Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1708: ?(ψ'?')o Golden game middle game (10)

When the audience was cheering and cheering in the auditorium to celebrate the victory that belonged to the bear children, when they were rejoicing that the lives and safety of their people were guaranteed, not far away, the navy warships on the dark sea Those dark naval guns have completed the loading and aiming of the shells at this time.

"Attention all ships!"

"Aim at the Sky Theater on the top floor of the Golden King Hotel, and bombard it first for three minutes!"

"After the cover bombing is over, start free artillery bombardment, mainly attacking the waterline of the Grand Desolo, and at the same time cover the golden city on the ship, be sure to sink it within ten minutes!!"

On the deck command station of the flagship of the naval fleet, a hooded CP0 member is holding a phone bug in one hand that can transmit orders to each ship, while watching the distant ship is burning The Grand Desolo, the firecracker, gritted his teeth and communicated his orders.



Then, without waiting for the ships to digest his order, he resolutely gave the order to fire.


"The ships don't fire first!"

Fortunately, an admiral rushed to the podium at this time and shouted loudly, narrowly stopping the order to fire.

"Your Mightiness!"

"There are thousands of spectators at the Sky Theater!"

"We can't fire!"

Immediately afterwards, he questioned loudly to ensure that his voice could be heard by all the naval ships and commanders in the array through the phone bug.




Sure enough, after hearing the admiral's call to stop, the navy ships that had already aimed at the target did not fire directly, but fell silent.


"What are you doing here?"

"Now here I am in command!"

Seeing that the person who came was the original commander of the naval fleet, and seeing that the ships did not obey his orders, the CP0 turned around fiercely, and cast an angry look at the interfering Commodore, and at the same time Don't forget to roar angrily.

"Your Mightiness!"

"Although the command of the 'Heavenly Gold' **** fleet is on your CP0 side this time, such an indiscriminate bombardment, not to mention whether it has any effect on the bear children, is only the hundreds of thousands of people on the Grand Desolo. Innocent people will definitely be annihilated!"

"Our Navy refuses to carry out this unreasonable order! This is not a fight, this is a massacre!!"

Facing the pressure of CP0, the admiral still stubbornly protested.

"Shut up!"

"That's a bear boy!"

"Do you know what serious consequences would there be for her to get the full Grand Desolo?"

"Can you afford that responsibility?!"

Saying that, the CP0 walked quickly to the Commodore, and like an angry beast, stared at the Commodore.

"I know!"

"However, even as a bear child, she has never attacked people without any reason or attacked and armed people!!"

"It's our incompetence to lose the battle to her!"

"However, as long as I am still the commander of this **** fleet, I will never allow my fleet and the righteous navy to fire on unarmed ordinary people!"

"That kind of behavior is unjust!!"

The Commodore did not hesitate to look at CP0 and continued to protest. At the same time, he also affirmed his understanding of justice.



"It's under my command now!"

"Do not!"

"I refuse to carry out that order!"



In this way, at this critical moment, the admiral and CP0 had a disagreement over some issues, so the two sides confronted each other so tensely.


At this time, without waiting for the two to continue arguing or directly turn into a fight, an arrogant shout suddenly sounded in the cabin.

Immediately afterwards, when the two turned their heads, they found that the Kamal Saint family of the Heavenly Dragons, who had followed 'Heavenly Gold' aboard the flagship of the naval fleet, came out of the cabin.

"He's right!"

"Hey yo yo..."

"If you can eliminate the bear child or stop some of her plans, any and all costs are worth it!"


"That's just a bunch of pariahs, die or die!"

"Now, in the name of Tianlongren, I will deprive you of your command. These fleets are under his full command. Do you understand?"

As the few Celestial Dragon guards walked around the Commodore, the Celestial Dragon, who always likes to shake his head, arrogantly read out his orders and decisions to the Commodore.

He is a Heavenly Dragon and is responsible for escorting the 'Heavenly Gold' from the New World this year, so of course he has the qualifications and privileges to appoint and dismiss the commander of this **** fleet.



"Now the fleet is under his command..."

Looking at the surrounding Tianlong guards, after hearing the order of the Tianlong, the commodore officer who was dismissed opened his mouth. In the end, he did not dare to say anything, but stepped aside with a lonely and frustrated face. It is a complete surrender of fleet command.


"All ships obey orders!"

Seeing that the guy in the way finally got out of the way, the CP0 didn't bother to say more, and hurriedly turned around and walked over to the phone bug and shouted again with all his strength.


boom! boom! boom!

Following his order, in the next instant, these naval ships, who had been waiting for a long time, rushed towards the predetermined target, blasting hot cannonballs one after another towards the sky theater at the top of the Golden King Hotel.


Whoa! ! !

