Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1692: ?(????) The justice of fishing



"It's really a headache..."

In the office, looking at the very official naval document, Kizaru thought about it, looked at it, and finally threw it back on the table, some of whom didn't know what to do with it.

To be honest, if he could, he didn't want to deal with these **** at all.

Even if he knew, it was actually a good intention of the Warring States period. He wanted him to take advantage of the opportunity of the world's military conscription to raise or promote a group of his own direct line troops, so as to pave the way for him to serve as a naval marshal and command troops in the future. flat road.


Huang Yuan didn't think it was any use. After all, no matter how many people there were, could he defeat the bear child?

Obviously not!

In addition, there may indeed be many hidden powerhouses in this world. After all, all kinds of powerful Devil Fruits abound, but he does not think that he can find one that is comparable to or resists bear children. degree of people out.

As a result, this conscription has become a tasteless existence in his eyes, and the position of admiral has also become a hot potato. Maybe he will be held accountable for a certain defeat just like that Warring States period. , and then retire humiliatingly?

Of course, his Kizuna is definitely not as good as the Warring States in terms of connections and prestige, so if that kind of thing really happens, what awaits for his Kizuna may not just be as simple as an dishonorable retirement.


"The two guys, Aokiji and Akainu, are so lucky. Even I want to be beaten up again by the bear child..."

"bad boy……"

"It's really a headache!"

Sitting in the office with his arms crossed and his legs crossed, Kizaru began to wonder, and began to wonder maliciously whether the two guys, Aokiji and Akainu, also thought of the problems he just thought of, and then deliberately Hiding and not coming back?

Presumably, it must be like that, right?

Anyway, if it was Kisumu himself, he would definitely be able to do the kind of thing that deliberately kept disappearing in order to not be a marshal.

Of course, it's useless to think about that now.

At present, the commander-in-chief of the three armies, Sora, has officially announced the fact that he is about to take office as the Admiral of the Navy. Even if he wants to shirk it now, it is useless, and even if he really quits the job, he directly forcibly takes off the skin of the Navy. And go out, don't want that generous salary and treatment, it is estimated that the navy or the world government will definitely not let him go easily.


Cursing his lips, Kizaru continued to sit in his office with his arms crossed and Erlang's legs crossed, staring at the official document of the World Conscription in a daze.

Although the specific work does not need to be handled by him personally, whether it is propaganda, selection and investigation of the identity information of the selected candidates, there are special departments to deal with it, but the various people selected in the end still need him to be responsible for the yellow monkey. It was arranged by people, but until now, he still has no clue.

Come to think of it, he, the admiral of the navy, has always found it out. When did he seriously do this kind of work in the office?


"Come in, the door is open."

Fortunately, at this time, when Huang Yuan was having a headache and racking his brains about some things, he found that an assistant appeared outside the door in a timely manner, so he was worried and simply stopped thinking about those things just now. , turned to lean on the back of the chair, then picked up a nail clipper and cut it while signaling that the other party could come in.


"General! There are several reports here that you need to sign and approve yourself!"

Saying that, the assistant took a few steps forward and put a thick stack of 'several' documents on Kizaru's desk.



Is this only a few copies?

After looking at the thick stack of documents, and then at the solemn assistant, Kizaru took a deep breath, and the nail clippers on his hands almost missed the flesh, and he managed to hold back and wanted to use the eight Chi Qiong Gou Yu smeared the dangerous idea of ​​the opponent's face.


"Why are there so many files?"

"Nothing like that usually?"

Just now, he was still having a headache about how to deal with the big conscription in the world, but now it's good, the other party has brought a lot of sources of pain and put them on his table, making him want to take time to fish. no.

"Report to General!"

"It was given to you by the Warring States Marshal at the behest. He said that you will be promoted to Marshal soon. Now it's time to familiarize yourself with some affairs and exercise."

"Please sign and approve it as soon as possible, and come and take it away in the afternoon."

After he finished speaking, the assistant didn't talk too much, he just stood at attention and gave a salute, then turned his head and left.


"Next, afternoon?!"

"So many documents, it's already past eleven o'clock in the morning, and will be approved in the afternoon?"

"It's scary..."

Looking at the wall clock on the side of the wall, and then looking at the thick stack of documents in front of him, Kizaru was a little messy.

However, no matter what, he still needs to do it. After all, he can't let that little assistant look down on him, right?


So Kizaru took a deep breath and picked up the first copy from the top of the stack of documents.


"The maintenance project of the Marine Vadodau Naval Headquarters exceeded the budget. Is it approved to temporarily owe the workers' wages and payment for goods?"


Seeing that the first document turned out to be that kind of thing, Huang Yuan didn't even think about it, just picked up the pen on the side and started to sign his approval opinion and name on the document in a 'swish swish':

'It is not allowed to be in arrears with the payment of wages and goods, and all payments should be paid immediately and on time, without errors! ’

'Polusalino! ’

You know, workers from all over the world come to work for the navy, aren't they just for money?

Also, he works here at the Navy Headquarters, not for the salary, how can he do such a thing that he owes at will?

