Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1565: ?(*?)? Hasta the Whale Predator

The sky was already bright, and the time at this time seemed to be almost noon.

At this moment, a large group of heavily armed people are gathering here in the mansion and castle of the Duke of Karsten, the capital of Lugonica, the kingdom of pro-dragon.

Kursho Karsten, one of the five candidates for succession to the throne of the Kingdom of Lugenica, this man has a heroic face and long green hair. Like everyone else, he is also fully armed and dressed in a gorgeous plate armor. Beauty, holding her long sword at this time, is making the final mobilization to the knights and soldiers of various families in the castle hall that have been on standby for a long time.

Of course, they are not going to rebel or launch a coup to raid the kingdom, but to do something more glorious and great!

Last night, a team of businessmen was hit by the "Fleugueil Tree" which was planted by the "Great Sage" Fleurgell himself. The attack of the legendary evil beluga whale, in the end, only two merchants and two dragon carts escaped in embarrassment and luckily.

As for how many people died in the whale’s huge mouth in the caravan at that time, and how many people died without even leaving their names, it is not known for the time being.

Because according to ancient records, anyone who was preyed by the evil beluga whale in the white mist will completely disappear from this world, and at the same time will erase all the memories of everyone of each other, there are only a few powerful ones. It is possible to avoid the influence of that evil magic, such as the great sage Fryegel?

Therefore, after receiving the news last night, as the head of the family of the Duke of Karlstern and a prestigious person in the kingdom, Kurtius Karlstern prepared overnight, contacted all parties, and at the same time Hired is all the dragon carts that can be hired in the capital.

Finally, at this time around noon, their crusade team was finally ready.

And now, they are here preparing to take an oath and set out to crusade, go to the "Fryugel Tree" beside the Libau Avenue leading to the capital, search for and kill the evil beluga that appeared there last night.

What if it still stays near there now?


"Four hundred years..."

Looking at the heavily armed knights, warriors and swordsmen present, looking at their firm faces, thinking about what happened to them, Kurseuk Karsten first took a deep breath. After a sigh of relief, he continued firmly:

"Four hundred years!"

"The white whale born by the jealous witch has regarded the world as its hunting ground, treated us humans as weak, as its food, and has continued to bully us for four hundred years..."

"During this long time,"

"Countless people, as well as some of our relatives and friends, have been buried in its huge mouth!"

"But sometimes, we can't even remember their names. We don't even know that there is such a group of people. Only after being sadly and sadly informed by the sages can we know that there is something else..."

"It turns out that we once had such a relative or friend?"

"think about it!"

"What a terrible thing that is!"

"The beluga, it not only deprived our relatives and friends of their lives, but also deprived of their existence, deprived of our most basic right to grieve and cry!"

"It has run wild for four hundred years. During this period, we have no idea how many people, and how many relatives and friends have been buried in its huge mouth. All we know is the recorded and A small part of what was told by the sages!"

"As for the other people, the more poor people who were looted by beluga whales, we don't even know if they ever existed in this world..."

"They want to be remembered, and they can't even be engraved with a name on the tombstone. What a humble wish is that?"

"And today!"

"That evil white mist, that sinful beluga..."

"It will end!"

"Because we are all assembled, we will use our hands to end all that, we will defeat it with our own hands, and then tell it..."

"We are not the object of letting it fool and bully!"


"We will end these hundreds of years of sorrow, let it completely put an end to its fooling of us, and let the countless souls who can't even leave a name get complete peace!"

"from now on!"

"There will never be such things that even death can't be remembered, and even the humble sense of existence will be obliterated!"


"Get out! Warriors!"

"Target: "Fleugueil Tree" next to Libavus Avenue!"

"We will fight to the death with that white whale!!!"

In the end, after seeing that everyone's emotions were mobilized by her and reached the highest point, Kurseuk Karsten suddenly drew out the sword in her hand and raised it high.

"Down with the beluga!"



"Sure victory!!"

"Sure victory!!!"

"Set off!!"


In the castle, countless soldiers, knights, mercenaries, or other warriors who came here spontaneously raised their weapons and shouted loudly.

