Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1703: ?(ψ'?')o Golden game middle game (5)

In the VIP room, Gion, the former vice admiral and candidate for the admiral, had already taken off the 'justice' robe for the navy that she had been wearing. He stood behind some bad boy with a sullen face.

She had to do it!


Before, she bet two games of odds and evens with the bear child, and in the first game, she suddenly lost the chips worth one billion Bailey!

And in the second game, she lost the red-eyed, even disregarding the dissuasion of her vulgar-looking colleague, and directly put herself on the line, and then, of course, lost another game, forcibly losing her whole body. He gave it to the bear boy and became a crew member of the bear boy pirate group, and promised to stay on the bear boy's ship for 20 years before repaying the huge debt worth 2 billion baileys!

And this is the main reason why she is now looking sad and indignant and has to take off her white navy 'justice' robe.

Of course, at least, she shouldn't be too lonely.

After all, it is said that there is still a maid of chief officer who was originally affiliated to the G-5 naval branch next to the bear child. In the future, she, the female lieutenant general and the female chief officer, must have some common language.

It's just that the other party is not here for some reason now. Maybe, like the other crew members of the Bear Boy Pirates, they went to other parts of the city to play crazy everywhere, right?

Of course, those things are not important, the important thing is: today's bear children guess odds and doubles, not to mention how smooth they are!

Counting the billion that had won her, the vice-admiral and the candidate of the general, Gion, the other party then won a full six games in a row, and he just won the gold city VIP room dealer who likes to hit the dice with his head. I was in a cold sweat.

At this time, in front of a bad boy, there is already a total of 128 billion Bailey's chips. If the opponent continues to win like this, presumably, it will soon exceed 1 trillion Bailey. right?

That would be an extremely terrifying number, so much so that the dealer in the VIP room did not dare to continue at this time.

Think about it too, with the frigate fleet of the navy who came to visit the Grand Desolo, the Draconian Kamal Saint family, the members of the world government countries that they carry will pay tribute to the Holy Land Mary Joa and the Draconians every year. The 'gold in the sky' is only a mere 500 billion baileys, and it is still so much that only 170 allied countries in the world can pay tribute together.

But now, the bear child has only been here for half an hour, and it has already doubled from one billion to 128 billion. If it continues, God knows how terrifying it will be.



"People are a little sleepy..."


Sonny came to the Grand Desolo, and it was already night when they came to the Golden City, and then Annie wandered here for a while, and then came to the Golden King Hotel to mess around, so , it's already late at night.

As usual, at this time, she might have already slept in the warm and soft bed and hugged the bear to sleep, where would she stay here with these boring adults and play the kind of odds and pair guessing children? playing games?


(????~????) Chew~!

"Have you decided yet?"


"People think it's better not to wait for the super-powerful big man you mentioned to come, because no one is very useful, and they will definitely not lose!"

(ˉ▽ ̄~)Cut~~

Annie waved her hands impatiently while eating the delicious food that the guys kept bringing her to stabilize her.

After all, it's really late now, she's had enough fun, and she's tired of eating, but now the other party is calling to stop, and they say that they want to change to a more powerful guy to play against her, but now, she waits It has been five minutes, but that powerful guy has not appeared yet. How long will she have to wait until Her Lady Queen Anne?


"Would you please wait a little longer?"

The woman with red curly hair, Baccarat, came over with a stiff and awkward smile on her face.

She tried her best to appease and stabilize a certain bear child for a while, and then she quietly got close to the 'big head son' Tanaka, and began to ask in a low voice:


"Why hasn't Mr. Tezzolo come down yet, are you sure you've been notified?"

The woman Baccarat looked anxious.

After all, 128 billion is not a small amount. Without Gilder Tezzolo's advice, they really dare not continue, it is far beyond their scope of authority. Go on, and God knows what's going to happen.

"Already said."

"But Mr. Tezzolo is busy now, and he asked us to stabilize her temporarily."

"He'll be down in a minute."

The big head Tanaka glanced at Baccara angrily and didn't explain much.

Is it difficult, let him say: Mr. Tezzolo is doing sports with that singer Karina that some men like to do, and it will definitely be over in ten minutes. Now if he dares to go up Let me remind you, if you accidentally scare Mr. Tezzolo and let the other party have a long and two shortcoming, God knows what kind of tragic end he will end up in Tanaka?


