Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1684: (?????) What are you afraid of?



"I love bathing, my skin is good..."



At night, in the girls' bath of the Sonny, a young woman with a beautiful figure was standing naked on the smooth, misty floor, holding a stack of clean bath towels and looking at the bath in front of her with complex eyes. The little girl who was humming an unknown song and taking a bath with her back to her.

But after hesitating for a long time, in the end, she still did not dare to say anything, but gradually loosened her clenched fists, walked up slowly and entered the pool water, knelt down in the warm pool water and began to be careful to the little girl wiping on the smooth back.

That's right, she is Dasqi, the female officer of the Navy's G-5 fleet who was captured!

The day before yesterday afternoon, when she flew up from the top of the mast and attacked the swooping flying fish, she never thought that the person on the flying fish's back would be the bear child herself, and if she had known, she must have been. Not so impulsive.

Of course, it's too late to say anything now. At this time, she has no chance to regret being captured by the bear child and taken to the Sonny.

And now, the reason why she is here and wronged Baba to rub the little girl's back is because she has become the bear child's personal maid, and this is her own choice.

Although, she actually had no choice at all?

Because, after the bear kid caught her back, he didn't know how to deal with her, so the other party simply gave her three options to choose:

First, she washed herself and went to serve the ferocious monster bear Tibbers as a late night snack?

Second, to be stuffed into wooden barrels and nailed, then thrown into the sea to feed the fish!

Third, to the captain of the great Sonny and most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most powerful, the most powerful Arcane Archmage, His Excellency Anne Hastur, will be the exclusive maid.

Dasqi is not stupid, she doesn't want to be thrown into the sea to take risks and seek a lifeline, and she doesn't want to wash and peel herself, give it to the vicious monster bear as ration, and then be pulled out like the general Akainu, so, she He resolutely chose the third option, and became the exclusive maid of the bear child because of the grievances.

"Lord, Lord..."

At this time, while thinking about things, Dusqi gently wiped the skin of the little girl's slender and breakable back, and asked carefully after a long time.

"This power..."

"is it okay?"

To be honest, she is a little bit unbelievable now, this bear child who looks no different from an ordinary little girl, has such a powerful power hidden in her body.

And if she hadn't been countered and captured by the other party in an instant, and she still had no ability to resist, I'm afraid even she wouldn't believe it, such a little guy is really the kind of guy who can easily beat seven The terrible existence of the three generals of Wuhai and the Navy?


 ̄? ̄)????

"That's good, very comfortable!"

(? ̄? ̄?)

Annie was very satisfied with the strength of the other party, and quietly gave her a thumbs up for her act of catching the female officer back at that time!

Thinking about it now, the whole ship of the Sonny is full of idiots and male pirates. It is indeed a little inconvenient. In the past, Nami and Robin sisters didn't feel anything when they were there, but now they are gone, So much so that she was a little lonely many times, and she didn't even have someone to whisper to.

Of course, Tibbers is a bear, not a human, that must be different.

And now that it's all right, I just grabbed a maid and came back. The other party can not only take a bath and rub his back, warm the bed and change the quilt, but also bully and play when he is idle. It really is an excellent choice!


(● ̄(?) ̄●)


Dusqi didn't know what the bear child was thinking, and just served silently and dutifully.

Rubbing people's backs and serving tea and water, although she had almost never done such things before, but under the threat of death and the pressure of the bear child, she still basically recovered quickly in the past two days. Learned and doing better and better.

Bah! Bah!

'Her Majesty? ’

Bah! Bah! Bah!

"Oh no!"

"There is a situation!!"

Suddenly, there was a series of anxious knocks on the wooden door of the outer cabin. Listening to the sound, it seemed to be the pirate Dibalu of the Flying Fish Knights?


After waiting for a while, she found that the bear child was still squinting and had no idea of ​​responding. As a last resort, Da Siqi, the maid, had to stand up tenderly and let the crystal clear water on her graceful and smooth body. Drop by drop.

Then, she gently left the bath, and as soon as she reached out, she grabbed a bathrobe and put it on, then slowly opened the wooden door of the bathroom with bare feet and walked out, and soon she opened the door that was being knocked on outside. the second door.


Not long after, she didn't know what Dusqi said to Dibalu outside, she came back and walked to the bath.






Annie turned her head and looked at Dusky with those ignorant blue eyes that were no different from urchins.

"Master Dibalu said..."

"They found that there were two powerful guys fighting on a nearby island called Punk Hassad. There was a lot of movement. They just sent Flying Fish to investigate. They said..."

"It seems that the Admiral Akainu and Aokiji of the navy are fighting each other?"

"The slaves saw it just now. The island in the distance is on fire. It's half fire and half ice. It looks a little scary."

After Dusky pushed the frame, he relayed it so carefully.



