Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1556: ?(ψ`?′)o You don’t need to be treated if you hit you...

In any case, after a short period of turmoil and turmoil, the original Rozval House, which is the current Hasta House, finally recovered its calm.

   Now, it’s the night of the first day...


After a day of buffering, everyone could barely accept the reality, and recognized that a tragic little girl witch took the lead, and used some kind of'disgraceful' method to get from the border of Rozval L. Mezas. The fact that Uncle succeeded in obtaining the mansion, maid, and territory.


When night fell, when Anne was in this mansion that had been completely owned by her, there was a huge luxurious bathroom, and there was a warm bath in an oversized bathtub like a swimming pool. She was followed by the bathroom door. Pushing away from the outside, two identical maids and sisters walked in with their clothes, towels and some toiletries.



   "What are you doing?"


Amidst the mist, her body was completely immersed in the pool water, only a pair of round and white shoulders and a wet shawl and long hair were exposed. Annie saw the two come in and closed the door again, and saw the two walk to the bath and put them down. After the clothes and the dry towel for wiping began to undress and undress, she couldn't help asking a little strangely.



After a day’s rest, the two sisters Ram and Rem, who seemed to have fully recovered, did not respond to their new master’s question. They just quickly installed the black maids on their bodies and removed them. It was almost the same, with only slight differences in the details, but the white flesh, which was mostly crystal clear, bumpy, and all thin skin and tender flesh appeared on the side of the bath.

   Immediately after they took some bathing utensils, they squatted down together, stretched out their feet and carefully entered the bath, and then came to Xiao Annie's side with the surging of the water.





Annie ignored the snarling of a certain stupid bear. She just watched curiously as the two came to her, and then sat down slowly, until the pool of arms covered their snowy white breasts. It was submerged, only the collarbone and shoulders were exposed on the misty water surface.

   "What are you doing?!"


However, when Annie had just finished speaking, she was surprised to find that one of the two maid sisters directly smeared something in their hands, such as something like soap, to her slender back. Then the other directly rubbed her back with something like that kind of bath towel, and quickly let the magical foam cover all the places below her face, and even the pool water floated a lot.



   "Haha! Stop! Don't scratch there, it's itchy..."


   Soon, the noise rang out in the bathroom and spread directly to the outside of the corridor.



   "Tell you, if you want to use this method to ask for forgiveness, then you should die as soon as possible!"


   "Because, people are famous for being careful and careful, and they are known to be rewarded. Even if you try to please it, it is useless!"


   "What happened in the morning, people will definitely retaliate and go back!"


Although, Annie is really satisfied that the two maids, Ram and Rem, rubbed her shoulders and backs, but, one size fits one size, she still remembers the morning thing very clearly, so she They exposed the two on the spot without giving any face, and proudly brought up the matter again.



   Ram and Rem didn’t speak, they just silently glanced at each other in the misty pool from behind, and then soon, the two sisters who had a good heart spoke together:


   "We don't mean to want to redeem our sins. We are now your maids, so serving you to bathe and change clothes is also one of our duties."

   "Yes, my sister is right."

"We have never meant to use this kind of internal affairs to ask your master for credit. We will do our best to do everything well. After all, we were originally your maid, and this is what we should do. ."

"and also."

   "Master, if you have anything in the future, please don't hesitate to tell me and Rem, we will do everything to our best."

   The two sisters didn't seem to take the threat from their master too seriously.

   Of course, it is also possible that they said that deliberately, deliberately pretending to be doing their job to please Annie, and then...their new owner would be embarrassed to go to the old things and punish them again?


   "Is that so?"

   I don't know why, Annie always feels something is wrong, and always feels that the two sisters have come to say that on purpose.

"of course!"

   "Master, we are your maid now. You will get used to it soon."


"Master, without your order in the future, we will definitely not call you to get up in advance. We will clean the mansion neatly, the clothes are neatly folded, the courtyard is well-maintained and we will give it to you at any time. Prepare a variety of dishes that will never be repeated, so don't worry!"


   "In addition to what my sister said, if the host has other requirements, please feel free to say them."

   "If it can be done, my sister and I will do our best to do it!"

   "If it can't be done, Rem and I will try our best to manage it!"





   That's it, the two twin maids, Ram and Rem, said a word to me, so that Annie was startled, so that she didn't know what to say.

   Even, Annie now almost forgets what she just wanted to do.


   "Rem, you continue to massage the master, and I will clean the puppet bear over there."

   At this time, the twin sister Ram seemed to see a certain plush teddy bear beside the bath that was left there and looked a little dirty.

So, she just stood up from the misty water, let the crystal water drop off her smooth and exquisite snow-white skin, walked directly to the side of the bath, and picked up the one. Their new owners like the plush'toys' they carry with them.


   A certain bear didn't even have time to finish his words, so it was pushed directly under the water by the twin maid sister Ram, so that the warm pool water instantly soaked it.


   Soon, Ram picked up the bear again, and quickly rubbed it on her body with something like soap. Then, a large lump of foam formed on her hand.

   After scrubbing, Ram once again soaked a certain bear in the pool water, and then she started to rub the plush teddy bear directly under the water.


