Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1552: (????`) There were 3 people like you before...

Annie has been wandering around in this alien kingdom city named Lugonika for almost a long time. She has eaten a lot of weird and good things. Of course, she has also caused a lot of trouble, just like now?



In a restaurant and bar specializing in reception of demihumans, Annie knocked on the ground several lizardmen or dinosaurs who wanted to drive her arbitrarily, but were also fierce, and planned to use force. In this noisy bar and restaurant just now, it quieted down in an instant.



   Then, of course, the guy like the shopkeeper ran up to Xiao Annie, knelt directly on the floor and begged her for mercy, while still not forgetting to explain in a hurry:

"stop fighting…"

   "Honorable Magician!"

   "We really didn't mean to drive you away, really, we are not discriminating against you humans..."

   "I usually only accept demihumans here. That's because our demihumans often need to eat some blood food, such as insects, raw meat, or something that is poisonous to your humans, so humans are not allowed to enter."

   "We really didn't mean to discriminate against you..."


   "If you don't believe me, you can go out and ask yourself, ask those guards, or ask someone else?"

No matter where it is, no matter what race it is, it is always more reasonable to have powerful people. Therefore, seeing those strong demi people joining forces is not the opponent of the little girl, this demi boss directly persuaded. He didn't even dare to call the guards of the kingdom to help resolve the dispute.

   "Is that so?"



   seems to be really...

I looked around, I saw that the tavern was really full of dinosaur people or lizard people who looked uglier than an uglier, and, looking around, there were indeed a lot of guys at the tables eating that **** blood. After the disgusting raw meat, several black lines appeared on her face.

   "Really, can you just say no earlier?"

  Oo hum!

  Anne certainly does not think that she has done anything wrong, because she never makes a mistake!

So, a little bit anxious, she quickly gave up the plan to continue the fight, and turned around proudly, holding the large amount of food in her arms, and strode outside the gate of this bar and restaurant. .

   Behind her, she fell to the ground in a coma, and there were at least a dozen weird people whose body size was more than double that of a normal adult, that is, those sub-humans.


   "You didn't give us a chance to talk..."

   The lizard man shop owner really wants to cry without tears.

You know, there are many such demi-specialty stores or demi-exclusive bars and restaurants in Lugnica. As long as you are a normal person, you know it, and the other party rushed in unreasonably. After getting advice, he refused to leave, and in the end he just knocked a group of his guests and the demigods who planned to reason with her to the ground. Who else did he call to reason?

Fortunately, this is inside the store, not on the street outside. Otherwise, if humans see that so many demihumans were bullied by a human little girl, then their demihuman faces would be real. There is nowhere to put it.

  Perhaps, this is why he dare not call the guard, right?

   Of course, the little girl’s intrepid force and that kind of weird magic must also take up a part. After all, who would open the door to them to do business, how dare to easily become an enemy of a little human witch who knows magic?



Annie ignored what the shivering demihuman boss said, she just continued to jump forward amidst the horrified and horrified eyes of the rest of the demihumans, and after she opened the door of the restaurant and bar. Then he strode forward and walked out.

Although it is already afternoon and it is almost dusk, the streets outside are still very lively, crowds and various vehicles come and go, and the earth dragons who are pulling the vehicles are still running fast, and they look good. The way to eat.

   "Huh huh~?"


   But Annie didn't care about that. After she got out the door of the tavern, she continued to stroll forward.

It is still early, and the sun in this world has not yet set, so she still wants to continue to eat and drink, and she wants to buy more, all kinds of delicious and fun things, and she will look for it after dark. See if there is a luxurious tavern that can provide travelers with accommodation.



  Walking, Annie, who was still holding all kinds of food in his arms, inadvertently turned into a quiet alley with no people.

   However, she didn't care, she still bounced towards the inner side of this alley.




Soon, Annie discovered that in the front of this small alley, three strange combinations of fat, thin, and short appeared suddenly, and, ah, they seemed to be standing there with evil intentions. Staring at her fiercely?




   In a blink of an eye, Annie obviously wouldn't take such a group of guys to heart, so she went on walking again.



   "What are you doing?"


   But soon, she had to stop again.

  Because, at this moment, those three strange guys actually blocked her way, obviously they didn't intend to let her go on.


   "I finally got the chance..."

   "Yes, you see, she still has that stupid face, so small, but I didn't expect it to be so edible. We have been with her for a long time."


   "Stop talking nonsense!"


   "Boy, hurry up, if you don't want to suffer, hurry up and give us all the valuable things on you!"

   "Especially those foreign gold coins!"

   After the three weirdos murmured a few words, they pressed the shortest one, which was shorter than Annie, and the weird who seemed to be a dwarf shouted angrily.


   Annie knows what these people want to do.

And, it’s not hard to guess from the conversation between the three of them, Annie, that these three guys who knew they weren’t good people must have been secretly following her for a long time, and even she was very rich. Do you know all about foreign gold coins?

   "It turns out that it's you guys who steal money again..."

  Ε=)) alas

"do you know?"

   "There were three bad guys who did it like you guys before, and then..."

   "Do you want to know their fate?"


  Anne is in a good mood now, because she has found a lot of delicious things, so now she plans to take a moment to talk to the three dumb guys in front of her.