Soon, after the short mobilization ended, as the heavily armed'warriors' rushed out of the castle of the Duke of Karlstern's house, the dragon carts that had been neatly lined up in the castle courtyard were in the coachman. Driven by them, loaded with countless well-prepared equipment, materials, and heavily armed soldiers, they followed behind the knights riding on the backs of the dragons, and filed out from the noble district in the capital of the Kingdom of Lugnica, directly with A huge motorcade galloped violently out of the city along Libavus Avenue.


At noon, the territories were attacked and besieged by evil Witch Cultists, those terrifying faceless men (children of N'Zoth), and the huge monster that burned and howled in the sky last night, etc., in Ram and Rem returned to the village again and explained that after a morning of reassurance, the matter was finally resolved perfectly.

The villagers in the territory were finally able to relax their hearts completely and began to carry out their daily production activities in an orderly manner.

At the same time, Ram and Rem, after considering their two sisters, may often be assigned tasks by their Master Anne. There may be situations where there is no maid on duty in the mansion, so they simply went directly to that Alam. The village found an alternate candidate for the maid.

In the end, they recruited a girl of the right age.

They plan to train each other to become the new maid in the mansion, so that while sharing their work, they can stay in the mansion to serve their master or Emilia when the two sisters have tasks. Like yesterday, there was not even a person who prepared a decent dinner, supper, and boiled bath water.

The girl who was recruited was named Petra Wright. She was only twelve years old this year. She grew up in the village of Alam and was a girl of Gen Zheng Miaohong.

The other party's face is very cute, the mind is smart, and the work is smart enough, and the comprehension ability looks very good. Therefore, after discussing for a little while, the two sisters Ram and Rem took the charge and decided on the spot. The other party brought back to the mansion.

"Sister, is it really appropriate for us to bring Petra back?"

"Senior Frederica, you know, I heard that she temporarily resigned from her post a few months ago due to some things, but we are not sure if she wants to come back here, but now she suddenly recruited a maid. Isn't this a bit bad?"

Looking at the little girl Petra Wright in the changing room dedicated to the servants of the mansion, piercing her body, cheering and changing into those new maid outfits one by one, Rem suddenly regretted it again. He couldn't help but leaned to his sister's ear and asked in a low voice.

The predecessor in her mouth is of course Frederica Ballman, who is the maid of the original Rozval mansion, and the predecessor of the two sisters Ram and Rem, who taught them to become a qualified maid. Beautiful big sister.

Rem knows that the other party has served at Rozval House for nearly ten years and is one of the elders. However, he was transferred to serve at the Mirod's house in the Mezzas branch a few years ago, and soon he heard that the other party had resigned. That post must be because you don’t want to continue to serve at the Mirod’s house where Mezzas is separated, right?

Therefore, Rem feels that now the territory and the mansion have changed to new owners. In the absence of maids, they do not notify the senior to ask for an inquiry, and directly find a new person. This practice always makes her somewhat Feeling ashamed.


"But we can't drive Petra away anymore?"

Seeing the little girl Petra Wright, who was changing one item after another in the closet, excitedly choosing a new maid outfit, Ram hesitated when he looked at the other's thin, thin, ungrown body. After a while, he finally shook his head firmly.


"Petra was recruited by us, and the owner has no objection. As long as she doesn't make a big mistake, she must stay."

"As for Senior Frederica..."

"We can write her a letter explaining the situation. If she is willing to come, I think the master will definitely not mind accepting another skilled maid!"

"Especially Rem!"

"Do you remember? Your cooking skills were also taught by seniors. If you know that her cooking is better than yours, I think the master will welcome seniors to the mansion and continue to be a maid."

He stretched out his finger and tapped his lips, and Ram felt more and more reliable the more he thought about it.

And, in her opinion, this mansion is so big, if there are four maids, then the work of the two sisters will definitely become easier, and there will be more time and opportunities to be lazy. They can also have more private time, which is simply nothing better than that.


"Then it's so decided..."


"Sister, let you write the letter. It doesn't matter if the predecessor does not come back. I think she might be more loyal to Lord Rozval L. Mezzas?"

With that said, he looked at the one in front of the closet and took off his clothes again, and put on another set of little girl Petra Wright, looking at the two thin white buttocks who were pouting up and wearing skirts. Rem curled his lips in disdain, then walked straight to the locker room, intending to leave the matter here to his sister to take care of it.