"Easy to say, how can you keep me steady?"

"She has won so much..."


"I'll take the shot ahead of time, and then continue to try one or two more?"

Gritting her teeth, she looked at the bear child who was already impatient and might leave the stage early at any time. As a last resort, Baccara had to secretly stretch out her black silk gloved palm, and gestured towards the big head Tanaka with his eyes.



"Win back her chips first, and then borrow more to her. When Mr. Tezzolo comes down, the other party must be almost in the trap."

"Go ahead!"

Looking at Kabakara's hand, and then looking at the bear boy not far away who had almost eaten and was now wiping his hands and mouths, Datoudian hesitated for a while, but finally he gritted his teeth and nodded. Reluctantly agreed with Baccarat's proposal.

"Cough cough!"

"Your Excellency Anne..."

"Mr. Tezzolo estimates that it will take some time, or how many times shall we come first?"


Baccarat walked up with a smile, and secretly took off the black silk gloves on her hands, then pretended to be considerate, wiped the greasy hands with wet wipes, and took the opportunity to hold the white and tender looking hands. Tender and somewhat plump round hands.

"Want to wait?"


"Don't wait, then this will be the last time, it's fine if he doesn't come, and people can play with him again tomorrow!"


You must know that others have always waited for her, Lady Queen Anne. Where is the reason for her to wait for others?

And if it wasn't for the purpose of getting this golden ship, if she didn't have a purpose, she might have gone back to sleep long ago, and why would she stay here and toss with these malicious weirdos?

"The last time?"



"Then one last time!"

"But this time, let me be your opponent!"

Bakara hesitated for a while, but thinking that it was not impossible for her to continue tomorrow, she let go of the bear child's little hand, went to the dealer's seat and sat down, and then motioned to Dai, who likes to hit the dice with his head. s can start.


"Please look at the two of you!"

boom! !

Soon, Dais, who had developed muscles all over his body but liked self-abuse, started his performance again. He first roared, and then used a new huge dice Gu to hold the two equally huge steel dice. He jumped up and spun around a few times and then smashed into the center of the field, causing everyone present to feel the tremors on the ground.

"Are you still all-in?"

"very good!"

"Then I'll come first this time!"

"I guess it's a single!"

Seeing Dais stop, the red-haired woman, Baccarat, first asked to confirm it, and then, without waiting for the bear boy on the opposite side to speak, she took the lead in betting on the odd number with certainty and confidence.



"Then people will guess double!"


Annie didn't care anyway, and directly asked the other party to choose the single, while she chose the double, and then signaled that the iron-headed weirdo could solve the mystery.

boom! ! !


"One, one, three o'clock, four o'clock double!!"

"Annie Hasta wins!!"

The eccentric Dais smashed the steel dice Gu with one head, and then revealed the points inside. Then, although he was reluctant, he still announced the result loudly with a stiff expression.


Gu"It's impossible!!"

Seeing this, Bakara first took a breath, and then stood up with a livid face.

Immediately afterwards, she couldn't do anything except watch the large group of staff laboriously transport a lot of large chips and put them in front of the bear child.

Well now, there are so many chips, a total of 256 billion, that the entire table and the ground beside the table are full, and there is almost no place to settle.



"Again, we won again!"

"How much is that?"

"There should be more than 200 billion..."

"Two, two hundred billion? My darling, it's really incredible..."


"Ordinary small countries don't have so many taxes for several years, right?"

"It's definitely not there!"


"As expected of a bear boy, not only is his strength against the sky, but his luck is also enviable!"

"That's right..."

"Would it be great if I could just follow her to buy it?"

"Ha ha!"

"Don't think about it."

"Let's go, we've seen enough, we should leave, otherwise they will chase people away later."

"Okay, let's go!"

Seeing that the bear boy won again, and seeing that the opponent's chip had expanded to a terrible number, the surrounding VIPs discussed in a low voice with satisfaction for a while, and then, without waiting for the staff to come. People, they all walked away with their own talk and laughter.

"People are going back to sleep, goodbye!"

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~

"Miss, please lead the way!"


It was agreed that this was the last one, so when Annie saw that the people who were eating melons had left in an orderly manner, of course she would not stay here any longer, she just stood up and threw a chip aside. In the arms of the little bunny girl, she signaled that the other party could take her to rest in the luxurious presidential suite that they had agreed upon.