At this time, very abruptly, the sea in the distance suddenly rose up suddenly for some unknown reason, accompanied by the roar of waves.

Then, the shells that had just left the gun barrel and flew halfway, of course, plunged into the waves that rose dozens of meters high on the flat ground.

Then, all the shells either exploded with a bang or, of course, plunged into the towering waves like a tsunami and died.

Then, when the overwhelmed navy and the CP0 thought that the tsunami was about to rush towards them in an overwhelming manner, and were preparing to resist the impact, something even more terrifying happened to them:

The tens of meters of waves, before rushing to their fleet, separated section by section, and then, under his nose, instantly turned into giants, with hands, bodies and heads, but no A giant water giant with a face and no feet?

Immediately afterwards, when the weird-looking 'murlocs' appeared in front of or left and right of the water giants, when those huge 'murlocs' followed the water giants as high as the mountains, they all surrounded them. After surrounding the fleet of their navy in the middle, he knew that they were finished.

"Stupid mortal!"

"You are surrounded by our Naga royal guards and water elementals, surrender!"


"You will be greeted by an icy abyss!!"

The weird-looking 'Murloc' (Naga) at the head, the huge 'Murloc' with a height of at least ten meters, condescendingly, moved towards the ship carrying Tianlongmen, 'Heavenly Gold' and Said angrily, the flagship of the navy frigate of the CP0 member.

Yes, these murlocs are the Naga Royal Guards!

They were assigned by the abyss commander Sivara to follow the Sonny all the way on the bottom of the sea and secretly provide protection, and now, after discovering the conspiracy of these naval ships, they made a decisive decision, summoned the water element and successfully stopped the The naval shelling of the golden ship, the Grand Desolo.


"Strange, monster!"


"Just think of a way!"

Seeing that the naval bombardment was unsuccessful, and seeing a group of terrifying monsters suddenly appear on the sea, the Heavenly Dragon who always likes to shake his head when he is so frightened that he collapsed to the ground, he did not forget to speak out mournfully. Command to that CP0 and the Commodore next to him.




However, no one paid him any attention at this time, even the so-called 'the strongest shield of the Tianlong people' CP0.

At this moment, their faces are as ugly as Kaoru, and they obviously know that surrounded by those huge Naga royal guards and those huge water giants (water elements), their ten warships, their 'heavenly gold' frigate The team has no hope of escaping.

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for the officers' orders, the naval officers and soldiers of the World Government threw down their weapons one by one in frustration, and even the high-spirited CP0 just sat down on the deck with his head down. .

No doubt, this time, they CP0 screwed up...

Just now, they should have left as soon as they learned that the bear child was planning to seize the Grand Desolo, instead of staying here with a fluke and planning to deal with it.

Well now, they not only got into a fleet, but also damaged the important 'Heavenly Gold' and the Kamael Holy Family here, and that responsibility, even their CP0 is obviously unable to bear of.


On that night, the battle of the century between the golden emperor Gilder Tezzolo and the bear child Annie Hastur ended in a complete victory for the bear child.

Yes, the bear boy not only obtained the Grand Desolo, which is almost entirely composed of gold, and the Bailey's cash that accounted for 20% of the world's account under Gilder Tezzolo, but also captured the Tianlong person Karma. The family of three in El Saint, plus ten naval **** ships and thousands of officers and soldiers on board, several CP0 members, and 500 billion Baileys of 'heavenly gold' collected from countries in the New World this year!


The next afternoon, when everything gradually returned to normal.

On the top floor of the Golden King Hotel, in the royal garden converted from the Sky Theater, under the **** of the royal Naga guards, the bear child Annie personally met a revolutionary army envoy who claimed to be the brother of Luffy.


ε=(??ο`*))) alas

"You have to follow, people actually discovered those fleets last night!"


For those Naga's unauthorized actions, Annie is still a little dissatisfied with it.

However, she finally had to acquiesce to their behavior, and summoned more Naga and some Nautilus elite Murloc guards from Murloc Island to the Grand Desolo.

Because ah, after Gilder Tezzolo lost the ship to her, most of the rabble under the opponent's men fled or were demobilized, and only some technicians and high-level executives remained in order to maintain and manage the city.

Therefore, the stay of hundreds of Naga royal guards and thousands of Nautilus elite murloc guards is very necessary. After all, this ship is too big, and there is an entire city on it. The city order and **** work are very important. It must be the Naga and the murlocs to do it.


"Respected Arcane Archmage Anne!"

"I'm Sabo!"

"Luffy's righteous brother, the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Sabo walked to her Golden Throne and bowed while some rascal was complaining to the tall Naga royal guards who were escorting him.

boom! boom!

