Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1546: ?(·???·???)? Hunt the invincible fleet

Beyond the Strait of Gibraltar in the Mediterranean.

A large three-masted square-sail wide-body ship, which was made for tax evasion and tax evasion, is the favorite of the Dutch sea coachmen. It has little armament, is slow, has a small deck, and has a fat hull. Beyond the Strait of Gibraltar.

In the distance of that ship, in the narrowest strait of several nautical miles between Seville Port and Ceuta Port, there are hundreds of Spanish warships visibly gathering and cruising and traversing the sea. Above, and arbitrarily interrogated all ships that wanted to pass through the Strait of Gibraltar.

At this time, many merchant ships or warships of various countries gathered inside and outside the Strait of Gibraltar. However, most of the people were just daring not to say anything about the Spanish brutal behavior, or honestly lined up to wait and insisted and passed them one by one. , Or you can only leave far away in frustration.

And that large three-masted square-sail wide-body ship, the kind of large cargo ship that the Dutch used to take advantage of the taxation regulations of various ports according to the width of the deck, did not queue up, let alone leave, just so far away. The land was anchored on the sea in the distance, observing the situation in the Strait of Gibraltar.


"The big thing is not good!"

"It seems that the rumors are true. The admiral of the Li Huamei Chamber of Commerce's squadron is really a bastard, and even the Spaniards dare to provoke them. Now look, there are at least hundreds of warships here, right?"

"my God!"

"What the **** did they do? How can they make things so big?"

"Camille, take a look, look at the Spaniards' anger and depravity, I'm afraid they don't sink their ship, and then all their crew and sailors are caught and hanged on the Seville pier. You will never give up if you die, right?"

On the narrow deck of this large three-masted square-sail boat, the leader of the Dutch private chamber of commerce, Lilu Argotte, is cheerful, optimistic, understands the pain in the hearts of others, can also do business, and has a long history. The woman who was still young and beautiful, the head of the Chamber of Commerce and the admiral of the fleet, could not help but exclaimed with emotion as she commented when she saw what the Spaniard fleet was doing and the formation in the distance.

They had heard in the North Sea what another fleet of the Li’s Chamber of Commerce had done in the Spicy Sauce Islands, in the Indian Ocean, in Africa and the Mediterranean. A large three-masted square-sail wide-body ship, full of woolen fabrics, came here under the guise of coming to the Mediterranean to do business.

Then, as expected, she found that the matter seemed to be a bit more serious than the rumors?

Anyway, before coming to the Strait of Gibraltar, they went to Lisbon Port to dock and supply. Then, there they learned that the Grand Admiral Anne Hasta of the Li’s Chamber of Commerce and the five giant warships from the Ming Dynasty led by the other party were there. What Madeira and Seville have done before, and saw the current situation of the port of Seville with their own eyes not long ago!

"This is over!"

"The Li Family Chamber of Commerce and Hua Mei Li will definitely be hit hard by the Spaniards. I don't know if they will be arrested by Esconte in the New World?"


"Who is not good enough for them to provoke, they even provoke the Spaniards, don't they know that the strongest European fleet now is the Spaniards and their invincible fleet?"

Looking at the forest-like battleship masts and dense white sails on the sea in the strait in the distance, Lilu Agote didn't know what she should say.

"It's over..."

"Camille, they are really dead this time!"

"They will definitely be hanged in the port by the Spaniards!!"

To be honest, Lilu is really anxious for those ignorant and fearless Li Family Chamber of Commerce people.

She can already start to imagine. Perhaps, when things here in the Mediterranean are transmitted to the New World by merchant ships or messengers, Huamei Li and the others who are exploring the New World at this time will definitely be ruthless by the lower-level nobles who are also Spaniards. Diogo de Esconte’s conqueror was captured and escorted back to the Mediterranean. Then she could see in a few months the opponent was severely tortured and hanged on the reef in the port of Seville Go up to the public and let the seagulls and crows peck at them.

After one year, on those gallows, maybe there will only be some charred, stinky and moldy corpses left in the end?

Presumably, it must be like that, right?

"All right."

"Lilu, it's useless for you to be in a hurry, the other party is the Spanish Invincible Fleet, we can't help..."

"Our Agote Chamber of Commerce has less than ten ships in total, and there are only two armed merchant ships. Most of the others are large three-masted square-sailed wide-body ships, but now the Spanish Invincible Fleet in the Strait of Gibraltar has gathered. I'm afraid the number is over a hundred, what can we do?"

