Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 1762: (*^?^*) People really follow the people in the portrait...

"The queue at the back!"

"Pay attention to order!"

"The one in front! Hurry up when you're done checking!"

"Come on later!"

"Over there, stay there!"


"Open the trunk and the carriage!"

"Stop talking nonsense, open it!"


On both sides of a bridge on a certain road leading to the ruins of the ruins of the capital of the Kingdom of Cuba, a group of Imperial soldiers in green armor are standing guard at the two ends of this wooden and iron cliff bridge. , and sternly interrogated the business travelers who were lining up to pass.

They did not let go of any wooden boxes, barrels or carriages, and even the hooded travelers were sternly scolded by the soldiers, and they had to reveal the slightly nervous and disturbed pictures. face.



"Why do you want us to stop the two people in the portrait?"

Looking at the business trips that passed smoothly, at this moment, the little leader of an empire pointed impatiently at the two portraits posted on the wooden boards and asked.

The portraits were of a man and a woman, both of whom looked very young, and they were painted with magic, very lifelike, just like real people.

The man is a handsome little brother with orange hair, and the woman is a great beauty with heroic white skin and short light blue hair, and both of them wear some kind of weird but similar silver on their heads. hair accessories.

"Tell me?"

"What the **** did they do?"

If it is blocking the way to collect money, then there is nothing to say, this imperial officer must be 100% happy and have nothing to say.

However, the boss didn't let them collect the money or say what it was, and asked them to laboriously interrogate everyone in the past, and also stated that they would not miss any of them, and pointed out that the two people in the painting would never be allowed to be missed. It was easy to pass, which made him a little confused.

"I have no idea!"

"However, I heard that they are related to the status of their glorious descendants. Anyway, they just can't let them pass!"

"You just do it!"

The commander of the Imperial Army who was questioned did not hesitate, and answered in a straightforward manner.


"Bright Descendants?"

"But, what happened to the Radiant Descendants? Why should you investigate them?"

"I remember……"

"Leon, the commander of our Blue Dragon Knights, is also a descendant of glory, right?"

After being stunned for a while, the little leader of the Imperial Army began to pursue and ask questions with some rarity and confusion.


"Hurry up and do errands!"

"Look! The queue is still so long, and it's quite busy today!"


"You continue to cross-examine at the front, and I will lead someone to check from the back of the team, so it may be faster."

Having said that, the somewhat impatient Imperial Army commander suddenly stopped talking, picked up the two portraits directly, and led people to the back with big strides.


"Check the descendants of Guanghui?"

"This is really rare..."

Shaking his head, although he didn't understand, the little leader of the Imperial Army didn't dare to ask any more questions, but after pondering a few words, he continued to lead people to check on the bridge.




"Uncle Matthew, why did the carriage suddenly slow down?"


At this time, at the end of the caravan passing through the bridge, Annie opened the front window of the carriage, and stuck out her cute little head to ask Matthew who was driving the car in front.

"I do not know……"


"Look! Gnier is back, you'd better ask him."

Matthew just wanted to say he didn't know, but when he saw that his companion, Gernier, went to the front to inquire about the news and was walking back, he hurriedly kicked the thorny question to him.

"Uncle Gernier, what happened?"


"Why stop, is there a traffic accident ahead?"


Anne continued to ask like a curious baby.

"Traffic accident?"


"Nothing, I can't walk more than ten steps for a long time, what accident could happen?"

"Is such that……"

"My Excellency the Archmage, the Imperial Army is setting up a card to intercept it. There is no way, we can only queue up slowly."

Gernier stopped by the carriage and whined.



"Set up a card? Are you going to charge tolls?"

∑(??△`)? !

After the bridge is built, the toll is collected, and after the road is built, the toll is collected. Annie sees that kind of bad things a lot, but she never thought that there are such bad guys in this world who can make small money.


"It doesn't seem to be, it seems to be looking for someone?"

Gernier scratched his head uncertainly and said.

"Find someone?"


"Who are you looking for?"


Annie asked again.

"do not know!"

"That must be the culprit!"

"Anyway, I looked at it. The wanted notice showed a man and a woman with strange hair accessories on their heads. Anyway, I didn't know them."

Gernier recalled what he had just seen, and said firmly.

"never mind!"

"It doesn't matter, let them check it out. At most, it's a waste of time, and it's considered an early rest."

"Matthew, hurry up and drive the car, there are many people on the bridge, don't fall off the cliff!"

With that said, Gnier jumped onto the hull of the carriage, then lay down with his arms on his back, and began to leisurely close his eyes and rest.

After all, their carriage was at the end, and it would take a long time for their turn to be here.

"do not worry!"

"I don't want to die yet!"

"Sleep on yours!"

After glancing at Gurnier who was sleeping on the carriage, Matthew continued to drive the carriage attentively, letting the carriage slowly follow the flow of people and carriages ahead on the wooden bridge built on the cliff like a snail. write.

"Isn't it the way to collect money?"


"All right!"

ε=(??ο`*))) alas


After speaking, Annie retracted her head and slammed the carriage window shut,

As long as it's not for tolls and bridge tolls, she doesn't care about finding someone or something! After all, Her Lady Queen Anne doesn't seem to have any big troubles with the strange uncles of the Imperial Army, and she is not afraid of them coming to her for trouble.

Besides, she is not afraid of the trouble that comes to her, and she will not be cowardly!

"Annie, what's wrong?"

"Matthew, did they say anything about it?"

At this time, Ameda, who had just woken up in the carriage, sat up from the bed and asked with a stretched waist.


