Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1632: (?????) People are not bear children

Yesterday, the vigorous pirate hunting operation carried out by the Navy on the Chambord Islands, and the resulting large-scale uproar and turmoil, came to an abrupt end, and there was no further elaboration.

The reason is actually quite simple:

It is nothing more than that in view of the tragic result of Admiral Kizaru and his naval science troop in pursuit of a little girl from the Straw Hats, the entire army was almost wiped out, so the terrified Naval Headquarters had to urgently stop the big girl. The operation made all the navies who went out to search for pirates immediately withdraw to the naval bases and government areas near 60GR for key defense.

That's right, the current navy is like a frightened bird and has to take a defensive stance!

And the object of their defense is not a powerful large-scale pirate group or the joint forces of those pirate newcomers. The reason why they retreated to the naval base and government area near 60GR is just to guard against that name. The fierce little girl pirate of 'Annie Hastur' is just one person.

Now the truth of the matter has basically spread like crazy in the Shambord Islands...

The mysterious female pirate 'Annie Hasta' of the Straw Hat Pirates defeated the Admiral Kizaru, the captain of the science unit Zhan Taomaru, and the King Shichibukai Bartholomew Okuma himself. Several powerful PX series replica robots including them became famous in one fell swoop!

And that little girl not only shocked the navy headquarters, arrogant dragons and pirate rookies on the island, she also won the title of a 'bear boy' pirate.

The reason for that title is because the war reporter captured the wonderful picture of Annie throwing her pet bear and stomping on the Admiral Kizaru, so countless pirates and the Navy Headquarters followed the shocking photo. , gave her the nickname of the 'bear boy'.

Of course, that title has not been approved by everyone, for example, Annie herself, who is the initiator, and all the members of the Flying Fish Knights who worship her so much at this time?

For all the knights of the original Flying Fish Knights, who are now going to change their name to the 'Knights of Colored Life' and no longer engage in kidnappings, they are more willing to call a certain bear child 'Queen Anne'. And proud to be a knight of the queen's guard.

Although, that's just their self-proclaimed, Annie didn't admit that they were guards?

However, none of the above matters at all!

Because ah, the little girl at the center of the whirlpool at this time, that is the 'Bear Child Annie' who has been rumored in the past two days, doesn't care about those things, and doesn't even think about defeating a certain gorilla Milo What's so great, she was just bored watching Uncle Rayleigh enchanting the Sonny in this secret sea.


No, to be precise, it should be attached with a 'film', right?



"Uncle Rayleigh, when did you get it done?"

'ο'*))) alas

Seeing the other party's sluggish and anxious actions, Annie almost wanted to change the coating into a real "enchant" by herself, and then make the ship directly like the flying Dutchman, with the ability to navigate under the sea.

After all, that kind of thing is not difficult for her, and there is a ready-made reference, it is just something that can be done with a single thought.

"Don't worry!"

"Little guy, this is the second day!"

"Since I'm not in a hurry now, I have to be more careful about what I do. It can be completed in a week at most."

Pluto Silbaz Reilly, the uncle in slippers who spied on Annie's fight yesterday, answered without looking back while busy with his affairs on the hull.

Originally, he planned to finish coating the boat within three days, but since he was not in a hurry now, he would just take his time. The real one sank in the deep sea, and then smashed his own signboard alive.

"One more week?"

'ο'*))) alas

"so troublesome!"


Annie felt more and more dissatisfied when she heard that three days of work had turned into a week.

"Annie, don't worry."

"It just so happens that we can rest for a while. Besides, I don't know where Luffy and Nami flew to. I heard that they will fly in the sky for three full days, so let's just wait?"


"This is the takoyaki made by Hachi, can you try it?"

At this time, the mermaid Kemi brought a pot of takoyaki and placed it in front of Annie.

Kemi also already knew what happened to Luffy and others. The big bear who was defeated by Annie actually wanted to help the people of the Straw Hat Pirates, but as a result, the other party did something bad and was given by Annie. Beaten up?





"Wouldn't it be Xiao Ba who chopped off his own claws and burned them?"


Looking at the food on the plate, Annie suddenly remembered something, and then looked suspiciously at the uncle octopus who was busy on the barbecue.


"Ann, Annie, stop joking, how could Xiaoba do such a thing?"

"I just ate it too!"

"These are ordinary octopuses!"

Hearing Annie's words, Kemi hurriedly corrected and explained.



"His claws don't seem to be missing, so people can eat it with confidence!"


Although, that octopus uncle cooks octopus by himself, there is always a suspicion that "it's too quick to fry the same root", but Annie doesn't want to worry about how spicy it is!


( ̄~ ̄) Chew!


"Hey! Annie!"

"Congratulations! Now, your wish is finally coming true..."

At this time, while everyone was eating the octopus barbecue made by Uncle Octopus, Xiaoba, while watching Uncle Rayleigh's slippers coating the boat, in the distance, Aunt Xia Qi came over with a cigarette and raised her hand. He handed a few newspaper-like things to the curious Kemi, Hachi, Dibalu of the Flying Fish Knights and others.

Immediately afterwards, seeing Rayleigh at work also cast an inquiring look at him, Xia Qi slowly explained on his behalf:

"The newspaper said yes, it was all Annie's exploits (atrocities) yesterday!"

