Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1544: (*???*) The Li Family Fleet in the New World

When a certain devil admiral from the east took her "devil fleet" across the Strait of Gibraltar and plunged into the Mediterranean bath to stir the wind and rain, on the other side of the Atlantic, the Li Family Chamber of Commerce The owner, the Admiral Li Huamei, who sailed all the way west from Daming, and the dozen or so ships under her were composed of large and medium-sized blessed ships and some common ship types in the Mediterranean and North Seas. There was even a small fleet of military escorts. After months of difficult sailing, I finally arrived safely at the Port of St. John in the Caribbean Sea.

"finally reached……"

"Is this the legendary New World?"


"Finally it's here."

"When Zheng He sailed to the West more than two hundred years ago, they reached the east coast of Africa and reached Mogadishu as far as they were, and then they never took one step forward, because they all thought that. It is the end of the world, there is no benefit in continuing to sail..."

"But now, we are here, to what the Europeans call the New World, to a place where the Sanbao eunuch, the greatest navigator of Ming Dynasty, has never arrived!"


"Maybe it's really the'end' of the world, the end of our voyage this time, right?"

Looking at the prosperous port on the island of the New World, Li Huamei was already moored at the berth, and Charlie Huisen and others had already negotiated and paid the high port entry and berthing taxes. Li Huamei couldn’t help but feel a little moved. Sighed.

Think about this nearly a year. They set off from Hangzhou in Daming, from the Qiantang River, sailed down the South Ocean, circled India, turned the Cape of Good Hope in Africa, entered the deepest part of the Mediterranean, and then sailed on the frozen ocean of the North Sea. .

This road is not without hardship!

They had battled with the Malay governor of Portugal, Doyle Lopez Di Preira, and the Dutch governor of Guava, Antonio Van Kuen, in Southeast Asia, and the Mughal dynasty of India. The maharajah and great businessman Chaimenlin Afmad Nagopur had a lot of unpleasantness, and then followed up with the unscrupulous businessman Gianlonime de Ay, who was mainly engaged in slave trade and drug trafficking in Africa, and carried out illegal hunting. Spinoza fought several bad battles, and even almost got involved in the powers of the Mediterranean, such as the disputes between Spain, the Ottomans, and the North African pirate king Hairedin...

Fortunately, the ocean voyage this time was relatively smooth, and in the end, they successfully managed to come out of the troubles.

Now, after more than two months of difficult sailing, she and her fleet have finally reached the New World smoothly. They have arrived at the group of Da Ming sailors who are somewhat rigid and stubborn and unwilling to forge ahead. They have never arrived. Never imagined this remote place.

This is the end of the world, the other end of the earth, maybe it's almost a hundred thousand miles away from Daming?


"Finally here, it's not easy."

"Think about it..."

"We came from the far east of the world to the west of the world. This one is really infinitely emotional..."

Standing behind Li Huamei, looking at this exotic Caribbean veteran Yang Xi'en, the old man whose beard and hair were already graying, but still stubbornly wearing the former Daming Navy-style chain mail also sighed and sighed. stand up.

It’s great here, but it’s a pity that the Ming empire was complacent. Over two hundred years ago, it clearly had the best sailing technology in the world, but in the end a sea ban was put out, so that he who used to be a navy master didn’t know what to do. Just say something.

In Yang Xi'en's view, if the Ming Empire encouraged sea trade during the Sanbao **** period more than two hundred years ago, where are there any Westerners in the world's oceans and the New World?

It's a pity that after the Three Treasures **** Zheng He made his seven voyages to the West, the Ming Empire suddenly opened the sea ban, and the ban lasted more than two hundred years...

You know, at that time, the ships of the Ming Dynasty were very advanced. At the same time, the fleet of the Ming Dynasty was equivalent to the "Invincible Fleet". At that time, all countries in the world had no ability to match the navy of the Ming Dynasty! Even the lucky ships in their Li family fleet are not as good as the treasure ships of Zheng He's voyages to the West!

Therefore, if the sea ban was not implemented in the past, but the development of maritime trade and ocean technology can continue for two hundred years, where are the Spanish or Portuguese things now?

"It's not easy!"

"But the admiral, you did it. You did things that many men couldn't do. Your father is in the spirit of heaven. He will definitely be proud of you!"

"Most definitely!"

But no matter what, now their Li family fleet has overcome many difficulties, depicting a complete chart of this new continent from Daming to the Mediterranean, to the Arctic Ocean, and even now. For Daming, that is an epic achievement. , Is not lost to the merits of the Sanbao eunuch!

Although, this feat, maybe even if it is taken back, it will not be valued by the Ming court?

"Ha ha!"

