Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1701: ?(ψ'?')o Golden game middle game (3)

In the corridor outside the box of a coffee shop in the Golden City, the maid Dasqi, who has been in a state of disconnection since a certain bear boy captain announced his free activities, and who did not know what he was doing in the meantime, was sneaking around. Walk down this red-carpeted aisle.


She first looked around vigilantly, and found that the waiter had just walked over, and there were no other customers around, let alone no one following her, then she suddenly reached out and pushed open the door of a box next to her and quickly flashed in. .


"Is no one following?"

She had just entered, and there was a man in a hooded robe who could not see his face in the corner before she slowly opened the door and asked.


"All the crew on the Sonny went to play, I was the last to leave, no one noticed me, even the bear children seemed to have forgotten me."

Dusky first stood at attention and bowed before speaking nervously.


"It's really not easy for us to contact you, I thought..."

"You have defected to the bear boy."

Nodding, the man with a hooded robe and standing in the corner who could not see his face was noncommittal, just said so leisurely.


"That's impossible!"


"I, Da Siqi, is the chief officer of the G-5 naval branch. I was born in the navy and died as the soul of the navy. I will never do anything to betray the navy!"

"I was caught by her. It's not my intention to stay next to the bear child!"

Seeing that she was being suspected by the "senior" who was finally connecting with her, Dusqi hurriedly expressed her firm stance loudly.

After all, she was caught by the bear child in the battle. If the bear child hadn't threatened her with 'death', how could she be wronged to be the bear child as a maid? Besides, during the period of being a maid for the bear child, she suffered a lot of grievances and humiliation. She wanted to run away for a long time, but she suffered from no chance.


"Don't get excited..."

"Sit down first."

"Now, tell me what happened when you were captured and served as a maid of the bear child?"

"Tell me carefully about everything that happened during this time, especially about Dressrosa and Don Quixote Doflamingo!"

The man who was wearing a hood and a robe and couldn't see his face came out of the corner, waved his hand to tell Dusqi to calm down and sat down, then turned on a video phone bug and signaled that she could start. .



Looking at the phone bug, and then at the man with the hood, after hesitating for a while, Dasqi didn't dare to protest, she just sat up straight, put her hands on her knees, and began to slowly recall the time since the beginning. What she has seen and heard since the war.


Golden King Hotel.

At this point, Annie and the Baccarat and the five big men in black suits who were helping her with chips had already walked to the golden elevator, and then the elevator began to move upstairs smoothly.

"Your Excellency Anne!"

"The lobby outside is only for some retail investors, but the VIP room is different. There, if you win, you will be a billionaire. You must want to try it, right?"

In the enclosed space, as the elevator slowly ascended, Baccarat continued to brainwash the bear child who was looking around in front of him, as if to attract the bear child's desire for wealth as much as possible?



However, Annie just looked at each other and blinked, but didn't speak.

Billionaire or something, that kind of pattern is obviously too small and too small for her Queen Anne. What she has now is countless planes, universes and worlds. Wherever a mere billionaire can attract her of?

And the reason why she came here is only temporarily and reluctantly to take a fancy to this big golden ship, and she feels that it will be more comfortable to own this big ship when she is swaying in this world. Once she leaves, this big ship will also In an instant, she will be ruthlessly abandoned by her, not to mention the mere billions of wealth.

Of course, Annie didn't want to tell the boring long-legged sister in front of her about that kind of thing. After all, the ship is now owned by the other party, and she is trying to win the ship, so she can't talk nonsense. .

"If you don't answer, then you agree?"

Nodding, Baccara thought she had successfully persuaded the bear child, so the smile on her face became even more.



Suddenly, Annie saw a weirdo who looked like the big-headed son in the animation, but was uglier and more disgusting, suddenly came in from the golden door of the elevator.

"Who is he, what is this for?"


Seeing that ugly monster walking towards her and others, Annie turned her head strangely and asked the long-legged Baccarat beside her.

"Please do not mind."

"This is not an outsider, he is the head of security at this amusement park and Golden King Hotel, Mr. Tanaka!"

Seeing that the bear child seemed to have the intention of attacking, Baccara hurriedly started to introduce.


"Your Excellency Anne Hastur..."

At this time, the ugly Tanaka also stopped, and then smiled slightly flatteringly and bowed to Annie.


It's okay if he doesn't laugh, but when he does, he seems to be even more frightening.



"Oh! This guy is so ugly. People don't want to know him. Are we there? Then open the door!"


Blinking her eyes, she looked at the ugly 'big-headed son' for a while, and then Annie suddenly turned her face away in disgust.