   It would be great if they could find their way back!

   Of course, it doesn’t matter if they don’t listen, because she is also thinking about it. Later, maybe she can let them experience the high-standard treatment that the three bad guys once enjoyed?


"What is she saying?"

"do not know…"

   "It's probably because the brain is broken, right?"

   "Forget it, don't ignore her!"


   "Anyway, kid, hand over all your things, the gold coins and the things in your arms, and the bear!"

   "In this way, we can spare your life!"


   "Do you want to learn how to bark a dog, lying on the ground and saying, "Please forgive me"?"

Seeing that Xiao Anni still didn't realize the seriousness of the matter and the threat of her and others, the three of them looked at each other and threatened fiercely. Even the dwarf took the lead and took out their respective ones. Small knife.

   That's right!

   They have been following Annie for a long time, and they have long discovered Annie, a wealthy foreign lady who is all gold coins! Therefore, now that they finally caught Annie's single opportunity, they would not give up this opportunity easily anyway.



   "Why do people learn how to bark? Are you good at it?"

   "Besides, the bear cub is very fierce. It's better not to hit him?"

   Sure enough, Annie found out again that the three guys in front of her were really a bunch of idiots. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be so stupid that they wanted her little bear.

   Anyway, they would definitely not want to know what kind of things her cubs could do without her Queen Anne's suppression.



   "Stop talking nonsense!"

"hurry up!"

   "Give us all the gold on your body!"

At this time, the thin man of the three took the first step, and saw him suddenly step forward, and then stretched out his palm to Annie impatiently, intending to forcibly pull out what they wanted from the pocket of Annie’s skirt. Kind of gold coins.




   "I won't give it to you!"

   It's a pity that Annie just stepped back dexterously and easily avoided the other's dirty hand.


   "Damn it!"

   "Catch her!"


   found that the little girl did not accept their threats. After the three of them looked at each other, their expressions changed. Qi Qi grinned and surrounded Annie, who was still standing in place without even thinking about running away.


   "The few in front!"

   Suddenly, at this moment, a young lady appeared at the corner of the alley.

"Step aside!"

   "Get out of the way!"

   The other party rushed in, and while shouting, flew past the four people who had been frightened.

Then, she avoided the three people holding the knife, avoiding being caught by them, so she could not squeeze the thing in Annie's arms, and everything in Annie's arms was knocked off. And while exclaiming Annie, she jumped directly to the wall without looking back, then jumped back and forth with her strength and turned to the roof a few meters high, and disappeared within a few seconds.




   Seeing the woman who appeared suddenly but dexterously reached over the wall and left, the three villains who were robbing could not help but feel a little inexplicable.

   Just now, they almost thought it was the guard who came, so scared they almost wanted to put away their knives, but how could they think that the other party seemed to be just a passing female thief?

   "Run, run?"


   At this time, Annie's eyes widened even more, because, ah, all of her fruits, snacks, and all kinds of delicious things were knocked into the air by the other party.


   I felt annoyed, and found that the guy just hit me and didn't apologize or apologize. He even ran over the wall at once. Where is Annie?

   So, she turned around and planned to chase, then grabbed the opponent, and let Tibbers press and hit the opponent's **** to vent her anger!

   Yes, she has decided, she will do it like that, no one can stop it!


   However, Annie just wanted to act. At this time, the three people surrounded her unconsciously.

   "Want to run?"


   "It's not that easy!"

   "Quick! Catch her back and interrogate her slowly, don't wait until the guards really come!"

It is more or less risky to rob here. Don’t be robbing a little girl who knows that she is not an ordinary person at a glance. Therefore, the three people surrounded Annie, and then the tallest fat man He stretched out his hand directly, intending to cover Annie's mouth and take her away.




   Annie is angry.

   So, before the dirty hands of the three of them touched her, under their stunned eyes, she sullen her face, and when she reached out her hand, she caught a big ball of burning fire.


"what is that?"


   "You, you... are you a witch?!"

   Seeing this, the three villains were shocked instantly.

Obviously, they had not been able to follow the tavern that was only open to the demihumans, so they didn't know what happened in that tavern. Otherwise, what happened here would definitely be avoided. of.


   There is no if in this world, UU reading Therefore, they now have no chance to regret it.

   "It's my favorite toy!"


   Boom! !

   With Annie's wave of her hand, there was a muffled noise in the alley, and then the turbulent fire light flashed here.

After a few minutes…

Finally, a beautiful young lady with long waist-length silver hair, blue-purple eyes and white clothes on her body also came here, and when she entered this alley, she looked around with a little surprise and hesitation. NS.


"is it here?"


   "It looks like there are traces of fire magic being cast just now, these burnt wall tiles..."

   "What a terrible power!"

   "Did the person who stole my badge made it?"


   looked at nothing, but there were scary traces of magic burned into dark red glass on the ground and walls, and the silver-haired girl who had just arrived here couldn't help but hesitate.

"do not care!"

   "That badge must not be lost!"

   "It should be here, right?"

In the end, she didn't think much, but just bit the bullet and ran through the alleys where the burnt walls and floors were about to melt away. At this time, the heat wave was still raging, along the magical power she felt. The remaining direction chased up.


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