Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1710: `(*∩_∩*)' Going to see the big kids with the bear...

Baldigo, located on the great route, few people know that among the desert ruins and dilapidated buildings, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army is hidden here at this time.

Originally, some clues had been discovered by the world government and some pirate groups, and the revolutionary army also planned to move the headquarters to a safer place.


Because of the birth of the Bear Boys and the rapid development of the Bear Boy Pirates, the threat level of the Revolutionary Army suddenly became a secondary level. The energy was also attracted by the bear children, so when the external threat became less urgent, Monkey D. Long decided to continue to lead his cadres to hide here and continue to lead the revolutionary army all over the world. The cadres carried out the great cause of subverting the world government and the rule of the Dragon people.

And today, Sabo, the revolutionary army cadre and chief of the general staff who was envoy to the Golden Mothership of the Bear Child, finally came back. He came to the office of the revolutionary army leader Monkey D. Long as soon as possible and was ready to return to life. .

"Mr. Long!"

"I am back!"

Just walking into this simple, even looking broken office, Sabo hurriedly straightened his hat and sat upright behind the desk, with a red square tattoo on his left face and short black hair combed back, because there was no Eyebrows, the leader who looked a little vicious said with a salute.

"This is the subordinate's written briefing on this operation!"

"Please take a look..."

Then, Sabo didn't talk too much or was polite, he went forward without waiting for the other party to ask, and recorded the contents of his mission to the Grand Desolo this time and successfully met with the bear children and other related tasks. lightly placed on the other side's table.

"Are you tired just now?"

"Sit first!"

"Have a cup of tea, I'll see for myself first..."

Monkey D. Long was noncommittal and did not rush to see those documents.

He just greeted Sabo first, and motioned and watched him sit down on a chair in the office, then he reached out and picked up the documents that briefly recorded the relevant affairs, and began to look at it quickly. write.


"You actually saw Don Quixote on that ship?"

"It seems that the fact that they joined the Bear and Children Pirates is indeed not in vain. The recent impact of this matter is really not small!"

After reading the first document, Monkey D. Long shook his head and put down the document and said to Sabo, who was sitting across from him taking a sip of water:

"In addition to the downfall of Gilder Tezzolo's forces, the two largest sellers in the black market have now joined the bear children. It will be difficult to buy animal-based devil fruits and various weapons in the future."

"In addition to the severance of the fish-man island route, I don't know what the world will look like in a while?"

The more he looked at Monkey D. Long, the more he shook his head, and then sighed.

This is the general situation of the world now. Under the tossing of the bear children, not only the navy and the world government have a hard time, but their revolutionary army has also begun to suffer, which can be said to be painful and happy.


"The navy's **** fleet, three Tianlongmen, several CP0s, and five hundred billion Baileys in the sky were captured by the Naga under the bear child's command?!"

Soon, after turning to the next document and seeing the detailed description above, Monkey D. Long couldn't help being a little surprised.


"Three Tianlong people were arrested again, and even the heavenly gold contributed by the countries of the new world was seized by the bear children. This is not a small matter. Presumably, the life of Mary Joa will be very difficult next year, right?"

After seeing the information about the naval **** fleet and the capture of Tian Jin by the bear children, Mr. Monkey D. Long pondered for a while, and then suddenly laughed.


"Next, Tianlong and the world government will definitely have big moves, we just wait and see!"

Although it is true that their revolutionary army is not very good at buying arms recently, compared to the more uncomfortable World Government, Tianlong people and the navy, their situation at this time is much better than before. There were more, and the 'tall' man with the bear child was blocking them in front of them, so that they could barely get by for the time being.


Most of the information on these documents, before Sabo's return, Monchi D. Long had learned in advance from various intelligence, gossip, and newspapers issued by the World Government.

"The bear boy refused our alliance's request?"

But he was stunned when he saw a report on one of the documents, written by Sabo himself, that the Bears did not agree to the alliance's request.

"Tell me now."

"What the **** is going on?!"

Then, after thinking about it for a while, he didn't quite understand, and then he hurriedly put down the document and turned to look at Sabo, the cadre in front of him.


"The situation is like this..."

Sabo, who had been waiting for a long time, hurriedly stood up at this time, and then gave him the situation when he saw the bear child in the royal garden transformed from the sky theater at the top of the Golden King Hotel and the question and answer between the two parties. Say it a little bit.

Then, when he was ready, he took out a video phone bug, and then released the complete video recorded when he met with the bear boy that day.

After ten minutes, the image was finished.


However, Monkey D. Long was not in a hurry to speak, but folded his arms and closed his eyes and pondered over something.


Immediately afterwards, he opened his eyes abruptly, and then began to quickly flip through the remaining documents on the table.

Soon, when he saw that Sabo's report stated that the race and murlocs named Naga had taken over the Grand Desolo, which is now the 'Golden Mothership of the Bear Child', and began to rampage After training the Flying Fish Knight, he suddenly laughed.



"You have been deceived!"

Shaking his head, Monchi D. Long felt that although Sabo is now the chief of staff of the Revolutionary Army and has outstanding abilities, he is still too young after all.


"Mr. Long, I don't understand..."

Sabo was a little baffled, not knowing where he had been deceived.