"Sorry! Your Excellency Annie, there is no door in the VIP room. If you want to enter, you can only rely on Mr. Tanaka, because he has the ability to wear fruit and can pass through any inorganic substance. If you want to enter, you have to rely on his strength. Row."

Baccarat looked at the bear boy with a look of disgust, and then at the sullen-faced Mr. Tanaka, and finally had to explain this embarrassingly.


"Guest, please give me your hand."

Just after Baccarat finished speaking, the big-headed Tanaka first twitched the corners of his mouth for a while, but in the end he held back, instead of turning his face, he stretched out his hand towards Baccarat and Annie, the legendary bear children. .

"No door?"


"Then you said it earlier!"


After finishing speaking, Annie didn't even look at the big-headed weirdo, she took a few steps forward, and just before she touched the thick 'door' of the golden elevator, she flashed and disappeared in the elevator in an instant.



Seeing this, Baccara directly covered her mouth and exclaimed.


"Come on, Baccarat!"

Seeing the bear child disappear, and seeing that the other party can crack the security measures of the Golden King Hotel, which is said to be inaccessible without relying on his own strength, the big head Tanaka's expression stagnated a little, but in the end he did not attack, but directly pulled With the hands of Baccarat and others, they walked towards the closed elevator door.


As soon as he came out, Baccarat was stunned.

Because she saw that the bear child was in front of him at this time, so it seemed that the bear child really used the magical ability of teleportation, as the report said?

In this way, presumably everything in the newspapers should be true, and their next plans must be more cautious.


"Who is that little girl over there?"

"little girl?"


"It's a bear boy!"


"Isn't she? Is she a bear child?"

"that is!"

"Sure enough, that face, that's right..."

"So, she is the big pirate who does all kinds of evil?"

"Shh! You all keep your voice down."

"What are you afraid of, this is the VIP room, didn't you see that the navy over there is pretending not to see it?"


"It seems to be too?"

"Okay, this is a special neutral zone recognized by the world government. Neither the police nor the navy will mess around here."


"Even if it's a bear child, I guess he wouldn't dare to mess around here, right?"

"makes sense……"

"Hey! You say, what is she doing here?"

"do not know."


At this time, as Baccarat and others came in, the visitors who were already in the VIP room finally found a little girl who was looking at them with a guardrail in front of the elevator door, and they whispered and pointed. Discuss in a low voice.

And just like what they said, there are indeed two senior navy generals wearing white 'justice' coats in this VIP room, but at this time, they just silently glanced at the little girl who was looking curiously. It's just a few secretive eyes, and there is no practical action, and I don't dare to have any practical action.

At this time, in the middle of the huge VIP room, a strong geek was shaking two huge iron dice with a huge iron bell-like dice cup.

Immediately afterwards, he smashed the big clock with his head outrageously, revealing the numbers of the dice inside, so that the tourists who had bet before could see the odds and evens.



Annie didn't pay attention to the guys pointing at her, she just looked curiously at the weird guy who was hitting the clock with his head.

"It turned out to be guessing odds and evens?"


Soon, Annie understood what the rules of the game were.

"That's right!"

"It's single and double!"

"How are you, do you want to come and play?"

"If you win, your chips can be doubled directly!"

At this time, the guide Baccarat came over with a smile, and smiled and seduced with a malicious smile.

"Just double it?"




With that said, Annie began to count.

If doubled...

Then her current chip is one billion, and if she wants to turn over to one trillion, it will take at least about ten times?

"It's still too slow!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

Sure enough, after all, Annie still thinks that the turtle racing car is faster, because it is a full tenfold, which is obviously much faster than doubling.

It's a pity that she was not allowed to participate in the turtle racing car, and there was only one million Bailey at a time. Thinking about it seriously, it seems that this VIP room is really better here?


"It doesn't matter if you lose, we will continue to lend you more chips, as long as you have fun here!"

Baccarat didn't know what was going on in the heart of a bad boy, but he continued to seduce him in a persuasive manner.

"so be it!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas

With that said, Annie walked up carelessly.



"Hey! Listen, the next one will be one billion yuan, who are you going to guess the odds and evens with others?"


"It doesn't matter if we come together!"


Annie crossed her waist carelessly, and issued her invitation to all the so-called VIP guests present.

In short, she just wants to earn enough Bailey as soon as possible, and then turn it to several trillions or hundreds of trillions. At that time, she should be able to buy this big gold ship in a 'peaceful' way.


"Ten, billion, is she crazy?"

"Who would bet a billion dollars directly with her?"

"that is……"

"As expected of a bear boy, he is not only powerful, but also rich in financial resources!"

"More than rich, haven't you heard of it?"

"What did you hear?"

