Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1634: ???(?)???? Target: Nine Snake Island!

In fact, at the beginning, Dibalu and others were reluctant to let the Sonny get close to the large naval battleship that was anchored at sea and didn't know what it was doing.

After all, the two-masted schooner Sonny is just a pirate ship with a slight advantage in speed. As for the armament, it seems that there is only a lion's roar cannon on the bow that they are not very good at using. Head, as for those poor guns along the ship's edge...

Anyway, they never thought it would be a good idea to take them to the Navy's big warships.

But there was no way, under the coercion of one of their Queen Anne, they still had to bite the bullet and let the Sonny dawdled and twitched carefully towards the edge of the naval ship. past.


What surprised Dibalu and the members of the Dry Flying Fish Knights under his command was that the naval ship was still indifferent and did not respond after discovering their arrival, and the artillery was not what they expected. The Sonny that slowly stretched out the gun door and aimed at them, but the whole ship stood silently on the sea?

Then, when the Sonny slowly approached the other side's edge and stopped side by side, when the puzzled Dibalu and the others could finally see the situation on the huge deck on the tall naval ship, they couldn't help but gasped. A sigh of relief.

It turned out that it wasn't that those in the navy didn't want to react to the arrival of their Sonny, but because there was only one of a bunch of weird navy statues and statues on the deck of that navy warship at this time. A katana sword, with a mohican hairstyle on his head, long dark purple hair tied behind his head, a solitary general wearing a lavender-striped suit and a white navy coat?



"Boss! What's going on across from them?"

"Why are they all turned to stone?"


"It's not completely changed, it seems that there is still a guy who looks like an officer?"

"Oh, what can he do by himself?"


"No wonder, just wonder why their navy didn't attack us, so it's like this..."

"But why did they become like that?"


The members of the Flying Fish Knights at this time, of course, came to the side of the ship where the Sonny was close to the navy ship, and looked at each other and gloated at the strange situation on the deck of the navy battleship, and began to speculate about the navy. What the **** happened.


"What shall we do?"

"do not know."

"But I seem to have heard something like that somewhere..."

"Let me think about..."

Looking at the strange situation on the deck of the naval battleship and the naval officer who was standing in the group of stone statues holding a long knife and closing his eyes as if asleep, Dibalu began to rack his brains to recall, wanting to Find out what is going on in this strange scene in front of you.




"Boss! They seem to be the only officer left, or..."

"Let's just do it all the time, kill the other party, and then rob the big ship of their navy?"

"You think about it?"

"If our Flying Fish Knights can **** a large warship of the navy, then if we say it later, everyone will have a lot of face, right?"

At this time, several clever members of the Flying Fish Knights exchanged glances, then excitedly approached Dybalu who was thinking and shouted loudly.

They don't care why those navies are like that, anyway, they only know that a complete large naval battleship is right in front of them, and it doesn't seem to have much resistance, as long as they want, they can put it at any time. It's up for grabs and hangs their banner of the Knights of the Flying Fish!


However, it was the words of those guys that made the naval officer on the opposite side, who had been holding the knife with his eyes closed, suddenly open his eyes.



There was a sound of a knife being unsheathed.

Immediately afterwards, the only living person on the naval battleship, the naval officer who was indifferent to the arrival of the Sonny, suddenly jumped from the opposite side towards the Sonny, and then slashed towards the Sonny with a knife. The members of the Flying Fish Knights who were about to instigate Dibalu to seize the ship and Dibalu himself rushed over.



"not good!!"

"Help, help!!"



So, I didn't expect that the other party was actually a character who didn't talk much personally, and even more did not expect that the other party would suddenly attack and attack in such a fierce way. The Flying Fish Knights, who saw how many of them were about to corpse on the spot, not only exclaimed In addition, there is no time to react at all, and there is no way to respond.

Because at this time, including Dibalu, they were all suppressed by the terrifying momentum that suddenly erupted from each other. They only felt that their hands and feet were cold and trembling. To be able to watch the other party and the other party's shining blade get closer and closer...

'Humph! ’

Fortunately, at this critical juncture, a coquettish voice sounded.

clang! !

When the long knife saw that it was about to cut several members of the Flying Fish Knights into two pieces, for some reason, it suddenly seemed to be slashing into an invisible wall, and then issued a metal collision. Crispy.


Finding that the attack was blocked, and it was a means that he could not understand, the naval officer was quite straightforward. He directly used the reaction force of the slash to perform a beautiful backflip, and then fell steadily back to his own navy. On the guardrail of the battleship, Hengdao stood there majestically.

"Too, very good!"