"Admiral, and Mr. Yang, actually..."

"Strictly speaking, this is not yet a New World. It is just a group of islands in the Caribbean Sea. Only in places such as Veracruz, Merida, Portobelo or Maracaibo, that is a New World. !"

"It's a very vast land, a fertile land that is bigger than ours in Europe and bigger than yours!"

"Moreover, there are almost no civilized countries here."

At this time, Charlie Huisen, who also just got off the pedal strip on the boat gang, and formally set foot on the land of the New World Wharf, suddenly smiled and corrected the two people behind.

Charles knows that here in the New World, on the other side of the Caribbean Sea, and on the western coast of the New World, there is actually a unified empire, that is, the Inca Empire!


For Europeans like Charles Huisen, the New World here is'ownerless', that is, a'new' land. Their great European navigator Columbus discovered this place, and then they Europeans came, And began to occupy this place, it is in accordance with the law.

As for the aborigines here...

For example, the Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Iroquois, Sioux, etc., were not taken seriously by him.

In his opinion, those people are just ignorant primitive people, and they don’t deserve to own such a large piece of land. Those Aztec civilizations or Maya empires are just ignorant, backward and feudal tribes of indigenous people. , Only they Europeans can occupy and rule here.


"The world is really amazing!"

"However, no matter where it is, I will get to know it well!"

Li Huamei didn’t know what Charlie Huisen was thinking, but anyway, she only knew that she was here to sail the world and understand the world. She didn’t come here to colonize, conquer, or plunder like those Europeans. Therefore, she will use her own eyes to see, her own ears to listen, and to understand everything and everything here.

After all, she had heard of it.

According to rumours, those Mayans, Aztecs, Incas, Iroquois, etc., seem to be of the same race as their Daming people with yellow skin, black hair and black eyes?

That would be very interesting...

Maybe, she can study and study carefully to see if those races have any connection with their ancient Eastern civilization and the descendants of Yan and Huang.

After all, she was also the first Daming navigator to arrive in the New World, so she is obliged to figure out those things, and when she goes back to Daming, she will spread what she has seen and heard, and let the Daming people Knowing that the world is so big, the descendants of Yan and Huang, who have a long civilization and historical heritage, should be determined to forge ahead, rather than professing themselves in the corner of the East.

"The people in front stop!"

"You are from the Li Family Chamber of Commerce?"

"Ha ha!"

"It's you, you are finally here, but I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Suddenly, without waiting for Li Huamei and others to finish with emotion, a laugh came out.

Then, they saw a middle-aged man with the same black hair and brought a large group of sailors and sailors around to the trestle bridge where they were, and at the same time gave all those irrelevant people in the way. Expelled to leave.


After looking at it, Li Huamei obviously didn't know each other, in fact, she didn't know anyone here!

Therefore, she did not answer, but secretly guarded, and at the same time made a concealed gesture to the crew and followers behind her.


"This guy is Mardenade, the leader of the pirates in the Caribbean. It is said that he framed the governor here and seized the real power to rule the Caribbean not long ago."

"You better be careful?"

At this moment, James Rudway came over.

He obviously knew some of the details of the incoming person, so when the others were secretly guarding themselves, he walked behind Li Huamei for the first time, and then whispered an explanation behind Li Huamei's ears.


"Oh it's you……"

"Excuse me, what can you do with me, Mr. Pirate?"

Hearing that it turned out to be such a person, Li Huamei, who had done homework on the ship before and had some basic understanding of the current situation of the Caribbean Sea and the New World, asked the question unceremoniously.

She doesn't like pirates, because those guys are the same as Japanese pirates, and they are all targets she is determined to defeat!


"Please, can you not be so murderous."

"I'm not here to fight with you this time. By the way, I heard about the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce and you a while ago. At that time, it was said that they even transferred their fleet back, saying that they wanted to deal with it. You difficult Orientals?"

"It turns out..."

"Almost three months have passed. They didn't come back, but you came first..."

"Does that mean you defeated them?"

Looking at the dozen or so ships moored on the dock, Maldenard nodded secretly, feeling that the strength of the eastern fleet was barely reluctant, and he didn't have much interest in entanglement. It seems that you can make good use of it?


Li Huamei did not answer, but looked at the other party in silence, waiting for the other party to continue speaking.

However, what she didn't know was that due to the distance and time difference, whether it was them or the Cuban governor and pirate leader in front of them, it seemed that the intelligence had been seriously lagging behind!

Now, the wicked businessman Gianloneme de Espinosha and his chamber of commerce have long been defeated and driven away by a lawless little girl, and even the lawless little girl, the Grand Admiral, is still attacking Li. In the name of the Chamber of Commerce, they went to fight with Spain and the Spanish invincible fleet, and also shelled the port of Seville, not to mention how sturdy the style was.