"Let me tell you, back then, in the slave auction house in the Chambord Archipelago, she had a conflict because of her bid with the Tianlong people. She is richer than the Tianlong people!"


"More money than Tianlong people, is it true?"

"of course it's true!"

"I'm telling you..."

"At that time, she took out a full five pieces of gold ingots that are one meter square, the same gold ingots as the gold on this Grand Desolo, which is a full six billion Bailey! !"

"And then, she fought with those Tianlong people, and you all know what happened after that."


"So that's how it is..."

"Five gold ingots that are one meter square? That's amazing!"


"However, after coming here, I suddenly felt that the gold ingots didn't seem to be too great."

"Haha, isn't it?"

"This whole ship is still made of gold, and the bear children have been compared. Gilder Tezzolo is worthy of being the richest man in the world."

"Yes, it is estimated that she can only play with Gilder Tezzolo's dealer. We must not be able to play."


Hearing a certain arrogant child directly and arrogantly said that he wanted to bet the odds and doubles of 1 billion baileys with others, the VIP visitors present took a deep breath and discussed it in a low voice for a while before laughing. up, but in the end no one stood up.

After all, it was a billion at a time. Although these people are not without money, but considering that the opponent is the bear boy and the big pirate, the terrifying existence that even the admiral dares to play, he is afraid that he will be killed after leaving here Those who followed and retaliated by the other party, must have no one who dared to act rashly to make fun of themselves.


"Isn't it a billion?"

"I'm coming to play with you!!"

However, at this time, when the entire VIP room was silent and no one dared to answer a word, with the sound of clapping the table, a female admiral in a navy 'justice' coat stood up angrily and motioned to The bear child came to her table to talk.



"Big sister, are you actually with those navy villains?"


Annie walked over indifferently, and found that the other party seemed to be wearing a navy coat.


"I'm the navy, but you're the bad guy!"

The female admiral in the navy's 'justice' coat gritted her teeth and refuted it coldly.

"It's not like people!"

ε=(??ˇεˇ????))) Bah! !


The female admiral didn't speak again, just stood proudly and looked at the bear child.

"Well then, it's just you!"


"By the way, big sister, what's your name?"


Annie thought for a while, then sat in front of the other party's small table, ready to play with the other party for a while.



After staring at the bear boy who saw the real person for the first time for a while, Vice Admiral Gion slowly sat down and introduced himself.

To be honest, she never dared to imagine that such a smart, smart, well-behaved and cute little girl in front of her would be the one who made the navy drown several times and suffered heavy losses. Even the admiral of the navy was defeated many times. And lead to the appointment of a marshal, the terrifying big pirate bear child who disappeared from the two marshal candidates!

"Lieutenant Admiral and Admiral Candidate of the Navy Headquarters, codenamed 'Peach Rabbit'!"


Saying that, she threw a pile of oversized chips and a black card directly on the table.

"Here is a billion-dollar chip and a black card. Where are your chips?"

Gion said proudly, completely ignoring the frequent gestures by the sleazy admiral beside her, and the small gesture of pulling her clothes to keep her from being stubborn.

"You are so rich..."


"Here! Others are here!"


Following Annie's beckoning, the five black-clothed men who followed quickly placed the ten suitcases neatly beside the table of the two of them.



"Big sister, you are so rich, shouldn't you be greedy for money?"


"Surely so?"


Annie asked curiously, because it was all played like that in the TV dramas she watched before.


"It doesn't bother you anymore!"

"On the battlefield, although our navy has indeed been defeated by you several times, but here you are sure to lose!"

Vice Admiral Gion stared at the bear boy sitting across from her, and after a while, he gritted his teeth viciously.



"That's not necessarily true!"


Annie originally planned to directly win the dealer's money, and then buy the whole boat, but now that there is such a guy who is grinning at her, she definitely doesn't mind showing the other party a little color. of.

"It's useless to talk too much!"

"let's start!"

The female general Gion had a cold face and waved her hand, indicating that the banker, who was tall and had well-developed muscles and liked to hit the dice with his head, could start the game.

"That's right! Let's start!!"


Annie was also getting impatient, so she also waved her small fists and motioned the big guy over there to start quickly, after all, she still had to go to work later.

"Good Le!"

"Look at me!"

In the distance, the weirdo found another huge dice Gu that looked like a big steel bell, put the two steel dice in it, and shook it frantically.


boom! ! !

With a loud crashing sound, he let go of the steel dice Gu and turned to look at Annie, the female admiral and the surrounding VIP guests with a grin.

"The show is about to begin!"


"Have you decided on single or double?!"


(??????)~?? Monthly Pass


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