Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1690: ?(*?)?Dragon's strongest shield

Outside the gate of the bullfighting arena in Dressrosa, Don Quixote Doflamingo's wretched little gangster wearing a black bat mask was rushing with a group of people. Arrived here and connected with the two subordinates.


"Are you sure, that bear child, is she here now?"

"She went in?"


"Boss, we saw her go in with our own eyes. She and her maid took a blind man and of course the bear!"

"It's really in..."

"This is bad!"

"What's the matter, boss?"

"It's not bad, don't worry, she definitely won't be able to escape. We can go find her first, and then secretly shoot her in the crowd while she's not paying attention?"

As they talked, the subordinate who had been waiting here for a long time took out an exquisite short pistol very intimately, saying that as long as they found someone, they could hide in the crowd and shoot to kill the value. A Billion Bailey's Bear Child.


"To shut up!"

"Who said they were going to kill her?"

Hearing that his subordinates had misinterpreted his meaning, the wretched gang leader wearing a black bat mask kicked over and snatched the musket for assassination.


"For the time being, this is to find her first, and then sincerely, smilingly and politely invite her to the palace as a guest. That's what our young master wants!"

"Do you understand everything?"


"Invite to the palace?"

"But, why? Didn't the young master get beaten up by that bear child?"


"To shut up!"

"You can just find someone quickly!"


"Quick! Quick!"

"Go in and find someone!"

"Remember! We are here to invite people, not to kill!!"

Soon, after the leader of the wretched gangster wearing a black bat mask finished his lectures, this group of gangsters under Don Quixote Doflamingo rushed in and entered the bustling and noisy place. In the bullfighting arena, we began to look for the trace of a terrifying bear child.


How easy is it to find a little girl in a bullfighting arena where there are at least 10,000 spectators, and there are at least 10,000 spectators in the crowded and crowded audience?

Is this not?

Just a few minutes after their group of talents entered the bullfighting arena, a certain bad boy turned his head and came out, and just now their group of idiots didn't even think about leaving someone at the exit to guard the report. What.

"Really, it's not fun at all!"


"Isn't it just a group of idiots fighting, what's there to see?"


"The bullfighting arena was promised, but there wasn't a single bull... Besides, those guys are really too weak, what's the fun in watching them fight?"

?ˇεˇ??))) Bah! !

A certain bear child sat on the shoulders of her little bear and walked out with her little maid and blind crew, and at the same time did not forget to express her dissatisfaction aloud.

She didn't understand why those people watched so excitedly and so eagerly, and even shouted to cheer, anyway, Her Lady Queen Anne definitely didn't like watching those.

If she knew it was like that, she should have listened to the toy soldier just now. Of course, she didn't think she should go in because it was full of those fighting and killing guys, but because the fights of the adults were in her hands. It seems a little too boring, it is better to watch the bullfighting!


"That's not because you are too strong. In fact, there are still some very powerful and potential guys among their gladiators."

"Mr. Fujitora, what do you think?"

The maid Dasqi, who came out behind, actually wanted to continue watching, but since all her bear children and masters came out, she had no choice but to follow her as a maid.



"Miss Dusky, I'm just blind, how else can I 'see'?"

After a self-deprecating joke, Fujitora shook his head noncommittally.

Anyway, now he is a member of the Bear Boy Pirates. Now he will follow the Bear Boy wherever he goes. It doesn't matter whether he watches the duel match or not.


"Hug, sorry!"

"I did not do it on purpose……"

Dusky was stunned for a moment, then remembering that the other party was blind, she hurriedly apologized to the other party sincerely and bowed.

"It's okay."

"I was originally blind."


"I remember that Dressrosa wasn't like this at first. Since that Don Quixote Doflamingo came to occupy this place and overthrew the rule of King Liku, this place has become like this."

"I don't know if this change is good or bad?"

As he spoke, the blind Fujitora let out a sigh.


"You said Don Quixote Doflamingo..."

"I remember!"

"I seem to have seen a piece of information about him by chance. It is said that the guy was born in Tianlong?"

In this way, while following the giant bear Tibbers forward, Dusqi told a little bit about what she knew about Don Quixote Doflamingo.


A long time ago, it is said, more than eight hundred years ago?

After all, it was probably a blank one hundred years ago. At that time, the family that ruled the Dressrosa Kingdom had always been the Don Quixote family, but later, the Don Quixote family left the Dressrosa Kingdom and joined The world government, and became the 'Dragonians', from then on, the Liku family took the opportunity to become the new royal family of Dressrosa.

Then, eight years ago, Don Quixote Doflamingo returned to Dressrosa with his cadres, and appeared in front of King Riku, threatening King Riku that he must get together in one day. Qi's huge sum of 10 billion Bailey is used as compensation for the other party's occupation of the Don Quixote family throne?

