Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1639: ?(*?)? The bear children make a big noise in Push City (1)

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In the night, the huge sea fortress on the sea far away, like a black demon, stands on the very edge of the whirlpool current, and even if it is so far away, everyone on the Sonny can clearly see it. The shadows on the high walls there were full of fire and human figures. It could be said that it was a five-step sentinel, and a ten-step post. The guard was extremely tight.



"I have seen it, the one in front is the advance city you mentioned?"


Annie saw that there was indeed a huge fortress there, and the surrounding walls were full of navy soldiers and various cannons.

Moreover, there seems to be a huge port inside the wall. It is not difficult to guess from the upright masts, how many large ships they encountered before three nautical miles from the island of Nine Snake. warship.


"Yes, that's it!"

"That is the big prison advancing to the city, and my brother'Fire Fist' Portcas d. Ace is locked inside!"

Luffy stared stubbornly at the place where the light was exposed on the sea in the distance. In the night, his black eyes were full of determination.

"fire punch?"


"Why is he called "Fire Fist"?"


Annie was a little curious, so she suddenly asked.

"It's because of'burning fruits'!"

Luffy didn't mean to conceal it, and directly explained the reason.

"Burn the fruit?"



"Just burn the fruit!"

"It's a kind of devil fruit. If you eat it, your whole body can turn into flames, and you can even create flames through your body. Ordinary physical attacks are ineffective. At the same time, it can turn any part of your body into fire. The flames created can be free. Change into any shape, such as forming a flame net or a fire fist to attack the enemy and so on."

Continuing to stare motionlessly at the large prison in the distance, Luffy slowly explained with a low voice.

"Is that so?"


"It sounds interesting!"


Annie herself is the daughter of flames, so she has a little interest in the guy who can freely control and create flames after eating the devil fruit.

Of course, just a little bit.

"The person you asked for help, is he in that big prison now?"


Looking at the dark shadow of the prison, in the blink of an eye, Annie turned her head and asked again.

Anyway, she was woken up by Luffy smashing the door in the middle of the night, so now that she was a little interested, she decided to go inside to see the situation reluctantly.


"I do not know either!"

"But if he has not been escorted away by the navy, he must still be inside now. This is our best chance to save him!"

Luffy said uncertainly, and clenched his fists.

Yes, he is really not sure if Ace is still inside, but whether he is or not, he has to go in and see, and if the opponent is indeed taken away by the navy, then they will go to the navy headquarters Malinfan again. Many, no matter what, I must rush to rescue Ace before execution!

Now their Sonny has become very fast, so even if there is no exclusive navy current, they can arrive before the deadline. There is plenty of time, enough for him to start operations here first. of.

"Is that so?"


Annie blinked, noncommittal.

"All right!"


"Our Sonny's target is too big, it must not be too close, if it weren't for the night, I guess they would have discovered it here!"

"So, we can only take the Weiba from here and sneak in the dark."


"Let's get started!"

With that said, the energetic Luffy jumped directly onto the surface of the sea, jumped onto the saddle of the'White Trojan No. 1'that was ready for a long time, and then began to move forward slowly while waving his hand to greet Annie on the boat. Jump down quickly.

Originally, the best way is to swim directly, but how...

He Luffy is a Devil Fruit capable person and cannot touch the sea. Therefore, he can only take the single-person vehicle that he is not good at operating. The mighty, like a sea motorcycle, quietly touched it in the dark. .

Fortunately, their Weiba was modified by Frankie. It is equipped with two extinct shells, the "Spray Shell". The power is particularly powerful and the silent effect is good. Even if you ride him and Annie, there is no problem. of.


"Annie! Come down quickly?"

After waiting for a while, turning his head, he found that Annie standing on the bow of the ship was still indifferent. Luffy on the sea could not help but once again stretched out his hand and waved towards her and urged in a low voice.

Now that the weather is calm and the sky is dark, it is a perfect opportunity for them to sneak in and sneak in. Once the moon emerges from the dark clouds or the wind and waves on the sea become bigger, then it is not too easy to sneak in and sneak into the propulsion city. It's easy.



"People don't want to take your broken motorcycle, they can send it in by themselves!"


With that said, without waiting for a response from the other party, Annie jumped out of the boat!


Suddenly, a blue light gate appeared in the air outside the bow of the ship, and after she just jumped in, the blue light gate flashed away in an instant, making her disappear together with the portal. .




"There is that simple way, why didn't you tell me earlier?!"



"are you still there?"


On the surface of the sea, Luffy lowered his voice again and shouted to the place where Annie had disappeared. However, a certain messy little girl had already disappeared completely at this time, how could he hear those words?


After waiting for a while, it was determined that Annie was probably the first step into the big prison and pushed into the city. There was no way, Luffy had to gritted his teeth and started the single-player that he was not very good at awkwardly and bitterly. Using transportation, he began to sneak past the tall and propelling outer wall of the city slowly.




"Dibaru, Luffy just passed by, are you sure there is no problem?"