"It is said that she attacked three Tianlong people in the turmoil in the Chambord Islands yesterday, one of them died (missing) and two were seriously injured, turning thousands of navy officers, including a brigadier general and dozens of officers, into sheep, Then Admiral Kizaru was almost not burned to death by her bear cub, and half of the naval science unit that landed, including Captain Zhan Taomaru, was defeated by her..."

"Also, she scared the navy into retreating into the base, allowing the pirates to win the final victory in the defense of the Chambord Islands!"


"I think Annie's behavior now exceeds that of most senior pirate leaders, and the bounty must be upwards of 2 billion!"

"Tsk tsk!"

"Look, it's just one day to get the title of 'bear boy', it's really amazing!"

Xia Qi exclaimed, and then looked at Little Annie who was gulps at the side with those inexplicable eyes, ignoring her at all.

"Is that so?"


"That should not stop!"

"I think Annie's final bounty should be five billion!"

Rayleigh, who stopped to attach the "membrane" action to the Sonny, thought for a while, and added with a smile.

"But not necessarily!"

"After all, the wanted order has not been officially issued yet. It is estimated that the people in the Navy Headquarters are now having a headache and quarreling over Annie's affairs, right?"


Having said that, Rayleigh, who was gloating at the misfortune, laughed to himself, not to mention how happy he was, and even the action of coating was a little faster.


"Lord Queen Anne is mighty!"

"Lord Queen Anne is mighty!!"

"Lord Queen Anne is mighty!!!"

At this time, the pirates of the Flying Fish Knights also heard the words of Rayleigh and Shaqi and read the entire contents of the newspapers that Shaqi brought, so they gathered on the edge of the boat and stood there. On the side, he raised his arms and shouted her name to Annie, forgetting their boss Dibalu directly.

"You shut up!"


"They're not arrogant children. They were the ones who came to provoke them first, so what's the matter with them? How dare they scold them and speak ill of them in the newspapers?"


After glaring at the noisy guys and telling them to shut up, Annie looked at the newspaper in Kemi's hand with disdain. Obviously, she didn't agree with some of the comments on her, because things She didn't cause it at all. She never took the initiative to attack the whole process, she was passively defending!

"Anyway, they are not wrong!"

( ̄~ ̄) Chew!

After finishing speaking, Annie only cared about eating her own food and ignored the guys who were excitedly passing the newspapers.



(At this time, Tibbers also had a little regret in his heart.

Because, it didn't even think that the life force of the navy general, Kizaru, was so tenacious.

It's actually his fault. After all, he hasn't played for a long time, and it's rare to come out and jump once, so he has the idea that he must control his strength and don't kill him all at once, but the result...

If I knew it was like that, after it had finished stepping on it, it should have used Shadow Flame to make up a knife and burned the opponent directly to ashes. It was really careless this time...)


At the same time, in the naval headquarters, the Warring States Marshal was holding an emergency meeting with a group of admirals, lieutenants and brigadiers.

At this time, the atmosphere at the meeting was very solemn, with a gloomy and gloomy situation. The generals who attended the meeting were all frowning, just staring at the reports in their hands, and no one dared to speak without permission.


"Let's talk about it!"

"This time, what are we going to do with the Navy?!"

At this time, the Marshal of the Naval Headquarters, known as the "Warring States of Buddha" and "Warring States of Wisdom", couldn't stand the dull atmosphere of the meeting, and directly spoke up.





However, everyone looks at me and I look at you, and no one utters a word.

It's no wonder that in yesterday's incident, the Tianlong people who were attacked were basically determined to be one dead and two seriously injured, plus a brigadier general and more than a dozen officers from the navy were turned into sheep, and then Admiral Huang Huang Ape was almost not burned to death on the spot, and nearly half of the naval scientific corps that landed, including the captain Zhan Taomaru, were knocked down...

With such a terrifying combat power, none of the generals present are fools, and they would want to volunteer at this time to grab the credit.



"Do you have any idea?"

After waiting for a while, I found that no one said a word. As a last resort, the Warring States Marshal had to look at the Iron Fist Lieutenant General Monkey D Garp.



"I will swear to guard the naval headquarters and never let any pirates invade No. 60 and the surrounding area!"

Of course Monkey D. Karp knew what his marshal meant, but he pretended to be confused, that is, he did not accept the words of the Marshal of the Warring States, and never mentioned the matter of personally attacking and attacking the arrogant 'bear boy' Pirate Annie. .




"okay then……"

The Warring States Marshal frowned, then sighed helplessly, and could only watch Lieutenant General Garp sit down again.

Now Since even Karp is unwilling to be dispatched, he really has no good solution.

Can't let him really give an order to force a group of generals and lieutenants to set off and arrest that little girl? That kind of thing, if it really succeeds, it’s fine, at most it’s just a little gossip, but if it fails, then their navy will really be dignified and become the laughing stock of the world!


"Temporarily adjourn the meeting, everyone, please be sure to protect the naval headquarters in the Chambord Islands!"

"As for that little pirate..."

"I'll report it."


As a last resort, seeing that talking too much is useless, the Warring States Marshal can only stand up annoyed, and then walk away with a black face.


ヾ(⌒?⌒*)~monthly pass?


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