"Ignore them, let them continue to fight!"


Annie didn't care, and continued to turn her head to soak in the pool, even slowly shrinking to the surface of the misty water, so that the pool water did not reach the bridge of her nose, so she played with bubbles under the water.

She doesn't want to move now, she just wants to take a comfortable bath, and then go back to the soft and warm quilt to sleep with the soft goose down quilt, and she won't need to get up in the sun tomorrow.


Seeing the bear child react like this, Dusqi could not help but frown slightly and pursed her lips, not knowing what to say.

After a while, she made up her mind, walked slowly to the pool, took off her yukata to reveal her graceful figure, stepped into the bathtub, picked up the towel again and carefully gave it to a certain bear. Children serve and rub their backs.


"Have you really beaten the three admirals?"

Then, out of nowhere, Dusky suddenly asked this question.



"Any questions?"


At this moment, a drop of water from the wet hair dripped into Annie's eyes, causing her to stretch out her baby-fat hand and rub it.


"Why don't you go and see when you learn that there are two admirals fighting?"

"is not it……"

"Are you afraid of them?"

Dusky started to use aggressive tactics, that's right, she said that on purpose!

Because, since there is an Admiral here, it means that there must be a Navy ship nearby, and if the bear child goes to deal with the Admiral, maybe she will have a chance to escape.

Although, she doesn't know why the two generals, Akainu and Aokiji, are fighting here, but at this moment, she can't care too much, she just wants to seize the opportunity and take the opportunity to escape from the Sonny.

And as long as the most terrifying bear child herself is not on the boat, she has a high chance of defeating those crooked melons and cracking dates on the boat and successfully escaped, returning to the arms of G-5.

"People are afraid of them?"




"That's good! After taking a bath, people will beat them up again and let you see who is afraid of who!!"


I felt that I was being looked down upon by the new maid, and I felt that it would be no problem to beat up those two stupid guys. I felt that Annie, who was on the way, waved her little fists and shouted arrogantly. .


"The servant will prepare another dress for you later..."

"I wish you an early triumphant return?"

Dusky sneered in his heart.

Because she knows that once the bear child really entangles with the two admirals, even if the real one wins, it is estimated that a lot of time will be wasted, and before the other party wins and returns, it is the best time for her to escape!

As for the fate of the two admirals...

That kind of thing, she can't care about it now, after all, it's not that those two generals have not been defeated by the bear children, what if they lose again now?


"It must be early!"


Annie thinks, it is nothing more than teleporting over to show his face after washing, and then punching each person, directly knocking the two guys who knew how to fight and fight fiercely without sleeping at night, and then teleported back. , it will definitely not take more than a minute before and after, she is very confident about this!


(● ̄? ̄●)


When a certain bear boy and her Sonny were about to arrive off the coast of a certain island that was being turned into ice and fire, on the other side of the red earth continent, on the Chambord Archipelago, the terminus of the first half of the great voyage, A group of navy recruits are training in full swing in the dark.

'drink! ’

'what! ! ’

'drink! ’

'what! ! ’

Looking around, on the island school grounds where piles of bonfires are lit, the navy recruits are shirtless and punching under the illumination of the floating colorful bubble lamps, and at the same time they are shouting uniformly. with some kind of slogan.

This is a night training, and the officer who supervises them is the former lieutenant general, that is, the son is the leader of the rebellion against the World Government, the grandson is the leader of the Straw Hat Pirates, and the righteous grandson is the successor of the Whitebeard Pirates. , but he was still relying on Monkey D. Karp, who received double wages in the Navy Headquarters!

At this time, when the recruits were sweating and training, he didn't even look at him, he just lay on the reclining chair on the stage, drinking his tea and watching the wonderful night of the Chambord Islands, until the sound of the sound came from behind him. After the sound of footsteps, he sat up straight and looked over in confusion.


"I have to come to work early now, what do you think?"

"Enough is enough!"

Seeing the arrival of the Warring States Marshal, Garp's face instantly collapsed, looking a little unhappy.

"I don't want to do anything, don't get excited, I just stopped by to see you training new recruits."

"I'm the future inspector..."

"It's my remit to see how you train new recruits."

Sengoku was noncommittal, walked directly to Garp's side, and nodded with satisfaction after looking at the group of sturdy young men in the square in front.


"Great Inspector?"


"Isn't the position of your marshal still not retiring?"

"Have Aokiji and Akainu decided who they are?"

Piece of lips, Karp sneered at Sengoku in a somewhat disrespectful and modest manner, with no respect at all on his face.

"Not at all!"

"They don't accept who they are, and they can't make up their minds for a while. They don't know who to choose. It is estimated that they can decide after a fight."