After waiting on the deck for a while, and discovering that even Luffy had gradually disappeared into the darkness, Xiao Ba asked with some worry to the boss of the Flying Fish Knights around Di Baru.

"I have no idea."

"Or, Xiao Ba, you swim in the sea and follow Lu Fei to take a look?"

Dibaru was also a little worried, so he came up with a bad idea.


"No! No!"

"Under the seabed here, there are many terrifying sea king monsters, and from time to time there are demon jailers pushing the city out to patrol the seabed, so I won't be active in the sea in such a ghost place!"

Hearing Dibaru's proposal, Xiao Ba hurriedly waved his hand and refused.

"That's no way."

"Let's go, let's drive the boat farther away, and then rush over to pick them up after they give a signal."


"Just do it!"

Soon, the Sonny raised one of its sails, then lightly turned a bend on the sea, and then quickly sailed away from the propulsion city.

Now it’s only two or three hours before dawn. They dare not wait here all the time. According to their agreed plan, they only need to cruise around, as long as they are not found and caught by the Navy, and then wait until they see it. After Luffy or Annie signaled to retreat, they rushed over at full speed to pick up people and run away.

As for whether the plan is reliable or not, they don’t know now, but anyway, judging from the current speed of the Sonny, there should be no major problems, and the final effect can only be verified by waiting time. NS.

This was the darkest moment before dawn. The dark clouds in the sky blocked the moon so hard that the scenery could not be seen after a few tens of meters on the sea. Only the lighthouse in the distance and the beam of light on the high wall were in the distance. Occasionally it shines towards the surrounding sea or sky.

At this time, when the Sonny flees away, while Luffy is still riding his small motorcycle carefully close to the outer wall of the city and is racking his brains to figure out how to sneak in secretly, Annie It was already'swish', and it was teleported to the cell area on the basement floor of the advance city.

In fact, she just flew here deliberately without taking the road.

Because, in her opinion, taking the guy with Luffy is just a cumbersome, it's better to come in alone, then wander around, and leave as soon as possible after saving people, it's faster than the stupid guy who led Luffy Much more.

And if she moves fast enough, maybe she can go back before dawn, and then go to Meimeida to sleep in again?



However, now Annie finds unexpectedly that her self-assertion idea sometimes doesn't seem to be very good?

Isn't this?

Looking at the dark and humid cell passages and the densely packed cells, she suddenly realized that she didn't seem to know where the guy named'Ace' was being held, and even less what he looked like. What kind of thing, she just sent in rashly by herself, and did she have some mistakes without leading the stupid fellow Luffy?



"never mind!"

ε=(′ο`))) alas

"Anyway, there must be a way!"

(? ̄? ̄?)

However, even if she knew she seemed to have screwed it up, how could Annie admit her mistake?

Her Queen Anne never made a mistake, never did it, said she would not, she would not!

"Let's go! Tibbers!"


"Let's save people!"


After thinking about it, Annie joked forward happily. She planned to find someone to ask about the situation and see if anyone knew where the Ace was locked up or recognized that guy.


'who is she? ’


‘I don’t know, I’ve never seen it. ’

‘Is she a prisoner? ’

‘I don’t know, but the clothes don’t look a bit like...’

‘I’ve never heard of a little girl here. Could it be any jailer or prison official who brought the little girl without authorization? ’

‘Bah! Who would bring a child to a place like this? ’



‘She’s here!’

At this time, the iron fence of the cell in the distance was facing the cage in the direction of Annie. Of course, a group of prisoners in'zebra suits' also saw Annie's arrival, and began to speak quietly and curiously. Discussing in it, until she walked straight towards them and stopped at the iron fence, they followed and stared at her inexplicably.


☆? (o?ω?)?

"Bad uncles, do you know where a guy named'Ace' is locked up?"


Annie asked Mengmeng, and didn't mind the terrifying eyes of the bad guys in the iron fence looking at her.


"Who are you?"

"Who is Ace?"

The prisoners in the cell who didn't know when they were put in, you look at me and I look at you. They looked at each other and didn't know who Annie was looking for, and they didn't know why she appeared here inexplicably.

You know, this is the basement level of Pushing City. It is the Red Lotus Hell. Even if the other party is a child of a prison official's family, logically speaking, it shouldn't be here.

"Then you don't know?"




Seeing that these prisoners didn't seem to know who they were looking for or where they were being held, Annie turned her head and left without being wordy, planning to find someone else to ask in another place.

After all, her time is in a hurry, and she still wants to go back to sleep as much as possible, so she will definitely not waste time on those stinky strange uncles.



‘Don’t go!’

‘We know where that ‘Ace’ is locked up, come and let us out, we’ll tell you!’


"Little girl! Come back!!"


‘Little things, get out of here!!’

"Let us out!!!"


Annie didn't go far. The prisoners seemed to realize something from her question, and then they slapped the cell door vigorously and shouted, wanting her to go back.



But it's a pity that Annie continued to jump forward, and she didn't mean to pay attention to them at all. After all, she could still tell the other party's tricks to deceive children.



However, Annie stopped again without going too far.