Otherwise, Don Quixote Doflamingo will lead his troops to capture Dressrosa!

At that time, King Liku had to order the nationals of Dressrosa to pay all the cash to the king, taking into account the safety of the people, but who would have thought that the other party fell into Doflamingo's trap because of this?

So, after a series of turmoil and conspiracy, in the end, the cunning Don Quixote Doflamingo took advantage of the situation to overthrow King Riku's rule and became the new king, while the original Riku royal family resigned after the turmoil. At the same time, it was widely cast aside by the people because of the 'excessive levy'.

After that, due to the resignation of the Liku royal family, the surrounding countries gradually fell into the turmoil of war, and through the opportunity to buy and sell arms and devil fruits, the Don Quixote family made a fortune in the war, and made Dre. The kingdom of Throsa and the people here became richer, so Don Quixote Doflamingo's rule here became more solid, and the world government simply acquiesced to the other party's rule here. fact.


"This was originally the family domain of Don Quixote Doflamingo? It's the first time I've heard of such a thing..."

"But, Miss Dusky, how did you know such a secret thing?"

After the shock, the blind Fujitora asked in confusion.

"It's easy!"

"Because I was originally a senior officer of the Navy, and my boss was a G-5 Commodore, but he should be a Lieutenant General now, so of course I have the right to know all the information about the King's Qiwuhai."

In fact, Da Siqi is definitely not authorized by this district, but Smog from their G-5 branch likes to throw various documents, and sometimes she has to help clean up, so naturally she can know a lot Secret high-level intelligence.


"Are you a navy?"

"But, why are you..."

Fujitora instantly widened his cataracted eyes, apparently not understanding why Dasqi, who was in the navy, would follow the big pirate Bear and become a maid of Bear. He would do this kind of thing. I don't understand.


"It was the master who captured me in a battle not long ago, and then I... I became the master's slave."

"That's about it."

After taking a peek at the bear boy sitting on the shoulder of the giant bear in front of him, Dusqi whispered to the blind Fujitora beside him.


"So that's how it is..."

Hearing this, Fujitora nodded in understanding.


"Captain Anne?"

"You arrested a naval officer without authorization and forced him to be your maid, isn't it a little bad?"

So, after walking forward for a while, Fujitora couldn't bear it any longer, so he bit his head and asked the small shadow emitting weak energy who was sitting on the shoulder of the giant bear in front of him.


ヽ(゜Q.) ノ?

"They didn't force her. They gave her a choice at the time. In the end, she clearly chose to stay and be a maid!"


"Dasqi, is that what people say?"


After hearing the conversation between the two behind her, Annie, who knew what the blind man meant, turned around angrily, and asked the slave girl who was obediently walking by.


Dusky hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded honestly.

"Yes, the master didn't force me, I did it voluntarily..."

"Being a slave girl to a master is an honorable job."

Indeed, the other party did not force her, but...

Those three choices, one is to throw it to feed the bear, the other is to throw it into the sea to feed the fish, and the last one is to be a maid, what is the difference between forcing her?

Of course, Da Siqi would definitely not dare to say that kind of words now, and she didn't expect the blind man to hold her back, otherwise, at night, she would have to be stripped of her pants by the bear and pressed on the bear's leg. It's impossible to spank the **** again!

She was frightened, because the back of her **** was still aching and not fully recovered. She really didn't want to be beaten again.


Fujitora didn't say anything, just lowered his head and followed silently.

Of course he could hear whether Dusky was forced or not. After all, he was blind. After losing his sight, other perceptions became more acute. He could tell whether a person was telling the truth or not without looking.

Of course, even though he knew it, he still didn't dare to continue to make more judgments. After all, he had just joined the Bear Boy Pirates, and for some things, it was not his turn for a newcomer to interfere.

Besides, since Dusky was a prisoner captured by Captain Bear Boy, and he was not immediately executed or released, then there is always a reason for the captain himself, and he, the crew member, can just stay aside and continue to 'observe'.



"Uncle Blind!"


"What else is there to do on Dressrosa Island?"


Now that Annie has eaten the delicacies on the island, and it is said that she has seen the most fun bullfighting arena just now, she feels so-so, and even makes her a little disappointed?

So, now she's going to go elsewhere and have a good stroll to see if there's anything more fun and interesting.


"The King's Heights is the royal palace. It is estimated that it is not easy to get there. In the city, only the Avenue of Lovers is left."

Fujitora didn't hesitate, and directly told what he knew.

In fact, he didn't know whether it was fun or not, because he was blind, and no matter where he was, it seemed to him that there was only a difference in smell.

"Lovers Avenue?"


"What's that place?"