However, all the people here in the New World don't know the above things!

After all, Li Huamei and the others only arrived here after sailing for two months, so when things happen in Africa or Europe reach the New World, they will have to wait at least two to three months.

Of course, things in Africa might be a little earlier?

The last dozen or so ships of the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce, which were defeated by a lawless little girl and had to leave Africa, are now on the sea to the New World.

It is expected that they will be able to arrive here in at least a month or so.

"I am busy too!"

"It's like this, then I won't be long-winded!"

"Recently, I have had a little trouble. I have been targeted by Mexico's Esconte's fleet, as well as the Englishman Clifford and those **** Swedes, so I need help now!"

"Oriental people, I am very optimistic about you!"

"Come and join forces with me, let's deal with the colonists and the privateer fleet together!"

"In return, you will have the friendship of me, the governor of Cuba. I can provide a certain degree of convenience for your transactions and navigation in the Caribbean Sea and the New World. What do you think?"

Maldenard was really not polite. As soon as they met, and the two sides had not known each other for long, they bluntly stated the main reason why he came to see Li Huamei, and also made a request for the alliance.


"Feel sorry!"

"I don't think I need to cooperate with a pirate?"

Frowning and thinking for a while, after looking at Yang Xi'en's movement of shaking her head slightly towards her, after thinking for a while, Li Huamei finally followed firmly and shook her head. The one who rejected Maldenard looked a little abrupt and Funny suggestion.

Because she didn't think it was necessary for her and her Li family fleet to fight Esconte and Clifford or even the Swedish navy with each other, and that would not do her any good!


"No! No! No!"

"I never remember that we offended you, and even more so that we never robbed your merchant ships. To you, why are we pirates?"

"We are mainly fighting and snatching back what the Esconte guy looted from the residents of the New World and this land, so what's wrong?"

"Are you afraid you don't know?"

"Most of my people and I are New World residents or New World hybrids. We belong to this place, but Esconte is not! They only use tyranny and force to rule here. He enslaves, oppresses, and even slaughters and plunders here. The tribe, and my people and I unite against him. What's wrong with this?"

"and also!"

"You come here, Esconte will definitely not make you feel better!"

"Espinosha is his person. If you let him know that you Orientals have come here and come to his back garden, guess..."

"What will he and Espinosha do to you then?"

"So, since they are all his enemies, let's just unite to deal with him. What's wrong with this?"

The nominal governor of Cuba and the Spanish pirate who ruled the Caribbean Sea, Vázquez de Mardenade was still a little disgusted when he saw Li Huamei’s face, but he still wanted to continue working hard and try to make this more than a dozen. An armed merchant ship, and a woman who can challenge the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce who sells slaves in Africa, wins her camp.

In any case, one more person has more strength, and now with more than a dozen armed merchant ships, he will be more or less relaxed when dealing with Esconte and Clifford and the Swedes.


Hearing that the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce actually had a relationship with the Mexican governor Esconte, Li Huamei didn't speak, but she couldn't help but suddenly squat.

However, she was relieved soon.

Because she also knows that the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce in Africa is mainly engaged in the sale of Kunlun slaves, and the New World is said to be short of manpower and labor, and is the main sales place for Kunlun slaves. Therefore, the local snake Esconte and The Espinosha Chamber of Commerce in Africa has a close relationship, which is nothing more than normal.

"How about it?"

"Have you thought about it?"

"Would you like to join forces with us to deal with that guy Esconte?"

Seeing the face of the woman in front of her changed, Maldenard urged and asked with some expectation once again.

"Feel sorry!"

"We have just arrived here, so we can't make a decision right away."

"We are going to see the situation before we talk?"

Slowly shaking her head, Li Huamei finally did not dare to reject the other party decisively, but she did not agree, and this is just like what she said, they must thoroughly understand the situation and situation here in the New World before they can make a decision.

"That's OK!"

"When you think about it, come to the port of Havana to find me, we are usually there."

Some regrets, but Maldenard didn’t care too much, just once again took a deep look at the beautiful woman in front of him and the strong entourage and sailors behind him. After a glance, he waved his hand and brought his people. Surrounded by ships, they walked to the ships that had been parked on the berths in the distance.

Obviously, he originally planned to leave Hong Kong, and the reason why he suddenly ran over to talk about those things was just a coincidence and wanted to win over Li Huamei and others who had just arrived in the New World.


"That person probably wants to use us, don't be fooled!"

Seeing that the other party finally took people away, Yang Xien relaxed and also approached Li Huamei and reminded in a low voice.