If today he approves the arrears of wages and payments to the workers, will it be tomorrow's turn to owe the wages of naval officers and men?

That kind of heinous thing, that kind of terrifying precedent, he would absolutely never allow it!

Of course, as for the fact that there is no money in the account of the Navy Headquarters and that there may be a deficit due to it, that kind of thing is the world government should worry about and have a headache. , it is possible to remove him as the future marshal, but he did not want to be the marshal of Lao Shizi.

Soon, the signed document was thrown aside, and Kizaru picked up the next one.


"There is a big movement on Fishman Island. A large number of powerful sea kings are gathering near Fishman Island, so that the deep sea route is blocked?"

"Found murlocs operating in the waters around the Chambord Islands?"


'Keep watching! Polsalino! ’

Another document was signed, less than a minute before and after.


"A pigeon spy found out that the straw hat pirate Monkey D. Luffy and the Hades Sirbaz Reilly were active in the Nine Snakes Island, and they applied to send a warship to attack and arrest them?"


"It's still the report written by Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel. Is he crazy?"


'Reject the application! Polsalino! ’


"Okay, what are you doing to provoke the bear child?"

In Kiabou's opinion, since that Straw Hat Luffy and Hades Rayleigh like to stay on Nine Snake Island, let them stay there. It's best to never come out. Their navy can't see it. Do you have nothing to do, provoke each other, and then provoke a bear child?

After all, who doesn't know that the Empress of Nine Snake Island, the Hades Rayleigh, and that Straw Hat Luffy and his gang have a lot to do with the bear children?

If according to the report of the lieutenant general, a dozen or twenty warships were dispatched to attack and crusade the Nine Snake Island, then, if a bear child from the New World was accidentally brought back, who could afford that responsibility?


"CP0 agency found traces of bear children on Dressrosa Island, and asked the Navy to send warships to the nearby waters to stand by?"


Seeing the third document, Kizaru was silent.

However, after thinking about it for less than a minute, he quickly signed a large line in the blank space behind the document:

'The sea route is cut off, and the naval fleet cannot go to the new world. The G-5 naval branch is now ordered to support and act accordingly...'

'Polusalino! ’

It's too scary for the bear children. Anyway, Kizaru himself will definitely not go. Whoever likes to go will go, and since the guys in the G-5 branch don't counsel the bear children, let them go.


"This is……"

"Deputy Warden Hannibal's real name reported Warden Magellan for treason?"

"According to the investigation, the warden Magellan, the deputy warden Domino, the warden chief Sati and others have taken refuge with the bear children, and they often discuss the bear children in private. They can no longer stick to their duties. Hannibal, the deputy warden, will lead the advance city?"

Seeing this, Huang Yuan couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Because, this is the first time he has heard of such a bizarre and absurd thing. There was no warning before, but... When he saw that the real-name whistleblower was the Hannibal, he quickly understood. , and after thinking about it, once again, he signed the document in a hurry:

'No evidence! turn down! ’

'Polusalino! ’

Who doesn't know that Hannibal, the deputy warden of the advance city, is thinking about pulling the warden down and taking his place?

That kind of thing is no longer a secret, and it's not the first time that the other party's real name has been reported.

But this time, the so-called warden Magellan and other hundreds of thousands of people who have been reported by the other party to the arrogant child at the same time is too outrageous. Anyone with a little brain will know that it is a matter of fact. Impossible, so Kizaru didn't think there was anything wrong with dismissing the report.

Besides, it was normal for Magellan and others to be afraid and discuss it in private when the bear kid pushed the big prison.

In fact, he was afraid of the yellow monkey himself!

He even made extremely negative remarks at various meetings of the Navy many times, but now, he is still not ready to become a naval marshal, is it possible, others dare to say that he has taken refuge with the bear child in private. , isn't that ridiculous?


"The traitor leader Monkey D. Dragon seems to have appeared in the Kamabaka Kingdom?"

"whispering sound!"

‘Submit to the Army Headquarters or the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces for disposal! ’

'Polusalino! ’

Kizaru pouted, signed his name, and threw it aside. He didn't feel that the Revolutionary Army's affairs had anything to do with their naval headquarters.

After all, they are the navy, and they only care about matters such as maintaining shipping, fighting pirates, and defending islands, and those rebels on the land are definitely not something he should take care of, and he doesn't want to take care of them.


"This is……"

"A celestial dragon ship was attacked. Fishman Island detained two celestial dragons on board, as well as three previously detained. Now an ultimatum is issued to the naval headquarters, requesting that murlocs be exchanged for murlocs and mermaid slaves?"


"It's boring!"

It's about the Tianlong people, and it also involves the bear children and the fish-man island, the territory of the bear children. The yellow monkey definitely doesn't want to worry about that kind of thing.

‘Transfer to Holy Land Mary Joa, the Navy Headquarters has no right to deal with it! ’

'Polusalino! ’

Therefore, he directly pushed this difficult matter to the Holy Land Mary Joa. As for what the World Government and the Tianlong people want to do, whether to exchange or crusade the Fishman Island, then he doesn't care, anyway. The navy is now helpless against Fishman Island, and it is not easy to attack.