Thinking of the news that Aokiji and Akainu had both left the Chambord Islands and went to the New World the day before yesterday, Sengoku couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Obviously, he knows that Kong and the five old stars are a little impatient, and their departure is also because of that. Presumably, the position of the Marshal of the Navy Headquarters will soon be decided by those two people, and he Warring States himself is about to officially step down from his post, in a way of resigning with the shameful guilt.

"Have a fight?"

"That green pheasant is estimated to be miserable."

Smacking his lips, Garp shook his head and said, and he didn't seem to be very optimistic about the green pheasants that were more in line with his taste?


"You don't like him?"

"Good luck!"

"But it's useless. His fruit ability is somewhat restrained by the red dog. It's normal to beat the red dog, right?"


"It makes sense."

"But, at least you have to play around to know the result."


"Maybe Akainu's injury isn't completely healed, and maybe he was picked up by Aokiji for a great deal?"


"Who knows."



After chatting a few words, Sengoku and Karp fell silent, watching the recruits on the field of the colonel in front of them training in full swing.


"do you know?"

"I heard that your son Long's men liberated the north, and the Tianlong people ordered the construction of a land bridge connecting the islands. It is estimated that the project that has lasted for seven hundred years will not continue."

Suddenly, the Warring States Marshal sighed and talked about the rebels with relief.


"That's a good thing. That broken project that cost the people money and the people's grievances should have ended a long time ago. Only a guy like Tianlong people who is more and more abnormal in his mind would dare to give that kind of order!"

Hearing such a news, Garp suddenly laughed, as if he was really not a member of the navy under the World Government.


"Now the navy is underwhelming, the people are uneasy, your son is moving around again, and the bears are destroying everywhere, the gear of the times is really about to collapse..."

"I don't know, how long can we have this kind of happy birthday?"

After sighing leisurely again, Sengoku slowly sat back on another chair beside the coffee table by Karp, and looked sideways at Karp, his fascinated old friend.

"Then I don't care!"

"If the World Government wins, I'll still be a vice-admiral and get two salaries, but if my rebellious son wins, I'll run to him and work for him, and I'll have nothing to worry about!"


"Kapp! You bastard..."

"What's wrong with me?"

"If you are dissatisfied, you can take advantage of the opportunity that you are still the marshal and fire me directly!"

"Anyway, no matter what I say, it can't change the fact that the dragon is my son, and he is still creating a world government."

"Isn't it?"


After that, Garp didn't care what Sengoku next to him was thinking, he grinned and laughed, just as heartless as his grandson Luffy.


"What are you?"

"Oh, Warring States, we are all getting old now, and it's time to retire. You should worry less about that kind of thing!"


"Don't think about it, what the world government and Tianlong people have done over the years, not all the navy is good, not all pirates are bad, some things can't be hidden."


"You all know?"

"I don't know anything! I don't want to know!"


"Forget it, you're right, I'm also about to retire, so don't worry about these things."

Shaking his head again, Sengoku obviously didn't want to fire Garp, nor did he want to expose the other party, and he didn't want to pursue the rebellious words the other party said, because he knew that those were indeed the truth. Besides, Garp was such an immortal old man. It's useless to say anything, it's really annoying, the other party might just run away, and then really run to become a rebel, and then their navy won't even have a place to cry.


"Have you heard?"

"Smog's group from the New World Navy's G-5 unit disobeyed the order of the headquarters and went to intercept the bear boy and the Sonny without authorization."

So, Warring States directly skipped the sensitive topic just now and talked about another matter.


"Do they really dare to go, their heads are so hard?"

"Tell me!"

"How many died?"

Garp grinned with round eyes, and asked excitedly as if gloating.


"Not a few were killed, but one was blown up and sank. It was sunk after abandoning the ship. Two other warships were also injured. They retreated voluntarily."

"Although Smoog is impulsive, he is still decisive, not the kind of brainless."


"Isn't the entire army annihilated?"

"Ha ha!"

"That's pretty good."

Garp continued to comment on the G-5 with a big smile, but he was noncommittal about the "resoluteness" commented by the Warring States Marshal.


"I heard that they had a Colonel-level officer taken away."


"It's rare. It's the first time I heard that bear children like to arrest people..."


"Who was arrested?"


"A female officer named Dasqi seems to have potential."

"Is that so..."

"That's a pity."

"Fortunately, I don't know each other, otherwise it would be a headache!"

Karp nodded, then shook his head again, noncommittal about the matter, never mentioning the idea of ​​intervening in that sort of thing.

Of course, he didn't think that way at all.

It's like what he just said, that Da Siqi is really unfamiliar with him Garp, so he definitely won't pull down his face to beg his grandson Luffy and let his grandson Luffy go To mediate or implore the bear child to release people.


"Now that bear child, where is she?"

Seeing that Sengoku didn't speak, then he looked ahead for a while, and after looking at the navy recruits who were training with sweat on the playground for a while, Karp suddenly asked.