"and also!"

"Don't tell people that we have friendship with Li Jiashang, and we have business dealings with them and want to order ships for them!"

After walking to the side of the ship and watching the grand occasion of the Strait of Gibraltar in the distance, Camille Marinos Offense, the childhood sweetheart who grew up with Lilu sighed and patted Lilu’s fragrance. Shoulder, while comforting, he did not forget to warn.


"The Spaniards directly blocked the strait. In this way, the members of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, apart from abandoning the boat and going ashore, I am afraid that there must be no way to escape, right?"

"I hope they know that Alexandria is the closest place to the Red Sea. If they abandon the ship and go ashore by land, they will be able to reach the Red Sea in less than two months, and then they can go to the Persian Gulf with a little money to buy a boat or two. Then to the Indian Ocean, or even to the far-away East Ming Empire?"

While speaking, Lilu Argod suddenly felt that it was a great way.


"Camille, or, let's send someone to the Mediterranean to find them and explain the situation to them, and then we will lead our fleet to the Gulf of Suez to wait for them, and then send them directly back to the East?"

"At that time..."

"Let's bring back several ships of tea, silk and porcelain from the East. Then, we will be rich!"

"what do you think?"

"Just right!"

"The civilian battleship ordered by their chamber of commerce is almost finished. Let's send it to them together, and at the same time open up the trade route in the Far East to break the Portuguese monopoly?"

The cheerful and optimistic Lilu thinks about it, the more she thinks it is feasible, and firmly believes that she will once again take action and help the development of the fleet of the Lijia Chamber of Commerce will be a mutually beneficial thing, and it will definitely make her another windfall. .

Especially after providing help to the people of the Li’s Chamber of Commerce, they will definitely be able to use this as an excuse to break into the Eastern market, expand their business from the Argotel Chamber of Commerce to the remote and ancient Oriental Ming Empire, and obtain those who are the most expensive in Europe. The most popular item in short supply!


"Lilu, I advise you to stop being nosy."

"If you really want to do this, once the Spaniards get the news, we, the Argotel Chamber of Commerce, and even the entire Netherlands will be out of luck!"

"Don't be foolish!!"

Camille frowned and considered for a while, then looked at the huge invincible fleet that was on guard in the Strait of Gibraltar in the distance, and then thought about the situation of the Governor of Jakarta, the East India Company and the Dutch Chamber of Commerce in the Cape of Good Hope. Finally, he After a pause, he still stopped speaking firmly.

In his opinion, the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, especially the Li Family Development Fleet with five giant battleships, is undoubtedly the strongest competitor of their Agote Chamber of Commerce and even the entire Netherlands. Now they choose to watch and let the Spaniards First go to teach the other party a profound lesson, and let the other party dispel the boring idea of ​​dominating the oceans and even the world as soon as possible. Maybe it is the best choice for their Dutch at present?


"Miss Agote, we'd better take a look at this matter, but we must not participate in it!"

At this time, Hedram Joachim Bergstone of the Swedish Navy also came from the side.

However, he is no longer the admiral of the Swedish navy, because in the Guava Islands, he cooperated with the Malay Governor Doyle Lopez Di Preyla to fight against the Li family fleet of Ming Dynasty, which caused the entire fleet to be wiped out. After losing all the naval ships, he was sentenced to jail and deprived of the post of admiral of the navy as soon as he returned to Sweden.

Later, after investigating the cause of the incident and learning about the great achievements of the Li’s development fleet in Java, in the Indian Ocean, in Africa, and in the Mediterranean, the Swedish navy headquarters also seemed to blame him Hedram. Joachim Bergstone seems a little unreasonable?

Then, with the mediation and lobbying of his teacher, he was reluctantly released.

However, although he was released, he is no longer a member of the Swedish Navy. He was kicked out of the rank of Admiral of the Navy and became an ordinary person. He changed his career and established a Bergstone Chamber of Commerce. For the time being, he only traded in Stockholm and Riga in Northern Europe, and soon got acquainted with the Agote Chamber of Commerce, which also trades in Northern Europe. Then, after hearing that Lilu was planning to come to the Mediterranean to check the situation, he cheeked and followed. Look at the excitement.

And this is the main reason why he appeared on this ship.



"Mr. Bergstone, do you, like Camille, think that what I did just now is wrong?"