Because, at this moment, she seemed to hear a faint scream and some movement in front of her, and the panic and rush of footsteps were getting closer and closer, should she be rushing towards her?




Finally, Annie waited for a long time, and finally saw the reason for the movement:

An uncle clown in a striped prisoner's uniform was running for his life, and behind him was a group of fat, chubby blue monsters chasing and cutting him, and scared him to run and howl towards her. Here rushed desperately.



From a distance, Annie stared at the clown monster uncle, and she stared at him.


The clown prisoner who was escaping obviously saw Annie too, but he didn't mean to stop, he ran toward her and ran over and swiftly ran over.


When the blue, huge, round monsters following the other side ran up to Annie, they raised the giant axe in their hands high, and slashed at Annie without hesitation. come over.


!? (?''??)?


The sharp and sharp axe almost swept past Annie's cheeks, but if she hadn't been hiding quickly and replaced them with a normal person standing here, I'm afraid they would have already chopped in half.

"You bad guys!"


Standing in good standing and doing nothing, even the rescue work was inexplicably chopped off by a group of monsters before it was even carried out. Of course, Annie couldn't bear it and couldn't bear it!




Rumbling rumbling...

The huge explosion sound and fire light instantly exploded somewhere in the red lotus **** advancing the city's underground level, causing the entire prison to tremble slightly, and instantly alarmed countless prisoners on this layer, making them They all leaned forward to the iron fence of the prison door, eagerly trying to see through the iron fence what was happening outside.

However, most of the prisoners did not see anything, only a few cells close to saw the scene that they will never forget:

Amidst the raging flames, a little girl walked out of the sea of ​​fire step by step. She carried a hideous-looking plush toy bear with a trace of sparks in her hand, and a ball of flame in her other hand. , She was unscathed, and those terrifying flames didn't seem to be able to hurt her.

And behind her, the passage has completely turned into a sea of ​​flames. At the same time as the heat wave hits, they also saw that the ground and surroundings of the passage were actually burned into magma by the flames, dripping. Rolled down and gathered in a certain pit.

And before, the few jailers who swung the giant axe at her, that is, the terrible blue gorilla monsters that were advancing in the red lotus **** of the underground layer of the city, have now become a few groups huddled in the flames. And it's still burning and exploding with coke.


‘Ok, what a terrible flame!’

‘She she she...’

'who is she? !’

"No, I don't know..."

‘I’m not from the navy anyway!’



‘Will she save us out? ’

'do not know…'

‘Why don’t you ask? ’

'I do not want it!!'


As a result, the prisoners who saw the terrible scene took a breath, and then lowered their voices together and subconsciously shrank to the innermost part of the cell, for fear of provoke the demon outside.

They could only quietly discuss the little girl wandering around in this cell that many of them had just discovered, and wanted to know who she was.

But it’s a pity that these people have been locked up here for a long time, so they didn’t know that they were carrying a hideous-looking stuffed bear in their hands and a ball of flame in the other hand. Who the **** is this little girl.



At this time, the jailers in the Propulsion City surveillance room monitoring the corridor of the Red Lotus Hell through the video phone worm finally discovered the situation there. Then, after seeing the little girl's appearance, they were first scared. Time picked up the microphone and contacted the prison's deputy warden Hannibal.



"The basement level of the big prison was invaded by pirates!"

"The invader seems to be the fierce ‘Bear Kid’ Pirate Anne Hasta who attacked the Draco and Admiral in the Chambord Islands before!"


‘Can you be sure? ’


"Sir, we are very sure!"

"The other party must be the terrible little girl with a reward of 5.5 billion Baileys. She still carries a toy bear in her hand, and five blue orangutans have just been burned to death by her. We will definitely not read it wrong. , It's her!"



"No! Bucky the fugitive clown, UU Reading is now playing with her, but we can't hear what the two of them are talking about."

After reporting a few sentences, the jailers in the monitoring room began to report the latest situation nervously.

In the picture, Bucky, the clown who had already run away, sneaked back and then approached the'bear boy' cautiously, and was flatteringly saying something to her, and then Soon, the two of them seemed to have reached a certain consensus, and they started to walk in a certain direction, and gradually disappeared from the monitoring screen.


‘Since the bear kid invaded the base, why don’t you go directly to the warden Magellan, why are you coming to me for? ’

‘Do you think I might be better than the admiral? ’


‘Call the warden and let him deal with it. It’s better if he accidentally dies, then I can go straight to the position!’


After speaking, the deputy warden Hannibal hung up the jailer in angrily.



The two prison guards looked at each other, and finally they couldn't help but picked up the phone worm on the phone worm again and dialed to the warden Magellan's office.

It didn't take long before the sirens from all levels of the entire advance city sounded.

At the same time, countless guards and jailers were awakened from their sleep, and then got up and dressed and picked up their weapons and poured into the prison.

Even the more than a dozen large naval warships outside the prison took action one after another and actively prepared for war.


???(?)???? Monthly pass~

↓For more exciting extras, please see the author of the ㊣ edition ↓

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