"It's Lady Queen Anne!"

"Her Majesty the Queen!!"

Of course, the minions of the Flying Fish Knights knew who rescued them, and while they fell to the ground in fright, they didn't forget to prostrate themselves and shouted gratefully in the direction of the hatch that was being opened.

"whispering sound!"


"You stupid bastards, go away!"


Annie ignored those guys and walked to the side of the boat on her own. Then, following the example of the person on the opposite side, she jumped straight to the guardrail on the side of the boat, and then crossed her hips again, staring angrily at the person on the opposite side who dared to jump. Come over to attack the uncle who is under him.

"Bad uncle, who are you?"

( )

"Why attack other people's crew?"


Although Annie doesn't like those stupid guys who can only make fun of them, she still needs their help in sailing the boat and finding people, so she can't just let others jump over and chop them up without any reason. Unheard.


"I'm the Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Flying Squirrel!"

The uncle with the bun head monster first proudly stated his own name and identity, and then frowned and looked carefully at Annie.

"You are……"

Then, the arrogant expression of Uncle Ding Jitou quickly turned into tension and solemnity.


"You're that 'bear boy' pirate?!"

Obviously, he seems to have recognized it at this time. The **** the opposite side seems to be the pirate ship of the 'Sunny', not the one who attacked the Tianlong people in the navy bulletin, defeated thousands of navies, and even knocked down Admiral Kizaru and that scary little girl from the Naval Science Unit?

Even Admiral Kizaru and the Naval Science Unit suffered heavy losses from the opponent, and now, he is the only one left on his ship who has not been petrified, so he quickly realized the embarrassment of his situation. Dangerous and exclaimed.

"You are the bear boy!"


"Speak! What the **** are you here for?"


"Also! Why are those guys on your side all petrified into statues?"


The island in front was clearly one of the destinations for Annie and the others to find people this time. Now, there is a naval ship parked here, and the people on it have been petrified into a pile of stone statues. Only It's just that strange uncle, which really surprised her.



"No comment!"

However, the Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel was also a bachelor. Even in the face of the fierce 'bear boy' pirate who was highlighted in the Navy's internal bulletin, he just stood there arrogantly holding a knife, not ready to answer. any problem.


( )

"Petrochemical stare!!"


Originally, Annie was just curious and asked casually.

But now that it's alright, the other party refuses to say, then she simply doesn't ask, and directly and suddenly, she raises her hand to be a petrified light and hits the other party.


Swish! !

Very timely, Vice Admiral Flying Squirrel first snorted disdainfully, and then easily slashed Annie's magic with a single sword.



Before he could react, the magical energy quickly spread along his long sword to his whole body, and before he could understand what the energy represented, he suddenly froze, and then nothing. I don't know.

It turned out that he even with a sword was instantly turned into a stone statue with a sword in an attacking stance and standing on the edge of the boat?

"Okay, a boat should be neat and tidy!"


If the other party has been honest, Annie may not treat the other party well, and now, it is too late to say anything.

The other party successfully angered her, so she took a slight punishment and made the other party and the other party's crew turn into a statue, so that it looked more neat and pleasing to the eye.


(● ̄() ̄●)



"Also turned into a stone statue?"

"Okay, amazing..."

"Long Live Her Lady Queen Anne!!"

"Long Live Her Majesty the Queen!!"


"Another lieutenant general!!!"

Seeing that the self-proclaimed lieutenant general was easily resolved by Her Majesty Queen Anne, who was served by himself and others, and turned into the same stone statue with magic, the members of the Flying Fish Knights were startled at first, and then they ignored it. Loudly shouting and cheering.

Up to now, the navy planted in the hands of their majesty already has a brigadier general, a lieutenant general and a general general. Maybe, one day, they will defeat the warring states marshal and the five old stars of the navy. , then she will become the most powerful One Piece in the world, even more powerful than Roger?

"You shut up!"


"Keep sailing! Go to the island ahead!"


Annie didn't intend to pay attention to those idiots, so after solving the problem of the Vice Admiral, she gave the order directly.





However, at this time, when the members of the Flying Fish Knights were about to go busy and sail, Dibalu jumped up and hurriedly stopped them.

"This is Nine Snake Island on the windless belt..."

"That's right!"

"Your Majesty, we must not go there!"

Then, Dibalu first glanced in the direction of the island and confirmed something, he didn't care to be surprised why the vice admiral was also turned into a stone statue, but hurried to Annie's side and nervously reporting.



"Female, Lady Queen!"

"You can go up to that island, we will definitely not dare to go up!"

"Not even close!"