"I know, don't worry, Uncle Yang!"


"He also reminded us that in the future, we must be more careful when we act here in the New World. After all, we have a lot of feasts with the Espinosha Chamber of Commerce."


"After sailing for two months, let's temporarily repair it here at this St. John's for a while."


"Go and take a look in the city!"

With that said, Li Huamei waved her hand and walked into the city with her entourage and a group of sailors with knives or muskets.

She plans to find a hotel here, or simply find a big house or something, and rent it directly to let everyone rest for a while.


And when Li Huamei and the others successfully arrived in the New World, a sad little girl finally sailed to the innermost port of Istanbul in the Mediterranean bath, and was carrying out necessary supplies at this port.

Learned the lessons of Madeira, so, this time, Annie and the others did not let all the ships into the port at the same time for replenishment, but two in, while the other three were waiting outside.

Once there is something going on in the harbor, the three ships outside of them will definitely be able to directly retaliate and devastate the enemy in the harbor.

In fact, during this period of time, they sailed and supplied supplies in various ports in the Mediterranean. They did not believe in the people of the Ottoman Empire, even if they were kind to them, and they opened up everything in a friendly manner. The same goes for the port.



"Hey! Uncle, tomorrow, can't we really continue sailing east?"


Standing on the deck, watching the sailors and pier coolies working hard to carry food and water to the ships, as well as those shells and gunpowder, Annie looked bored at the sea east of the pier for a while. , Suddenly asked the first officer.

"Report to the Grand Admiral!"

"To the east is the Black Sea. It's an inland sea. There is nowhere to go inside."

"If you land on the shore and head east, you can walk along the ancient Silk Road for a few months to reach the Western Regions of Daming. Would you like to try it?"

After explaining the situation, the first officer asked blankly.

To the east after Istanbul is the Black Sea, which is the inner sea of ​​the Ottoman Empire. It is all the seas controlled by the so-called “infidels” among the European population, although the commander-in-chief of the Ottoman Navy, Hedem Afmeedo Pasha He has ordered the opening of the port to their Li family fleet and wrote a letter to express his favor, but... after hearing that the Strait of Gibraltar has been completely blocked by the Spanish Invincible Fleet, he really does not want to enter the Black Sea anymore.

Because the Istanbul Strait is a narrow waterway that connects the Black Sea and the Mediterranean, and that waterway is too narrow and narrow, just like an inland river!

And once this waterway is blocked by the Ottoman Empire again, then their Li family fleet will really have nowhere to go, and they may not even have a chance to hit it.

"Silk Road?"


"Not interested, don't go~!"


After walking on the road for a few months to return to Daming's stupid things, Annie obviously wouldn't choose.

In her opinion, it would be easier to sail on the boat when returning to Daming, because then she only needs to play, eat and sleep all the way back.

Of course, she doesn't want to go back now, because she hasn't found the bad guys like Li Huamei yet! But it's coming soon. The other party is said to have gone to the New World. After dealing with matters in the Mediterranean, they will also go to the last stop in the New World. Presumably, the other party must have no place to run, and it must be theirs. found.

"never mind!"

ε=(′ο`*))) alas

"Let’s go and see what is going on with that guy called Pasha tomorrow, and if it’s okay, we will set sail the day after tomorrow to fight the Spanish fleet!"

??(?? ̄? ̄)????

Annie has been around here in the Mediterranean. She has been to many places, such as Alexandria, Athens or now Istanbul, and she has eaten all kinds of delicious or not, so she is probably satisfied. She is indeed ready to leave here in the Mediterranean.

Of course, before leaving, she still planned to meet the Ottoman Navy Commander-in-Chief Hedem Afmeedo Pasha, because the other party sent her a letter saying that she wanted to talk to her in the city tomorrow. Discuss some important things?

Originally, Anne was definitely not interested in discussing things. She didn't have any topics in common with those bad old men or strange uncles, and she hated meetings and didn't want to stay with that kind of guys at all.


In view of what the other party said, to entertain her with the best cuisine of the Ottoman Empire, that kind of thing...

(? ̄﹃ ̄?) Hey

In short Her Grand Admiral Anne had already reluctantly agreed, she would definitely not break her promise, she would definitely go on an empty stomach.



(● ̄(?) ̄●)


"Humble job got it!"

"Make arrangements now, and you can rest assured, Grand Admiral!"

Hearing that his chief admiral finally gave up the idea of ​​entering the Black Sea, the chief officer finally let go of his heart.

Although, now the Strait of Gibraltar has been blocked by the Spanish invincible fleet, but compared to the narrower Istanbul Strait, he is more willing to break through the Strait of Gibraltar, which is several nautical miles wide at its narrowest point!




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