"Think about it carefully..."

"The bear child said no, but what she did, or what her subordinates did, was not prepared to rule the world?"

Looking at the documents on the desktop, and thinking about the current family of the revolutionary army, Monkey D. Long was relieved quickly.

"I see."

"Perhaps, our requirements are too high? Or maybe she doesn't like our strength?"

"Never mind!"

"Since this is the case, we must make more achievements! We must let her know that the achievements of our revolutionary army over the years are not just hiding in Tibet!"


"Go and give orders!"

"Call back the leaders of the revolutionary army from all over the world. Next, I'm afraid it will be our turn to fight!"

He lowered his head and pondered for a while, and then, very suddenly, Monkey D. Long suddenly made up his mind, and then resolutely issued his latest order to the Chief of General Staff of the Revolutionary Army standing in front of his desk.


"You want to..."


"My subordinates understand!"

He was startled for a moment, then, thinking of the current state of the world, and seeing the resolute expression on the leader's face, Sabo, who realized what was going to happen next, suddenly became excited, and hurriedly saluted again before walking quickly. ran out.


Obviously, the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Monkey D. Long, will not know that it is not that a certain bear child does not want to form an alliance with him, she just does not want to play that boring game of world **** with him. !

Because, she's already tired of the kind of boring things that only middle-2 children like to play with.

And today, when the Revolutionary Army was about to start its operations, her golden mothership, the Bear Child, was gradually approaching an island that could also move.


In the royal garden on the top floor of the Golden King Hotel, after seeing the distant scene from a huge telescope, the mermaid princess Shirahoshi, who came here immediately after receiving the invitation of the mermaid Kemi, was excited. Not far away, he shouted loudly to a certain bad boy who was eating fruit and snacks by the swimming pool in the Royal Garden:




"Come and have a look!"

"Look at the elephants!"

In front of the Mermaid Princess Baixing, there was a long telescope with a radius of more than two meters and a length of seven or eight meters.

It was a big toy that Annie used Hogwarts' simple transformation magic to conjure her to satisfy Bai Xing's desire to see the world. After all, Bai Xing's height is nearly twelve meters. A telescope is just as useless as a toothpick, and it certainly cannot meet the requirements of White Star.


"There's a huge elephant ahead of our ship's course!"

"Come quickly!"


"All right……"

After shouting for a while, seeing that some bad boy was still indifferent, there was no way, Bai Xing simply jumped directly into the pool and swam over quickly, and held up Annie by the pool, and put it away. To the special place for the bear child on her chest.



"What's so good about elephants?"


Annie, who was lying on Bai Xing's warm and soft chest, looked a little unhappy, and said with some disdain.

After all, she has long been used to it. Bai Xing, a mermaid princess who has never seen the world, likes to scream even if she sees a tree, an island or a bird.



"Sister Bai Xing, I told you, in the future, if there is such a strange man who asks you to see an elephant, you must burn him quickly!"


Suddenly, Annie seemed to remember something, and said this to Shirahoshi seriously.



The mermaid princess Shirahoshi, who was swimming towards her huge telescope again, found it a little incomprehensible. She didn't know why Annie said that all of a sudden, and she didn't know why the elephant had to be burned because she just watched it. .

"People don't know, anyway, that's how Amorim's mother taught them!"


Annie blinked, indicating that she didn't know either.

After all, over the years, she has seen a lot of weird people who want to deceive her with lollipops, but she has never tried to deceive her to look at elephants, and she doesn't think there is anything good in elephants. Whether it's at the zoo or on TV, she's seen a lot.


Although he didn't understand, Bai Xing nodded obediently and kept that matter in his heart.



"What about the elephant you just said?"




After realizing that Bai Xing had stopped, Annie swayed on the other's chest and stood up and began to look at it.

However, at her height, she couldn't see anything, and her vision was directly blocked by the huge telescope.


"It's over there!"

"The ship is sailing a little to the left."

Shirahoshi adjusted her posture, and then, Annie, who was standing on her chest, was at the same height as the mirror of the telescope and looked into the distance through the telescope.





"Really, really an What a big elephant..."


Now, Annie finally knew why Shi Xing was yelling just now.

It turned out that in the distance, on the horizon of the sea level, on the distant sea surface, there really was a super super big elephant, and the other party was walking?

What surprised Annie even more was that, looking at the past from such a distance, and analyzing the distance and proportion of the two sides, it was not difficult for her to draw an astonishing conclusion, that is:

That elephant, it's probably bigger and taller than this beautiful golden ship she just got a few days ago?





"Dusky! Call the bug, let the wheelhouse turn quickly, let's go see the elephant now!!"

??*. ??(ˊωˋ*)????*.

So, Annie, who was in high spirits, patted Bai Xing and asked him to turn around. She stood on Bai Xing's chest and shouted condescendingly to the maid Dasqi who was standing by the pool in the distance and closed her eyes. on the road.


"Look, look at the elephant?!"


Dusky was stunned for a moment, and then, not knowing what she was thinking of, her face instantly turned red.


After a while, she nodded and walked quickly towards a phone bug not far away.


??*. ??(ˊωˋ*)????*. Ask for a monthly pass


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