Seeing that the tip given by the other party turned out to be a chip of 100,000 Baileys, the bunny girl waiter instantly became energetic, and then she first tucked the chip into the clothes on her chest, and then hurriedly smiled flatteringly and sat in front of her. He walked humbly and humbly.


"Ship, Captain!"

"What should I do with these chips?"

At this time, Gion, the former vice-admiral and the candidate for the general, who is now acting as the thug of the Bear Boy Pirates, spoke up and asked directly, pointing at the chips.

"Just leave it here for now!"


Chips or something, if it wasn't for this golden ship, that kind of boring stuff, Her Lady Queen Anne wouldn't even look at them.

"Set it here?"

"That's not good?"

That Gion was obviously a little uneasy.

In her opinion, with so many chips, it is best to directly exchange them for Bailey on the spot, and then deposit them into the World Bank's card, that is the best and safest.

After all, with so much money, she was a little bit tempted, she wanted to grab it and ran away, so who knows if the ugly dealers around will admit it?

"Just put it there!"


"Don't worry, whoever dares to take it away will be burned!"




After making a face and threatening a small ball of fireballs, Annie didn't say much more, turned around arrogantly and left with the bunny girl.


Since the bear boy himself didn't mind, Gion couldn't say anything more, so he had to take one last look at the chips, and then followed the other side to the elevator with a blank expression.



"Baccarat, what happened just now?"

When all the guests were sent away, when the bear boy entered the elevator and closed the elevator door, when only Baccarat and himself were left here, the big head Tanaka rushed to Baccarat and asked loudly for the first time. .

"I have no idea!"

"You saw it just now, I did touch her hand, but..."

"Why is she still so lucky?"

Baccarat himself was a little overwhelmed, and looked at his hands in disbelief.

"This should be what I want to ask you!"

The big head Tanaka's expression was a little grim.

Okay now, the bear child's chips doubled in an instant, soaring to a full 256 billion baileys, so many chips, when Gilder Tezzolo came down to see, the two of them would definitely suffer Severe punishment, right?

"Will it be..."

"Is it because the bear child has too much luck, and one touch can't take it all?"

Baccarat began to mutter to himself suspiciously.

"I don't know, don't ask me!"

"Mr. Gilder Tezzolo will come down later, you still think about how to explain it to him!"

The big head Tanaka looked at the 256 billion chips with a complicated look at the end, then hesitated for a while, and finally no longer hesitated, turned around, and disappeared under the floor, and he didn't know where to go. .

Obviously, he knows that if he continues to stay here, Gilder Tezzolo will definitely be scolded later, so it must be right for him to run away early now.


Seeing Tanaka leave, Baccara had no choice but to turn around in frustration, looking at the bargaining chip that was enough to make her doomed, she couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive.

But she can't help it, she took the lead in the matter, and now that such a big moth has happened, she must stay here and wait for Mr. Tezzolo to come down and explain it How could it be? …”

After thinking about it, subconsciously, she took out a new deck of playing cards from the side, and then randomly selected five cards from it.

Then, she took a deep breath and opened it, and found that it happened to be 10, J, Q, K, and A of spades. After realizing that she was really lucky now, and there was no problem, she couldn't help but feel more puzzled.

Tanaka also knew that she, Baccarat, is a superhuman lucky fruit. Anyone who touches her body will change their fortune. That is to say, the mysterious and mysterious things like 'luck' will be used by her. Ability extraction and utilization.


Now that her ability is against the bear child, it seems that it is not very easy to use, and this is the reason why she was puzzled and Tanaka was a little angry just now.


"With such good luck, you can draw good cards casually. It should be the luck of the opponent, but why, she can still win?"

The red-haired woman Baccarat, the more she thought about it, was a little messier at this time.

However, she really couldn't figure it out, and in the end she could only attribute the reason to the fact that there might be too much luck on the bear child, and she couldn't finish it in one or two strokes.

So, she decided!

Wait until tomorrow, when Mr. Gilder Tezzolo officially plays against the opponent, she must always stand by the opponent's side and keep touching the opponent's body!

In that case, no matter how much luck the other party has, she will definitely be drained by her, right?

It must be like that, right?


??(??ˊ??ˋ)??*monthly pass


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