Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1751: o(*'??)o No one does not admit it!

clang-*?! !

Amid the sound of the collision and the splash of sparks, Leon's warhorse, the leader of the Imperial Blue Dragon Knights, and Erwin, who was closing his eyes and waiting to die, passed by in an instant.


At the same time, after the crisp sound of the broken sword, Leon, who restrained his horse in the distance and turned his head in surprise, only saw in astonishment: the orange-haired swordsman whose body should have been separated instantly under his sword, at this time, It's still standing in the same place, but it looks a little staggered and embarrassed?


"Mr. Irwin! Are you all right?"

Seeing Erwin holding a dagger standing dumbfounded, Hain and Liana exclaimed at the same time, and then ran to Erwin's side and asked with concern.


First, he looked at the broken sword in his hand that was instantly cut in two with some doubts, and then reached out and touched his neck to make sure that it was intact and that there was nothing missing, then he looked at him with some fear and confusion. The terrifying leader of the Imperial Blue Dragon Knights, who had turned his horse's head in the distance.

"I'm fine..."

Now, Erwin has already experienced the terrifying aspects of that empire's fierce general, that legendary man, who is known as the 'strongest knight in the continent'!

There is no doubt that the opponent's strength is far superior to him. In the face of confrontation and Hein's magical cover, he just couldn't resist the opponent's move, which is really too scary and terrifying. people.


What makes Erwin even more strange is what happened just now, why didn't he die?


At this time, Leon himself on horseback was a little surprised.

So, he first glanced at the weapon with a small gap in his hand, and then went on to patrol the body of the same dull orange-haired swordsman, the other little mage, and the target priestess.

Soon, he withdrew his gaze from the three people and turned to look around.

It's a pity that there is nothing around, except for Liat and the others across the bridge who are casting doubtful glances at him, he can't see anything.

"What is he going to do?"

"do not know……"


"Alvin, why didn't he kill you just now?"

"He was going to kill me, but you heard it just now. After my sword was broken, it seemed that something was suddenly blocked."

"What is it?"

"I have no idea!!"

In the face of Hein's questioning, Erwin seemed a little irritable and impatient.

In fact, if it was anyone who wandered between life and death, and at the same time didn't know what happened, I believe it must be the same as his current state.

"who is it?"

"Come out!"

At this time, without waiting for Alvin and Hein to figure out what happened just now, Leon, who was riding on horseback, first noticed the abnormality, and shouted rudely towards the surroundings. .

That's right!

He just felt that someone must have protected the orange-haired swordsman in secret just now, otherwise, the guy who had no magic items on his body had just been slashed under the sword by him on the spot.



Hain glanced at Erwin a little unexpectedly, and then they also looked around.


Except for the mountains, rivers, groves, and the familiar village across the bridge, they saw nothing here, and they didn't even know who the terrifying Imperial Legion Commander was shouting.


"Aren't you coming out yet?"

"If I don't come out again, I'm going to be serious. Are you sure, you can always protect those two little devils?"

After waiting for a while, after finding that a guy who was hiding in secret had no intention of showing up, Leon was annoyed, he once again held his long sword sideways, and then looked at the one at the bridge with fierce eyes. The orange-haired swordsman and the little blue-haired mage.


"Anyone else here?"

"Where? Adjutant Liat, did you see it?"


"What kind of person can block the sword of our Captain Leon without showing up?"

"I haven't heard of it, but it can only be that kind of mysterious mage."


"What kind of mage can use magic to secretly block the blow of Captain Leon, I'm afraid even the leader of the Black Dragon Mage Corps, Egbert, can't do it?"

"I don't know, just watch it!"

On the other side of the stone bridge, Liat and the infantry captain, who had just been surprised by the failure of their Leon captain's attack, finally learned the truth at this time, and while guarding the surroundings, they discussed in a low voice.

"Can't you really come out..."

"very good!"

After waiting for a while, seeing that there was still no movement around, Leon, the leader of the Azure Dragon Knights, frowned suddenly, then he clamped his horse's belly, making the warhorse under his crotch speed up again, and then went straight towards the lost horse. The young man who dared to go against the will of the Imperial Army with the weapon charged quickly.




I didn't see any helpers around. Instead, I saw the terrifying head of the Azure Dragon Knights, Haien, who was rushing over again. He had to shout, and then he quickly raised his hand and it was a flaming arrow that shot accurately at the opponent's head. past.

Now that Hain's magic power has bottomed out, at most one or two flaming arrows can be released. As for the powerful pyroblast technique just now, it really can't be squeezed out.


Erwin didn't speak, he just managed to raise his own half-handed sword and clenched his teeth, jumped towards the opponent and slashed fiercely.