"I don't know for now."

"According to Smoker's report, it should be near Punk Hazard Island, right?"


Having said that, Sengoku suddenly thought of something and exclaimed.

"what happened again?"


Karp was a little strange, and he didn't know why Zhanhui was so surprised tonight.

"Nothing, just..."

"I heard……"

"Sakaski and Kuzan seem to have chosen to fight on Punk Hazard Island."

"After all, you also know that the naval research base is now a dead island. There is really no more suitable place for competition than that."

Warring States clearly remembers that Punk Hassad was originally an important research base for the Navy, but unfortunately, a terrible gas leakage accident occurred later, and a large amount of corrosive substances were released from the island, resulting in many prisoners originally held on that island. Sudden death, and then, in order to cover up the truth, the Navy announced that it had abandoned it, making it an uninhabited island.

If Sakaski and Kuzan really fought there and completely destroyed it, maybe it would be a good result?

At the very least, some inhumane and unwanted criminal evidence of the navy will be completely destroyed.

Of course, the only question now is... Will she suddenly run over there to disrupt the situation, or will she attack the two generals of the navy again?

"So this is ah?"


"I hope Akainu and Aokiji won't be so unlucky, right?"

As he spoke, Karp laughed out loud and gloated, and grabbed the pot of warm tea on the small table beside him and poured it into the spout.


"hope so?"

"I think they're fighting, and the bear children shouldn't be so bored to interfere."

After thinking about it for a long time, Sengoku also felt that he was thinking too much, then he slowly relaxed and sat down on the chair next to Garp again.

Now, their navy just waits for the two to decide the winner and loser, and then he, the Warring States Marshal, can officially step down and become his navy chief inspector for that idle officer.


"Kapp! Can you stop drinking like that and pour me a glass?"




"You old bastard!"

With a dry mouth, he picked up the teacup and found that Sengoku, who was empty inside, angrily scolded Karp, who was holding the teapot and pouring it vigorously next to him.


After taking a few more sips, Garp, who still had a big gulp in his mouth, finally handed the teapot in his hand to Sengoku, who was watching.


"No, no?!"

However, the Warring States who took over the teapot found that there were only some tea residues left in the teapot, and after pouring it for a long time, only a few drops came out.

"You old bastard!"



Just when Warring States was about to attack and reprimanded the other party, suddenly, he saw an Admiral Admiral with a somewhat ugly face rushing towards the two of them.



"Lieutenant General Garp!"

The visitor first saluted the Sengoku Marshal, and then saluted Garp before continuing to speak loudly:

"Just, just got the news!"

"General Sakaski and General Kuzan were fighting on Punk Hazard Island. They were discovered by the passing bear children, and then the two sides fought without a word!"


"The two generals were kicked away by the bear children again, their whereabouts are unknown, and their life and death are unknown!"

"At present, the navy and G-5 division of New World are conducting emergency search and rescue in the nearby waters, and there is no new news for the time being!"

The Admiral who came to report was out of breath and reported so loudly with an ugly face. Then, the recruits who were training closest to Dianjiantai stopped in disbelief and watched in shock. situation above.


At this time, Kapu, who was just about to say something, had the tea in his mouth that he hadn't had time to swallow, and finally couldn't help spraying it directly, and sprayed the Warring States beside him, and the outgoing Admiral of the Navy Headquarters was full of All over the face.


After wiping the water stains on his face, Sengoku didn't say a word, just stood up from his seat silently.

I'm really afraid of what's coming, because at this moment, he no longer has the kind of relaxed and fluke mood just now.


"Since those two have an accident, then I'll go back first. Next time I'm free, I'll chat with you again?"

"let's go!"

After speaking, Warring States turned a black face, and regardless of his somewhat embarrassed image, he directly waved his hand to signal the major officer to follow quickly, and then the two hurried away.


"Good, good..."

"Remember to tell me anything new, although I may not be able to help?"

Karp wanted to laugh very much, but he forcibly restrained it after thinking about it. After all, he also knew that he couldn't do that in the current situation.

In addition, the position of the marshal of the Warring States period, I am afraid that he will not be able to resign for the time being.

Of If the superiors don't mind that Kizaru's condescending guy becomes a marshal and pushes the navy into a doomed situation, perhaps the Warring States period can still reluctantly abdicate on time.


"What are you looking at?"

"Even if the admiral is really killed, what's your business?"

Seeing that the recruits on the campus stopped at this time, and they were still discussing together in twos and threes, knowing that the guy who just came to report was too loud and was heard, Garp simply refused. Concealed, and directly and loudly reprimanded.

"Go! Go! Go!"

"Everyone runs ten laps around the sixty district, and they are not allowed to sleep until they finish running!!"


|??ω?`) What about the monthly pass?

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