As a elder sister and twin sister, Ram, who knows what his sister is thinking, of course knows what his sister is thinking, and also knows that her sister is a little worried about her cooking skills, senior Frederica Bowerman, if she wants to come back. It would cause her to fall out of favor in front of the owner, but...

Looking at the Petra who was shining in the mirror in front of him, Ram felt that he should still write a letter to the senior. In that case, that person's nature escaped and his energy seemed a little too much. Is it possible for girl Petra to get the best teaching and become a qualified maid?

"Sister Ram!"

"Look at it quickly, can I be like this?"


"Am I a real maid now?"

Finally, for about half an hour, Petra, who had been picking for a long time, chose a set of suitable clothes, and walked to Ram's side, turned around triumphantly and waited nervously for Ram's evaluation.



Looking at the other party’s black-based apron maid outfit, which is the same as Rem’s, and then looking at the other party’s head is not the same white hat as his two sisters, but a big red bow, Ram. It was not only a little surprised.


"All right."

"Petra, come with me to see the master later. You should have known it a long time ago. Our territory and mansion have changed. Now the owner here is no longer Rozval L. Meza. Your Excellency, but Master Anne Hasta, the great arcane archmage, you must keep this in mind!"

"You should pay attention to etiquette later, only if Master Anne does not object to you being the maid of the mansion, you can really continue to stay here!"

"do you understand?"

Ram sternly warned carefully.

As for the other party's dress, she was noncommittal.

After all, the other party’s black apron maid outfit fits well. Anyway, Ram didn’t find any major problems with the other party. As for the other party’s big red conspicuous bow... Ram felt that it seemed that it seemed. What is the age and height of the partner?

Therefore, she didn't say much, and didn't force the other party to wear that white hat like the two sisters.


"Sister Ram, don't worry, I will pay attention!!"

Petra clenched both fists and nodded vigorously, indicating that she would definitely win Master Anne's favor and would make the other party happy to leave herself here.

You know, she has a secret weapon!

Yesterday, she went to the woods with her friends to pick wild fruits, and got a small basket by herself, but she was not willing to eat or had a chance to eat it last night, and it just so happened that she brought it to the mansion today, so she believed , When she offered the sweet and sour delicious fruit, Master Anne would definitely treat her differently.

This is the village chief grandma secretly cheating on her, saying that the new lord loves all kinds of delicious food, and it is just right for her Petra to offer seasonal fruits at this time, as long as she goes to vote for it. So, presumably, it will definitely have a good effect?

"Then follow me!"

"The master is about to get up at this time, you can go to the restaurant to see if you can help your sister Rem, I will go to the master's bedroom first."

Looking at the sunlight coming in diagonally outside the window, it was estimated that the time should be about the same, Ram finally confessed Petra's sentence, and then turned around and left the dressing room first.

As for the little basket that Petra didn't know where to find and held in his arms, Ram didn't take it too seriously.


While the two twin maids of Ram and Rem in Hasta’s Mansion were busy with various housework and teaching the newly recruited maids, the head of the Duke of Karsten’s house, Kursiu Karsten, led Nayu Hundreds The whaling team composed of famous warriors, a team of magicians and more than a dozen magic cannons finally reached and settled under the Fleuguer tree beside Libaus Avenue.

Immediately afterwards, they began to send a team of Earth Dragon Knights to investigate around, intending to find the evil beluga that had appeared here last night and attacked the caravan.


"You can rest assured. Based on past experience, the beluga whale will stay nearby for two to three days in every place it attacks. It just appeared here last night, and now it must have not gone far. We must There will be a chance."

At this time, I saw Wilhelm van Astraea on the side, and saw the deacon of the Karlstern family, his own swordsmanship instructor, with the nickname "Sword Demon", and at the same time the previous sword. The old man of Santa Teresia van Astraea’s husband was full of anxiety on his face. He was dressed in armor and heavily armed, and his long green hair was tied into a bunch of ponytails with a rope. The look was extremely clear and sassy. Erxu Karsten walked over without hesitation and comforted.


"hope so……"

Looking up at the sky, Wilhelm van Astraia, who has the nickname "Sword Demon", breathed a sigh of relief, and could only barely give the master he served with a sad smile.

Unlike the optimism of Master Kurxiu, now he is very worried about going back in vain this time.

Because he saw that the sky here is very clear, and he looked up at the bright sun and cloudless. If the white whale is still wandering nearby, there should still be white mist in the air, right?