Seeing that her childhood sweetheart and respected Admiral Bergstone were both opposed to the brilliant idea she had just thought of, Lilu Argod couldn't help feeling a little angry.


"Lilu, we better stay neutral on this matter!"


"Once the Spaniards know that you and I are involved, I am afraid it will not end well."

"At that time, maybe it will trigger a war between Holland and Spain?"

"As soon as they fight, the Spaniards will definitely block the Mediterranean and the New World. At that time, the shipping routes will be cut off. If we in the North Sea countries want to go to the New World, Africa or Java for trade, it will be extremely difficult."

"Maybe, then it will be another **** and chaotic private war at sea?"

"So, you must think carefully!"

Hedram Joachim Bergstone said quietly, trying to persuade the ignorant and fearless girl navigator to dispel the impracticality as soon as possible with the serious consequences that might result. Thoughts.


"In my opinion, the Li family's development fleet, the devil admiral Anne Hasta, and others may not necessarily need your help?"

"Maybe your idea is just wishful thinking?"

While talking, Hedram Joachim Bergstone, who remembered something, couldn't help but support the boat gang, while looking at the incredible Spanish Invincible Fleet in the distance, he smiled helplessly. He sighed.


"What's the meaning?"

"and many more!"

"Mr. Bergstone, are you saying..."

"The development fleet of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, the Devil Admiral Anne Hasta and the others can defeat the Spanish Invincible Fleet, and they can rush out of the Strait of Gibraltar. There is no need for us to be nosy at all?"

"Is that so?"

Staring round those big blue eyes, even Lilu Argote, no matter how cheerful her personality and optimistic her thoughts are, can't imagine the possibility of such a thing coming true.

In her opinion, the second fleet of the Li’s Chamber of Commerce, that is, the pioneering fleet led by the devil admiral, is just five ships, even though their ships are huge warships with fast speeds and a long range of cannons. However, how could it be possible for five ships to beat the Spanish Invincible Fleet, which claims to have thousands of warships, and rush out of the Strait of Gibraltar where nearly two hundred large and medium-sized Spanish square sail warships (Galen ship type) are gathering at this time?

In short, she couldn't imagine that kind of thing anyway.


Hedram did not speak, but remembered.

At the beginning, when he was in Java and the Spicy Islands, he and the Malay governor of Portugal, Doyle Lopez Di Preira, led ten warships and dozens of armed forces. The super-large fleet of merchant ships went to crusade against the second fleet of the Lijia Chamber of Commerce, and encountered the five giant battleships of the Lijia Chamber of Commerce in the open waters around the northern latitude of the spice route in the South Seas east of Brunei. .

But the result...

Hedram has experienced all that personally!

The two fleets composed of a total of 67 warships barely were able to formally engage the warships of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce, so they were sunk 18 ships, wounded 22 prisoners, and fled on the spot.

That terrible battle scene, the kind of powerlessness under the overwhelming cannonballs, now thinking of it, still makes him often awakened in his sleep.


"Sorry, I don't know if they can rush out, but I only know that the rumored message that the Ming Empire has begun to decline is probably wrong. They Orientals still retain the world's most advanced shipbuilding technology and artillery. technology!"

"And who can get it, maybe, who can rule and dominate the world?"

I think of those Li family giant battleships, which are obviously big, but more resistant to wind and waves, run faster and more stable, and their range is at least twice the range of the heavy cannons or iron cannons currently used in Europe, or even longer. For the naval gun, Hedram just felt that his heart couldn't help but speed up a few beats.

He also wanted to get those things and improve the Swedish shipbuilding and artillery craftsmanship, but he also knew that it was impossible. The reason why the Spaniards are so enthusiastic and staring at them, the purpose is obviously self-evident, certainly not. There is the slightest chance for them Swedes!

Of course, there is definitely no chance for the Portuguese, the Dutch or the British, because now the Spanish Invincible Fleet has blocked the Li's second fleet, the Devil Admiral and her fleet directly in the Mediterranean.


"Rule the world?"

In the blink of an eye, Lilu Argod seemed to be digesting the information that Hedram had said, but she soon laughed.



"Mr. Hedram, I have seen Huamei Li and the others, and also seen their large and medium-sized lucky boats. Those boats look average, and some cannons are worse than ours. Otherwise, she So she won't do everything possible to entrust my Argotel Chamber of Commerce to help her get a civilian battleship."

"It's absolutely impossible for their second fleet to break out of the Strait of Gibraltar!"