  ! o

   And at this time, Anne, who felt Tibbers' anger to the sky, finally recovered from the sugar-coated sweet words of the two twin maids.

"and many more!"

   "I'll tell you, it's useless if you do this deliberately, because they still want to punish you!"

Actually, if it hadn’t been for Ram’s sudden accident in the morning, so that Annie was not as embarrassed to turn her face on the spot, she would have launched that kind of'tragic' revenge action in the restaurant in public, how could it be for the two of them here? Such things come to show her courtesy and use words to run her against her?



   If the two sisters think that Queen Anne is the kind of silly little girl, the kind of fool who can be played between the palms of her hands, then they are quite wrong!




   Hearing what Annie said, whether it was Ram or Rem, the movements of the two of them gradually stopped at the same time, and then secretly glanced at each other and exchanged some intangible glances.


   "Sister and Rem did not make a mistake, you can't punish us."


   "When I offended the host, the host was not the host, but a guest who slept in bed. Therefore, the offense at that time should not be an excuse for the host to punish us now."

   "The master is so wise, I believe that right and wrong must be clearly distinguished."

   "Rem is right, Master, you shouldn't punish us for no reason?"

"elder sister!"

   "Don't worry, the host will definitely not punish us for no reason, because after she became the host here, we never offended the host again."

   "The master is the most rewarding and punishing!"


   "And the powerful master also saved Ram, and Ram will never offend the master again."

   "Neither can Rem."

   After a glance at each other, the twin sisters seem to have prepared their lines in advance, or are they really good-natured?

Anyway, they’re just like that, and they just tell their master, the idea of ​​a nasty little girl who wants to punish them, without leaving a trace, and at the same time let the other person say no. Give reasons for any rebuttal.


   Annie was speechless, because, thinking about it, she also felt that it seemed that what the two maid sisters said had some truth?


"and many more!"


   "Anyway, it doesn't matter!"


   "People are your masters. They want to punish you severely now, so they don't need any reasons or excuses!"


   At this time, Annie, who suddenly thought of something, turned her face, and stood up in the pool directly and smiled triumphantly.

   "Come on!"


   "Tibbers, grab them, and hit me a, I'd better hit fifty first!"


   Originally, Annie wanted to give a hundred shots to each of them, just like a blonde and red-eyed lady who provoke her?

   But after thinking about it, she changed her mind in time.

After all, the two of them are maids in her family. They also need to dress and cook for themselves, take a shower, take a bath, and do a lot of other tiring tasks. They must not be beaten too hard at one time, otherwise the work But no one did it.

   "This bear?"

   "Is it an elf..."


   "Master, you can't do this!"

Seeing that a certain bear that could have been carried by one hand suddenly became as tall as two people, and in the misty pool with dark red light in his eyes, he looked at him with a wicked smile, Ram. And Rem panicked instantly.

   "I can do it!"

  ? What? What?

   "Tibbers! Do it!"


   Now that it has been decided, where does Annie care so much?

Therefore, she directly stunned the two twin maids and sisters, gave orders to a certain bear and let it go forward, suppressing their resistance, and then grabbing their four arms with one claw. Together, they pressed them together on the floor next to the bathroom tub.

Immediately afterwards, the plush bear's paw that was soaked in water was lifted up unkindly, and after reaching the highest point, it suddenly accelerated towards the two white and tender spots that were upturned. Hit it!




"do not want!"



   "We knew it was wrong! We dare not anymore, let us go?"




  Pia~! pia~! pia~!

   In the master bathroom of Hasta Mansion, the sound of the body being slapped one after another and the panic and painful cries from the twin maid sisters resounded.

  ??????: Wow!

Obviously, a certain bear seems to be taking revenge against the twin sister who was soaked in the water to cleanse his grudge, so that the fight was not at all polite, and he quickly beat the back of the two twin maids with the blond red eyes before. The female cubs are red and swollen like a human?




   "It was still frolicking just now, why has it turned into crying now?"



"never mind!"

   "Never mind them!"

   In the banned book library, Beatrice, that is, Betty, of course, was very curious about the sound from the bathroom.

However, after hearing the smug laughter of a nasty little girl in it, UU reading was as proud as her, first frowned, and then stopped wanting to go. Take a look at the final idea.

   Because, she won’t admit that the little guy is the master here, and she doesn’t want to look at the smug little face of the other party for the time being!


   In Beatrice's view, even the fellow Rozval L. Mezzas is not the real master here, that fellow, he is totally not qualified to give this house as a trade item and give it away casually!

   Anyway, she will definitely not admit it.


Snapped! Snapped!


  ‘Master, please forgive us...’


  Pia~! pia~!


   "It really hurts..."

  'Ah~! ’

   "Sister~! ’

"help me…"

  ‘Ram, I’m also being...’


'what! ’


  The weird sound continued to faintly echoed in the corridor of the mansion, and Beatrice, who had excellent hearing, could clearly hear it even across the corridor and two wooden doors.

   But, stubborn and arrogant as her, she finally reached out her hands proudly and covered her ears under her golden curled ponytail, forcibly resisting the urge to find out.


  ??????: Wow!

   Monthly pass~!

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