In this way, important documents were quickly signed in the hands of the general. After a while, the major events that the Marshal of the Warring States period could study for a few days, let the yellow ape complete in less than an hour. Quick sign-off is complete.

Of course, it is a matter of opinion whether the general Huang Yuan has seriously looked at those documents, or whether there will be problems with the approval.


"It's time to get off work?"

At this time, seeing that it was almost noon, Kizaru accelerated the speed of signing the documents.

"It's done!"

"get off work!"

In the end, I wrote a big 'rejection' on a report on the construction and deployment of a new ship applied by a general in the new world, and then I wrote a statement on the application for military expansion of the captain of the Naval Science Force Zhan Taomaru in his direct line. After a big 'agree', General Kizaru, who had completed all the work for the day, threw away the pen and documents at will, and stood up with his hands in his trouser pockets.

"I'm so tired..."

"What should I have for lunch today..."

Now, although there are still a few minutes before the end of get off work, no one dares to say anything if he leaves early. After all, he is the future Admiral of the Navy, so he intends to take advantage of no one and prepare to go to the Chambord Islands Naval Base in advance. The officers' cafeteria to see what's good.

Anyway, whether it's a general or a marshal, it doesn't make any difference to Kizaru. Now he just fishes, punches cards, and gets his salary. Days go by like this, and he doesn't expect himself to be in this chaos raging with raging children. What good achievements can be made in the Navy during this period.

In fact...

If he can safely serve this term as Admiral, then Kizaru should be thankful and promise that he will never seek any re-election in the next term.


Meanwhile, Dressrosa in the New World.

When a bad boy entered the isolated island north of Dressrosa and 'disappeared' in the jungle called Greenbit for a whole day and night, at noon the next day, she was finally reunited. Appeared, and sat on the shoulders of her little bear, Tibbs, and walked with her little maid and the newly recruited old blind man to the steel suspension bridge that had begun to rust.




"Are you really going to go to the Shichibukai with the king and fight that Don Quixote Doflamingo?"

At this time, after turning around and seeing that the little people from the Dongtata Kingdom behind him did not follow them to the bridge to say goodbye, Dusqi hesitated for a while, and finally gathered up the courage to ask.

To be honest, Dusky doesn't want to see her bear child attack this Dressrosa Island at all, at least not now!

After all, the king of the island, Qiwuhai Don Quixote Doflamingo, can also be regarded as a member of the naval battle sequence. He has always been obedient and paid taxes and fees on time. If he is attacked by bear children at this time, There is no doubt that the interests and strength of the navy in the new world will be seriously damaged, which is what the senior naval generals do not want to see.

Although, she is just a prisoner now?



"It's not that there is going to be a war, it's just that they promised the little squirrels of the Dongtata Kingdom and said that they would help them rescue the captured clansmen, so as long as those little squirrels are rescued, it should be Are you done?"


"Don't worry, that King Qiwuhai Don Quixote Doflamingo is very weak, and his little bear Tibbers can easily take care of him!"


"If he dares not let him go, they will let the bear spank his ass!"


Yes, after spending a day and a night in Greenbit, the isolated island behind the three, and being warmly received by the little squirrels, Annie patted her little chest on the spot and agreed to the little ones, agreeing to go. Help them save all their clansmen.

So, now that she has returned to the main island of Dressrosa, she must be going to pick up some bad guy and the little squirrels who are said to be locked in the factory no matter what.


Dusky opened her mouth, but in the end, she still said nothing.

She didn't know what to say, because the bear child in front of her was going to help a group of little people who were completely unfamiliar and unknown, just because she had a meal The mighty King Qibukai Don Quixote Doflamingo was the enemy, that kind of outrageous thing happened in front of her like What else can she say?

But, she suddenly thought, if the navy can keep his face down and serve this arrogant child with delicious food and drink, and sincerely admit his mistake, will the other party just reconcile with the navy?


At this time, the blind crewman Fujitora suddenly interrupted the two who were about to continue talking, and stood in front of him with his cane sword in hand, ready to stop the group of people who were rushing towards them from the other end of the steel bridge. .

"not good!"

"Be careful, captain, it should be Don Quixote? Doflamingo's man is here!"

Although he is blind, his special vision still distinguishes that the group of people who are running towards the three of them are the same guys who clashed with him in the hotel yesterday!

Therefore, he didn't have to think about it to know that the other party must be looking for trouble!

More importantly, the three of them are now on the bridge. If the other party cuts or destroys the bridge, then they will still be quite embarrassed. At least, Fujitora himself doesn't want to fall to the bottom full of ferocious fighting fish. nautical miles.

However, fortunately, those who rushed over didn't seem to be very strong. He could easily deal with it even if he didn't have the ability, and he could also ensure that they would not damage the bridge under his feet.



"It seems that it is really them..."


Annie also recognized it. The one who was leading the group of guys who were rushing over was not the eccentric who was wearing a mask and bullying the blind man in the hotel yesterday?


(● ̄? ̄●)


(*^▽^*) At the end of the month, the monthly pass is going to be moldy

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