"That must not..."

boom! boom! boom!

boom! boom!


However, Lilu Argote didn't finish her words, she was only surprised to find that a series of guns fired in the distance, and then, was the water column caused by the shells falling on the sea?


"That is……"

"Li's Second Fleet?!"

Hedram Joachim Bergstone picked up his telescope for the first time and looked into the Strait of Gibraltar. Then he quickly saw that the sea level on the east of the Strait was indeed There appeared five huge ships that were sailing downwind, and they were the five battleships of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce!

At this moment, they are driving towards the Strait of Gibraltar while at high speed, while they are shooting far away towards the sea in twos and threes, seeming to be provoking the Spanish Invincible Fleet that is blocking the strait?


In response, the Spanish Invincible Fleet, which was originally anchored and cruising on the sea, slowly moved under those furious orders. They began to pull up a sail with the Spanish flag badge on each side, pull up the anchor, and I can no longer take care of those past merchant ships.

Seeing that the Spaniards are no longer making things difficult, the ships waiting in line at the mouth of the strait to see that the naval battle is about to start here, they all rushed away and drove quickly toward the place they thought was safe.

"No way?"

"It seems to be the banner of the Li Family Chamber of Commerce..."

At this time, Lilu Argod also saw the five huge ships and the flag that she was already familiar with from the mast hanging from the binoculars.


"Are they crazy?"

"How dare they?!"

So, seeing that the five ships actually rushed towards the strait unconsciously, she could not help being a little dumbfounded when she saw that the Spaniards' invincible fleet had begun to move in sequence and formed in the chaotic strait mouth. Exclaimed.

Of course, she was just exclaiming, because now, she has no way at all.


At this time, at the sea level east of the Strait, on the flagship of the'Xiang Feihu', a wretched little girl was also looking at the slightly chaotic mouth of the Strait of Gibraltar with a binoculars.




(ˉ▽ ̄~) Cut~~

"Are there many boats?"


"First officer, pass the order: rush up and hit them a few rounds of cannonballs from a distance, and then we turn around and run back, leading their large fleet to the gathering place of that bad old man and that muscular man behind!"


Taking a look at the densely packed Spanish Invincible Fleet in formation, and then at the more warships that are rushing out of the ports of Ceuta and Seville, Annie curled her lips in disdain, and then continued to oppose it. The first lieutenant commanded directly towards the Strait of Gibraltar.


"Grand Admiral, you want to..."



The first officer was startled, and then he quickly understood the specific intentions of their chief admiral, so he stood up and responded loudly, and then ran to his post to give orders.


"You want to lead the Spaniards' fleet to the back gathering point of Pasha and Hereding's fleet and let them fight?"


"What if they don't get fooled?"

At this time, Song Yifeng on the side obviously also knew what horrible idea Annie was making, so she hurriedly asked after the first officer left.

"If you don't be fooled, you won't be fooled. Anyway, we run fast. They love to fight or not. If we don't fight, we will fight by ourselves, and we will run after we fight!"

(? ̄? ̄?) Hey!

The Spaniards have too many warships. Annie just counted them randomly. It is estimated that there are at least two or three hundred. There are only five of them. The Mediterranean is so small, so accidentally. They may be completely blocked, but then it will be miserable.

Therefore, she intends to let the Ottoman Navy and Hereding's fleet following far behind to fight the Spaniards, block the Spanish ships and engage the enemy head-on, while she and her fleet are only within the enemy's range. Far away shelling is enough.

Of course, she doesn't know if it will succeed. It doesn't matter if it doesn't succeed anyway. After all, those Spaniards have too many ships. This battle will not be over in three or five days. She has time to play with them slowly!

"That's good!"

"I just thought you would rush out regardless..."

A little frightened, Song Yifeng nodded and finally patted his chest. He was finally relieved.

"How can people be so stupid?"


"You look down on others too much!"


"Wait, we can conquer this Mediterranean soon!"



"Conquer here? Just rely on our five ships?"

Song Yifeng is obviously a little bit course! "



In the distance, the female pirate Azhisha Nurinahar was standing silently at the bow, watching the busy sailors on the spacious deck and the two little girls frolicking on the stern podium.

She heard Anne’s order, and also heard the conversation between Anne and Song Yifeng. At this time, she didn’t want to run away for the time being, because she wanted to see if they could really achieve that level and directly defeat the mighty Europe. people?



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