At this time, the street in the distance was a little noisy, and there were some explosions of fireworks from time to time. Obviously, the residents of the Golden City of the Grand Desolo were still singing and dancing in celebration.

That's because, after the bear child took ownership of this huge ship, those residents who were enslaved and bound by Gilder Tezzolo because of 'debt', or the staff, were all released by her unconditionally. and clearing debts.

So, having obtained their precious freedom and shedding gratitude to the great bear boy, they naturally began to spontaneously hold parades and dances in various parts of the city to celebrate this hard-won victory.

Although, the victory process has nothing to do with them at all?



"Is it the family of that idiot Luffy?"


Hearing the other party's words, Annie couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Of course, not because of the identity of the other party, but because of what the other party said. After all, the other party is a rare guy who can correctly call her Queen Anne.

"sit down!"


"Do you want something to eat?"


No matter whether the other party wants to eat or not, Annie definitely wants to eat it anyway, because she just woke up not long ago, and she didn't have time to enjoy breakfast or lunch.

"Of course!"

"It's my honor to be able to attend your banquet!"

That Sabo was obviously very good at talking, so he responded directly and generously.

Immediately afterwards, while the banquet was being prepared and had not started, he exchanged a few words with each other at the beginning of the conversation, and after casually said some innocuous words about Luffy, he suddenly took advantage of the opportunity of a certain bear boy in a good mood. , introduced the main purpose of his coming here in a serious manner.

for example……

The revolutionary army wants to ally with the "Bear Boy Pirates", so that the world government can be disintegrated and the privilege and rule of the Tianlong people can be smashed. Everything has been said.

"Your Excellency Anne!"

"With all due respect, you have a great chance to rule the world, but if you have the help and support of our revolutionary army, I believe that when the time comes, both land and sea, our existence, for your cause, will It will definitely be like a tiger with wings!"

"what do you think?"

After an impassioned talk, and finally, watching the bear child look at himself like a fool, Sabo had to stop and ask nervously.



"When did they say they wanted to rule the world?"


Scratching her head, Annie expressed that she was a little inexplicable.


Hearing the bear child's words, and thinking of the instructions and expectations given to him by his leader, Sabo hesitated for a while, not knowing how to say it better.


"Isn't what you are doing in Advancing City, Nine Snake Island, Fishman Island, and Dressrosa Island to overthrow the rule of the Tianlong people?"

But in the end, he still bite the bullet and asked.



"Promoting the city or something, that's the one that Magellan messed up on himself, and people almost forgot about him!"


"And the Nine Snake Island you mentioned, people do have a good relationship with Sister Snake Ji, but it's just a good relationship, they haven't thought of anything else..."


"There is also Fishman Island. They just accidentally summoned the Naga, and they were too embarrassed to drive them back, so they let them stay at the bottom of the sea."


"As for Dressrosa Island... They invited people to dinner, and they had a good attitude. They were too embarrassed to refuse, and then they agreed casually!"


Annie didn't hide anything, and directly explained the strange questions asked by the other party.


"Then, what about here?!"

"The Grand Desolo still has a bet with Gilder Tezzolo. Didn't you go to great lengths to get his financial resources and make things easier in the future?"

Sabo was a little anxious, and hurriedly asked about what just happened here last night.

"Not at all!"


"Don't talk nonsense!"


"People just want to get this beautiful big ship. How can you think it is so complicated?!"


After speaking, Annie smirked a little embarrassedly.

That's right, she never thought about overthrowing any world government from beginning to end, and she didn't do a series of things like the other party just guessed randomly and wanted to make trouble. That's just the other party's random guess~www. She never said or thought like that!

She was just wandering around in this world, eating and playing, and what the other party said were all coincidences. Anyway, Her Lady Queen Anne would definitely not admit it!

It's like the whole world says she's a 'bear child', but she's not, and she won't admit it! !


(● ̄?? ̄●)

(Tibbers said that although it is the shadow bear, if you think about it seriously, it has to admit at this moment. It seems that this poor little master of his family is the real bear?)


blah blah blah!


"how so……"

At this time, Sabo's cane-like weapon suddenly fell off his hands and fell to the floor, but he didn't even bother to pick it up.

Because the big truth that the bear child in front of him just said has deeply hurt his self-esteem!

It's ironic too...

Their revolutionary army has worked hard for countless years, and even countless people have shed their blood and fought for the cause of their lives. It is not as good as other people's arrogant children for half a year, and it is still the result of unintentional creation?

People's arrogant children have never thought of ruling the world at all!

But now, the authority of the world has quietly begun to gather in her palm little by little, and it is still in an unstoppable trend!

That kind of thing, as long as a discerning person can see it! When comparing the two, he suddenly felt that their revolutionary army seemed a little shameless?


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