The pirate below seems to be moving!"


"Come on!"

"Screw the hatches on the deck, then move a few buckets full of water to block them, and also chop off the cables and fishing nets on both sides of the ship!"


"Seal the hatch?"

"But sir, what if the pirates burn all the stones and light the gunpowder below?"


"Forgive them for not being so courageous!"

"Go, do as someone said just now! By the way, cut the rudder, and the mast too!"



While the pirates below the cabin made waves of uncontrollable cheers, the sailors of the Li's fleet on the deck of course also noticed the movement, so they also took action one after another, nailing the cabin doors and pressing on the buckets. At the same time, all tools and important objects on the ship that might be used by the pirates were destroyed.


However, in the early morning of the next day, Azhisha and her crooked pirates surrendered very aggrievedly.

Because the pirates discovered that after the high tide, the Li's fleet did take the initiative to attack, but the damning Mingmen only sent four ships to take advantage of the sea breeze to fight and pursue the enemies of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce. The remaining flagships stayed in place and aimed at their ship with 120 cannons on the side.

Then, the Li family sailors evacuated the pirate ship before sunset.

In the evening, the pirates rioted all night. When it was dawn, they found that the sailors on the deck had already been withdrawn, and found that the ship had been destroyed and there was no way to move. After discovering that the flagship naval gun of the Ming Dynasty had pushed out the gun door and gave them a final warning, The pirates who had retracted back into the cabin could only stretch out the white flag from a cannon door aggrieved.

"Huh huh~?"


"I love burgers~?"


"You can't take a short meal, let's have a little cake. Ten of them are not full after a meal~?"


Although, the four warships that went to pursue Espinosha before the high tide set sail before dusk last night have not returned, but Annie is not worried, still humming the ballad to herself, on the deck. Eating her breakfast on her podium.

Yesterday was too tired, so she got up early today, and she was going to take advantage of the chance that Song Yifeng’s little attendant didn’t wake up, and eat here in the morning sun (read dūn), and it was from her own I took out the burgers and cakes in my pocket, which are not available in this era!

"Grand Admiral!"

"The pirate leaders have been brought here!"

While Annie was eating, soon, a group of ugly pirates who were sluggish, but still looked a bit fierce, were escorted by the sailors to the deck below the command platform, allowing Annie to look down at them from a high level.



Annie didn't speak, but she was eating her own food while curiously looking at the spicy badass pirates on the deck below.

"You should be Azhisha, the pirate leader, right?"


"Sure enough, it doesn't seem to be a good thing. Put him in a wooden barrel and nail it to death, throw him into the sea to feed the fish!"


Looking at the guy with a red turban on his head and naked torso, his face is full of flesh, he is the largest and strongest, but he doesn't look like a good guy. He dared to smile at himself and show his disgusting nausea. With big yellow teeth, Annie twitched at the corner of her mouth, then her brows pierced. Then, without thinking about it, she directly ordered the sailors.

"and many more!"

"Do not!!"

"Didn't I defeat the boss, Azhisha! She! She is Azhisha!"

"She is our leader!!"

Seeing those sailors like wolves and tigers rushing forward, they directly pressed themselves to the ground and tied them up. They seemed to really intend to stuff themselves into a bucket and nail them to death and then throw them into the sea. The red headscarf was tied to their head, naked. The upper-body pirate leader Angelou hurriedly struggled while begging for mercy and identified Aziza who was wet on the spot.

He had heard that the woman tricked them and jumped off the boat last night, but unfortunately, she was not lucky. She just swam to the beach of the nearest island and was searched ashore before she could breathe a sigh of relief. The captured Li's sailors discovered that she did not dare to resist under a dozen gunpoints, and was caught again.


∑(′△`)? !

"Azhisha turned out to be her? People thought it was you..."


"That's good! People ask you, have you done anything bad?"


Looking at the one-eyed female pirate standing below without a word and arrogantly, and then at other pirates, she nodded her head as if the big man hadn’t lied, and then knelt down to the one who had been held down again. Asked the big man immobile on the deck.


"Nothing, she did it all!"

"She instructed us to do all the things that burned, killed, and looted!"

"God can testify!"

Seeing that there was hope of surviving, the big pirate Angelou hysterically defended it loudly, and kept shirking his responsibilities, wanting to gain that ray of life.

As for the end of Azhisha who was identified by him, then he couldn't control that much.



"You guys, let's throw him into the sea!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

Why didn't you think about that guy who sneaked and raped, would her Grand Admiral Anne be that kind of ordinary little girl?

So, after wiping her hands full of cream on her little bear at random, she gave an order to let the sailors punish the stupid pirate who dared to be careful.

"Do not!!!"


"Uh oh oh oh!!!"


Although he has been struggling hard, the naked pirate leader Angelou with a red turban on his head was forcibly stuffed into a large wooden bucket, and then lifted directly after the bucket was nailed to death by the sailors. And thrown into the sea.




With just this one, the pirate leaders on the scene trembled in two tremors, their hands and feet trembled, and their teeth trembled. They didn't even dare to breathe, for fear of the eating demon on the podium on the ship. Ordinary little girls also do terrible things to them.


However, Azhisha raised her head without fear at all, and stared at Xiao Annie arrogantly.



"Why did you look, believe it or not, others will throw you into the sea to feed the fish?"



The pirate leader Azhisha still didn't seem to admit continued to stare at Annie with her one-eyed eyes, without concealing the murderous intent and anger in her eyes.


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

"Leave her behind, and bundle the rest into the sea!!"


Originally, Annie wanted to throw all the pirates who did all the evil into the sea, but she suddenly remembered that the sailors on this ship were all male. She and Song Yifeng didn’t even have a maid serving tea and water. It is always inconvenient for sailors to enter their captain's room, so it seems that you can leave the other side as a beckoning girl?


(?ω?) Ask for a monthly pass


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