Annie was a little curious, and then began to look into the distance on Tibbers' shoulders, wanting to see where the so-called 'Lovers Avenue' sign was.

"Cough cough!"

"Mr. Fujitora, do you think that place is suitable for the master to go to?"

"Should we change places?"

At this time, Dusqi gave a blind man an angry look.

Of course she knew where the Avenue of the Lovers was. It was a famous tourist destination on Dressrosa, a holy place for couples to gather and check in, but... Now they, a bear, a girl and a blind man, I also want to go to Lovers Avenue, so is it appropriate?


Dasqi is also a little worried. If the little girl follows suit and comes back to let her demonstrate the behavior of those lovers to the giant bear, then will she just obey or pretend to resist first? In the end, do you just give in?


"It doesn't seem right, so I have to go to the flower fields outside the city."

"I heard that there are a lot of sunflowers there. They look very golden and beautiful, but I can't see it for a blind man."

"I don't usually go there, and the smell there is still a bit too strong for me."

After pondering for a while, and feeling that it was indeed inappropriate to take the little girl to Lover's Avenue, the blind Fujitora suggested this.

"Hua Tian?"


"People have been there long ago!"


"Before, people and Da Siqi came into the city from the direction of the flower field outside the city, and she walked very slowly at that time!"


As she said that, Annie also cast a contemptuous look at her useless maid, Dasqi.


Dusky lowered his eyelids and said nothing.

You know, she was wearing high heels at the time, and she was beaten badly by a bear a few days ago. How could she walk smoothly in that kind of bumpy field?


"Then, only Greenbit remains..."

Fujitora sighed, and suddenly felt that the bear child in front of him seemed a little difficult to serve?



"Where? What kind of place is that?"

ヽ(゜Q.) ノ?

Anne asked curiously, saying that it was the first time she had heard the name of the place.

"I'm not so sure either."

"I just heard that it is an isolated island north of Dressrosa, connected to the island by a steel suspension bridge."

"It is said that..."

"Originally, the residents here were able to pass the bridge in peace, but about two hundred years ago, around the waters of the suspension bridge, groups of ferocious fighting fish began to appear in groups. They are very aggressive. Can easily capsize passing ships, and many people died at that time?"

"After that, even the residents of the island did not dare to approach the suspension bridge rashly."

If it was an ordinary person, Fujitora would definitely not tell the dangerous place and suggest the other party to take risks, but if it was a bear child, he felt that it would definitely be no big problem.

"Is that so?"


"Then go have a look!"


"Tibbers, let's go, go north!"

?*. ?(ˊωˋ*)??*.

Douyu or something, Annie just saw it in the pool in that bullfighting arena. Those gadgets, if they dare to jump out and make trouble, she can give them a few minutes to let them into tonight's luxurious package. Be intimidated by them!

Soon, they, a bear, a girl and a blind man, gradually moved away from the bustling bullfighting arena, and began to walk along the street to the north of Dressrosa.


And when Annie and her little bear Tibbers, the maid Dasqi and the newly joined blind crew were moving to the north of the town, planning to go to a small island to see the rare, not far from where they just stood, The three weirdos, all wearing white suits and dark ties, and all wearing masks, were secretly watching them from a table on the street where customers rested.

"That is……"

"bad boy."

After a long time, when they completely disappeared at the end of the street, a geek in a white suit, headed by them, suddenly opened his mouth and said this quietly.

"What should I do?"

"The bear child appeared on Dressrosa Island. Does this have anything to do with the matter we came to investigate?"


"I heard that Rob Lucci and Spandam of CP9 are investigating the smuggling with and he began to suspect that there are revolutionary troops hiding on the island."

"And Don Quixote Doflamingo, one of the seven Wuhais under the king, has always been indifferent and ambiguous about this, and now that the bear child has appeared here again, things have become more and more complicated."

"It would be unconvincing to say that there is no connection between these things..."

At this time, another masked weirdo in a white suit also spoke up, and connected a series of things together.

"That's right..."

"It's not easy."

The third monster also spoke.

However, he didn't say clearly where it was, or what the context and connection between those things were.


"It seems that Rob Luigi has done a good job, even if he has made great contributions!"

"Another day, transfer him to our CP0."

Staring at the place where the bear boy and others disappeared for a while, finally, the strange man in the white suit took the lead and stood up from the table in the street shop.


"Stare at them first, and then make a conclusion after the investigation is clear!"

After saying that, he turned around and left.



The other two in white suits didn't say much, got up quickly and followed.

no doubt!

From their brief conversation just now, it is not difficult to guess that they are actually the '-AIGIS0' agency known as 'the strongest shield of the Tianlong people' and also the 'world's strongest espionage agency'.

Abbreviation - 'CP0'!


(?▽?) It's the end of the month, don't hide the monthly pass anymore.

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