"The ship is parked here at the naval battleship, that's fine. It should be exactly three nautical miles here?"

Dibalu said nervously, as if there was something terrifying on the island in front of him.





Annie was a little baffled and didn't know what medicine was sold in the other party's gourd.

"Because that's Nine Snake Island, the daughter country, we really don't dare to go up!"

Yes, Dibalu had thought about why the navy stopped here, why they turned into stone statues and why just now he always felt like he had heard about what happened on the navy ship.



"What's the matter, why don't you dare to go up?"



"The legend goes like this..."

So, after being pressed by Annie and surrounded by the members of the Flying Fish Knights, Dibalu slowly told what he knew.

In front of the Nine Snake Daughter Island, it is also called "Amazon Lily", and it is also a country of the female fighting nation "Nine Snakes".

As the name suggests, this island is an island inhabited only by women. It is said that all women on the island are born to be trained as warriors, shouldering all the responsibilities of family, labor and defending the country, and, strangely, , even after they become pregnant, they will always only give birth to girls!

The island is located in the windless zone beside the great passage, because there are huge sea kings in the windless zone, so under normal circumstances, ships cannot enter the waters near this mysterious daughter island.

Of course, none of the above matters, what matters is:

There is a pirate group on the island called the Nine Snakes Pirates. The pirates on board are all powerful Amazon female pirates, and the leader is one of the seven seas under the king who is known as the 'world's most beautiful woman'. 'Boya Hancock'.

At the same time, there is an absolute law on the island that men are strictly forbidden to go on the island. Once any man sets foot on the island or gets close to three nautical miles, he will be wiped out after discovery!

And according to legend, that beautiful pirate has some kind of very terrifying ability. All the merchant ships that were robbed by the other side are all dead, and there are only a bunch of weird statues left?

Now, the stone statues on the navy ship in front of me are enough to show that the legend is not just a legend, so Dibalu just feels that his heart is starting to tremble, and he doesn't want to be changed like those navy. He is a stone statue, and he is unwilling to approach that terrifying island no matter what.

"Oh okay?"


Annie was a little surprised, and then turned to look at the stone statues on the naval ships. Now, she finally knew why they became like that.

"All right!"


"Anyway, there are only three nautical miles left, let's go over by ourselves!"

ε=(ο`*))) alas


"Wait, wait a minute!"

However, when Annie was about to leave by herself, Dibalu stopped her again.

"What, do you have anything else to do?"



"Lord Queen, can we drive the Sonny a little further?"

Of course Dibalu saw the impatient expression on Annie's face, so he asked anxiously.




"There are so many terrifying sea beasts in the surrounding waters..."

"If you weren't here, we wouldn't be able to beat them..."

"And the Sonny is not like a navy ship, and the bottom of the ship is shielded and protected by sea towers."

Daughter Island and Boya Hancock, one of the Qiwuhai, are indeed terrible, there is no doubt, but these sea king-level sea beasts in front of them are even more terrible, and he can't provoke Dibalu!



"Don't worry! As long as you stay on the boat, they will definitely not dare to attack you!"


"That's it, you have to wait here!"




After speaking, Annie disappeared with a 'swish', and she didn't know where it was teleported. Obviously, she didn't take Dibalu's worries to heart.



"Ann, Lady Queen Anne?!"

Dibalu hurriedly shouted, but where is Annie still around?

"Old, boss!"

"What shall we do?"


"Those monsters..."

"very scary!"


When Annie left, the members of the Flying Fish Knights gathered around Dibalu, and now they remembered that Dibalu was their boss and needed to rely on each other to make up their minds.

"I do not know either……"

"Just wait..."

"However, although Lady Queen Anne said that, you can't take it lightly. You must be vigilant around you. Once you find that there are sea king-like monsters that want to attack us, we will..."

Having said that, Dibalu swallowed and seemed to have made an important decision.

"So what?"


A group of people waited anxiously for Dibalu to speak.

"Let's escape by flying fish!!"



"Boss is wise!"

"Just do it!"


"Let's go to the alert first!!"

The plan has been The members of the Flying Fish Knights quickly dispersed, busy with their own affairs.

However, what Dibalu and the idiots of the flying fish under his command did not know was that Annie had actually left a little bit of her breath on this ship for a long time, with that invisible coercion, those sea kings Of course, none of the sea beast monsters dared to approach and attack. They are now much safer than the Navy's large warships that use sea towers to disguise their ships as seawater.

"Hope everything goes well..."

Walking to the bow, looking at the Nine Snake Island three nautical miles away, Dibalu could only pray like this.


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