Not to mention the identity and ability of the other party, just the fact that the other party is a cavalry charging horse while he and Hein are walking is enough to make them fall into a doomed situation!

Although this is not a battlefield, a charging knight is a nightmare for anyone who walks, especially when they don't have long weapons to attack and counteract.

So, Irwin really has no other way than jumping up and trying his best to attack or knock the enemy off his horse.


Bang! !

With just one punch, Leon, the leader of the Blue Dragon Knights, smashed the small fireball that Hein had smashed over. Then, the swordsman who did not wait for the jump to the highest point slashed down at him. With a very strong fighting power, he attacked first, and with a single knife, he slashed towards Erwin, who was in the air and had no room for dodging or borrowing.

at the same time!

With the speed of his horse, he kept slashing the mage not far behind the swordsman.




With a sword glow lit up.

In the next moment, the broken sword in Erwin's hand was cut off again, and then, with his sword hilt, and Hein, who was standing on the ground behind him, screamed and flew backwards, and all at once. Rolled down the **** next to the road.


"Ai, Mr. Erwin!!"


Seeing that her friend and the handsome and handsome Erwin was once again slashed by the terrifying head of the Blue Dragon Knights, Liana, who was standing on the side but was not attacked, hurriedly exclaimed, and then did not care about anything else, Directly towards the two people who were lying on the grass at the bottom of the **** at this time, they rushed down.


"Long live the captain!"

"Hack them!"


"As expected of Mr. Leon!!"


Seeing that the two guys who had killed more than 100 imperial soldiers and could not advance or retreat were killed by their own regiment commander, the imperial cavalry and infantry who were still in the village at this time raised their arms and shouted wildly. .



At this time, Leon, the leader of the Imperial Blue Dragon Knights who controlled the war horse, was slowly reducing the speed of his horse and stopped steadily on the stone bridge.

Then, he turned the horse's head gently, frowning and looked at the two young people who rolled down the road. At this time, unlike the soldiers behind him, there was no happy look on his face at all.

"Cough cough!"

"Liana, don't treat me, I'm fine!"

"Alvin, how about you?"

"I'm fine too..."

Hein, who was slowly sitting up from the grass, first refused Liana, who ran over and wanted to use magic to heal, and then he was in disbelief like Erwin, who had the same puzzled look. Look at me, I see. You look at each other face to face.

"We're all fine..."

"What exactly is going on?"

Then, Erwin asked in a puzzled way.

"I do not know either......"


"It seemed to be a magic shield just now, the smell of magic..."

"is teacher!"

"That's right, it must be!"

"Teacher! Is that you?"

"I recognized it, it's you!!"

Then, Hain seemed to notice something, and then jumped up and shouted all around.

Hein has always been sensitive to magic power, and he was just repaired yesterday, so he instantly recognized the familiar magic power that was still lingering around the two of them at this time.



Hearing the blue-haired little mage shouting loudly, Leon remembered the situation in front of the hotel yesterday, and then he also became alert, and at the same time kept scanning the surroundings with vigilant eyes.

He knew who the teacher the blue-haired little mage was talking about, and it must be the one who came to visit yesterday, but was empty, that rumored to be very powerful arcane master!

But now, judging from the fact that the other party can save people from his hands twice or three times without coming forward, that Arcane Archmage really has some real skills.

It's a pity that they haven't had time to meet each other yet, but they have stood in opposite camps because of certain things.


ε=(?ˇεˇ??))) Bah! !

"Who is your teacher?"


"You dare to talk nonsense again, be careful people let the bear eat you!"


Suddenly, with a burst of blue magical energy, abruptly, a little girl sitting on the shoulders of a plush monster more than two meters tall appeared, and she was very angry at the man who wanted to continue growing. The blue-haired little mage shouted angrily.


(● ̄? ̄●)

(However, Tibbs said that Uncle Bear was not interested in the two rough-skinned male humans, but rather had an appetite for the female witch.)


is her?

Seeing that the person who came was a little girl, Leon couldn't help being startled, and then he stared at him and took a deep breath.

Judging from the reactions of the two and the teleportation spell that only a few highly accomplished mages could master, it was not difficult for him to speculate that the little girl was probably the rumored Arcane Archmage he was looking for yesterday. !



"How are you guys!"


First, she angrily reprimanded the stupid guy named Hayne and corrected the other party's wrong wording, so that the other party could only stand there with a blushing face and dare not say a word, then Annie turned her head and faced the horse who stopped there on the bridge. A certain Leon uncle said hello.

At that hotel, Annie met each other a few times and talked a little bit. Although they were not familiar with each other, they still knew each other, so she greeted each other.

"You're the Arcane Archmage, aren't you?"