And the half-magic Sonia woke up at this time, and rubbed her eyes sleepily, propped up her body and cast a puzzled expression at Annie and Ameida, completely unaware of what just happened.



"I heard that the uncles of the Imperial Army are setting up Kacha people in front, but it's none of our business, let's continue to sleep!"


With that said, Annie cheered and rushed directly to the bed that was between Ameda and Sonia.

These days, she, Ameda, Sonia and the others are rushing along the road leisurely every day, watching the scenery, chatting, and eating delicious food from all over the world, and at the same time, they can also hug the two young ladies and get warm together. The quilt, not to mention how comfortable these days are, anyway, Annie likes this way of rushing.

Right now, she doesn't care what kind of holy sword that is sloppy at all. Anyway, she just wants to see a rare one. It doesn't matter if she can't catch up. Therefore, it is more important to sleep in and hug Miss Sister now.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



"Don't squeeze!"

"Since there is something to do, the Imperial Army will be questioned later, so don't sleep!"

"Get up!"

With that said, Ameda struggled to sit up and start getting dressed.


Sonia on the side was still a little confused, but seeing that Ameida was up, she couldn't lie down any longer, and hurriedly sat up on her knees and looked for the clothes she put on the outside.



"They check theirs, we sleep with ours, what are you afraid of?"




No way, seeing that they couldn't persuade the two, Annie sat up angrily and kicked the fluffy cashmere blanket aside.


(● ̄(??) ̄●)



"There are all female relatives, there is no one you are looking for!"


"What are you doing?!"

"do not!"

At this moment, there was a quarrel between Matthew and Gnier who did not know who they were with.



When Annie was about to play with Ameda and Sonia for a while, the door of the carriage was suddenly pulled open from the outside, and then a few menacing imperial troops were not polite at all. They stared hard at the inside of the carriage with their eyes wide open.

And when they saw that there was really no place to hide people in the carriage, and there were only two women, one big and one small, three women, they pulled the parchment portraits in their hands and began to compare them.




At this moment, they had no idea that the door of the carriage would be suddenly opened by Annie, Ameda, and Sonia, who were a little stunned for a while.

So, they didn't speak, and just let those fierce Imperial soldiers hold the portraits and compare them.




"There is no suspect in the portrait, only a half-demon!"

Soon, the group of Imperial Army soldiers who had finished the comparison turned their heads and reported loudly to the passing Imperial Army commander.


"There really is a dirty half-demon..."

"All right!"

"Since it's not a target, let them get out of here!"

Hearing this, the Imperial Army officer also came over and glanced curiously.

Then soon, when he realized that there was indeed no prisoner they were looking for in the carriage, and that Sonia was indeed a dark-skinned, pointed-eared half-demon, he sneered with some disgust, and then waved his hand, intending to let the soldiers Go check out the next wagon or earth dragon.


"Dirty demigods?"


Seeing that the Imperial Army officer dared to say that about herself, Sonia, who didn't have much affection for humans, was angry on the spot.

So, as soon as she stretched out her hand, she touched the hilt of the sword that she hid under the quilt, and then planned to stand up and rush out.

"do not want!"


"Can not!"

Fortunately, at this time, Ameida, who was on the side with quick eyes and quick hands, directly stretched out her hand to hold Sonia's shoulder, and at the same time shook her head and gestured with her eyes, begging silently.

She used to roam all over the continent with Matthew and Genir. She has been a mercenary for many years, but she knows very well that it is really not a good idea to have a conflict with the people of the Imperial Army, especially now that the other party has a lot of people. when.


Looking at her new friend, looking at Ameda's pleading expression, and at the group of Imperial soldiers who had turned away, Sonia, whose chest heaved violently several times, pondered for a long time before she was barely suppressed. She stopped the anger in her heart and slowly released her hand that had touched the hilt of the sword.


Seeing that Sonia was persuaded by herself, and that she did not conflict with the soldiers of the Imperial Army, Imeda could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.



It's a pity that Imeda persuaded Sonya, but she failed to stop a bad little girl who was even more troublesome.

Is this not?

When the soldiers of the Imperial Army were about to leave after the interrogation, Annie stopped them directly.

Then, she jumped directly from the carriage to the bridge, and after a few steps, she ran to a few inexplicable soldiers of the Imperial Army, and snatched the two portraits in the hands of a certain soldier. He looked up to himself.



"People know the above two people, and they are very familiar with them!"


Then, a little girl who was terrified and feared that it was not big enough, said something terrible in public,



Hearing this, Matthew and Genier, who were also relieved at the side, changed their faces at the same time.

Then, they stared at some disbelieving little girl with round eyes in, wondering why she did such a terrible thing.


At the same time, Ameida in the carriage was stunned, not knowing what to say.

Of course, it's too late to say anything.



In the same way, the group of Imperial Army soldiers turned around in unison, and did not rush to speak. They just tensed their faces and frowned, and then involuntarily looked at their commander.


"little girl……"

"You really know the person in the portrait?"

"Still familiar with them?"

After hesitating for a while, the imperial commander made a vague gesture, and then took a big step back while pressing the hilt of the military broadsword around his waist.

"Of course!"


"They are really familiar with the people in the portrait. This is Uncle Erwin, and this is Sister Shirley. We were living together a few days ago. Do you have anything to do with them?"


Anne asked nonchalantly.


"very good."

"Take them down!!!"

However, the commander of the Imperial Army did not answer why he was looking for those two, but suddenly laughed wickedly, and then waved his hand resolutely.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding large group of soldiers of the Imperial Army who had been prepared for a long time, waved their spears or great swords aggressively, and surrounded and swooped towards the vehicle at the back of the team.


(??▽??) Is there a monthly pass?


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