He is very old, although his body is still strong, but his age is also an indisputable fact. You must know that his grandson is 20 years old. If this time he still could not find that one when he was so close. If the white whale tracks and catches the other side, in a few years, maybe he will not go to fight the white whale and give his wife any chance of revenge.

So, how can he not worry, not worry?



"The earth dragon knight who went out to investigate has returned?"

"Have you found anything?"

At this moment, Kursho Karsten wanted to say something when he suddenly saw that in the distance, three Earth Dragon Knights were rushing towards them at full speed. Seeing them, it seemed that they had discovered something?


"Your Excellency Kurxiu!"

"In the front, the situation was found outside the dense forest of the former Rozvall collar. Go and take a look!"


"That's a beluga?!"

The people who came here didn't know how to describe it, they just reported loudly to their Duke Karlstern with a weird face.



He met his deacon Wilhelm in astonishment, and then Karsten, who knew that things might have changed, turned on the back of the Earth Dragon, and then followed the scout knights who returned to the report. , Took the lead with more than a hundred Earth Dragon Knights galloping towards the spot where the other side found the white whale.

More than an hour later...

Kurxiu Karsten took her people to the outskirts of the forest in the Borderlands, and finally saw the huge ‘whale’ skeleton that had fallen to the ground, but the main body was still relatively intact.

"This is……"

From the burnt forest embers around and the burnt black smoke traces on the huge skeleton, it is actually not difficult to judge, it seems that the huge monster in front of you, the bones of this suspected beluga whale, should not have been burned for long. ?

"This skeleton..."

"That's right, it must be a beluga!"


"This temperature, and everything around here, what the **** is going on? How could the beluga whale be crucified?"

"Who did it on earth?!"

Looking at the remains of the huge beluga whale that had been burned into a scorched black skeleton, and reached out to touch the huge ribs that were still hot, wider and larger than their own body, Kurtseul Karsten and her The'Sword Demon' Wilhelm Van Astreya and others could not help being a little dumbfounded and staring at each other.

They received the news of the white whale infestation last night, and then began to organize the personnel and arrange the dragon carts and various equipment overnight, and then set off before noon, galloping all the way, and arrived at the Fryghe tree in the afternoon, with speed and speed. Efficiency is not unpleasant!

But as a result, this beluga whale, which had been prestigious for more than four hundred years, was brutally attacked and burned to death here?

"This should be the territory of Rozval L. Mezas Frontier, but now it should belong to the little girl."

"I heard Felix say that during the throne meeting, that little girl seemed to have threatened to burn everyone who dared to persecute the half-fairy Emilia who participated in the election of the king?"


Looking around, combined with the lord of the territory, Wilhelm van Astreya quickly thought of a person, and then looked at the master he served, Kursiu.


"Wilheim, you mean..."

"That little girl was the one who attacked this white whale?!"

Kursoh Karsten exclaimed at first, but soon the expression on her face changed from surprise to a clear look.

If someone said that this white whale was killed by Rozval L. Mezas Frontier, who has the title of the most powerful magician in the kingdom, then she would definitely not believe it!


If it was the one who made a big fuss in the palace and defeated all the knights, even Reinharut van Astraea, who is known as the strongest swordsman in the history and has the reputation of'the strongest on earth' Defeated with a single finger, and finally can go away. If the kingdom's nobles and sages dared to anger the little girl, then she had no reason to believe it.

"should be……"


"Unfortunately, in the end I still didn't get to know this evil beluga whale with my own hands..."

Nodded, Sword Demon Wilhelm agreed with his Patriarch's judgment, and at the same time, he lowered his head somewhat lonely.


"Come on!"

"Go and let the team from behind hurry up and let them use the dragon cart to transport the beluga whale bones intact back to the capital for public display!"

"Let them tell people the beluga whale was attacked by the lord here, and in the future, the'Mist Beluga' will no longer exist."

"and also!"

"Wilheim, you are going to prepare some gifts now. Since we are all here, let's just bring some people to visit the new lord by the way!"

His face changed for a while, and finally, Kursoh Karsten sighed, then gritted his teeth and gave her new order.


"I will arrange it now!"

After nodding and respectfully bowing, the old sword demon Wilhelm said nothing, and directly bowed his head in silence and left the scene of the beluga crash.


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