"Why didn't you admit it yesterday?"

Seeing that the mysterious enemy who was hidden in the dark and repeatedly used some kind of weird magic shield to resist his attacks finally appeared, Leon could not help but ask with some doubts while he was relieved.

"People didn't deny it!"


"Because they are not arcane masters!"


Annie grimaced at each other.



Hearing that the other party denied it, Leon was a little surprised.

If this little guy who just broke his affairs and can teleport at the same time is not the Arcane Archmage, then who is the real Arcane Archmage, and how powerful is he?

Thinking about it, Leon clenched the blade in his hand nervously.

And for the first time, he felt that this mission, he only brought 40 light cavalry and 100 light infantry into the enemy's rear, was it really a bit rash?



"They are not arcane masters, they are actually..."


"It's the kind of Most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most, most The most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most, the most the most, the most, the most the most, the most the most, the most the most, the most the most, the most the most, the most the most the most the most powerful the super arcane archmage is!"


A certain bad little girl said her correct title on the shoulder of the giant bear solemnly, and then she did not forget to wink playfully at the other party.


ε=('?'●))) alas


After listening, Leon opened his mouth in a stunned manner. He wanted to speak several times, but he didn't know what to say.



At this time, on the side of the road, Erwin and Liana, who were under the slope, were the same. They just stared at the strange bear who was riding on the shoulder of the strange bear with unbelievable eyes and was called a teacher by Hein. little girl.


Hein, on the other hand, looked indifferent.

Obviously, he must have seen similar things before, so he has a good immunity.


"I see……"

Leon, who felt as if he was being teased, closed his eyes slowly, and then opened them abruptly.

"You want to be an enemy of our empire, right?"

"If so..."

"Then today, I, Leon, bet on the name of the Blue Dragon Knights, and I will definitely defeat you here!"

With that said, Leon slowly pulled out the other unsheathed red long sword around his waist, and quickly prepared himself to go all out and kill a powerful mage.



"They didn't tease you!"


"Also, people don't want to be enemies with you, they just don't like how many of you bully the three of them!"


Annie hurriedly explained.



"I'll give you a message for free: a lot of troops from that lord are on their way here. They've already reached the back of this mountain and will soon come around. If you don't leave, it's very likely that It's surrounded!"


After speaking, Annie gave the other party a playful wink again.


"What did you say?"

Leon was startled, and then he started to listen.


Sure enough, he really faintly heard a lot of heavy footsteps and horses' hoofs, and that kind of movement, there must be not too many people coming.


So Leon was silent.

Obviously, if these 100 people continue to stay here, they will not only have to face a powerful mage, but also risk being surrounded by local lords. The terrible consequences are obviously not what they can bear. of.


"Bring the wounded and dead..."

"We withdraw!!"

So, Leon, who knew that nothing could be done, knew that he might not be able to take down the little girl Arcane Archmage quickly, glared fiercely at the orange-haired swordsman and the blue-haired little mage under the slope. , kept the two of them in my heart, and looked at the shrine maiden named Liana for a while with tangled eyes, and finally waved his hand helplessly, letting the war horse slowly retreat and at the same time towards his adjutant The order to retreat was given.


Although he was also a little unwilling in his heart, Liat, who was a little guilty because of his incompetence, had to give the order to the soldiers to retreat.


The commander of the Qinglong Knights of the Imperial Army followed his adjutant and took his lightly armed soldiers and a group of wounded corpses and retreated to the south, and it didn't take long for the village to be completely evacuated.


"Great, saved..."

"Thank you so much, Miss Annie..."

Seeing that those terrifying Imperial Army soldiers finally retreated quickly under the leadership of the leader of the Blue Dragon Knights, and seeing that the village had regained its calm, his body had become empty, and Hain, who had not much magic power left, slumped to the ground. , and then said gratefully to some bad little girl.



"Shut up! Everyone just said that he is not your teacher! Besides, there is no such ugly apprentice like you!"

o('^') o Humph!

After speaking, Annie ignored the three of them and patted Tibbers on the head and let him lead her to the village.



Reaching out his hand, Hain wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, he still had to lower his hand in frustration and sighed.

That's right, that powerful little girl Arcane Master did not say that she wanted to take him as an apprentice, she just taught him a pyrotechnic, and then, when he felt that there was an opportunity, he had to be shameless Call each other a teacher, and that's about it.

However, Hain will not give up, he will definitely use his actions to prove that he is a useful, smart and worth teaching apprentice!


?*. ?(ˊ?ˋ*)??*.

?Celebrate New Year's Eve, I wish you all a happy New Year's Eve?

In addition: There is a poster for the Year of the Tiger drawn by the bearded man at the back of the chapter! (????-)?

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